हिंडनबर्ग की रिपोर्ट में सेबी और अदाणी ग्रुप पर सवाल उठाए जाने के बाद से ही विपक्ष लगातार सरकार पर हमलावर है। विपक्ष के इन आरोपों पर पलटवार करते हुए अब पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी ने कहा है कि देखिए ये जो विलफुल कॉन्सपिरेसी है उसके जरिए वाइब्रेंट डेमोक्रेसी को, वाइब्रेंट इकोनॉमी को हाइजैक करने का षड्यंत्र कर रहे हैं। हमारे देश के लोकतंत्र, हमारे देश के अर्थतंत्र के अपहरण की साजिशी सुपारी के सिंडिकेट सक्रिय हैं। इन साजिशों से सावधान रहने की जरूरत है। ये हर 6 महीने के इंटरवल के बाद इस तरह के फेक किस्से कहानियां गढ़ने की कोशिश करके हिट एंड रन का खेल करते हैं और कोशिश करते हैं कि भारत की छवि पूरी दुनिया में बदनाम हो। वक्त बहुत ही नाजुक है हम पर हमले पर हमले हैं दुश्मन का दर्द यही तो है हम हर हमले पर संभले हैं।
#mukhtarabbasnaqvi #hindenburgreport #sebi #adanigroup #indianeconomy #indiademocracy
#mukhtarabbasnaqvi #hindenburgreport #sebi #adanigroup #indianeconomy #indiademocracy
00:00Look, through this willful conspiracy, some people are conspiring to hijack vibrant democracy, vibrant economy.
00:11The syndicate of conspiring to hijack our country's democracy and economy is active.
00:19And this kind of syndicate of conspiring to hijack our democracy and economy needs to be careful of its conspiracies and its conspiracies.
00:31And this is nothing new.
00:33After every 6 months interval, this kind of fake, fabricated stories and stories are made up to play a game of hit and run.
00:42And they try to defame India's image all over the world.
00:47And they try to create an atmosphere of mistrust in India's economy.
00:53That's why the time is very delicate.
00:56We are under attack.
00:57This is the pain of the enemy.
00:59We are under attack on every attack.
01:01So, the number of times they have played the game of hit and run, they have been completely defeated.
01:10Secondly, their pain is not this.
01:13Their pain is that in the midst of the world's ups and downs, in the midst of crisis, in the midst of chaos, in the midst of poverty, in the midst of poverty,
01:23how the stable government and capable economy are climbing the ladder of success in our country.
01:32That's why they keep trying to create an atmosphere of mistrust.
01:37Fake and fabricated stories and stories.
01:40But one thing to understand is that the mountain of truth can never be hidden from the trap of lies.
01:46Now they are trying to stain the mountain of truth with the trap of lies.
01:51See, Rahul ji has a problem.
01:54Sometimes he will come with a raffle.
01:57He will say that there will be an earthquake.
01:59There is no earthquake after that.
02:01There is an earthquake in his party.
02:03After that he will say that the Pegasus is sleeping.
02:06I don't know.
02:07There are so many stories.
02:08People must have forgotten that in these 10-11 years, at the interval of every 6 months,
02:13the conspiracy of the conspiracy trade union syndicate will be exposed.
02:20And the people of our country will become its followers.
02:23The politicians in the country will be happy.