New Lincoln Model L100 Concept has a Cinema Floor

  • last month
The new Model L100 Concept pays homage to the 1922 Lincoln Model L.

The L100 Concept features sleek, aero-influenced styling and a futuristic design that involves Lincoln's Quiet Flight DNA.

Among the coolest features is a jewel inspired controller for the car, the unique door opening sequence and the cinema flooring.

Concept Vehicle. Not available for purchase.

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00:00Guys, this is your new steering wheel. Look at this and check this out. This is the brand new
00:07Lincoln L100 look
00:11I'm gonna show you the coolest features of this car
00:14The light goes all the way from the front wraps around the side of the car
00:18Look at this a continuous line all the way around. Look how long this car is
00:23Six meters long it keeps going keeps going around the back. Come check this out
00:31How beautiful is this and
00:34Then around here
00:37All the way around these wheels
00:41So cool. So what this does is this shows you the state of charging?
00:47this is a fully electric vehicle of the future look at this and
00:52And greyhounds set like an art piece behind the glass the design of this car is meant to be as
01:00Aerodynamic as possible. So you don't want something in the way sticking on the car
01:06Right here. So they've actually put it behind the glass, which I think is just beautiful
01:10It's like a little piece of art in a glass box at a museum, right? All right
01:15Now we're getting to the exciting stuff. We're gonna open her up. I've never seen this before in my life
01:20Check this out
01:27Look at this
01:30It's like the car is giving you a hug, right?
01:33You're coming in you walk up to the car and it's like come on in welcome home
01:39So come on in guys. I need to show you what is happening inside. This is so freaking cool
01:45Alright now the first thing you're gonna see is the floor of the car look at this the whole floor is a screen
01:52the whole way back
01:54So it kind of wraps you in
01:57Whatever atmosphere you feel like being wrapped in in the moment. It can be you know, ocean waves
02:02It can be a field of poppies whatever mood you're in you could be in a concert
02:08You know if you want to pump the music you got the crowd beneath you on the floor now here
02:13What do you do with this? Right? I've been carrying this around
02:15This is your steering wheel because as you can see look no steering wheel
02:19this is fully autonomous and
02:22This car is to celebrate
02:25100 years of Lincoln so back in
02:281922 that is when they first launched the model L. Hence this being called the L
02:34100 so it's it's a nod to their history and now a hundred years later
02:40The L 100 right, let me show you where this goes
02:46Come on in come on in it feels weird actually putting your feet on screens
02:51When do you ever put your feet on screens like sit like standing on a TV screen?
02:56This is so cool. Look how massive it is, right? You can
03:01You can really relax in this car. So this is really about
03:06The car driving you around but
03:09If you want to drive it yourself, as I said, this is your steering wheel. You can pop this here
03:15Okay, that's oh look. Did you see that? You see that this thing actually like
03:21Responds to the car being put on this
03:24Screen it is so freaking cool. So what I can do is I
03:28Pick this up and I'm like, right. I want to go to my first destination and I just pull that forward
03:35Watch and it's like right I'm gonna take you there
03:38So then you put the car back here and off you go and it takes you to where you want to go
03:45So the inspiration came from someone just playing with their little toy cars at home as a lot of us do and they're like well
03:52Everyone loves playing with toy cars
03:54So why can't we have a toy car actually operate a real car in real life, which I think is so freaking cool
04:00So that's what that does. I just think that is so innovative
04:04I've never seen anything like it
04:05So we'll put that back there for safekeeping
04:08All of these windows can tint to a level where you are in complete darkness here in the cabin
04:14And then all you've got is this beautiful lighting from the floor now in the back
04:19Let me show you look at this. Just look how easy it is to get in here
04:23I'm literally just standing in the back
04:27But the cooler thing is
04:31Transforms check this out
04:46Because it's an autonomous car obviously you don't need a driver, right?
04:50So the the people in the front can sit towards the passengers in the back and now you've got this kind of wraparound
04:58Lounge effect, which I think is pretty cool, right?
05:02I mean, I feel like this is a theme of future cars
05:06That the the front can turn to face the back passengers because I suppose there's no reason to be facing the front if no one's
05:14driving so you can just
05:15Face the back and like have a bit of a chit-chat with your friends. This is really gonna be I mean
05:20Let's see if it ever really comes to life whether this is what people want in the future or not
05:24Who knows but it seems to be the way we're heading is
05:29You know, we we don't need someone driving the car, so let's just enjoy the ride, you know, and and I don't know what I
05:38Don't know. It's just so weird. I'm
05:40Once we get there, we'll understand
05:43It and now we actually get around like this
05:46But I mean, I suppose it makes sense but having being driven backwards
05:50Maybe that's going to be an issue for some people, but we'll see speaking of materials. This is quite cool
05:55This is recycled suede and the designer was actually like, um, smell it
06:02What am I doing so I sniffed it
06:07Actually smells quite good. It's like told you
06:10So recycled suede who knew jump in and we'll see what it feels like when the doors close
06:15It's a massive door hey, look how huge it is
06:26It's quite cool though, isn't it?
06:27It's like you can all of the passengers can walk in at the one time through the same entrance
06:33You don't have to be like fiddling with various doors and stuff
06:46Here we go, yeah, it's actually quite nice it's very calming actually
06:52It doesn't feel like you're in a car anymore in these future cars
06:55No one's driving. You've got screens everywhere. I mean, I just I don't know. I don't know
07:02I think I I mean obviously I think it's beautiful. They've done an amazing job
07:06I just don't know if this is actually where we're in the head in future
07:10It'll be really interesting to see if this is what people want
07:13Let me know if this is the future you want
07:16Where there's no one driving and we are just all kind of relaxed in this kind of studio setting
07:23Is this what's gonna happen? Let me know in the comments and a massive. Thank you to Lincoln for showing us around
07:28This is just incredible
07:30Make sure you like the video and subscribe to supercar blondie. We have got the craziest stuff coming this week
07:35You do not want to miss out. All right, we're out. Love you. Bye. All right, we're gonna get out
07:39Let me open
07:44There we go
07:48All right
