This video shows how to test the Next.js link component using Jest. I'm verifying if the link contains correct url and the text with next-intl is rendered correctly.
00:00In this video, I wish to show an easy way to verify if a link is rendered correctly in Next.js
00:14For this purpose, I will use Jest
00:20To create the link, I'm using the Next.Link component
00:30And for the text, I'm using Next.InternationalLibrary
00:39In my test file, I will use await to load the component
00:57Where I have an asynchronous function to load the screens
01:10Then, I will render the component
01:16And will look for the dashboard screen in the link text
01:31Here I will verify if the dashboard text exists
01:38And then will verify if the URL is correct
01:46I have explained even in my previous video
01:51That I have a setup file in the Jest configuration file
01:59Where I have global mocks and one is for the Next.InternationalLibrary
02:08I have created it to simulate the getTranslations function
02:17Which is used to render the prints in JSON files
02:25This is useful to render the text during the tests
02:34Now, I will run a test
02:39The test is passed correctly