Speedo Spider

  • last month
00:00Speedo Spider. Little Speedo was a friendly little spider. He loved talking.
00:10Sometimes he was talking to a fly, at other times to a lizard, a dog, a mouse, or
00:19even a cat. He simply loved talking to anybody and everybody. His mother called
00:28him Chatterbox. One day, Speedo's mother was reading a book. She called him and
00:36said, Speedo, I am reading a book and I don't want any disturbance, so keep
00:43quiet now. But how could Speedo stop? He went on blabbering and made his mother
00:51very unhappy. You Chatterbox, I told you stop talking. Still you are talking and
00:59talking. I will lock you up in a dark room if you don't stop, said Mother
01:04Spider angrily. But Speedo still didn't stop. So Mother Spider locked Little
01:14Speedo in a dark room, but he was not upset. He started looking around for
01:20friends. When he did not find anyone in the room, he slowly walked to the window
01:26and started looking around. There he spotted a beautiful bird sitting on a
01:32tree. The little bird was surprised to see Speedo so quiet. Hello Speedo, why are
01:41you so quiet today? The little chirpy bird asked. Oh, my mother is so angry with
01:48me. She has locked me in a room. She says I am always talking and talking. It has
01:54made her sick, replied Speedo. Suddenly, the beautiful colorful feathers of the
02:01little bird caught his eye. Huh, your feathers are so lovely. I wish I had a
02:09few colors of your feathers, he said. Oh, really? I can give you some of my colors
02:16with pleasure. So cheer up, little spider, said the chirpy bird. And she gave some
02:23colors to Speedo. Speedo was really happy to have his wish fulfilled so soon.
02:30Immediately, he wove a long muffler and put all the colors on it. Then he moved
02:37around and saw Squiddy Squirrel peeping in from the window. Very soon, Speedo made
02:44friends with little Squiddy. He offered his colorful soft muffler to her. Squiddy
02:52was only too pleased to have the colorful muffler. She wore it immediately.
02:59She was very happy as it made her warm and cozy. She ran to show the gorgeous
03:06muffler to her friends. Speedo looked around again and found Peaky Peacock
03:15dancing marvelously. Oh, how well you dance, dear Peacock. It is really
03:22wonderful. He was happy to weave a pair of socks for his new friend, Peaky
03:29Peacock. Peaky was delighted and thanked Speedo. He promised to come again and
03:36show his beautiful dance. In this way, Speedo found a new hobby. He kept weaving
03:45caps, mufflers, gloves, and whatnot. He borrowed colors from everywhere. Flowers,
03:53butterflies, leaves, and even clouds. He gifted these wonderful things to birds
04:00and animals, whosoever he saw from the window.
04:06Suddenly, Speedo looked at the sky and was thrilled to see the beautiful
04:11rainbow there. He was amazed to see its shining bright colors. He said, Oh mighty
04:19rainbow, your colors are really amazing. If I could have only a small chunk of
04:25your colors, it would be wonderful. The rainbow was really impressed with his
04:31sweet words and gave a part of his colors to little Speedo. Immediately,
04:39Speedo wove a special muffler with all the seven colors. He had hardly finished
04:46weaving his special muffler when Mother Spider opened the door at the rear. She
04:53was surprised to see her little chatterbox so quiet. The moment Speedo
05:00his mother, he ran to her and put the special muffler around her neck. He hugged
05:07her and said smilingly, This is for you, dear mom. Mother was pleasantly surprised.
05:14She kissed him and said, I love you, my little chatterbox. How did you make this
05:20wonderful muffler? Speedo was all smiles. He narrated the whole story to his
05:27mother and was again talking, talking and talking.
