दिल्ली विधानसभा के नेता प्रतिपक्ष विजेंद्र गुप्ता ने कहा कि दिल्ली सरकार ने संविधान का उल्लंघन किया और खुले रूप से संविधान की धज्जियां उड़ाई और छठे दिल्ली वित्त आयोग का गठन नहीं किया, जिसको लेकर दिल्ली विधानसभा में प्रतिपक्ष के नेता वीरेंद्र गुप्ता ने कहा सवाल इस बात का है कि आखिर यह स्थिति क्यों आई जिस दिल्ली वित्त आयोग को 1 अप्रैल 2021 को इसकी रिपोर्ट लागू करना था, उस वित्त आयोग का गठन तक नहीं किया गया। नतीजा यह हुआ कि ना तो रिपोर्ट आई, ना तो सदन के पटल पर रखी गई और ना ही वह लागू हुई। 5 साल का वित्त आयोग का कार्यकाल होता है। हर 5 साल में एक नई वित्त आयोग का गठन सरकार करती है।
#VijendraGupta #BJP #Delhi #AAP #FailedAapGovernment #DelhiPolitics
#VijendraGupta #BJP #Delhi #AAP #FailedAapGovernment #DelhiPolitics
00:00The Delhi government violated the constitution and openly violated the constitution and did not form the 6th Delhi Vidh Aayog which I took to the court and filed a petition in the High Court.
00:15The High Court took cognizance of this and immediately issued a notice to the Delhi government not to form the 6th Vidh Aayog.
00:25Today the government has issued a notice but the question is why did this happen?
00:30The Delhi Vidh Aayog which was supposed to be implemented by the government on 1st April 2021, was not even formed.
00:42This means that neither did the report come, nor was it kept at the southern gate, nor was it implemented.
00:51The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
00:55In every 5 years, the Delhi government forms a new Vidh Aayog.
00:59The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:01The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:02The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:03The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:04The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:05The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:06The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:07The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:08The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:09The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:10The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:11The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:12The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:13The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:15The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:16The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:17The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:18The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:19The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:20The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:21The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:22The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:23The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:24The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:25The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:26The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:27The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:28The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:29The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:31The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:32The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:33The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:34The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:35The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:36The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:37The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:38The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:39The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:40The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:41The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:42The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:43The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:44The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:45The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:47The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:48The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:49The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:50The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:51The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:52The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:53The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:54The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:55The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:56The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:57The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:58The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
01:59The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:00The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:01The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:02The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:03The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:04The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:05The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:06The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:07The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:08The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:09The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:10The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:11The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:12The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:13The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:14The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:15The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.
02:16The Vidh Aayog is a 5 year program.