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00:01Hello, everyone!
00:03I'm the director of Eirai Zoo, Eirai Sonokaze!
00:08Today, a wonderful guest has come to Eirai Zoo to play with us!
00:14I'm going to give you a quiz about an animal with a mysterious characteristic,
00:18so you have to answer it quickly!
00:21Leave it to me!
00:23I'm not qualified for this!
00:26I'll do my best to make the most of my knowledge!
00:28I've been practicing hard all day for today!
00:32Today's light is invincible!
00:34Not a single animal is involved.
00:41It's showtime!
00:44If you step on the electric wire, it's all right!
00:47It's showtime!
00:50All right! Let's go to the waiting room!
00:58It's showtime!
01:01It's showtime!
01:04It's showtime!
01:07It's showtime!
01:10It's showtime!
01:13It's showtime!
01:16It's showtime!
01:19It's showtime!
01:22It's showtime!
01:25It's showtime!
01:28It's showtime!
01:31It's showtime!
01:34It's showtime!
01:37It's showtime!
01:40It's showtime!
01:43It's showtime!
01:46It's showtime!
01:49It's showtime!
01:52Let's sing together!
01:54Leave your eyes to this rough wave!
01:57You're gonna be the best!
02:01Let's shake our bodies!
02:03If you step on the electric wire, it's all right!
02:09Now, let's get to the first question.
02:12Wild velvet monkeys are fond of something humans also love.
02:18What is that?
02:20A monkey's favorite?
02:22The first question is hard.
02:25I got it!
02:26You're fast, Hikari-senpai!
02:28I think it's a sweet cake.
02:30Let's eat it together!
02:34Too bad.
02:35But that's a cute answer. I like it.
02:39I got a compliment.
02:42It's a must-have energy drink when you stream!
02:47Monkeys don't stream crappy games.
02:51But that's a pretty good answer.
02:56Shou-chan-senpai, go ahead.
02:59This is an easy question.
03:01What humans love is...
03:04The answer is...
03:10Shou-chan-senpai, you got it right!
03:13I thought it was a joke.
03:15The world is going to explode!
03:17Velvet monkeys live in the Caribbean.
03:21They love alcohol so much that they steal it from tourists.
03:25I'm going to have a drink with a velvet monkey someday!
03:29Now, the second question.
03:31The world's greatest yasude-san, Tanzania's great yasude-san,
03:35protects her eggs from foreign enemies in a strange way.
03:38How does she do it?
03:42Shou-chan-senpai, are you going to get it right?
03:45I don't have an answer, but...
03:47I want to play the game anyway!
03:51You don't have to run as fast as you can because you missed the joke.
03:57Hikari-senpai, go ahead.
03:59How does mother yasude protect her eggs?
04:04So close!
04:05It's not yasude-san who protects her eggs.
04:09It's mukade-san who protects them.
04:11Oh, I see.
04:13Hikari-chan, you've been so close to getting it right.
04:18Is that so?
04:20Now, Nekoma-senpai, go ahead.
04:24I was just thinking that yasude-san's crappy movie looks interesting.
04:29But I think yasude-san and crappy movies go well together.
04:34Nekoma-senpai, what did you just say?
04:37I said yasude-san and crappy movies go well together.
04:42Nekoma-senpai, you got it right!
04:44That's right.
04:45The answer is crappy.
04:46It's crappy.
04:49Tanzania-Oyasude-san protects her eggs by stepping on them,
04:53so she can't be targeted by foreign enemies.
04:56Wait a minute!
04:57You clearly didn't give her the answer!
05:00I didn't.
05:02She won't be able to win if she continues to participate in the Oogiri tournament,
05:05so you just have to keep up the good work.
05:09So far, Shuwachan-senpai and Nekoma-senpai have won 1 point.
05:13Hikari-senpai, good luck!
05:16I'll do my best!
05:18Now, the third question.
05:21Hiramushi-san, who lives in the sea, has the characteristics of both male and female,
05:25and is a male and female body,
05:27but he takes a strange action when he protects them.
05:30What is it?
05:32Shuwachan-senpai, go ahead.
05:34I think you've been too maniacal about animal choices.
05:38You can't use your answer to complain.
05:42I want to talk about Acesulfamucarium-chan,
05:44who lives in Gachizero-chan.
05:47That's already a science fiction story.
05:52Yes, Nekoma-senpai.
05:54Before doing that,
05:56I think we need a date event to deepen our bond.
06:01What kind of event is that?
06:03Speaking of dating, it's a movie!
06:05The answer is...
06:07Let's watch an all-night movie of the Sharknado series together!
06:11If we do that, our bond will collapse.
06:16But it's a sci-fi movie.
06:19Tch, tch, tch.
06:21You two don't get it.
06:23Hikari-chan has a great sense of humor.
06:26Love is something you have to face in the face of.
06:31The answer is...
06:35I did it!
06:37Hikari-senpai, you got it right!
06:39When a flounder is mating,
06:41they use their reproductive organs to fight.
06:43It's called face-facing.
06:48That's not what Hikari-chan imagined!
06:51She's too good at solving problems.
06:54When a flounder is mating,
06:56they use their reproductive organs to fight.
06:59It's called face-facing.
07:01When a flounder is mating,
07:03they use their reproductive organs to fight.
07:05That's not what Hikari-chan imagined!
07:09I don't get it, but I'm glad I got it right!
07:14Hikari-senpai got it right,
07:16and everyone got points!
07:19You two are good!
07:21I'm going to win!
07:23I'm going to win!
07:26Unfortunately, this is the last question.
07:29The person who gets this question right will win.
07:33When a desert horned lizard,
07:35which lives in Mexico and South America,
07:37is attacked by an enemy,
07:39it protects itself in a very strange way.
07:41What kind of way is it?
07:44have you already pressed the button reflexively?
07:48I've been able to sleep well
07:50because I've been able to sleep well
07:52in the past.
07:53I don't trust you at all.
07:56If you're attacked by an enemy,
08:00I'll make you cry!
08:03I'll charm you with a puff-puff combo!
08:08I just wanted to pretend and make a fool of myself.
08:12I have no regrets!
08:17I'm not going to lose, Shuwa-chan!
08:20Before I could hear the answer,
08:22I was already thinking about the incorrect answer.
08:24Dig up a lot of food buried in the desert,
08:27and use it as bait to escape from the enemy.
08:30It's called a bait shot!
08:33I've heard this word before,
08:36but it's incorrect.
08:40please answer the question correctly
08:41and say something to the two of them.
08:43Interesting answer...
08:45Interesting answer...
08:46Interesting answer...
08:49Because of the two of them,
08:50even Hikari-senpai is starting to think
08:51that the answer is interesting.
08:56Then, I'll answer.
08:58How does a desert horned lizard protect itself from the enemy?
09:01That is...
09:02That is...
09:04From the eyes...
09:10Hikari-senpai, that's the correct answer!
09:13No way!
09:15That's right.
09:16When a desert horned lizard is attacked by the enemy,
09:19it uses its eyes like a beam
09:22to protect itself from the enemy.
09:24No way!
09:25I didn't expect Hikari-chan to get the correct answer.
09:28It's the best way to make fun of me.
09:31And so,
09:33Hikari-senpai is the winner!
09:37Hikari-senpai, well done!
09:40A-Anyway, the winner is the winner.
09:43I did it!
09:45Congratulations, Hikari-chan!
09:47Next time, I'm definitely going to win!
09:49Where does your confidence come from?
09:53Then, next time,
09:54please hold the desert horned lizard tournament!
09:57What do you mean, then?
09:59It has nothing to do with animals!
10:02That's right.
10:19What did you say?
10:22did you say you wanted to invite me as a guest of News Live On?
10:27Every Sunday night,
10:28we introduce the famous scenes of the rivals that happened that week
10:31in the form of news.
10:32Shion-senpai's popular segment.
10:35That is...
10:36News Live On!
10:39And it's an off-collaboration!
10:44Welcome, Yuki-chan!
10:47I-I'm sorry to bother you.
10:53I'm looking forward to your collaboration today.
10:55Me too.
10:56I'm looking forward to working with you.
10:58I'll bring some drinks.
11:00Think of it as your own home and relax.
11:03As expected of Shion-senpai's room.
11:06It's so clean and tidy.
11:14Th-This is...
11:16What's wrong, Awa-Yuki-chan?
11:23I brought you something to drink.
11:29What are you holding in your hand?
11:32This is, of course, a milk bottle filled with Gachisero.
11:35No, no!
11:36Why are you suddenly holding a milk bottle?
11:38You promised me on the stream the other day
11:41that you'd drink Gachisero with a milk bottle.
11:43Of course I did,
11:45but why are you so eager to drink it?
11:50You see,
11:51sometimes I wonder if it's okay to be who I am right now.
11:59I finally realized what I really wanted
12:02when I saw the cute girls I was holding in my hand.
12:06I want to be everyone's mom!
12:12All four of you are crazy,
12:14and now even Shion-senpai is mad at you!
12:19Don't worry.
12:21I'll take good care of you.
12:36Here you go!
12:37It's Gachisero's mom!
12:57That was a nice voice.
13:00Now I just have to send this data to the communicator.
13:06It's spreading so fast!
13:15I don't know what's going on with this voice recording.
13:22Why is the baby trying to stand up on its own?
13:27Besides, I don't think there's a baby that's that smart.
13:38News Live On!
13:41I'm everyone's mom, Shion Kaminari!
13:44I'll be hosting News Live On again this week!
13:48And today, we have a wonderful guest!
13:59Here's the first news!
14:01Asagiri Hareru turns into a chimpanzee in the gacha!
14:04As expected of Hareru-senpai!
14:06She's already blown away by the title.
14:09Well, since we're here, Shuwa-chan!
14:11Can you do a VTR impression?
14:13Got it!
14:15VTR impression, start!
14:17Okay, here's the first 10 rounds!
14:20Well, if you're as devoted as I am, you'll be able to do it!
14:24This is the scene where Hareru-senpai is aiming for a favorite character in the gacha.
14:29Here we go!
14:38Well, that's the first 10 rounds.
14:41However, no matter how many rounds you do, the card you're aiming for won't come out.
14:47I-It's about time for it to come out!
14:51I'm going to pull it out with my nipples!
14:53I can feel the power of destiny gathering from my nipples!
14:57Everyone, don't stop me!
14:58Reach out!
14:59My feelings!
15:01From my nipples to that girl!
15:02Reach out!
15:06We're already in our third year, huh...
15:16Okay, that's it for the VTR!
15:18You pulled out your favorite card and became a chimpanzee!
15:22That was a great chimpanzee.
15:24And for now, let me buy that smartphone with Hareru-senpai's name on it.
15:29Hey, what are you talking about?
15:31I'll give it to you if you give me a million yen.
15:33That's not the problem!
15:34Listeners, what are you talking about?
15:37I've always been a normal person who's always been a pushover.
15:42If you touch me a little bit, I'll tell you to become a baby.
15:46Huh? I wonder what you're talking about, Shou-chan.
15:50This is from 1 to...
15:52No, it looks like we have no choice but to re-educate from 0.
15:56W-What do you mean by from 0?
16:00Live in my body...
16:02And then...
16:04Give birth to me.
16:06Why am I so scared?
16:10All right, that's enough of that.
16:13Let's move on to the next news!
16:15Matsuriya Hikari is setting a new record with the super spicy yakisoba RTA!
16:20Her opponent is the super spicy MAX yakisoba!
16:23But Hikari doesn't feel like she's going to lose!
16:35Hikari can eat super spicy yakisoba at a very low speed.
16:46But I'm not going to let this end here!
16:52Burn my life!
16:56H-Hikari is burning up!
16:58Hikari has set a new record of 1 minute and 20 seconds!
17:06Thank you for the food.
17:09I didn't cry because I set a new record.
17:15That's all for the VTR.
17:18Shou-chan, what did you think of the video?
17:21Shou-chan lost to the spiciness, but Hikari ate it all!
17:26I want to be a mom!
17:29What are you talking about, Shou-chan?
17:32Hikari's mom is me, Shion Kaminari.
17:36I'm Ichizai, Hikari's mom.
17:40I'm perfect for being Hikari's mom.
17:44Shou-chan is my classmate, but I'm her senpai.
17:47That makes me her mom.
17:49You don't understand how wonderful it is to be a mom of the same age as you.
17:59We need to decide who will be the real mom.
18:04I totally agree.
18:06Today's news live-on is interesting.
18:11Hello, Shou-chan?
18:13You're in the middle of a news live-on, right?
18:16That's right, but there's something I want to ask you.
18:21Something you want to ask Hikari?
18:23Between me and Shion-mama, who will be in the family fortune club?
18:28Hikari-chan, between me and Shou-chan, who do you want to be born as?
18:35I don't know what you're talking about, but I love you two!
18:48Why are we fighting over who's number one?
18:54Even though you're the special only one.
18:57That's right.
18:59We can't be bound by such a narrow fixed relationship.
19:05Thank you, Hikari-chan.
19:07Thanks to you, I woke up.
19:09That's great, but what were we talking about?
19:14Now then, here's today's last news.
19:17Yamatani Kaeru is banned from her first live-on.
19:21Dear listeners, good day.
19:24I'm Kaeru, who loves boobs.
19:26This time, I'd like to go all out to get my wish granted.
19:32Because Kaeru is a baby.
19:36I have a bad relationship with pigeons.
19:40I'm not good at it.
19:44I'm not good at it.
19:46I'm not good at it.
19:48Isn't this bad?
19:50That's right.
19:51Actually, Kaeru-chan kept spitting on her boobs,
19:55and that's why she was banned.
20:01Kaeru will continue to spit on her boobs.
20:05Because Kaeru is a baby.
20:07Kaeru-chan's live-on is pretty dangerous.
20:11But, Kaeru-chan actually has a serious personality.
20:15Eh, really?
20:17Even when she talks, she easily gets involved with the listeners,
20:20and when she receives fan art,
20:22she writes a thank-you letter to each and every one of them.
20:25Eh, that's a bit unexpected.
20:28But when it comes to job hunting or job hunting,
20:30she seems to be in a hurry.
20:32That's the same as always.
20:35But, she's an interesting girl just because her live-on was adopted.
20:39If I have a chance, I'd like to talk to her.
20:51Thank you for today, Shuwa-chan.
20:53Eh, no, no, you're welcome.
20:56You know, I'm really glad I was able to collaborate with you.
21:01Eh, really?
21:03When I was watching the collaboration between you and Shuwa-chan,
21:08I thought it was really nice.
21:14I think it's because of Shuwa-chan.
21:20Also, I'd like to collaborate with Kaeru-chan, who was mentioned earlier.
21:27That's true.
21:28Shion-senpai and Kaeru-chan seem to have a good chemistry.
21:31That's right!
21:33But none of them have collaborated with anyone yet.
21:42Even though I haven't collaborated with Doki yet,
21:44I feel bad that I'm the one who's going to be left out.
21:47Could it be that you're not good at collaborating?
21:52Either way, it's only my debut, so I'll have to wait and see.
21:57That's right.
22:01But one day, I found out the answer to this question.
22:32How many years has it been? I don't know anymore
22:37Even so, I waited
22:42How many years has it been? I don't know anymore
22:48One day, I found it
22:53In the endlessly spreading darkness
22:58I was always alone
23:04I lost my name and memories
23:09I was just me
23:17Hey, can I stay by your side?
23:24I finally found it
23:28Hey, please answer me
23:32I know you're here