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00:00I just bought this entire grocery store which includes enough food to literally feed an entire city
00:07And then I decided to trap this random guy inside and every day you live here
00:12I will give you $10,000 in a grocery cart. That's wild dude. Let's go. Well. I'll give it to you in 24 hours
00:18Oh, okay
00:18This challenge could literally make Alex a multi-millionaire which in theory means he could be in here for years and it starts right now
00:26All right, Jimmy's gone. Why would I ever leave I could be here for years time to go grocery shopping, baby
00:32Now if Alex crosses this red line that we painted around the entire perimeter of the grocery store
00:36The challenge is over and he walks away with his current winnings and to make sure he stays inside
00:41It's worth noting here that we have countless cameras covering every square inch of the grocery store for my first meal on night one
00:47I guess I'll cook the steak
00:48I think this is just gonna be home base this little corner of the grocery store if I have meals like this every night
00:54I'll easily be here for years day one complete. See you in the morning
00:58It has officially been 24 hours and I got the first 10 grand Alex. Hey, you feel this and confirm. It's $10,000
01:07It is I believe you now we introduce the twist of the challenge
01:11Basically to receive the daily $10,000 you need to give me
01:15$10,000 in product from the store and so you have to strategize what order to get rid of these items to stay here as long as
01:21Possible. Oh, wow. Okay. Conveniently. There's a lot of electronics over there. They're pretty expensive for day one
01:26That's probably a good idea. I can't really eat a TV. So it's no use to me
01:31You're 22 cents over. All right, let me check out. Do you have a MVP card? No, would you like one? No sign up?
01:38Here's your cash Chris. Take it away. I
01:42Will see you tomorrow with another $10,000 in cash. You should start strategizing what you're gonna sell me this changes everything
01:48I gotta start strategizing for the future
01:50I have to figure out all the stuff that I need to get rid of pet food pet items
01:55Jimmy could not pay me to eat this stuff. I swear I got
01:59$10,000 worth of dog food right here
02:01I think I'm just gonna get some rest wake up early because I'm gonna have to prep more items tomorrow
02:05I got a lot of work ahead of me
02:13Is that what you're selling to me today today it's dog food. Oh my gosh
02:17This is gonna take us forever to move. Wait, can we do like that? I'll let him clap transition go for it
02:24There we go, it's all over here at the register, isn't that a cool effect I love beast magic
02:29We're at nine thousand nine hundred ninety one dollars and eighty cents and for the final item
02:33We are now at ten thousand and forty five dollars and something you should know every single item Alex sells to me
02:39We're literally gonna donate to charity. So don't worry. None of this is gonna go to waste the next few days
02:43We're kind of a breeze for Alex on day five
02:45He sold me $10,000 worth of produce all this produce here. They're gonna go bad very fast on day six
02:51He sold me a bunch of diapers and on day seven eight and nine. He cleared out an additional
02:56$30,000 worth of products. He even discovered the back room of the store and since he hasn't showered in ten days
03:01He built his very own makeshift shower
03:04And laundry system
03:07Hey, how's it going? What's up, Jimmy? All right as of now give me an honest answer
03:11How far do you think you're gonna go? Oh, I mean, I feel like a hundred days for sure
03:15Oh boy, depending on how long Alex lasts. This may just become my most expensive video ever, but I'm prepared for that
03:25I don't care if you go a year. I got the money who put all this in here
03:29It's what I want the bank you will get this once I get my $10,000 in items
03:34All right today. I have more TVs who goes to a grocery store to buy a TV
03:39Why are these here now Alex to be honest with me?
03:42Did you empty out any of these TV boxes film with rocks and keep the TV?
03:49All right, I trust them even though that was not what I was asking
03:56Approaching day 11 Alex began to get pretty efficient at picking which items to sell
04:02$10,001 89 cents and since I had to leave to go film a video where I straightened myself on an island
04:07This is not comfortable, but let's pray we get like 30 minutes of sleep tonight
04:11We had someone else drop off the money for Alex. We call him the money man
04:18Thank you, sir
04:20$100,000 I could definitely reach a million and what he did with the rest of his time to keep himself entertained was
04:27Interesting. I am building the cheese ball wall
04:30It's done the great wall of cheese ball
04:43It was worth it it was so worth it
04:47On day 13 Alex decided to upgrade his shower because it's a piece of crap
04:54What I'm gonna do is use four of these shelves to reinforce the shower. Okay, here we go
05:08I'm gonna use plastic liner drape it across here. The walls are waterproof now
05:14All right, you got to give it to him
05:16This man is literally constructing a functioning shower out of just raw store parts and there it is showers done
05:23Time to test it
05:30Okay, it's been a few days in here I'm gonna build a wall now
05:34I never thought I'd see this but Alex literally used all the water bottles in the entire store to build walls for his
05:40Makeshift shelter. He even created a bed using all of the toilet paper and it looked kind of comfortable
05:55I gotta get to scanning kind of had my eyes on these bad boys for a while gift cards
06:00These things are freaking expensive
06:02It is actually surprising how expensive birthday cards are because Alex was able to hit his
06:07$10,000 mark only using the cards and after I got back from filming at the island
06:13Alex went to see if we could help him use the forklift in the back of the store
06:17You know if you could get it in the store, that'd be super helpful. You're sure you're gonna let Chris drive this. Yeah
06:40Enjoy your forklift. We'll see you tomorrow
06:42Even though it's only been a day since he last saw me
06:44It seemed like Alex really started to miss me at least that's the only explanation I have for what he's about to do
06:50I saw this cutout of Jimmy over here. We're gonna be hanging out a lot you and I he's just gonna watch make sure
06:55I don't lose count just scanning away for another
07:01$10,000 33 cents over the next few days Alex's efficiency was through the roof
07:06Thanks to his new forklift, so he even had enough time to upgrade his bed, and it was quite the improvement
07:11There's so much better and even though Alex's original goal was to get a million dollars
07:17I think we're going for a mil on this one
07:18I hope not he started documenting what he'd spend the money on and came to realize maybe he didn't need to stay as long as
07:24He thought million dollars is nice in theory
07:28I'm still missing out time with my boys both their birthdays are coming up in the next two months
07:32I've never missed a birthday yet, so after thinking about what I want to put the money toward
07:37I realized that I need to at least make
07:40$500,000 but right now. I only have 200 so in total. I got 50 days
07:45I got to be in here almost halfway there on day 22 Alex decided to absolutely decimate all the goldfish in the grocery store
07:53Okay, so this is
07:56$10,000 worth of goldfish I could beat an army of toddlers
08:01All right, thank you, sir. You're living a regular life now almost you're getting paid ten grand a day to miss your family
08:08Yeah, and you can just do this however long you want
08:11As you can see the days started blending together for Alex
08:16But eventually the day came where he decided to sell the water that he originally used for his shelter
08:21But since he couldn't sell the empty shelves in the store. He realized they make pretty good walls
08:26I'm gonna reinforce the house with metal shelves
08:30As you can see Alex is feeling pretty at home now, but what he doesn't know is when I bought this grocery store
08:36I stopped paying the electricity bill so at any point now all the power is gonna cut off
08:40It is really hard to live in this house, but I'm gonna live in this house
08:43I just don't want to live in a place. Where the electricity bill is so high
08:48I'm gonna live in this house with a roof
08:49I'm gonna live in this house with a roof and a window and a shower and a sink and a remote
08:55I'm gonna live in this house with a roof and a shower and a sink and a sink and a sinkhole
08:59Freezers won't work the lights won't work and so much more the challenge is gonna get way harder
09:04But to give him some motivation before things get pretty crazy. We thought Alex deserved a reward. Are you excited to see your dad?
09:10Yeah, you ready to do this? Yeah, I think he might literally cry. This is gonna be crazy
09:15Alex we have a surprise for you
09:22Yesterday you were telling me about how much you miss your family and I felt kind of bad so to celebrate 30 days
09:27We're gonna let you spend the day with
09:32Need to go
09:35What's happening with all the boxes on the floor I've made a race car track. Oh, is that the car? Yeah. Wait, can he ride that?
09:54Today I got to see Sarah and the boys. It was freaking amazing. Sarah was as beautiful as ever. I love you
10:02Buddy I love you
10:05Heart break when I saw my kids, I mean they like look different to me, you know that that age they grow
10:13Weakly, I just look forward to going back home spending time with my family
10:19What's that I better get up and start scanning stuff now we're gonna
10:23What the heck?
10:25One of the lights off what are these shenanigans? Here's my flashlight. This is some kind of joke
10:31Houston we have a problem. Did you do this?
10:37Knock knock. Oh, wow. This is so much creepier. My powers out Jimmy. Yes
10:42So when I bought this grocery store, they gave me a form to put like the utilities in my name
10:47And I just never filled it out
10:49The cameras and cash registers are hooked up to a generator because we need those
10:53So what am I looking at over here? Okay, so I had originally
10:57$60,000 ready to go. Oh my gosh, but I assume now that the power went out you're gonna sell the frozen stuff
11:02Yeah, things have changed. We need to get the skin. Let's get rid of these hot meat assembly line
11:07All right, I'll hold the cart assembly line. I'm the door holder and while they're clearing out the freezers
11:12I want to tell you guys about Shopify Shopify helped pay for this grocery store and in exchange wanted me to promote one of the
11:17Millions of businesses they support in power
11:19If only we had a bag that we could put these things in to keep it cold and together
11:23We pick Kanga coolers Chandler. What if I told you the 12 pack of soda inside of it?
11:27Whoa, and if you keep what's inside pulled up to seven hours
11:32That's a long time you got multi wieners you got single wieners cheesy cheesy wieners Kanga coolers are lightweight and
11:39Insulated so you can take them wherever. Hey meet us at the front channel. Have you ever been a cashier before?
11:44Wait, you double scan that. Hold up. You can have the Kanga cooler. You can put a human head in here
11:48Anyways, click the link description down the shop app right now. You can buy Kanga cooler
11:51I'm gonna go help them scan some meat. All right, here's our meat receipt
11:56Here's your 10 grand. Also, here's a Kanga cooler. Oh nice. Oh, by the way, Alex
12:01I'm going to Africa for a week at this point
12:03I once again had to leave to go film a video in Africa where I built a hundred wells
12:09Alex spent the rest of his day rushing to get all the frozen food sold so he could be donated
12:13So I'll just be scanning stuff in the dark from now on. I really hope Jimmy turns the power on
12:19It's gonna suck. I'm not gonna lie being left without power affected Alex way more than I thought it would
12:24I guess the food wasn't the only thing getting checked out
12:33I wonder if you can tip over a forklift
12:38Careful on aisle 7
12:49This door is turning into a wasteland
12:52So I'm going to the back
12:53I'm gonna open up this dock door and let some daylight hit my face
12:58Breathe in some fresh air because this is not gonna do it
13:06This right here will get me through the dark days
13:11It is day 36 I got
13:17$1,000 why stop now gotta keep loading these carts up
13:21I had a lot of food to get through just carts and pools of money and waiting waiting for the days to go by
13:29The most exciting part of my day is being this close to the red line. I'm just a sad old
13:36miserable boy back here
13:39Nothing's ever been sadder in my life
13:45Living in a grocery store
13:47Coffee food and a lot of money. I'm like way ahead on checkouts still I don't want to do anything
13:53There's nothing to do
13:55All that stands between me my wife my kids
13:59This line right here lights being off being this close to the red line realizing I can go see my family
14:05It's super tempting every day now
14:08Mmm. No, there's a bunch of pallets back there still that I haven't even dug into some glasses
14:16What the?
14:18Look what I just found insta start quick pack lantern nice. I got five of them
14:24I just lit them all up there. I'm full blast right now
14:27It definitely lights up the entire space really well for like I can actually like hang out in here again. Oh
14:35Alex are you here? Yo another 10k? Yeah, let's go, dude. It's crazy
14:40I have all this money, but there's nothing I can do with this money while I'm in here except just look at it
14:45Well, you can't look at it. It's so dark in here
14:47So I'm gonna bring some lights in. Are you serious? For filming purposes. All right
14:52What are you gonna do for the rest of the time you're in here?
14:53Something I definitely want to do is go ahead and just run through all these shells with the forklift. Oh
15:03You asked for this
15:08Alright time for me to not be here anymore. We'll see you tomorrow
15:13Here's your broom
15:14Thanks guys. Enjoy cleaning after spending an entire day cleaning up Chris's mess
15:19I always took advantage of the newly open space to set up a pool. He found in the back off we go
15:26I'm gonna drag the hose out here stick it in this pool and sometime tomorrow
15:31We'll have a grocery swimming pool
15:34It's been over week and Chandler won't tell me what happened while it's gone. This place looks completely different
15:38Oh god, open the doors. I gotta see this
15:41Where did everything go? We did a little remodeling while you were gone
15:45This looks like someone gave Chris a forklift. Everything makes sense now. You show me the pool. Yeah, you want to get in?
15:52Do you wear socks? That's crazy
16:01What do you typically do in the pool?
16:04I just kind of float around
16:06This was fun and all but I think we should check out. Thanks for the groceries. Enjoy your pool. All right
16:11I'm just gonna grab everything from the back and just put it up here organize it and who knows
16:16Maybe there's something fun in there
16:17It's no secret at this point Alex was pretty tired and while he was making his rounds in the forklift something unexpected happened
16:38No, oh
16:41My god, I was trying to turn one way and it just went the opposite direction. Oh my god
16:48My freaking money is soaked. There's a bunch of product ruined. It's like so deep right here
16:54It's in my space. It's all over the grocery store, dude. I'm done, man
16:59I just want to leave
17:02We're going in
17:05Buddy, why is it so wet in here? Yeah, it'll yeah
17:09Alex your golden chariot awaits you. Oh
17:12Look at you in bed. You good dog. I'm alright, man. You look like a defeated man. Yeah, I busted the pool
17:18I just want to bust a pool
17:19So I was driving by to drop off some pallets and I tried to turn and it just turned the complete opposite way
17:25I was like
17:26So all this got wet how many more weeks do you have left weeks
17:30I'm just taking it day by day right now. It depends how much longer I can go
17:34So if you just see like a spider in your bed tomorrow, you're leaving Oh a hundred percent
17:38I don't think he has many days left. This is ending soon. You guys want to come hang out for a little bit?
17:43Heck no, you're depressing. This is what the store looked like when Alex started the challenge and this is what it looks like now
17:53So day
18:00It's almost dark outside
18:02Jimmy hasn't come by today. I have stuff. I need to sell I'm just gonna move this stuff to the back
18:08Hopefully somebody brings me the $10,000 today. Maybe they just forgot or something
18:15It's really lonely in here, I'm just gonna I guess sit in my chair till they bring me some money
18:31What are you serious
18:37Are you there Jimmy
18:40This is the first interaction I get all day and it's the freaking robot
18:47Thanks for the money
18:55Even Jimmy wants to come here for a minute. That's how depressing this place is now. Can't say I blame him. Honestly
19:04This sucks, man
19:27God I'm freaking miss my family so bad. It's day 45 and Chandler. How would you say he's doing?
19:34That is complete boredom. You're just tapping the bat on the ground. I would feel bad for him except he's won
19:40$450,000 and he can leave whenever he wants so he'll be fine
19:45Alex hey, we were watching on the cameras. You looked very sad
19:50Yeah, I'm pretty bored. Well, here's $10,000. So you less bored helps a little how many weeks left you got?
19:56Well, you know if I got an hour left Jimmy
19:59Here, let's go. Look at your sea of money over here. This is all the money you've made so far
20:03450 grand are you saying you're content with it?
20:06Give me one second. I've got a surprise that might help you decide
20:14Hey, baby, what the heck don't cry
20:23Wait, where's shoes?
20:26Jimmy clear I didn't take his shoes. I don't know why he's not wearing shoes
20:30These are all the things that this money's gonna go toward this crazy. I can't even wrap my head around it
20:35I feel like I could do another five days. You think it's worth it
20:40What's the verdict we've weighed the options make tons of money keep tons of money already made honestly, it's not worth staying in
20:48Okay. Well, then let's push the money out
20:55All right, Alex the second you step on the red it's over I can move all the money back we can keep going it's your
21:03All right, bring it back in. Okay, bring it back in just kidding
21:10I would spend 45 days in the store and walked away with four hundred and fifty thousand dollars
21:15I can't believe this happened. This is freaking sick
21:19Congratulations Alex shout out to Albertsons for helping us fill the shelves. You guys are amazing
21:23I'm gonna go find this shirt
21:24Also, if you're wondering how we filmed this video because we blew up the earth earlier
21:27It was actually on the moon the entire time watch the laser maze video if that's confusing