• last year
News update 247


00:00Here's a breaking news for you, to see the moon of 14th August, the committee's meeting will be held on 13th August, on the auspicious day.
00:13According to the previous news, Mekpah Musmiyat has said that the meaning will be clear in other parts of the country.
00:18Due to which, it is possible to see the moon of 14th August.
00:22In Saudi Arabia and Arab Emirates, it is possible to see the moon of 14th August.
00:26The moon of 14th August will be played at 12 o'clock in the night.
00:30Those who do not buy the instrument, will be charged with terrorism with the country.
00:35The moon of 14th August is made by singing a dance song, as if it was not done by the Qadiyas of the country, but by the Mirashis.
00:43Sai Qaim Ali Shah says that after winning the horse race, Happy Diwali to Arshad Nadeem from me and Alekhana.