• last year
00:00Mr. Beast texted me, hi, and I was like, hey, and he said, what are you doing? And I was like,
00:07chilling. Eventually, he sent a huge paragraph, basically saying he has two contestants in a
00:12survival bunker. And if someone doesn't come in and revive their friendship, he doesn't know if
00:17they're going to make it to day 100 and win $500,000. And I was like, what do you next thing
00:23I know I'm on a flight to North Carolina with a mission and that's to make these two contestants
00:27best friends so they actually make it to day 100 together. That way they win a bunch of money and
00:31they can see it from inside the bunker, which is cool. Hopefully it doesn't catch on fire.
00:36More on that later. This is where I'd say a cool line about the challenge starting,
00:39but Mr. Beast is here, so I'm going to let him do that. The 50 hours has officially begun.
00:44I'll see you in two days. I think it's time we all meet the contestants. Player one is Hugo.
00:54He lives in Las Vegas. The man's a Taco Bell fiend, and apparently he hates rain.
00:59That's kind of a weird thing to... Oh, oh, that's the other contestant. Okay. I see.
01:03Player two is Rain. She lives in Texas like me, loves Beyonce like me, and apparently hates Hugo,
01:10so that's not good. But that's why I'm here. Consider me player three. Ryan's now in my
01:14bunker. The timer has started. I'll see you in 50 hours. You know what makes this experience
01:18even crazier is that not only do we have no contact with the outside world, I could not
01:22bring my phone in here, but also Mr. Beast has like a hundred cameras watching our every move.
01:27Oh, hey. You guys have a lot of editors, don't you? Feel bad for them. Before I try to make
01:35Rain and Hugo BFFs, they're only on day 48, and I want to get a feel of what it's been like down
01:39here. Big question I have, what's been the hardest part of getting to day 48? Oh, I almost left on
01:45day 40. Yeah, that was pretty... Wait, what? That was pretty tough. Yeah, so Jimmy came down here
01:50and said... At the top of the ladder over there is a hundred thousand dollars, and if you leave,
01:55you're going to walk away with that hundred grand, and the other person won't be eliminated,
01:59but you would be abandoning your teammates. Man. Hugo was about to leave, but Rain gave him a hype
02:05talk. Where's your mind? Where's your super rap mind, dude? I was happy he stayed, though. Dang,
02:10that's awesome. I'm really proud of you. How about a tour? Let's do it. Let's go for it.
02:13Welcome to my bedroom. I decorated the walls. What's your situation like? Dorm room,
02:19guy-ish. Practical. We continued the tour, and I saw their hydroponics, where they grow fresh veggies,
02:24like lettuce, and other things I'm scared to eat. The dining table. How often do you guys eat
02:29together? Every meal. That's great, but I think I've got something for Hugo and Rain that I snuck
02:33in my backpack that's going to be even better. Oh my god. They haven't heard music in a while,
02:38so I brought the good stuff. Beyonce! I put Beyonce and Pitbull on this mp3 player,
02:47but let's get back to the tour. The bathroom. Shower bathroom. As you can tell, there's not
02:51a lot of space. The final room is through an airlock to the top floor, which means this is
02:55what the entire bunker looks like. I drew it. Don't judge me. It's accurate. Here's the fish
03:00tank. The fish room might not seem essential to you guys, but I think it's pretty much the only
03:05thing keeping Hugo and Rain together at this point. Anyways, they're showing me one last thing
03:09as part of the tour. Bro. Bruh. What? I know, I can't believe it.
03:20Next, I spent some time bonding with Hugo and Rain. They gave me more information on what's
03:24been going on down here. They think we're gonna lose? Crazy. Wait, are they just saying that to
03:29be funny, or they actually think we're gonna lose? I don't know. I think they think we're
03:32gonna lose. But why would they think that? Well, they don't think you guys are that close. She's
03:37not my friend. I think my definition of friends is just acquaintances. That's what I said. I said,
03:42we're like acquaintances. Yeah, that's what Carl said. He said, one of you guys said,
03:45we're not friends. We're roommates. I didn't say that, dude. That sounds like it was written in a
03:50movie. Like, that's a fire line. Whatever. There's one thing that cannot happen while I'm down here.
03:55I cannot let the money burn into a million pieces. Oh. I should probably explain how that would
04:00happen. Every day, Mr. Beast presses a button to make an alarm go off, and the contestants have to
04:05put their hands on scanners to make it stop. But we only have 30 seconds, which means if I'm too
04:09slow, if I mess up, and somehow I can't get to my scanner in time to make the alarm stop, Rain and
04:14Hugo's money burns to the ground. So I think they want to make sure I'm not gonna make their money
04:18catch on fire, especially Rain. They're gonna show me how to wake up if the alarm goes off in the
04:23middle of the night. This is Beast boot camp. Beast boot camp. We'll also give him some other
04:27scenarios too. Let's do it. We are sleeping. Hugo and Rain put me through training. We practiced
04:32all kinds of scenarios of what we could be doing when the alarm goes off. That's a little slow.
04:36We moved my bed directly next to the scanner because they don't trust me, I think. Scenario
04:41two, they literally made me sit on the toilet and pull up my pants and sprint to the scanner. You
04:45guys aren't losing this money. And a few other scenarios that are probably unlikely to happen.
04:49And now that I'm done training, it's time to see if Hugo and Rain accept me. What do you guys think?
04:52No. Both of us, we came to the decision. You're accepted. Let's go. Let's go, guys. Come on, Rain.
05:00Certificate of approval. Look at that. That's so valuable. Thank you, guys. Welcome in. We did a
05:05sewer rat photo shoot. They're really excited about my camera. They've just been standing
05:09in front of this security camera every day and calling it a family photo. Kind of sad. All right.
05:14First family photo.
05:20Amazing. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. The clock is ticking. Time is passing. I came here on a mission for Rain
05:25and Hugo to pass the friendship test. I really have a test planned, but they're not ready. So
05:31let's see if they can make some bread together. The bread's looking good. I really wanted to get
05:36involved because I've never made bread before, but I enjoyed watching them work together.
05:40That's so cool. After that, we all took some alone time. I did some reading. Yes, I can read.
05:45And then I set up my camera to tell you something. Okay. This is my first alone time in a while. My
05:49understanding when I came into the survival bunker is that Hugo and Rain do not really
05:54like each other, and it's actually a threat to them finishing this 100-day challenge. So far,
05:58I can say that I honestly think they're both amazing. I genuinely cannot fathom that they've
06:03been here for almost 50 days already, and they're not even halfway done. I've been in here for like
06:07five hours, maybe. I already feel comfortable with both of them, which is kind of crazy. And
06:11I will say it would actually break my heart if either one of them don't make it to the end and
06:16win the money. Rain is listening to a new Beyonce song that came on the MP3 player. Hugo is chopping
06:21up some lettuce. I'm going to go try some of Hugo's lettuce. Can I eat one of these lettuces?
06:28You just eat it? Yeah. Well, we have a dressing and stuff. Dude, I kind of want to try it raw,
06:32man. Try it. Is that crazy? No. How do you like my lettuce? You've got good lettuce, Hugo. Thank
06:38you. Bro, this is so yummy. I feel like I never eat veggies. We played some Uno at the dinner
06:43table. I ate some lettuce. I also taught Rain and Hugo how to play chess, but eventually,
06:47it was dinner time. Thank you, guys. Dude, thank you for coming. That's so fun. First bunker
06:52chicken. First bunker meal. That's really good. Yeah. To day 48. Boom. This is really pleasant.
07:00Good thing there's absolutely nothing that could tear us apart at any moment at all.
07:05Oh, yeah. The butt.
07:11Uh, hold up. Rain check or check in, I guess. I'm checking on Rain. Well, I want her to check
07:18on the bread. How's the bread doing? We should go check on it. Oh, yeah. We should check on this.
07:22Good news. The bread is fine. Hugo took it out, sliced us each a piece, and we ate it like true
07:27friends. It might be the best bread I've ever had. Maybe it's because of who I'm with. Was
07:32that cringe? Can you give me a hug? A side hug? The first hug I've ever gotten from Hugo. Dang.
07:45If you saw what I just saw, that means we're making progress. I'm going to take a shower.
07:49I don't know why the robe is like that. I don't know why my butt is okay. Hopefully,
07:52Hailey's watching. No, sorry. That was weird. Anyway, we are coming to the end of my first
07:58night in the survival bunker. The alarm has not gone off yet. Hugo and Rain's friendship's looking
08:02good, and we are having an awesome night. What do you guys think the odds are it actually goes
08:09off while we're sleeping? I think high. Very high. If not tonight, tomorrow night for sure.
08:14Okay. So if we just clap, lights are going to turn off. Yeah. So one thing we have control over
08:19in here. Oh my God. All right. Good night, guys. So cool. Good night.
08:43Day 49, morning routine. First in the survival bunker, we brush our teeth. Next, we make our
08:48bed. Hugo makes a very small amount of coffee, but he shares it with me. Today, 49. Oh, that's
08:55gas. We warmed up some bread from yesterday, watered the garden. I can't believe they eat
08:58these. We're nearing the end of the morning routine. Hugo made me some oatmeal. Thanks,
09:02Hugo. You're welcome, Ryan. Appreciate it. It's crazy because I don't know what time it is,
09:05but I'm also not in a rush, you know? Yeah. No, I think we-
09:12The rest of the morning was quite simple. Rain did some walking, Hugo did some eating, and I,
09:17well, I need to talk to you. The timer that you've been seeing is not actually real. It's just
09:20edited. So I don't know what time I have remaining. So I'm 25 years old. Rain and Hugo are 25 years
09:26old. And I'm actually so impressed with them. They're just on top of it down here. They're
09:29learning new skills. Hugo now understands hydroponics. I don't even fully know what
09:33that word means. Rain is learning how to make bread. Hugo started drinking black coffee.
09:36They're working out every day. Rain is learning chess. They're extremely clean.
09:42Except for this room. This room is actually really, really messy, but we're not going to
09:45talk about that. They don't live here. I'm nearly halfway done with my challenge. They're nearly
09:48halfway done with their challenge, and the job is not finished. I cannot leave this bunker
09:52until they are absolute best friends. Let's go hang out with them. The alarm didn't go off.
09:56Huge win. The alarm didn't go off. Gosh.
10:02Did I caught you? Hugo just saved my life. It's almost 24 hours that Ryan's been in the bunker.
10:08Let's see how he's doing. Come on in. It's time for the first button press,
10:13but I'm going to wait until they're very far away from the hand scanners to press it,
10:17and while we're waiting to press the button, we're going to need some joyride.
10:22I'm not going to lie. These are pretty good. They're all very far away.
10:32How'd that feel? That felt amazing.
10:36Hey, good morning. Good morning. Is it morning? What time do you think it is? 4 p.m.
10:41Oh, I forgot to wear my watch. Oh, come on. I'm sorry. I brought some joyride. Let's go.
10:47There's a problem. I already ate this bag. It's empty. No, Jimmy. But I'm going to come down and
10:52say hi. Little did I know, I was about to put my entire reputation on the line. Oh, do you play
10:57chess? Yes. All right. We're in a bet on this. If I win, nothing changes. If you win, I'll drop
11:03three bags of joyride down. Let's go. Okay, you got a deal. You got a deal. I have never played
11:08Mr. Beast in chess, but I've been practicing for the past two years for this moment. According
11:12to chess.com, he's still a little bit better than me, though. But we want joyride,
11:16so I got to win this game. I'm actually so nervous. I've never been this nervous.
11:23Jimmy's actually good at this. I've moved like three pieces.
11:26Check. Check these notes. No, no, no. Wait. You blundered your queen. Oh, what?
11:34Wait, was that always like that? Yeah. When did that happen? So I move here,
11:38and then you checkmate me. I think that's what's going to happen. Nolan,
11:41get the joyride ready. Checkmate. Good game, Mr. Beast. Just take your joyride. Yes. Let's go,
11:48guys. Yeah, I'll be right back. Like five minutes. Okay. We'll see you soon, Jimmy.
11:52Jimmy left. He didn't come back. Not going to lie. I'm a little nervous about the friendship test.
11:56I'm running out of time, but I beat Jimmy in chess, which means I get to promote joyride.
12:00And if there's anything that can bring people closer together, it's candy. This is my candy
12:05joyride. Dang. We don't have any pink lemonade. Thanks, Jimmy. Thanks, Jimmy. Hey, cheers, guys.
12:14I'm glad they like joyride because it's come a long way since they entered this bunker. They've
12:17been in this bunker for so long. We dropped four totally new candies, launched in Target,
12:22and celebrated joyride day. And they don't even have a clue about my mission that I'm calling
12:25the climb. It will either make joyride the number one selling candy in Target or the laughing stock
12:31of the candy industry forever. Phase one was joyride day. I'm calling phase two nationwide
12:36because right now we are in less than 1,200 targets, making it statistically impossible to
12:40become number one. We're competing with candy giants that have multiple bags of candy on every
12:44shelf in America. If we continue to climb the ranks of the candy aisle for the next 30 days,
12:49Target has promised us a national rollout. Joyride in practically every target in America. My dream
12:54is that if a candy with no fake colors or junk ingredients can become number one,
12:59the candy giants will follow suit. And one day, all the candy in the candy aisle will live in
13:03harmony. But until then, we're in battle. So join the climb. Go buy joyride in Target today. What
13:08are you doing, Jerry? Anyway, just when I thought we had made progress in their friendship, someone
13:12came down the bunker to destroy it. Oh, hello. Hello, Jason Derulo. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh,
13:19Carl. Carl is here. I want to help you guys decorate. Yeah. Okay. Can we do the toilet
13:28paper? Don't be fooled by Carl for one second. He's not here to help. He's here to pin Hugo
13:33and rain against each other. Don't believe me? Watch this. We have our pizza and Carl is here
13:38now. No pizza for me. That's very nice of you. My first pizza party. First pizza party. And the
13:44balloons are up. The toilet paper is up. We're ready for tomorrow. Carl, have you seen any
13:48development in these two since I've gotten down here? Is this like projections? Yeah. A little
13:55bit. Really? A slight decline since I've gotten here. Why are you our hater? Look, it's just that
14:01behind each other's backs, you guys talk a lot. A lot of what? What are you saying? I'm not saying
14:05Carl. You can't just come pin them against each other. I'm making progress in here. Oh,
14:09it's pretty surface level progress is what I'm saying. Oh, thanks so much for hanging with us.
14:14Thanks for having me. Bye Carl. Bye guys. And just like that, my confidence in Hugo and rain's
14:19friendship has absolutely plummeted. The fact is I'm running out of time. I'm not going to be here
14:24for much longer, which means the friendship test that they know nothing about must begin. Tonight
14:30we are doing a friendship test. I have designed a series of tests to determine whether or not you
14:39guys are friends enough to get to day 100. I guess we're going to see if the beef is real or not.
14:43That's what we're going to find out. First things first, I need to meet you over here. All right,
14:46guys. The first test is a 60 second stare into each other's souls. Oh my God. Go.
14:54No. Sorry.
15:05Although it was a little awkward, they passed the staring contest with ease. How did that feel?
15:10It felt good. Yeah, it did. Next up, the trust fall. Who's trusting who? That's the question.
15:15Go. Big one.
15:18Oh. Good news, everybody. They trust each other. Next up, word association. I'm going to say a
15:24word and they have to say the first thing that comes to mind. Are they on the same page? Survival.
15:29Bunker. Chicken salad. Dinner. Ryan. Short. Mr. Beast. Handsome. Okay. This is crazy. This might
15:37be unprecedented in the word association game. Let's go elsewhere. We're walking over to the
15:41money because I'm about to ask the question of all questions. In fact, if they get this right
15:45about each other, I'm going to be certain that they can make it to day 100 together. This is the
15:49final question. All right. And I think this is really important. Rain, why do you want to win
15:54for Hugo? I want him to win because, I mean, this is such a crazy opportunity for him and he's the
15:59biggest fan of Mr. Beast, so he's got to win. They picked such a good person for this video.
16:04That's so true. Hugo. Yes. Why do you want to win for Rain? I know how much her family helps her
16:12with her own life, her career, like how much effort they've put into raising her and literally
16:17giving her the ability to do anything. And she didn't give them the money, maybe even a car,
16:22or just really better their life. So I want to be able to help her do that for her parents.
16:27That's it. I'm about to cry. Dang, man. Those were such good answers. If you guys can just
16:32remember you're doing it for yourselves, but also for each other, then this money is yours.
16:37We're taking it home. Taking it home. At the end of day two, I feel like we've made so much
16:41progress. But what Carl said is still haunting me. Ready? Ready. Two, one. And that alarm could
16:48go off at any moment. We made it to day 50. All of us, all three of us. Not really. Being in this
17:11bunker for two days has been kind of difficult. I can't even begin to imagine what Hugo and Rain
17:16have been through to be in here for 50 days. But today feels special. The alarm even went
17:20off and we weren't even that scared. In fact, I think we're having fun. Honestly, it's almost
17:26impossible for me to know for sure if I made a difference on their 100 day challenge. I mean,
17:30I was only here for two of those days, but I like to think I did. And regardless of the money,
17:36I hope they walk away with a new friend or two. I know I did. You're going to win this money.
17:43You're going to make it to day 100. And if you came from Mr. Beast's video,
17:46you know how this story ends. But my hunch is that the friendship test worked.
17:52I wasn't able to be here on this day, but I did get a text from Mr. Beast that said,
17:56Thanks Ryan, with a rat emoji. And believe it or not, that's all I needed to hear.