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Welcome to Reaction of A! In this video, we dive into the dark and complex journey of Anakin Skywalker and why Order 66 wasn’t the defining moment that proved he was worthy to be a Sith. Join us as we explore the pivotal events that truly solidified Darth Vader’s place in the dark side, his transformation, and the critical moments that defined his loyalty to the Sith. Don’t miss our in-depth analysis and passionate discussion. Like, comment, and subscribe for more Star Wars lore and character deep dives


00:00Welcome back everyone it is Amelia I hope you are doing well.
00:08While clone troopers turned on their JD commanders and generals all over the galaxy, Vade was
00:13tasked to kill those still within the JD temple.
00:17However, Vade was still wielding the blue-bladed lightsaber he'd built as Anakin Skywalker.
00:22As would later be revealed, this prohibited Vade from passing a critical Sith trial.
00:27One Palpatine would send him on the days following Revenge of the Sith.
00:31According to the ways of the Sith, a prospective apprentice must kill a JD without a weapon
00:36and claim their lightsaber Skyber before they can be considered a true Dark Lord of the
00:40Sith in service to their master.
00:42This is something that the Acolyte has further fleshed out.
00:45As seen in the first few episodes, Mae Anisea, a mandala Stenberg, has been tasked by her
00:50Dark Master with killing four JD masters, each of them tied to her dark past.
00:55Although Mae killed one with a knife and the second with poison, it's been confirmed
01:00that she was supposed to be killing them unarmed, tying her mission with the trials of the Sith.
01:04It's also been revealed that she could have also killed these JD with their own lightsaber,
01:09explaining her attempts to claim their weapons.
01:12While it's not yet been confirmed that Mae's master is in fact a Sith Lord, he certainly
01:17looks the part.
01:18To that end, the similarities between Mae's trial and Vade's post-Revenge of the Sith
01:22do suggest that Mae was being tested to see if she could become a Sith Apprentice.
01:27That said, it should be interesting to see if Mae will end up succeeding with the final
01:32JD she needs to kill by defeating them without a weapon, seeing as how the third, the Wookiee
01:37JD Kelnacka, was surprisingly killed by her master.
01:41As seen in 2017's Daath Vadir series from Charles Sewell and Jaisab Kamankule, Vadir
01:47found the self-exiled JD Master Kirak in Philae in the aftermath of Revenge of the Sith.
01:52A taker of the JD orders Barish Vao which meant that there weren't any clones nearby
01:56to kill him during Order 66.
01:59Flooding the nearby village that had been under Infilia's protection, Vadir used the
02:03force to snap Kirak's neck while he desperately tried to save the innocent.
02:08As such, this proved Vadir's worth as a Sith Lord by successfully killing a JD without
02:13a weapon.
02:14Vadir's victory also set him up to fulfil the final part of his Sith Apprentice trial,
02:19claiming Kirak's lightsaber.
02:21Vadir took the Kyber within and made it bleed, corrupting its power with the dark side of
02:25the force for his first red lightsaber as a true Sith.
02:28To that end, it will be very exciting to see if the acolyte might also feature a Kyber
02:33bleeding scene, an event that would be a live-action first for the Star Wars franchise.
02:38Give me some ideas related to my video in comments on below if you like this video and
02:43subs for more upcoming videos.
