MARVEL IRON MAN vs KING THANOS 2026 Announcement

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MARVEL IRON MAN vs KING THANOS 2026 Announcement
00:00Oh, hello there D23, we have quite a showcase from Disney Entertainment, let's get started.
00:06Welcome back everyone it's Charlie D23 was this past weekend and Marvel just announced
00:11that in addition to them bringing Robert Downey Jr. back as a version of Doctor Doom for those
00:15next two Avengers movies.
00:17Now they're also bringing him back as his original Iron Man from the 616 universe for
00:22some special stuff.
00:24So we'll break it all down.
00:25It's not as confusing as it sounds and without hearing the full explainer.
00:29It does sound pretty confusing.
00:31Like wait a minute are they just bringing him back for everything what's going on.
00:35If you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos this past
00:39weekend at D23 it was a bit of a trailer fest like Marvel dropped a bunch of trailers.
00:43I've got a pile of them.
00:44I'm still working through right now, but I got super six was just taking me a little
00:48bit longer to actually make all those videos their couple that I've already posted so I'll
00:52put them in the description below, but buried between all the trailers that Marvel was dropping
00:57for the upcoming movies and shows.
00:59There was also a big reveal from Bob Iger CEO of Disney Kevin Feige who revealed that
01:04both Disney and Marvel were bringing Robert Downey Jr. back is his original Iron Man for
01:08two separate projects on top of the upcoming movies.
01:14The first is for something called the Stark flight lab is in Tony Stark Stark Industries
01:19flight lab.
01:20This is one of the new attractions at the Avengers campus at the Disneyland Disney World
01:24theme parks basically all the Disney parks around the world.
01:27If you have not been to any of the Disney theme parks around the world that have any
01:31of these Avengers campuses the Marvel movie actors record a bunch of extra scenes specifically
01:37for different events all around the different parks.
01:40Even for the cruise stuff is been a real big Spider-Man event with Tom Holland doing a
01:44bunch of new Spider-Man scenes.
01:46There was a new Avengers team up they did recently featuring the return of Ultron fighting
01:50a bunch of people who will be in those next two Avengers movies including Sam Wilson's
01:55Captain America.
01:56Like I just did a Captain America brave new world comic-con trailer video with Red Hulk
01:59stuff kind of looks like Red Hulk there stepped on a giant Lego.
02:03You can kind of see they use a lot of this stuff to play around with combinations of
02:07characters and scenes that they're thinking about doing in the upcoming Avengers movies
02:11like will just use this as a testing ground have some fun with these characters, but the
02:15other big Iron Man thing they're bringing Robert Downey Jr. back for is called the Avengers
02:19infinity defense where the current Avengers and new characters like new characters will
02:24show up in the next couple Avengers movies will all fight together against someone they're
02:28calling King Thanos he's supposed to be a version of Thanos who defeated his Avengers
02:33during the events of Avengers infinity war and Avengers endgame and went on to rule over
02:37completely remade universe.
02:40You probably remember seeing all the King Thanos artwork from like a couple years ago
02:43like that's how long they've been cooking this stuff up from the way they're presenting
02:48It seems like he's been ruling over the universe for a long time like he's just way older like
02:52you see old man Thanos in the comics, but the same basic type of armor like he sounds
02:57like he had the dwarves make him more hardcore armor and the crown itself, but his blade
03:02weapon is basically the same weapon that he had during Avengers endgame I think the Robert
03:06Downey Jr's new Iron Man stuff these recording for this is a little bit smaller than the
03:11Stark flight lab stuff, but this is just meant to be a logical extension of what Thanos
03:15is plan was during Avengers infinity war than Avengers endgame like originally he was just
03:19gonna snap half of all life that after the young version came back in Avengers endgame
03:24he said that he was going to wipe the entire universe and start over from the ground up
03:28in his own image.
03:30This one is supposed to feature a bunch of battles against King Thanos and his forces
03:33infinity war style with them divided up across different areas like different battlegrounds.
03:38One is Wakanda one is New York City and the other supposed to be Asgard, but not new Asgard
03:43the original Asgard.
03:45The reason why Bob Iger Kevin Feige had to make this big announcement at D23 about Robert
03:50Downey Jr. coming back as his Iron Man for this is they are just recasting some other
03:54sound alike actor and making it a voiceover only role inside the Iron Man armor because
03:59it would be really easy for Disney to do something really shady like that and try and save a
04:03buck like just bring some rando who can mimic his voice in and never show his face in the
04:10That's what they have done when they don't want to pay an actor to actually come back
04:12and redo their character for some special event outside of the actual movies.
04:17But now this is probably how Disney is able to justify Robert Downey Jr.'s mega payday
04:22for coming back is Doctor Doom and Avengers 5 and Avengers 6.
04:26So becomes part of his larger new contract with them.
04:29This isn't just him doing Disney and Marvel a solid recording a bunch of new Iron Man
04:33scenes as his original Iron Man for these new things.
04:36There's no way he's gonna roll out of bed to do a bunch of work for them like this without
04:40getting paid for it and the Iron Man character the brand is just so fundamental to the MCU's
04:45existence just in general.
04:47They want all the extra Iron Man juice that they can get at a Robert Downey Jr. like squeeze
04:52all the Iron Man juice out of him before it's too late.
04:56And his previous contract was up after Avengers endgame.
04:59So like they can't get him to actually record stuff like they can't say you have to come
05:03back it's in your contract until he signs a special contract that says he has to come
05:07back to do this.
05:08So it sounds like behind the scenes at Disney.
05:10There were a couple different divisions like the parks people who are like their own complete
05:14separate division from the movie people who wanted more Robert Downey Jr.
05:18Iron Man stuff Kevin Feige the MCU movie people also wanted him back for their larger Doctor
05:24Doom plans in Avengers 5 Doomsday and Avengers 6 secret wars and that was really like the
05:28beginning of it like that was the much bigger deal because he's got to do way more work
05:32for those two movies and it was gonna cost them so much money to bring him back Bob Iger
05:38Disney CEO is justifying that payday like signing on the dotted line by also rolling
05:43in the new Iron Man stuff he's gonna have to film for them like will pay you extra dump
05:48trucks of money, but you also have to do some Iron Man stuff for us to as far as we know
05:53his current movie contract for Doctor Doom is $85 million dollars per Avengers movie
05:58with some perks on top of that and that's per movie if it wasn't clear.
06:03I know there's gonna be a bunch of questions about this for the next couple years.
06:06He will not be the main version of Doctor Doom after secret wars is just for these next
06:11two Avengers movies new mask same task I see a lot of theories about the main version of
06:22Doctor Doom showing up after he's done is his Doctor Doom and secret wars will see
06:26about that Marvel also still planning on doing that big reboot after secret wars to fix a
06:31lot of their continuity issues and generally just clean up a lot of stuff behind the scenes
06:36there lot of story based things actors they want to recast in continuity that they want
06:41to clean up with all the extra characters in IP that they got now they got all the Fox
06:46X-Men fantastic four characters back and even though they do have a way of explaining how
06:50all these characters are slowly coming together in Avengers secret wars.
06:54It's always easier to explain that stuff going forward, especially for like brand-new audiences
06:58by just calling it a reboot like a just say you doing a reboot and you don't have to explain
07:03anything to worry damn straight it is Disney brought him back.
07:06They're gonna make him do this till he's 90 all the stuff they referenced in Deadpool
07:10and Wolverine like the pre MCU Marvel movies that everything from Marvel phase one to Marvel
07:15phase six through secret wars is like a completely separate thing from what's happening with
07:19Marvel phase seven going forward Robert Downey jr.'s contract for the new Iron Man stuff
07:24is doing probably just like a small fraction of what is getting paid for the Doctor Doom
07:28stuff like the throw a little bit of money on top of that like you filming a couple scenes
07:31will give you a couple extra dollars the more surprising thing I think is that they're calling
07:36him the 616 version of Iron Man on a lot of these slides here like what you just call
07:41him somebody from another universe to be way easier to say that Iron Man originally my
07:45understanding is that all the Avengers campus stuff like the theme park stuff the Disney
07:50did like all the extra scenes they did with the live-action MCU actors was meant to be
07:54in like a completely separate universe set earlier in the timeline just explain why everybody
07:59was wearing different armor suits are like Spider-Man was wearing a different suit or
08:03Iron Man was wearing an earlier armor suit before the current movies that were releasing
08:07at the time really good example of this is when Avengers infinity war and Avengers endgame
08:12was happening.
08:13He showed up in the Avengers campus wearing an earlier Iron Man armor, so people like
08:17wait a minute where does this fall in the timeline.
08:19If you look at the infinity defense stuff that they showed up like the scenes hulk is
08:22in his Avengers endgame suit.
08:24This is the shuri version of Black Panther, but Iron Man's armor looks more like his age
08:28of Ultron armor that is endgame armor.
08:31So generally when it comes to stuff like this.
08:33I think they just let the parks people do their own thing with the characters the movie
08:38people don't have to worry about it like it's not meant to be canon to the movies or the
08:41shows, but I believe all the brand-new Robert Downey Jr.
08:45Iron Man stuff that he's doing is meant to happen around the same time that is Doctor
08:49Doom stuff will be happening in the movies like they want to build on the synergy of
08:52all the stuff like I you're excited about Robert Downey Jr. coming back what he's also
08:56coming back here is Iron Man doing this stuff to please stop asking all the theme park actors
09:01about continuity issues.
09:03This is getting confusing speaking of which Deadpool actually just showed up at the Disney
09:07theme parks with Wolverine doing a whole bunch of story time funny stuff.
09:11So if you go to the Disney parks right now, you can probably see a version of Deadpool
09:14doing stuff like this right now Avengers 5 doomsday is still supposed to come out May
09:182026 and Avengers secret wars in May 2027 the doing the same infinity war and endgame
09:24thing where they come out and back-to-back years for those you asking if Robert Downey
09:28Jr. will ever come back as a version of Iron Man in the movies.
09:32I'm actually not expecting that now that the doing this big Doctor Doom twist.
09:36Now it's more likely that if we see a version of Iron Man during secret wars or during Avengers
09:415 doomsday and I do think will see another version of Iron Man it'll be from a completely
09:45separate universe played by completely separate actor everybody now wondering if they're actually
09:49get Tom Cruise to show up as superior Iron Man my theory now though is that whoever does
09:55show up as that alternate version of Iron Man Robert Downey Jr.'s Doctor Doom will wind
09:59up killing him in whichever movie he appears in I've already done a bunch of videos about
10:04Robert Downey Jr.'s Doctor Doom and what they've announced about his character like how the
10:08story's gonna work out how this is connected to the new fantastic four movie.
10:11So I'll post links that down the description below and at the end of this is a bunch more
10:15D23 Marvel trailers and other trailers and I'm working on to try to post those as quickly
10:20as possible as my voice starts to heal.
10:23Click here for that daredevil born-again trailer and click here for that new fantastic four
10:27movie trailer.
10:28Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
