• l’année dernière


00:00:2015 wherefore I also
00:00:22After I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love unto all the saints
00:00:30Cease not to give thanks for you
00:00:33making mention of you in my prayers
00:00:36That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory
00:00:40May given to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him
00:00:47the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know
00:00:52what is the hope of his calling and
00:00:56And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints
00:01:03In no, he didn't just say for the Saints, but he said in the Saints tell your neighbor. I got something in me. I got
00:01:12Yes, I got precious cargo in me
00:01:15You read that and it makes you understand why the enemy fights you like he fights you
00:01:20There's something in you that's beyond you
00:01:23Your eyes can't see it your ears may not hear it, but it's in you and what is the
00:01:31Exceeding greatness of his power to us work who believe according to the working of his mighty power
00:01:39Which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at
00:01:45His own right hand in the heavenly places far above all
00:01:51Principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world
00:01:58But also in that which is to come and he hath put all things
00:02:04Not some not a portion of things not small things
00:02:08He hath put all things under his feet and he gave him to be the head
00:02:16over all things to
00:02:19The church
00:02:21He put all things under his feet turn to your neighbor on the right and say neighbor
00:02:27You got a power up and pull it down
00:02:31Turn to somebody else to say power up and pull it down
00:02:37Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your word. I thank you for the moment that we are standing in
00:02:44We are about to see you in ways that we have never imagined
00:02:50Today I ask that you would just show yourself in this room
00:02:55Say what you want us to hear
00:02:57We've cleaned out the traditional wax from our ears
00:03:00We've cleaned out the religious wax from our ears and we've opened our hearts and we come ready and we come hungry
00:03:09And we are believing that your word will become arraignment today that it will jump off the pages of this book and it will come alive
00:03:16in us give us
00:03:18your word
00:03:20And I'll give you the glory in Jesus name
00:03:23Somebody shout amen on your way down. Tell somebody power up and pull it down
00:03:34Power up and pull it down
00:03:39It's good to see y'all in the house of the Lord today
00:03:43Last Sunday we were blessed to have a baptism service out here and I'm not exactly for sure
00:03:50It was it 52 we baptized. Does anybody know right offhand?
00:03:5452 or 58 or something like that. Anybody know anybody know anybody know?
00:04:00Y'all just did the work. That's what y'all just like whoo. This ain't ever gonna end
00:04:05No, but it was it was a beautiful thing to watch
00:04:10Pastor Joseph has the skinniest legs I've ever seen in my life. I
00:04:15Don't know where he's at, but somebody tell him he's got skinny legs. Okay
00:04:18He he was out there baptizing folk and I was looking outside to see what was happening
00:04:24And all I could see was his skinny little old legs and I'm like, oh you need help to stand my brother
00:04:33I'm grateful for Pastor Joseph. Aren't you? Let's thank God for his gift and who he is to this church
00:04:42It was it was a beautiful sight to see that many people
00:04:47being baptized and I say that because what happens in the waters of baptism is
00:04:53So much more than just meets the eye
00:04:56We see somebody that is going down in the water, they're gonna get wet there there there may be possibly nervous or whatever
00:05:05But but there's so much more to that
00:05:09Galatians 2 and 20 says I am crucified with Christ
00:05:14Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I but Christ
00:05:19He liveth in me. So it's not just about
00:05:23Me living in Christ, but it is the fact that Christ is living in me
00:05:30That means everywhere I go I take Christ with me because he is living inside of me
00:05:36And so when you go down in the waters of baptism what you are actually saying
00:05:43To those that might have come family and friends and people that know you what you are actually saying is hey
00:05:49This is the last time you will see the me that you that you knew because when I come up
00:05:56It's a new person that is coming up
00:05:58And when you got up people clapped and they cheered and they rejoiced
00:06:04Because when you got up it wasn't just you that came up Christ came up in you and you were raised
00:06:11Into what the Bible would call the newness of life or you were raised into a new way of life
00:06:18So so if you were baptized last Sunday
00:06:21Make sure that you that you understand that it is not the old you that came to church this Sunday
00:06:27It is the new you it is the Christ in you you died and were buried, but he lives
00:06:35He was you were buried, but he got up
00:06:38And so now your testimony is it's no longer I that liveth
00:06:44But it is Christ that liveth in me
00:06:48It's the death of us, but it is the resurrection of Christ
00:06:53It is the death of us, but it is the resurrection of Christ
00:06:57And he is not only with us
00:07:00But he is in us because Christ in you is the hope of
00:07:09This is what sets us apart, and this is what makes us
00:07:15Believers, it's not just it's not just us coming in and adhering and praying and adhering and
00:07:22to a set of moral
00:07:25Guidelines that makes us
00:07:28Christians that's nice, but you can adhere to all the moral guidelines that there are and
00:07:35Still not know who Christ is
00:07:38So it's it's not you can admire all of the principles of God, and you can still not know
00:07:46Him see
00:07:48Society it defines a lot of ways that we can be Christians
00:07:54but they're
00:07:56apart from the scripture hear what I'm saying to you
00:08:02Society has defined and come up with a lot of ways that they will tell you you can be a Christian
00:08:08but most of it is set apart from
00:08:13scripture, so
00:08:15When you when you call
00:08:18Yourself a Christian there should be something in you that models the word and that models
00:08:26Christ anytime they take Jesus out of it. We're in trouble
00:08:32It is the only way you can live for him is with when you have him
00:08:38Inside of you because our righteousness is as filthy rags
00:08:42But when he is inside of us you can't live for him apart from him
00:08:48Okay, so we should be there should be something in us that models Jesus
00:08:54Can anybody tell what Jesus is really like by looking at you
00:09:04Can they look at you and know that he is kind
00:09:11Can they look at you and know that he is long-suffering
00:09:16Can they look at you and know that he is patient
00:09:20Can they look at you and know that he is
00:09:24Forgiving in other words. What does your life say about God to the people that are around you?
00:09:33What does it say about God
00:09:362nd Corinthians 5 and 20 says that we are
00:09:42Ambassadors look at somebody and tell them I am and I am an ambassador
00:09:48I'm not a tourist. I
00:09:51Am an ambassador. I'm not here to take pictures
00:09:55I'm not here to just you know, do this that or the other I'm not here to just enjoy this country
00:10:01I am here as an ambassador
00:10:04okay, so
00:10:06ambassadors have
00:10:08Assignments and then and so therefore our us when you are sent to a foreign country
00:10:14It as an ambassador you have an assignment you have a mission
00:10:20You have something that you must commit to there is an assignment over your life when you accept Christ as your Savior
00:10:28You I didn't say you were an ambassador, but 2nd Corinthians 5 or 20 said that you are Christ's
00:10:36ambassador and that as
00:10:39ambassadors we are
00:10:41Given an assignment to represent Christ in the earth that means
00:10:47Something that means that your lifestyle has got to back up what you said
00:10:55My mics a little dry up here if you could help me a little bit look at somebody and say you got anything to back
00:11:00it up
00:11:02Ask somebody else. Can you back it up? I
00:11:07Know that you tell us God is merciful, but can you back that up with the way you live your life?
00:11:14See here's the deal our
00:11:17Lifestyle and this is where the conflict comes when we find out that somebody says this is where the tension is
00:11:24We find out that somebody says, oh, yes, we are Christians. Oh, yes. I'm a Christian. You're a Christian
00:11:31We all are Christians, but absolutely nothing you do looks like Christ
00:11:38I'm sorry. I got to judge that right there
00:11:41I got to I gotta judge that and say no if you were a Christian
00:11:45I could be able to see Christ in you see the gospel has got to affect the way that we live our lives
00:11:53Tell somebody back it up with your life
00:11:56On your job back it up with your life in the grocery store back it up with your life in the
00:12:04Marketplace in the barbershop in the beauty shop in the in when you are in traffic
00:12:10Back it up with your when you are under pressure
00:12:14back it up with your life and
00:12:21If the gospel has changed our life
00:12:25Then we got to do more than confess it we got to do more than just confess Christ
00:12:31We have got to believe him. We have got to believe his word
00:12:35We have got to believe what he said and we got to be able to back it up with our lives
00:12:40I know I know you got grace
00:12:42I know that that you got grace when you got him, but I'm gonna tell you something about grace. Somebody say grace
00:12:50Grace does not give us permission to live immoral lives. I
00:13:00Can't get no help on that but
00:13:04Grace has been preached and watered down
00:13:07So that people think I can just do what I want without when I want with anybody that I want and I'm still
00:13:15Gonna be okay. I'm still gonna have an anointing on my life rest assured that at some point in your life
00:13:24Your gift and your calling are without repentance
00:13:27But if there is not some real repentance somewhere you lose that
00:13:33Anointing and by that I mean you lose your influence and one minute you can stand up here and holler and say glory
00:13:41be to God and like lightning can strike the place and the next time you can stand up and say glory be to God and
00:13:48People will look at you like you're crazy. What has changed you ever lost your
00:13:56Because you have chosen to look at grace as if it is
00:14:01Permission or as if it gives us an excuse to live immoral lives
00:14:06Let me tell you something about grace grace demands that we live changed lives
00:14:15Grace doesn't just mean that Christ is in us
00:14:19But it means that the Christ that is in us
00:14:22Is allowed to confront us?
00:14:25It's it's the it's the same Christ. He's in us and any any blesses us
00:14:31But that same Christ that's in us will confront us and he will contest us when we think things
00:14:38We shouldn't think when we do things we shouldn't do when we go places
00:14:42We shouldn't go that same Christ is in us and he is
00:14:46Challenging us if you have never felt the the Christ in you confront you
00:14:52Then I need to pray for you because I'm not sure that he's in you
00:14:59He don't just move in and let you live any old kind of way and not nudge you
00:15:08See while it's true that we can come to him as we are
00:15:13That's a great thing
00:15:15That we can come to him as we are
00:15:17We cannot stay as we are I said we cannot stay as we are
00:15:25Grace doesn't give us the right to just live any old kind of
00:15:31Raggedy life and still be pleasing in the sight of God. It's quiet, but that's okay because you're listening to me today
00:15:39Grace does not give us the right to just live any old kind of way do any old kind of thing and still
00:15:46Think that we are pleasing in his sight look at somebody and tell him that's not grace
00:15:53The songwriter did say there's no shadow you won't light up
00:15:58There's no mountain you won't climb up coming after me. There's no wall you won't kick down
00:16:06There's no lie. You won't tear down coming after me. So yes
00:16:11God will come to our rescue
00:16:14But I don't care and I don't care how low your life may go
00:16:19He will come to your rescue
00:16:22But he has no intentions of allowing you to stay in that low place
00:16:30So at some point we got to grow
00:16:33You can come as you are, but you can't stay as you are
00:16:37At some point I got to grow up in God at some point
00:16:40I got to get up out of that low place at some point. I have to hear the scripture that says be not
00:16:47Entangled again
00:16:49with the yoke of
00:16:52Bondage at some point I have got to develop the gifts that he has given me at some point
00:16:58I've got some things that I got to overcome. I can't just be saying all the time
00:17:03Yeah, that's just my weakness and that's that no at some point
00:17:07I've got to put forth an effort to overcome them and I can because it is Christ in me
00:17:15That will enable me to do that
00:17:17I cannot and you cannot keep hiding behind our immature ways and calling it grace
00:17:28Because to whom much is given
00:17:32Much is required is is anybody hear me?
00:17:37to whom much is given much is
00:17:40required now I
00:17:43Know in 2024, especially after the pandemic we don't like to hear
00:17:50that word
00:17:53Especially when it comes from God in church and the pastor, but guess what?
00:17:59Some things ain't ever gonna change
00:18:02There are some requirements
00:18:05There are some things that God is going to come after us
00:18:10Even if it makes us uncomfortable because you do understand that there is a war that is going on in your members
00:18:17Thank you. There is a war that's going on in your members. Look at somebody and say we are at war
00:18:24I'm not talking about you and me
00:18:26I'm talking about the stuff that's in me and me. So there's a war that is going on
00:18:33I am at war and when you are at war, let me tell you something comfort zones are
00:18:40Not allowed when you are at war
00:18:47What we must understand is that there are some things in
00:18:52even in more in the days to come that God will be
00:18:56requiring out of us and one of the
00:19:00Prerequisites. Okay. Let me go back that far one of the prerequisites to follow Christ
00:19:06According to Luke chapter 9 and verse 23 is that we must deny ourselves
00:19:15Okay, we must deny our self denying
00:19:20In this day seems so unnatural
00:19:26Because we think we should have what we want when we want it in the name of Jesus
00:19:34sometimes and
00:19:35Some things you will only get by living in denial
00:19:43Look at something. That's a good message title. I'm up to preach that sometimes look at somebody and tell him you gotta live in denial. I
00:19:51Ain't talking about denying your circumstances, but I am talking about denying yourself
00:19:57Some prayers will only be answered when we live in denial
00:20:03Some mountains will only move when we live in
00:20:08Denial Luke 9 and 23 says if any man will come after me let him deny
00:20:17Himself and take up his cross daily not weekly
00:20:22But I'm talking about daily and take up his cross daily and
00:20:27Follow me follow take up his cross daily
00:20:31He must deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me
00:20:37You don't get to follow Jesus as
00:20:46Y'all ain't getting it y'all ain't got it yet. You got to deny yourself
00:20:51Then you then you can follow Jesus denying yourself. What does that look like?
00:20:57Well, there are some things about
00:21:00Myself that maybe I would want for myself, but he don't want them for me
00:21:06So when I come up against that that dynamic right there who has to deny themselves
00:21:12I have to deny myself so that I can follow after him
00:21:16There are places that I would like to go but because he don't want me on that place. I must deny
00:21:25Myself look at somebody and tell him you got to live in denial. I
00:21:30Didn't say you got a visit denial, but you've got to live in denial
00:21:35every day of your
00:21:37Life there are things that my flesh craves, but my spirit says absolutely no, ma'am. Yeah, I must deny
00:21:50Because if God don't want it for me
00:21:55If he don't want it for you
00:21:58We have to move into denial and we have to let it go and we have to give it up
00:22:06And we have to lay it down
00:22:09We have to lay down every idol
00:22:13Tina I think said something about that today. We are saying about it. Let's tell somebody every I don't
00:22:21Somebody says well, how do I know that it is it is an idol?
00:22:24I heard one of the people say during that 24-hour prayer man meeting
00:22:30He said, you know, it's an idol when you must consult with it before you can say yes to God
00:22:46You know, it is an idol when you've got to consult with it and say are you are you cool with me laying you down
00:22:57I'm gonna go through it draw what is gonna happen here when you
00:23:02Can't if you can't say yes to God
00:23:06Before you can nail an idol to the cross
00:23:10Then it is an idol and we don't want to talk about
00:23:16Denial, but it is one of the basics of salvation
00:23:22Self-denial is one of the basics of salvation. You know, you cannot have
00:23:29Everything that the world has to offer
00:23:32My mother used to say that you can't have everything that the world is trying to give you but you can have him
00:23:42Are y'all hearing me today
00:23:45You can't have everything that the world says is cool, but you can
00:23:51Have Jesus and according to Philippians 2 and 5 you can you can have his mind
00:23:58That's one of the things that you can have you can have his mind. It says let this mind that is in Christ
00:24:05Jesus be also in you it also says you can have his spirit
00:24:11The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead if it dwell in you it will quicken your
00:24:19Mortal body you can have his wisdom you can have
00:24:24Revelation you can have all of them
00:24:26You can't have everything that the world offers
00:24:28But you can have him Ephesians 1 and 17 says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ
00:24:35the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and
00:24:42revelation in the knowledge of
00:24:45Him not only that but you can also have the greatness of his power
00:24:52He said I'm gonna give you power
00:24:55Power where you can heal the sick power where you can deliver the bound power
00:25:01Where you can raise the dead power where you can cast out demons power
00:25:06That you can tread upon serpents power to preach the gospel and destroy the yoke power to bear fruit
00:25:14Power to pray in the name of Jesus power to be as witnesses in the earth
00:25:22Power to overcome the world power to have eternal life
00:25:27Not just power, but being able to understand the greatness of his power
00:25:39Paul was praying for us
00:25:42And he was praying that we would know God
00:25:47And that we would know the exceeding greatness of his power
00:25:51Because when you have an understanding of the power of God
00:25:57You talk to him differently
00:26:00When you understand
00:26:02That I'm not just somebody over here
00:26:07That just gave my heart to him
00:26:10But I am now a child of God I
00:26:15Learn how to boldly come to the throne of grace
00:26:19Yeah, when you understand who you are
00:26:21I'm not talking about becoming arrogant like God you gonna do this for me any what I'm talking about
00:26:28Let's see how that how far that gets you
00:26:33But when you can come boldly to the throne of grace and say God there is none like you
00:26:40Nobody has ever done what you have done. You are God alone
00:26:45Before time began you were God
00:26:49Alone when you understand the greatness of his power
00:26:54Then you understand that there is nothing that is too hard for him
00:27:00You understand that there is nothing that is
00:27:05Impossible you understand that there is nothing that he cannot do he can do anything and he can do
00:27:14Everything so you approach him with all assurance and you approach him with all boldness and you approach him with
00:27:22Confidence because you understand that whatever it is tell somebody he's able
00:27:30Y'all ain't helping me
00:27:35You understand that he there is absolutely not one prayer request in this room that
00:27:42God cannot meet today because he is
00:27:51So what Paul is saying to us is that the power of God is
00:27:57Endless it is limitless. It is borderless. It is
00:28:03Measureless he is not like us in that regard because our power is
00:28:10measurable for example, I can measure your
00:28:15intellectual power by giving and testing your
00:28:19IQ I can measure your physical power by the weights that you are lifting
00:28:26But when it comes to God's power, there is nothing any greater
00:28:31That we can measure it by so because whenever your weight
00:28:37Exceeds the greatness of the scale. You are beyond measure
00:28:43And well in like manner hell has yet to create one sin
00:28:50That no one curse one hex one mistake one fault one failure
00:28:56it has yet to
00:29:00Create one sin that was big enough that God could not wash it away
00:29:06His power is limitless
00:29:09My power has limits, but my daddy's power is
00:29:17Tell somebody there's no limits in him
00:29:21Search back as far as you want to search look forward as far as you want to search
00:29:26But you will never find his power being limited David in his frustration said from
00:29:34everlasting to
00:29:37Everlasting thou art God you are alpha you are
00:29:43Omega you are be kidding you are in day
00:29:47I can't find where you began and I can't find where you in as a matter of fact
00:29:54Before the beginning began and before time began you were you were there
00:30:03America was there you were there before the earth was there you were there before the continents
00:30:11Divided you were there before the water
00:30:14Separated you were there before there were dogs to bark
00:30:17Pigs to oink and cows to move before the wind blew you were there
00:30:24Before the rain fell down you were there before the Sun peaked out and began to shine
00:30:31You were there before the earth began to rotate on its axis
00:30:37You were there before any of that
00:30:51Look at somebody said by itself
00:30:54Without a preacher without a choir without a musician without a band director
00:31:02without an usher
00:31:03without an entourage
00:31:05without an armor-bearer
00:31:08before there was Michael and
00:31:10Gabriel and an archangel
00:31:14Before there was a platform for us to stand on God stood
00:31:23Stood tall Oh
00:31:27Himself on absolutely nothing. Do I have any believers in here?
00:31:35He stood and he thought and then he spoke
00:31:41Look at somebody tell him that's a recipe
00:31:46for the next season
00:31:48In your life
00:31:53think and speak
00:31:59think and
00:32:01speak and he stood and he thought and he spoke and he
00:32:08said let
00:32:15Everything he thought everything he spoke everything he envisioned
00:32:22manifested by his power
00:32:31Get two people and tell him he's bad by himself
00:32:44Because of his power
00:32:46The same power that he gave you
00:32:49He created
00:32:51the heavens
00:32:54and the earth and then he exceeded that power by coming down and
00:33:00Walking in what he had just created
00:33:04But in the cool of the evening God walked
00:33:10Through the garden and then hit somebody and say he exceeded that
00:33:19by scooping up a handful of clay and
00:33:23making man and
00:33:26Blowing into him until he began to move
00:33:39Think it's bacon and
00:33:42Watch it move
00:33:44He formed a man then he reached into man. Y'all done heard me preach this a thousand times
00:33:51He reached into man and he pulled out a woman
00:33:55He formed a woman so from the dirt. He pulled out a man from a man
00:34:03He pulled out a woman from a woman. He pulled out a family from a family
00:34:09He pulled out a nation and it's all because of the exceeding
00:34:23Look at somebody and tell him you got that power
00:34:30The devil knew how much
00:34:33That God loved the man that he and the woman that he created
00:34:37So he set out to curse them and he set out to measure God's power by putting all
00:34:45creation in a crisis man
00:34:48rebelled against God
00:34:50Sin created a separation from God it created a separation between God and man
00:34:58So God said I got a kill a lamb and take the coats of that lamb's skin
00:35:05And I got to make a sacrifice
00:35:09so that I can get back into fellowship and he found an innocent lamb and by
00:35:16Placing Adam and Eve sin on the lamb
00:35:20He was able to kill the city hated without killing the man and the woman he loved
00:35:31When Satan saw that I
00:35:35Said when Satan saw that he said whoa
00:35:42That's it. I'm out of tricks. I'm out of here. I can't touch that right there
00:35:49Somebody shout power
00:35:52Look at your God
00:35:54He is exceeding him
00:36:05Exceeding himself Moses Moses exceeded himself
00:36:10exceeded himself to the point that
00:36:13He talked to him
00:36:14face to face
00:36:16And in an in in a desperate attempt to define him
00:36:22He said whom shall I say?
00:36:25You are he said what do you mean boy? You can't define me. I am that
00:36:32Look at somebody and tell him I am that
00:36:35What is that?
00:36:37That is whatever it needs to be. I am that I
00:36:42Am that God said you cannot define me
00:36:46He said the only way you can define me is by saying I am that I tell
00:36:52Tell him that I am alpha and I am tell Pharaoh I am
00:36:57Omega I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the first. I am the last I am he which was I am
00:37:04He which is and I went I am he which is to come tell
00:37:09Pharaoh that I am his worst nightmare
00:37:14Y'all a helping me
00:37:17Look at somebody and say tell the devil
00:37:20If you see him
00:37:23that I
00:37:25Am his worst nightmare
00:37:28because Christ
00:37:34Tell him I'm his worst nightmare
00:37:37Tell him I can turn into frogs. I could turn into flies
00:37:41I could turn into lice I could turn into boils. I can turn into hell
00:37:48I can turn into locusts. I can turn water into blood
00:37:54Tell my people that if they will believe
00:37:58Me and they will step out. I will turn into a fan and blow the red seat
00:38:12Tell your neighbor he can move anything
00:38:15For you
00:38:18I'll blow it out of your way
00:38:22And while they are trying to understand the level of my power
00:38:28While they are trying to understand the level of my power will exceed
00:38:37And I'll be a cloud to them by day
00:38:40I'll be a pillar of fire to them by night and then I will
00:38:47Y'all ain't hollering exceed
00:38:50Then I will exceed that I'll become bread coming down
00:38:58Look at somebody and tell him it's real wonder bread
00:39:08While you're enjoying that I can exceed that
00:39:14And I will give you quail
00:39:19And tell my people that if they get thirsty I can exceed the quail
00:39:26And give them water
00:39:28Water out of a rock because I am God and beside me
00:39:36There is none other
00:39:39Hit three people and tell him he's all-powerful
00:39:49Somebody in the balcony hit him and tell him he's all-powerful
00:40:03He said I will
00:40:05Create a meeting place for us
00:40:08in the garden and if the
00:40:12Messes up our meeting place
00:40:15Then I'll be a tent in the wilderness
00:40:20And up under the stars of heaven I will meet you I will date you
00:40:28I will interact with you and if the serpent tries to bite you
00:40:34I will heal you and if the water
00:40:38Becomes bitter. I will make it sweet and if your clothes
00:40:44Try to wear out
00:40:48Wear out because I am God and I am a keeper
00:41:00Tell somebody he's got the power
00:41:03To keep you
00:41:06He'll keep you and your kids. He'll keep you
00:41:12Your car. He can keep you
00:41:15And your job he can keep you
00:41:20your house
00:41:23And when they came up out of the wilderness
00:41:28He said
00:41:30I'm gonna then exceed all of that and I'm gonna meet you in the tabernacle
00:41:43So they came together and they built God a house and
00:41:50gathered all the cedars of
00:41:54Lebanon and
00:41:56Solomon built the house
00:41:58Somebody say teamwork
00:42:05David gathered the cedars of Lebanon
00:42:09but Solomon
00:42:11built the house and when God
00:42:16Into the house or when God came
00:42:21into the church
00:42:23Something happened
00:42:25Look at your neighbor say neighbor
00:42:29Something's getting ready to happen
00:42:31in this house
00:42:33When God came into the house the priest fell out
00:42:42In the floor the choir couldn't sing
00:42:49Musicians couldn't play because God came to church
00:42:55They praised him
00:42:58For his power
00:43:00Until he began to manifest
00:43:10I said they praised him
00:43:13For his power until he manifest
00:43:17in their midst
00:43:20And when he showed up
00:43:23They knew he was there and they fell out
00:43:30before him
00:43:31It is this kind of an encounter that Paul is crying
00:43:38For us to know he said all
00:43:42That I may know him in the fellowship of his suffering
00:43:52Power of his resurrection
00:43:59Do you want to know him
00:44:02He cried out in Ephesians 1 and 18
00:44:10That I may know him
00:44:14He said that the eyes of their understanding
00:44:18Tell your neighbors talking about you
00:44:21That the eyes of your understanding
00:44:24Would be enlightened
00:44:27So that you would know what is the hope of his calling
00:44:31And what is the riches of his glory and his inheritance
00:44:41Tell somebody it's in you
00:44:49Your purpose is in you
00:44:52You ain't got to follow around behind somebody
00:44:59Just to get your purpose
00:45:02It is in you
00:45:05Wherever I put my foot
00:45:10That's my purpose
00:45:13Wherever I find myself and I feel my bowels of compassion
00:45:20Turning up and down and in and out
00:45:23That's my purpose. I want you to understand today
00:45:28That you have this treasure
00:45:32In earth and vessels
00:45:35I want you to understand
00:45:38That the magnitude of the treasure that you have within you
00:46:00Want you to understand today
00:46:04That the measureless power
00:46:08That God
00:46:13Has been made available
00:46:16to you
00:46:18Pull on somebody and tell them
00:46:21Whatever you're in
00:46:24God has enough power
00:46:26To pull you out of it
00:46:29Y'all ain't even y'all ain't showing no power
00:46:32Grab somebody
00:46:35Tell them whatever you're in
00:46:37Whatever your child is in
00:46:40Whatever your grandchild is in
00:46:43Whatever your spouse is in
00:46:46Whatever mess you might be in
00:46:48God has more than enough power
00:46:52To pull you out of it
00:46:55Wherever you get in trouble
00:46:59He's got power
00:47:01To pull you out
00:47:04The banker can only pull you out so far
00:47:08The lawyer can only pull you out so far
00:47:13The doctor can only pull you out so far
00:47:19But he's got the power to pull you out all the way
00:47:38No matter no matter how much I love you
00:47:43if my
00:47:45finances are
00:47:47Limited I can only help you so much
00:47:55But I'm telling you that that doesn't mean I don't love you that just means I can't help you
00:48:04But when God comes to help you his name is El Shaddai
00:48:10He is the breasted one
00:48:14The double breasted one
00:48:16He's more than enough as long as you take
00:48:22He can give
00:48:25His I said as long as you draw from him, he'll never run out
00:48:33He's not just Jairus he's Abba
00:48:49Heard him say this week
00:48:52That if they were out in the street in the marketplace and a young boy
00:49:01Called his dad
00:49:08that usually meant
00:49:11That that child
00:49:13was reared in poverty
00:49:16But if they were out in the marketplace and that child
00:49:25That meant that he had a daddy
00:49:30Behind him big enough to back him up it meant he was wealthy
00:49:38Open your mouth and holler Abba
00:49:45Whatever you need holler
00:49:58Abba has power to perform our studies got power
00:50:08And if you know the exceeding greatness of your Abba you would hold your head
00:50:19High and you would say Abba
00:50:24It's too much for me
00:50:27But it's just enough for you
00:50:33When you can't sleep at night get up and say Abba
00:50:43I give it to you. I lay it in your hands
00:50:49Lord I give you my life. I give you my job. I give you my children
00:50:55I give you my peace. I give you my promotion. I give you my husband
00:51:02I give you my wife. I give you my faith. I give you my reputation
00:51:10And you give it to him and you know
00:51:14That he will sustain you
00:51:18because no weapon
00:51:25Against you
00:51:35Gotta go but high-five at least three people and shout backfire
00:51:53Back fire
00:51:58Before he lets you fail
00:52:01He will make the enemy's plans
00:52:11Back fire somebody tell the balcony it's about to backfire
00:52:21For you not against you
00:52:25Before he lets you bankrupt heaven
00:52:31He will make it
00:52:36He will clap his hands and assign angels
00:52:43to come down
00:52:45in power
00:52:47cuz it will
00:52:50He'll create a cure for your disease
00:52:55And I'm telling you he'll make a way
00:52:59Where there seeming to be no way he'll open a door
00:53:07Tell somebody he's got power to make it backfire
00:53:28Backfire in the devil's face
00:53:40Get ready to backfire in the devil's face
00:53:46I said it's getting ready to backfire
00:53:52In the devil's face
00:53:55And these enemies you shall see no more
00:54:05Here a backfire
00:54:12The devil said it would kill you
00:54:15He said he would destroy you with it. He said he would take your faith
00:54:20He said he would stop you from doing what you do, but somebody holla
00:54:26It's about to backfire
00:54:30In your face devil
00:54:40Every habit is about to backfire
00:54:44Every addiction is about to backfire
00:54:49Every plot of the enemy is about to backfire
00:54:56Because of the greatness of his
00:55:02Nothing can hold you nothing can block you nothing can stop you
00:55:19I dare you to hit five people and tell them you better know you got power
00:55:32Power power Holy Ghost
00:55:47Above all
00:55:49You can ask
00:55:53Think you have power
00:56:06Look at somebody and say power up and pull it down
00:56:12Power up in prayer and pull down every stronghold
00:56:24I said power up
00:56:29Pull it down
00:56:34You're not in it by yourself
00:56:54Feel something coming up
00:56:57From behind you
00:57:00It's about to cover you
00:57:02It's about to bless you
00:57:05It's about to overshadow
00:57:11From the top of your head to the sole of your feet
00:57:17the blessing of the Lord
00:57:20Is coming if you will power up and pull some things down
00:57:53Surely goodness and mercy
00:58:01Surely without a doubt
00:58:05Surely without a doubt
00:58:09It's time for you to doubt your doubts
00:58:19Look at your doubt and say I doubt you have the power
00:58:25to stop me this time I
00:58:29Doubt that you will have the victory
00:58:32In my doubt
00:58:38Cause goodness and mercy
00:58:52When I want to go crazy
00:58:57Goodness and mercy brings me back into alignment
00:59:03When I want to faint
00:59:05Goodness and mercy says no no no come on we got you
00:59:08Keep moving keep moving put one foot in front of another
00:59:13When people don't want to see you moving
00:59:15Goodness and mercy says it's okay. Keep moving keep moving your steps have been ordered by the Lord
00:59:21Keep moving
00:59:24Keep moving
00:59:27When injustice raises its ugly head
00:59:37Goodness and mercy
00:59:40It's got your back
00:59:43This battle is the Lord's, but you must power up
00:59:50Power up
00:59:52That means pray up
00:59:54That means fast up
00:59:59When you are a Christian, and you don't pray
01:00:07You delete power from your life
01:00:12Power leaves your life, but when you are a Christian who prays
01:00:22Pray pray in the spirit pray with understanding
01:00:30Sometimes you don't know what to pray in those moments you pray in the spirit
01:00:37But when you do know what to pray use your language to exhaust every word that you know
01:00:47Look at somebody and say exhaust your vocabulary
01:00:52Exhausted until you have to get a thesaurus and open up and say what else does greatness mean?
01:01:04What else does power mean?
01:01:08Dunamis dynamite
01:01:11Means it can blow anything open
01:01:14It can blow anything out of your way. It can bring anything down
01:01:22Power up
01:01:25Holy cow
01:01:32I'm not done, but I'm gonna stop stand all over the building with me today
01:01:46I was gonna take you
01:01:52What Matthew Mark and Luke and John
01:01:56revealed to us
01:01:58in the Gospels
01:02:00That Paul is trying to explain to us
01:02:04Maybe you can go home and look at it. Let's give you one. Okay, Matthew Mark Luke and John are
01:02:12Revealed to us in the gospel that the first miracle of Jesus was at the wedding of Cain of Galilee
01:02:21Revealed to us how blind Bartimaeus got his sight. They revealed to us. I'm giving you two or three they revealed to us
01:02:29How Jairus's daughter
01:02:32Got a miracle because
01:02:35He apprehended him
01:02:39He they revealed to us how the woman with the issue of blood pressed to the crowd
01:02:48Pressed toward his feet
01:02:50She came up from behind him. She was not one of those that said I got to get in your face
01:02:54All she had to do was touch the very hem of his garment
01:02:57They revealed to us that there was enough power in the hem of his garment
01:03:05To heal her of something that doctors could not heal her
01:03:09To destroy the thing that was threatening to destroy her. There was enough power just in the him
01:03:15of his garment
01:03:18They revealed to us that when Jesus passed the casket of a young man that he brought him alive
01:03:25raised him
01:03:26They revealed to us that he took mud and he spin into dirt
01:03:31Mixed it up and put in the blind man's eyes and they could see
01:03:36They revealed to us
01:03:41When he needed to get to the other side and he didn't have a boat he walked on water I
01:03:49Don't know what is between you and where you wanting to go and I don't know what is stopping you from getting there
01:03:56But if he can walk on water
01:04:00You can walk on whatever it is that you need to walk on
01:04:08To get there
01:04:11He needed to get out there and grab some fish and
01:04:16Pull it all on one side
01:04:18So that he could feel the nets of his disciple
01:04:25He needed they revealed to us
01:04:29That he waited four days
01:04:33To show up for his friend Lazarus
01:04:36But he still raised him from the dead
01:04:41They revealed to us the calendar of events that led up to Calvary
01:04:48Yet he had the power to set his face like a flint
01:04:52toward Jerusalem
01:04:54He explained to them
01:04:56Except a grain of wheat fall to the ground and die it abideth alone
01:05:00But if it dies it will bring forth
01:05:03Much fruit they revealed to us that he said if you destroy this temple in three days, I will raise it up
01:05:11They revealed to us that he walked into the court and he said no man takes my life. I will lay it
01:05:20down and
01:05:21When I get ready
01:05:23I'll pick it up
01:05:26They revealed to us
01:05:30Where he said I got the power to take the sting out of death
01:05:37And the victory out of the grave
01:05:41Look at somebody and tell him power to perform
01:05:44I'm not impressed because you tell me you got power, but when I can see you got power to perform
01:05:53He had power
01:05:55to perform
01:05:56They treated him like a criminal
01:05:59They pulled and plucked the hairs of his beard
01:06:05Josephus said there were
01:06:07500 soldiers that slapped him in the face
01:06:13But he had the power to take it
01:06:21Isaiah said
01:06:23He was despised and rejected by men
01:06:27He was a man of sorrow. He was well acquainted with grief
01:06:31That he was wounded for our transgressions
01:06:34Proves for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him
01:06:39By his stripes we are healed
01:06:41He was oppressed. He was afflicted
01:06:45and yet he
01:06:48Didn't open his mouth
01:06:50He was led as a lamb to the slaughter
01:06:53But he never spoke a mumbling
01:06:59Said that there was no beauty that we should desire him
01:07:05But he humbled himself
01:07:09And became obedient
01:07:13Obedient even unto the death of the cross
01:07:16They'd nailed his hands and they nailed his feet. They pierced him in his side
01:07:21But here is where they really messed up
01:07:25They took his cross
01:07:28With him on it and they
01:07:33Lifted it up
01:07:35It up
01:07:37and if
01:07:38My Bible is true, and I know that it is
01:07:42It says that if I be lifted up
01:07:49From the earth
01:07:52I will draw
01:07:55All men
01:07:59Unto me
01:08:01They lifted him up
01:08:08And after you walk with Jesus for a while you will find yourself
01:08:14Being able to look down on some things
01:08:20That used to look down on you
01:08:30Pick up your foot right now
01:08:34Stomp it down
01:08:36Tell your neighbor
01:08:38Whatever it is
01:08:40Put it under your foot
01:08:44Whatever's got your trouble
01:08:47Put it under your foot whatever's got you worried put it under your foot whatever's been standing up in your face
01:08:55Put it under your foot
01:09:02When the Bible says
01:09:05That he had put all things under his feet. It means that he put it under his authority his control
01:09:12Some things that's been out of control. You're getting ready to get him back in control
01:09:16He put it up under his jurisdiction. He put it up under his domain
01:09:21It means that he got high enough. I
01:09:25Said it means that he got high
01:09:27Enough that when you call on the name of the Lord his name is above
01:09:34Every problem that you might have so when the doctor says cancer you say
01:09:44When the doctor says high blood pressure you say Jesus
01:09:50When the devil said I'm gonna kill you you say
01:09:55When he says I'll destroy your family you say
01:10:00His name is above it all
01:10:04The name that has so much power that every knee shall
01:10:18Tell somebody don't worry about your problem just say the name
01:10:23Say the name Jesus Jesus
01:10:26Jesus Jesus Jesus
01:10:29Jesus Jesus Jesus
01:10:31Jesus why worry about it when you could pray about it Jesus
01:10:36Jesus Jesus
01:10:37Jesus Jesus Jesus
01:10:40Jesus over my house
01:10:42Jesus over my children
01:10:45Jesus over my life
01:10:46Jesus over my health Jesus over my retirement Jesus
01:10:50Jesus over our country Jesus over this nation Jesus over everything
01:10:56Jesus over the White House, Jesus
01:10:58Jesus Jesus
01:11:00Jesus Jesus Jesus over every habit
01:11:03Jesus over every addiction. Jesus over every ungodly desire. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
01:11:14Jesus, say the name. Say the name. Power, power up and pull it down by saying the name.
01:11:26So whatever you want to do.
