Subject Pronouns And Object Pronouns

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hi friends, today we will learn about pronouns. So let's start.
00:09A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns. For example, he, she, it,
00:19they, them, you, we, us, etc. And a pronoun may be singular or plural. Singular pronouns
00:30are I, me, you, and plural pronouns are we, us, they, them, etc.
00:40Now what is Antecedent? Antecedent is the noun to which a pronoun refers. For example,
00:49Annie lives in Boston. She is a teacher. Now what is the antecedent for the pronoun
00:58she? It is Annie because antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers. Here we
01:08have another example. Trisha is out of town. She will come back on Monday. Now what is
01:16the antecedent for the pronoun she? It is Trisha as we learn antecedent is the noun
01:24to which a pronoun refers. Let's learn another thing about pronouns. A singular noun takes
01:32a singular pronoun and a plural noun takes a plural pronoun. Let's see with examples.
01:41Ron is going to school with his father. Here Ron is a singular noun and the singular pronoun
01:49corresponding to Ron is his. All the girls are going to meet their parents. Here we have
01:59a plural noun, girls, and the plural pronoun for them is their. So what we learned? We
02:08learned a singular noun takes a singular pronoun and a plural noun takes a plural pronoun.
02:17Now let's learn what are subject pronouns. We know subject of a sentence is anything
02:26that we are talking about in a sentence. I, you, he, she, it, me, they. All can be
02:35subject pronoun in a sentence. For example, he is going to attend his dance classes. Here
02:44he is a subject of the sentence. Also the subject pronoun of the sentence. She will
02:53be coming tonight for the party. Here she is a subject of the sentence. Also the subject
03:03pronoun of the sentence. They are going for the birthday party. Here they is a subject
03:11of the sentence. Also the subject pronoun of the sentence. So when a pronoun is used
03:20in the place of the subject of the sentence, it is said to be a subject pronoun. Now let's
03:28see what are object pronouns. First of all, let's see what are objects. Object is the
03:37person or thing in the sentence that receives the action of the verb or follow a preposition.
03:46For example, Anna bought a beautiful card. Here Anna is a subject of the sentence. Bought
03:56is the verb of the sentence. Card is the direct object that is the verb acted upon by the
04:04verb bought. There is no indirect object in this sentence. It may be mentioned that indirect
04:13object is the recipient of the direct object. So we have no indirect object in this sentence.
04:24Here we have another sentence. Anna gave Tia a beautiful card. Here Anna is a subject of
04:33the sentence. Gave is the verb of the sentence. Card is the object of the sentence. And object
04:43is the word which is acted upon by the verb. And the verb is gave. And the object which
04:50is being acted by the verb is card. Now is there any indirect object in this sentence?
05:02Indirect object is the recipient of the direct object. And the direct object, card, is being
05:09received by Tia. So Tia is the indirect object in the sentence. Now here we have more examples.
05:23Chris ate pizza. Here Chris is the subject of the sentence. Ate is the verb of the sentence.
05:33And pizza is the direct object of the sentence. That is the word which is being acted upon
05:41by the verb ate. She made me a pizza. Here she is the subject of the sentence. Made is
05:53the verb of the sentence. Pizza is the direct object of the sentence. That is the word which
06:01is being acted upon by the verb made. Now is there any indirect object in this sentence?
06:09That is the recipient of the direct object. Yes, it is me. Me is receiving the direct
06:19object pizza. So me is the indirect object in the sentence. Another such example. She
06:29made a card. Here she is the subject. Made is the verb. And card is the direct object.
06:39That is the word which is acted upon by the verb made. What is being made? The card is
06:46being made. So it is the direct object. She made me a card. Here she is the subject. Made
06:58is the verb. And card is the direct object. And is there any indirect object in this sentence?
07:08That is the recipient of the direct object. Yes, it is me. The word me is receiving the
07:17direct object. So it is the indirect object of the sentence. Now you know what are objects.
07:26There are two types of objects. Direct objects and indirect objects. Direct objects are acted
07:35upon by the verb. And indirect objects are the recipient of the direct object. So we
07:45have now revised what are objects and the types of objects. That is direct objects and
07:52indirect objects. Now let's learn what are object pronouns. Object pronouns are the pronouns
08:00that come at the places of objects in a sentence. Let's have a look at examples.
08:09Can you please ask them to be silent? Here you is the subject. Ask is the verb. And them
08:19is the object pronoun. He lied to you where he was on Sunday. Here he is the subject.
08:30Lied is the verb. And you is the object pronoun. Gulliver was hungry. The little man brought him
08:40tiny loaves of bread and meat. Here the little man is the subject of the sentence. Brought
08:49is the verb. And him is the object pronoun. The police have arrested Jacob. They have
08:58charged him with murder. Here they is the subject of the sentence. Charged is the verb. And him
09:08is the object pronoun. So friends, today we learned about subject pronouns and object pronouns.
09:17Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more. Bye-bye.