قِــــــــــــلَـــــــــــــمً رٌصْـــــــــــــــــاِصٌ الحلقة 16

  • last month


00:16As-salamu alaykum.
00:18Alaykum as-salam.
00:19As-salamu alaykum.
00:22Alaykum as-salam.
00:33What's wrong with you, mother?
00:36Let's go home.
00:39No, Noora, no.
00:41Hussa can't leave her father's house.
00:49Her father's house?
01:18Mother, father, mother, father.
01:25Mother, father, mother.
01:28Mother, father, where are you?
01:30Mother, father, mother, father, where are you?
01:35Mother, father.
01:38Mother, father.
01:42After you sent me home, I remember.
01:47Which house did you send you?
01:49The house I was born in.
01:51And I was raised in.
01:54And I lost it and forgot about it.
01:55And I lost it and forgot about it.
01:57Mother, Anood.
01:59Can we go?
02:03Her name is Hussa, not Anood.
02:06Let her continue because I want to know what happened.
02:13And I want to know after my dear neighbor,
02:17my ten-year-old,
02:20who knew all these years and didn't tell me.
02:25I swear to God, Badr.
02:28I'll tell you what I know.
02:30Unfortunately, Halima,
02:32your neighbor, who is your neighbor,
02:34turned out to be stronger and more loyal than you.
02:36She kept looking at us all the way to her house.
02:39You didn't talk to her, you didn't talk to her, you didn't say a word.
02:42You kept quiet.
02:44How could I tell you?
02:48How could I tell you?
02:52How could you know all these years
02:54and didn't tell me?
02:56Aren't you afraid of God?
02:59Believe me, Badr.
03:01I didn't know
03:03until Noora returned to Kuwait.
03:05I didn't know she was your daughter.
03:07I told her to keep quiet.
03:09I swore to her and begged her.
03:11Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so kind.
05:23I can say that it was the biggest mistake of my life.
05:27Why didn't you make sure that you got in the car with our neighbor, Abu Khalid?
05:33I took it
05:35and I held it
05:37and I made it stronger and I boiled it.
05:53I love you.
05:55I love you.
06:24I love you.
06:25I love you.
06:39You forgot the papers?
06:40I didn't give them to you.
06:42You made me hurry.
06:45There's nothing we can do.
06:46We'll get them back.
06:47No, it's a mess.
06:48The streets are closed.
06:50What is this?
06:51Oh my head.
06:53There are two children there.
06:55Yes, a small child.
06:57I'll go see her.
06:59Oh my head.
07:01Oh my head.
07:03Oh my head.
07:05Oh my head.
07:07Oh my head.
07:09Oh my head.
07:11Oh my head.
07:13Oh my head.
07:15Oh my head.
07:17What's wrong?
07:19Oh my head.
07:21Oh my head.
07:23Oh my head.
07:25Oh my head.
07:27Oh my head.
07:29Oh my head.
07:31Oh my head.
07:33Oh my head.
07:35Oh my head.
07:37Oh my head.
07:39Oh my head.
07:41Oh my head.
07:43Oh my head.
07:45Oh my head.
07:47Come, my love.
07:51Let me carry you.
08:09People of the house!
08:14People of the house!
08:17People of the house!
08:47People of the house!
08:51Did you find anyone?
08:53Let's look for one of the neighbors.
08:55Do you see neighbors?
08:57Everyone is out, the fridge is empty.
08:59Come on, let's take the girl with us.
09:01There is no power but with Allah.
09:03Come on, move.
09:09There is no power but with Allah.
09:17I went to your house, I found the door open.
09:19I found her crying.
09:21I went in and looked for you.
09:23I didn't find anyone.
09:25I went to the neighbors, they were all out.
09:27There was no one.
09:29I couldn't leave her.
09:31I took her and went to Halima.
09:35Think about me, Halima.
09:37I found this girl in the corner of the house.
09:39Crying and injured.
09:41I don't know where she came from, who left her.
09:43I don't know about them.
09:45I went to the neighbors, I looked for her family.
09:47I went to the neighbors, I looked for them.
09:49There was no one.
09:51And then all the neighbors went out, there was no one.
09:53The girl broke the door.
09:55I couldn't leave her.
09:57I told her to take care of her.
09:59We are in a war.
10:01She didn't listen to me.
10:03I asked her what her name was, her father's name, her mother's name.
10:05I might know them.
10:07She didn't answer.
10:09I couldn't leave her.
10:11I touched her.
10:13Maybe I hit her in the head.
10:15She forgot everything.
10:17I say, God bless you.
10:19This is your trust.
10:21Maybe her family will come out and ask about her.
10:23You go to them.
10:25This is your trust, take care of her.
10:27My love.
10:29There is no power around her except God.
10:43I embraced her.
10:47I clutched her in my heart until she collapsed.
10:49I treated her wounds.
10:51I looked for you everywhere.
10:53I didn't find you.
10:57I took her and went to Saudi Arabia.
10:59And I took care of her.
11:03And these words bear witness to it, Halima, for 33 years.
11:07Nora, we have to move to Fajr, we have to go to Saudi Arabia.
11:09God willing, all the best.
11:13What about the girl?
11:16I want to take the girl with me. I won't leave her.
11:20Leave her with Da'at. You know her. Why don't you take her?
11:23Abdul Qadir, everyone I know left Kuwait.
11:26I don't want to leave the girl who changed her home.
11:30I want to take her with me.
11:32Don't tell me that whatever happens, happens.
11:34Whatever God has written for us, will happen.
11:37Think about it.
11:40Maybe God will give you back after all these years.
11:44This girl.
11:55Oh God, what is this crowd, Abdul Qadir?
11:59We have made a barrier between them and a barrier behind them,
12:03so that no one can pass.
12:11We have made a barrier between them and a barrier behind them,
12:14so that no one can pass.
12:18We have made a barrier between them and a barrier behind them,
12:22so that no one can pass.
12:26We have made a barrier between them and a barrier behind them,
12:29so that no one can pass.
12:55We have made a barrier between them and a barrier behind them,
12:58so that no one can pass.
13:05I have known you and seen you.
13:12I have felt you.
13:18This is what I feel now.
13:21These are the same eyes,
13:25the same eyebrows,
13:28the same dark black hair that I know.
13:36This is what I feel.
13:42Come to me, Mom.
13:44Come to me, my love. I want to hug you.
13:48Come to me, my love.
13:52Come to me, my love.
14:00I want to hug you.
14:06Thank God.
14:09Thank God, I have found you.
14:12Thank God, I have found you.
14:15Badr, don't cry.
14:18Thank God, we have reunited again.
14:21Get up, my son.
14:33Abu Badr, we have a problem with the car.
14:42Abu Badr, we have a problem with the car.
14:51What should we do?
15:01Bas'ad, you won't believe this.
15:04Which brothers do you want to know about?
15:07I will believe you.
15:11I am telling you, he is your brother.
15:14Try to understand us.
15:17This is not logical.
15:20I don't care if you are convinced or not.
15:23All I care about is that I have found my daughter.
15:26I want to take her in my arms.
15:29I want to take revenge on her.
15:32I want to take revenge on her.
15:38Abu Badr, let's not talk about this now.
15:44You told me that you have found your lost child.
15:47You put her in your pocket and left.
15:50Don't talk to my mother like that.
15:53Did you hear that?
15:56She told me not to talk to my mother like that.
15:59You are not my mother.
16:02Badr, I don't want to hear your voice in this house.
16:05Did you hear that?
16:08I didn't believe that I found her after 33 years.
16:11Don't make me take away your pen.
16:17What's wrong with you?
16:20Noora is right.
16:23I don't want to lie.
16:26I am afraid that God will punish him.
16:29I want my daughter to be happy.
16:47No, no, no.
16:50I think we should take her to the doctor.
16:53He will see that she is hurt.
16:56She needs to be dressed.
16:59Yes, Abdul Qadir.
17:02Come here.
17:05In the name of God.
17:08Slowly, my love.
17:11What will you call her?
17:14What will I call her?
17:17I will call her Al-Anood.
17:20Because she has been through a lot.
17:23She was able to control herself.
17:26What do you think?
17:32I love you.
17:35I will take her to the hospital.
17:38I will go now.
17:41Come here.
17:44My love.
17:52I don't understand.
17:55Do you want to take my daughter from me?
17:58It is impossible for you to take her.
18:01She is my daughter and I raised her.
18:04It is impossible for you to take her from me.
18:07Come on, let's go home.
18:10It is not easy.
18:13Why didn't you tell me all these years?
18:16Why did someone come to me and tell me that he is my father?
18:19How do I have three brothers?
18:22I don't know them.
18:25I don't know them.
18:28It is impossible for me to live without you.
18:31I don't know them.
18:34I don't know them.
18:37I don't know them.
18:40I don't know them.
18:43I don't know them.
18:46I didn't believe in God.
18:49I didn't believe in God.
18:52My daughter, after all these years, you're taking her and leaving?
18:56My daughter will stay with me here in the house and she won't leave.
18:59This is my reward.
19:01I looked for you and I couldn't find her parents.
19:04And I asked her when I found her.
19:06Who is your mother? Who is your father?
19:08My daughter was in shock, she couldn't speak.
19:10This is my reward.
19:11When I took her and raised her, and she is a woman in front of you.
19:15Instead of hearing a good word from you, a good word?
19:18A good word?
19:20A good word for what?
19:22Are you taking my daughter from me?
19:24Did you deprive me of her?
19:25No, I'm not taking her.
19:27No, you took her.
19:29After the liberation, you could have taken her and taken her to the prison committee,
19:33and the missing people, and told them about her.
19:35But you didn't want this thing, so you took her.
19:38You're a coward.
19:40No, I'm not a coward.
19:42And this woman is a witness.
19:44Stop talking, Noora.
19:46Noora, when she found your daughter, she waited a few days.
19:48She looked for you, hoping she would find you.
19:51But she didn't find you.
19:52She took the girl and left.
19:54What was she afraid of?
19:56Because we were in a war.
19:58If the girl is in the house, God knows what will happen to her.
20:02In general, Noora, you didn't break me.
20:05You did what you had to do.
20:07God bless you.
20:15I don't know how I got out and obeyed you.
20:18You're pregnant, Sheikh, pregnant.
20:20She's afraid of you.
20:21And Kuwait, God willing, will stay.
20:23It will respond.
20:28Do you hear?
20:29Do you hear what he's saying?
20:31He's the one who told me how to defend the woman I freed from Tassim's house.
20:34Calm down.
20:36Calm down a little.
20:38Tell me the truth.
20:40Wasn't this your friend who was in front of you when you came to visit us?
20:45What did you feel about us, my daughter?
20:48What didn't you know?
20:50Yes, my aunt, she was your friend.
20:51I used to see her every day and talk to her.
20:53You just calm down.
20:55Calm down, my aunt.
20:56Come and sit down.
20:58Sit down.
20:59Sit down, my aunt.
21:01Sheikh, when will the movie be over?
21:03I don't know, Sheikh.
21:05I don't know.
21:06I don't know.
21:08I don't know.
21:09I don't know.
21:11I don't know.
21:12I don't know.
21:14I don't know.
21:15I don't know.
21:16Did you see the new style?
21:19My wife's friends get to know her,
21:21hear the secrets of our house, and then come and say, I took you.
21:25By the way, I didn't know Sana.
21:27Even Tahrir knew her.
21:29Did you know her, Sana?
21:40It's all because of you, Halima.
21:42You ruined my life.
21:44You ruined me and lost my daughter from me.
21:48I will never forgive you, Halima.
21:50I will never forgive you.
21:52I wish I didn't look for you or find you.
21:55Forgive me, Noora.
21:57My intention was good.
21:59I never thought I would hurt you.
22:03I did what my God and conscience wanted.
22:06You did what your God and conscience wanted.
22:08But you didn't think about me.
22:10You didn't think about me or my daughter.
22:12You brought me to my face without knowing anything.
22:15And you put me in this situation.
22:17May God burn your heart like you burned my heart.
22:20There is no power or strength except in God.
22:24Forgive me, Noora.
22:25Forgive me.
22:27It's not allowed, Halima.
22:28It's not allowed.
22:30Let's go, Halima.
22:43Let's go, mom.
22:44Let's go.
22:46I will take you home.
22:47Let's go, mom.
23:12I will take you home.
23:23You will remain silent?
23:24We will not talk about the movie that happened?
23:30You talk about something or something only.
23:32About this one who came to us and said I took you.
23:34But it's true, our sister.
23:36The analysis and the papers with her say something.
23:39Which papers do you want us to believe?
23:41How long are you going to remain silent?
23:43What's wrong with you?
23:45Badr, it's really your sister's share.
23:46Don't deny it.
23:48You don't interfere.
23:49You are the one who doesn't interfere.
23:52All these years, I thought your sister was dead.
23:56I don't even know how she died or what happened to her before she died.
24:00I was sitting for hours waiting for a phone call to tell me that we found her ashes.
24:05I was suffering so much that I couldn't think and say how we haven't found anything about her yet.
24:09Now that we found her, she is doubting me and saying that she is not my daughter.
24:13No, she is my daughter.
24:15And you are going to get out of this and you will not interfere.
24:18Honestly, I agree with what Badr said.
24:20You have to make sure.
24:22Do you think my father is a kid?
24:23Of course, he will not do anything that he is sure of.
24:25He knows that she is his daughter.
24:27No one interferes in this matter.
24:29And your father will not come back and talk to you.
24:32No one will say a word.
24:35How can we not interfere?
24:36And she is taking our father's name away from us.
24:39I am the first person to stand up for her.
24:42This is not a joke.
24:43Anyone who comes out of the door and says that I am your brother,
24:46what kind of joke is this?
25:12Who is this?
25:15You are not answering my calls.
25:18Who is this who is calling you?
25:20When do you ask?
25:22I ask when I want.
25:26Good evening.
25:28Good evening, Noor. Come in.
25:30I don't know how to tell you, but this is my father.
25:36I am his brother.
25:43This is a very sad story.
25:46The mind may not understand what happened easily.
25:49But honestly, I am her father, mother, and brother.
25:53I am at home.
25:55Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?
25:57Why did you keep quiet?
25:59Why do you want me to be the last one to know?
26:02Am I a mute in the house?
26:04No, no, no, no, no.
26:05A mute?
26:07What are you talking about?
26:09But the truth is, at first I agreed with her.
26:12We will see what happens, and then we will tell you.
26:16Yes, the last one to know must be a mute.
26:18Which is her husband.
26:20And the first one to know must be her husband.
26:22And I am responsible for her.
26:25Raid, we told you no one knows.
26:27My mother and she don't know.
26:29Yes, you made her a mother.
26:31Listen, Raid.
26:32Al-Anood is my daughter.
26:33And she will remain my daughter for the rest of my life.
26:36I was affected a lot.
26:37This was my tragedy, Zainab.
26:40I made her sad, I made her angry.
26:42It was a tragedy.
26:43Apparently, they don't want to make me angry.
26:53Honestly, what happened today, it doesn't make sense.
26:56I still don't understand it.
26:58No one can understand it.
27:00How is it possible that after all these years, you have a sister?
27:04I can't believe it.
27:07It's possible.
27:08There is nothing far from God.
27:10Yes, you are right. There is nothing far from God.
27:13But Khaled, you buried her with your own hands.
27:15What I know is that
27:17my mother and father didn't find her when we left our house during the invasion.
27:20Are you sure?
27:24Now you have a sister who will share the inheritance with you.
27:27Where am I?
27:28Where am I?
27:30My father is still alive.
27:32I don't care about the money.
27:34No, no, I don't mean that.
27:36I don't care about the money.
27:38But I am afraid that you will be a liar and you will be greedy.
27:41Do you think that I will be greedy for my father?
27:46Your father in this situation
27:49will only think about his feelings and his daughter who he has lost for years.
27:52He will not think about other things and money.
27:55In the end, I don't want anything but your interest.
27:58Do you believe that I have seen her twice before?
28:01Once in the market with my father and once when I was playing with her.
28:06I don't know if this is a coincidence or if it was planned before.
28:27I don't know if this is a coincidence or if it was planned before.
28:47Maram, how long have you known this girl?
28:52A long time ago.
28:54I met her in your sister's living room.
28:58I didn't know about this tragedy until I saw her in your sister's living room.
29:05I am afraid that
29:09something bad will happen to her.
29:12Why do you think that she is your sister's sister?
29:16Because what happened to her is unbelievable.
29:19My sister, who is 30 years old, died.
29:22My uncle did a DNA test.
29:24Your sister has no trace of her after she was released.
29:26I honestly didn't expect your reaction to be like this.
29:30Maram, how do you want my reaction?
29:32What happened is not easy.
29:34I am sure that this will affect all of us and you will remember.
31:24In the name of God.
31:27In the name of God.
31:31Thank God for your safety.
31:34Everything is going to be fine.
31:36Your safety is the most important thing.
31:38Thank God for my safety.
31:40Everything is going to be fine.
31:42Everything is in God's hands.
31:44He doesn't want us to do anything.
31:46Anyway, now you are awake.
31:48You are open to our lives.
31:50We can have fun and travel.
31:53Then we can think about our children.
31:55Isn't that right?
31:56This is the first time I've ever been under psychological pressure.
32:00Everything in my life is going smoothly.
32:03I can't understand anything or bear anything.
32:06But thank God for you.
32:08Good things are in God's hands.
32:10Ms. Dina, all of the documents are here.
32:15Hello, Ms. Dina.
32:16Hello, sir.
32:17I want to talk to you about something.
32:19Yes, come in.
32:25Please, have a seat.
32:25Thank you, sir.
32:29Sir, I have a problem.
32:32I can't finish the design by myself.
32:34That's okay.
32:35I can help you with something.
32:36Engineer Anoud.
32:38This morning, she sent me a WhatsApp message.
32:40She told me that she is sick.
32:42So, I'm going to be late for the delivery.
32:44By the way, Engineer Anoud is not sick.
32:47She is just tired.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:50I've noticed that.
32:52But this is not the way to work.
32:53Engineer Anoud has been asking for leave for a long time.
32:56So, I'm going to be late for the delivery.
32:58I understand.
32:59But I want to be honest.
33:00Engineer Anoud is very good at her job.
33:02She is very hard-working.
33:05But let me handle this.
33:07How about this?
33:09I'll send you an engineer to help you.
33:11You'll meet Engineer Anoud in a while.
33:15You're welcome.
33:18Ms. Dina.
33:19Leave the engineer to me.
33:23Okay, sir.
33:24Excuse me.
33:25I'll go with you.
33:27You're welcome.
33:53Why are you crying?
33:54Why are you sad?
33:56Why are you sad?
33:58Why are you sad?
34:00Why are you sad?
34:02Why are you sad?
34:04Why are you sad?
34:06Why are you sad?
34:11You don't want me to be sad.
34:13I broke a heart of a person who trusted me secretly.
34:19It's over.
34:20It's over.
34:22We did what we had to do.
34:25I can't forget.
34:27I can't forget her eyes and her voice.
34:31How do you want her to react?
34:33She'll be like this.
34:34Put yourself in her shoes.
34:36She'll react the same way.
34:38You have to know that she is her family.
34:41You have to go back to them.
34:46Not like this.
34:47Not like this.
34:51Not like this.
34:54Not like this.
35:15Good evening.
35:16Good evening, Noor.
35:29Good evening.
35:30Good evening.
35:32We're sorry.
35:34We have an appointment.
35:36We've been calling since yesterday.
35:38Her phone is off.
35:40We've been at the hospital since yesterday.
35:43The hospital?
35:44We only came back in the afternoon.
35:46What's wrong with her?
35:47What happened to her?
35:50Calm her down.
35:51Let her know what's going on.
35:54She passed away.
35:56Do you think she was pregnant?
35:58Thank God she's fine.
36:00I'll tell her you're here.
36:03Will she come with you?
36:05No, my love.
36:07I'll bring her with me.
36:17Are you here to take her?
36:19No, no.
36:20We're here to take her.
36:22We're here to stay with her.
36:24We don't want you to take her from us.
36:26That's it?
36:27That's it.
36:31My God.
36:32I'm so worried.
36:34I told you she was pregnant.
36:35My God.
36:37I'm so worried.
36:49Where are you?
36:56I'll be there as soon as I can.
37:00Okay, okay.
37:02I'll be there.
37:16I'll be there as soon as I can.
37:33Yes, Hamdi.
37:35I want you to take care of yourself today.
37:37I'll be back with the invoices and the accounts you owe me.
37:42Okay, okay.
37:45I forgot to tell you.
37:47Our neighbor, Abu Salim, is offering a shop for sale.
37:50He told me to tell you.
37:56How's the marble work going?
37:58It's great.
38:00It's in great demand.
38:01I told Abu Badr that I want new things.
38:14There is no power but God.
38:17May God protect you from all evil.
38:19In God's name.
38:21In God's name.
38:23In God's name.
38:25Hello, my dear.
38:26Hello, my dear.
38:28Come here.
38:30Thank God you're okay.
38:31Thank God you're okay.
38:33Come here, my dear.
38:35Come sit here.
38:40If you'll excuse me.
38:41Yes, of course.
38:43Thank God you're okay.
38:44Oh, my dear.
38:46I'm so sorry.
38:48It's okay, my dear.
38:49Everything will get better.
38:51The most important thing in my life is your safety.
38:55You know, when you were little, you were very beautiful.
38:58But now you're even more beautiful.
39:00You mean I'm beautiful in my heart?
39:03No, you're beautiful in your soul.
39:06Look, I have a picture of myself when I was your age.
39:10And I'm young and beautiful like you.
39:13What's wrong with you?
39:15You look like both of them.
39:16Thank God you're okay.
39:18Oh, my dear.
39:20Look at me.
39:21Look at my eyes.
39:23It's okay.
39:24It's okay.
39:26It's okay, Noura.
39:27It's okay, my dear.
39:29They say coffee is good for you.
39:35Come here, my dear.
39:36Come here.
39:40Come here.
