• last year
World Without End Season 1 Episode 6

It is now 7 years later and Caris hears from Merthin who lives in Florence and is married and has a child. She continues practicing medicine and cares for Gwenda's son who is injured. Sister Meir sees Brother Thomas and Brother Matthias together in bed but after consulting Caris, decides to say nothing. Thank to a bequest left to the convent, Caris now has the funds to build her hospice. Prior Godwin schemes to get his hands on the money. Caris seeks assistance from the king, who is still in France in what is seemingly a never-ending war with the French. Surrounded by their enemies, the King's main concern is to find a way to get his men back to England.


00:00I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!
00:30The French have us surrounded, Majesty.
00:32They're attacking us constantly.
00:34From three sides, not four.
00:36Get us across the fucking river and we can get our army home.
00:39But we cannot cross the Somme, sire.
00:41So we sit here fighting with their forays and starving through the winter.
00:45Majesty, the French have burnt all the bridges.
00:48There's no way to cross the damn river.
00:50There must be a ford.
00:51The French are still well supplied, but the farms are across the river.
00:54It stands to reason that the French army supplied...
00:55Enough! Enough!
00:58The question remains.
01:00How do we cross the Somme and get the army back to England?
01:14The river is narrow at Abbeville.
01:16The French know that too. They will expect us there.
01:19Not if we get there before them.
01:20How long a march?
01:21Three days.
01:22At least.
01:24Force it.
01:25Force it.
01:26Get us there in two.
01:45Look! Look!
01:49Mari, there's a man making fire over there. Can we go and see?
01:51Yeah. And watch out for your brother.
01:55Keep an eye on them. I'm off to find Carys.
01:57They're old enough to be on their own.
01:59Keep an eye on them.
02:00Hi, Brenda!
02:25Hello, sister.
02:27I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
02:30Brought you a fresh supply of fever ward from Wigley Forest.
02:33Oh, wonderful.
02:34Let's go back to the convent. I'll pay you.
02:40Ladies and gentlemen!
02:43Coming to the Bast in Kingsbridge.
02:45He uses this to make fire. I saw.
02:48Sam, be careful.
02:49Be a baby, David.
02:51Get all your guns here!
02:55Damn it!
02:56Maybe it is magic.
02:58What do you know?
02:59Come on. I'm hungry.
03:01Ladies and gentlemen!
03:24What are you doing with my iron, boy?
03:25Stealing my pies?
03:28Hold it still, boy. Hold it still.
03:30And Wulfric, how's he?
03:33Angrier than ever.
03:35Broke the lamb that is rightful of Wulfric's.
03:37But Perkin pays us nothing but food.
03:39It's despicable.
03:41Makes Wulfric a misery to live with.
03:45If this is love, it's...
03:47It's a lot different than how I dreamt it would be.
03:50Sister Carys!
03:53Come now!
03:55Come now!
04:00Hold him. Hold him still.
04:04I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
04:06Why didn't you watch him?
04:08He snuck away.
04:09You said you'd keep an eye on them.
04:10Wander, not now.
04:12It's all right, Sam.
04:14All right. All right. I know.
04:17Oh, God.
04:25We're going to need a portis of Spanish ale.
04:29Well, in the worst case, he'll have a nasty scar I can show his own children.
04:34I warn them not to steal meat pies.
04:40Gregory! Greetings.
04:43Pleasant surprise.
04:44I've been told of your arrival.
04:46Come in. I'll have some refreshments.
04:49No, no, Friar. For once, I'm not here to see you.
04:51I have business with Mother Cecilia.
04:53I'll see you later.
05:00Sorry to keep you waiting, Gregory.
05:02How may I help you?
05:04And who is this?
05:06Sister Elizabeth.
05:07I was told you wished to see our treasurer, also.
05:10Ah, yes. Thank you, Mother.
05:12I have some very sad news.
05:14I've come from the deathbed of your cousin, Marilyn Smith, in Hereford.
05:18Dear, God rest her soul.
05:21Was she in much pain?
05:23It was a gentle death.
05:25The priest was with her when I arrived.
05:27She sent you these 150 gold coins that she bequeathed to the convent.
05:33There was no time to draw up any paperwork. She was fading fast.
05:36God bless Marilyn.
05:42If you think this hurt, just imagine what Hannah's like.
05:47Come on.
05:48Nothing more to see. Go and get some fresh air.
05:50Come on, David.
05:52Try not to lose him this time.
05:56Thank you again.
05:58Thank you for herbs.
06:07What are you writing?
06:09An account of what we did.
06:11I always keep a record of the visitors.
06:13That way, if they come back, I know how I treated them and what works and what doesn't.
06:20Come. Have a look.
06:23These are some of our most valuable treasures that we have.
06:27Foreign books.
06:30Filled full of the most incredible knowledge.
06:33I got them from a Spanish trader.
06:35That's Spanish?
06:37It's Latin, translated from the Arabic.
06:41These writers are physicians. They know more about the healing arts than we do.
06:46It's all in these books.
06:49It's amazing.
06:53Are you sure they're not written by the devil?
06:56Quite sure.
06:59I keep telling her she should write her own book.
07:01Well, compared to these people, I don't know anything.
07:04But yours would be in English.
07:06Sister Carice, may I have a word?
07:11I'm proud of you, Carice. I know this was not your first calling, but you've made a very fine nun.
07:18So I'd like to reward you by giving you even more work.
07:21As you wish.
07:24God has blessed us with the funds to build your hospice.
07:47Come on, come on!
07:55Holger! Holger!
07:57Luke Webber!
07:58Are we going to be in England soon?
08:00Nearly there.
08:02Your Papa and Mama in Kingsford will be glad to see you, eh?
08:07Put them in a rest. Feed them.
08:09When the train arrives, we'll cross the river.
08:12Very well, sire.
08:13Right way!
08:17He said it couldn't be done.
08:19I can practically smell England we're so close.
08:22Praise God. We're almost home, sire.
08:40They've outflanked us.
08:43They've outflanked us.
08:54Your Majesty!
08:57Your Majesty!
08:59The French, they've outflanked us.
09:01They hold the northern part of the river.
09:03So now we're totally surrounded.
09:07Damn them to hell!
09:12Damn them to hell!
09:31Well, you startled me.
09:33Gregory Longfellow just told me he brought a bequest.
09:37Good news.
09:39May I see?
09:42Mother Cecilia's cousin will certainly have a fine room in heaven
09:45with all the prayers she's brought.
09:49Has she said how she intends to spend it?
09:51Yes, indeed.
09:53I'm expanding Sister Carus' hospice.
09:57You've had some time in which to build your palace prior.
10:01But it seems you prefer hoarding silver to spending it.
10:04Conserving it, Mother.
10:06It would be an act of ungodly hubris
10:09to start a project that I'm unable to complete.
10:12How saintly.
10:14Now, if you wouldn't mind.
10:24Lock it up tight, Sister.
10:26Thieves are everywhere.
10:40He'll be fine tomorrow.
10:48Where's Wilfred?
10:52I don't know.
10:54I don't know.
10:56I don't know.
10:58I don't know.
11:00I don't know.
11:02I don't know.
11:04I don't know.
11:06I don't know.
11:12Wasting money we don't have.
11:17He does love you, Gwenda.
11:22As much as you love him.
11:32Do you miss Merton?
11:35I think of him.
11:37Mother Cecilia does her best to keep me thinking of someone else.
11:41Who's that?
12:21Are you going to tell me anything about it?
12:25I'll tell you something about it when you stop asking me about it.
12:30Why do you always say that?
12:37I don't know.
12:54Are you all right?
12:56You seem distant.
13:02I saw Brother Thomas and Brother Matthias together.
13:06What do you mean?
13:08They were together in bed.
13:16God, we must never find out.
13:30Do you approve?
13:33It's considered a mortal sin.
13:36They're good men.
13:38They don't deserve Godwin's punishment.
13:41I agree.
13:44It's not as if they're betraying wives.
13:49I wonder if God really minds if it's for love.
13:57So what's the use, Sister Carus?
14:12Signor Caroni!
14:14Hello, Caris.
14:15How good to see you. Have you returned for some more of our wool?
14:17The finest in the world.
14:19And how does Florence fare? Are you safe?
14:21From the great mortality.
14:23And is it true what they say, that you go to bed well and wake up dying?
14:26An exaggeration, perhaps.
14:28But see, yes, it can be quick.
14:30Though it doesn't like the cold.
14:32So you are safe here, in England.
14:36I brought you a letter.
14:38From Merden.
15:12Dearest Caris,
15:14I am living in Florence, married and blessed with a child.
15:18I am a builder here.
15:20Quite a successful one.
15:26And though I love my wife and daughter,
15:30you continue to hold a special place in my heart.
15:33I have drunk far too much wine tonight,
15:35else I could never have written this.
15:37But, Signor Caroni, I know I was travelling to Kingsbridge,
15:39which gives me a perfect excuse
15:41to tell you
15:43that I never stopped thinking of you.
15:48How I wish things had been different.
15:52How I wish I had been able to bring you with me.
15:57But I was younger and impulsive.
16:00And though I may never see you again,
16:02I want you to know
16:04how much you remain part of my life.
16:07Pray for me, dear Caris.
16:10Yours for heaven.
16:27Not bad.
16:41Go away.
16:43We mustn't be seen together.
16:45I don't think Sister Maya will tell.
16:47She would have said something by now.
16:49We can't risk it.
16:51I love you, Matthias.
16:57How can I love you, Thomas?
17:01I've told you everything about myself,
17:04but I know so little about you.
17:06You keep it all hidden.
17:08If I told you,
17:10your life would be endangered.
17:14I've already lost my soul.
17:18What's a life compared to that?
17:22What's a life compared to that?
17:34What are you doing here? Get out!
17:36You're not permitted to be here.
17:38May we have it back, then?
17:40Have what back?
17:42The money.
17:45Your accomplice here
17:47has seen the error of her ways.
17:50I assume you've kept it safe?
17:52Why do you need it?
17:53The hospice, of course.
17:55I've written to the bishop.
17:56He's given permission for us to start immediately.
17:58You went behind my back.
18:00I consulted a higher authority.
18:02This is priory money.
18:04Marilyn left the money specifically to the convent.
18:06Do you have that in writing?
18:12Do you?
18:17How unfortunate.
18:26You may leave.
18:38God, you will drive me to seek solace
18:41in the arms of the devil.
18:43Would that we had the power to be rule of him.
18:51You meant the king.
18:54Oh, many years ago.
18:57Could you get an order from him?
19:00That the priory must use the funds to build the hospice.
19:04Otherwise, this will never end with Godwin.
19:06Our vital work can never be achieved.
19:08I want you to go to him in France.
19:11Well, I doubt he'd even see me, and even if he did...
19:14Make your preparations.
19:41What do you want, my love?
20:04Get the doctor!
20:08I need him right now!
20:10Go away. There's nothing to be done.
20:12But my wife has the festivities.
20:14Yes, she's arrived in Florence.
20:16I need a remedy.
20:18There are two.
20:20Faith and prayer.
20:40Faith and prayer.
21:10Faith and prayer.
21:40Faith and prayer.
21:57Dominus tecum.
22:01Et cum spirito tuo.
22:04Que s'est-il passé?
22:07Les Anglais sont passés, et ont massacré tout le monde.
22:14God have mercy.
22:17Savez-vous par où les Anglais sont partis, ma soeur?
22:20Nous cherchons le roi.
22:22Il est facile de le trouver.
22:24Suivez le chemin des morts.
22:29Thank you, Mother.
22:37Good morning, Brother.
22:39Mother Cecilia.
22:41Fine day for hunting?
22:49Have you heard from Sister Charis?
22:51Not since her arrival in France.
22:57I'm afraid she's gone.
22:59She's gone?
23:04Is there something you wish to say to me, Brother?
23:07You have no idea what you sent her into, do you?
23:11It's a dangerous mission.
23:13It's for the glory of God.
23:15He will, I trust, protect her.
23:22Have you ever been in a war, Mother?
23:31It's easy for people at a distance to believe that God is on their side.
23:37In the midst of battle, I've never known Him to be benevolent.
23:41You still trust Him?
23:44Yes, I do.
23:47In spite of a war.
23:50I shall never forget the horrors that I've seen.
23:55Charis is used to blood.
23:57She's used to mercy.
23:59There's little of that on the battlefield.
24:25Oh, my God!
24:26Oh, God!
24:29Oh, God!
24:31Oh, God!
24:32Charis, take my hand!
24:35Oh, God!
24:36Oh, God!
25:06Is everything what we've done to these people?
25:13At least God's on our side.
25:15Is He?
25:19Do you really think that God cares if He lives or dies?
25:25He wasn't in that well.
25:31He's everywhere.
25:37What if we're wrong?
25:41Oh, God, it's just a story that we've made up
25:44to give ourselves comfort.
25:48Come now.
26:19It's done for love.
26:22God doesn't mind.
26:24It's done for love.
26:27God doesn't mind.
26:54God doesn't mind.
27:15Oh, my God!
27:16Oh, my God!
27:17You're English?
27:21Where are you from?
27:26How many steeples does the cathedral have?
27:28Two towers, one steeple.
27:32Your sisters are a long way from home.
27:34You'd best come with us.
27:35It's the only way you'll be safe.
27:55You haven't got one yet, mate?
28:02What are you doing here?
28:18Look what we got here.
28:25Get him out of here!
28:37Three God-forsaken weeks.
28:40Still no way forward.
28:43Still no plan.
28:48You are generals, are you not?
28:51Experts in the art of war.
28:53Sire, there are no simple solutions.
28:56Our backs are to the river,
28:57and the French are closing in on three sides.
28:59How many longbows have the power
29:00to bring these bastards to their knees?
29:01We should be using them to our advantage.
29:02To bring the longbows within range,
29:04we must first cross the river.
29:06The French know that.
29:10What is the strategy, save siege, starvation,
29:13and the certain annihilation of my army?
29:17Majesty, an envoy from the French king
29:20arrived this morning.
29:23He offers you terms.
29:26You mean terms of surrender?
29:29Sire, Philip and his main army
29:32will be here by noon tomorrow.
29:34We can neither advance nor retreat.
29:36We will be totally surrounded.
29:38So this is how it ends.
29:40Surrender my crown to Philip,
29:42have my name cursed through the ages,
29:44and ought to suffer an ignoble death
29:46alone in a dungeon like my partner.
29:56What say you, Sir Henry?
30:00I will not surrender.
30:03I will not surrender.
30:05What say you, Sir Henry?
30:09I see no choice but to accept.
30:18I need a moment to consider your counsel.
30:35I need a moment to consider your counsel.
31:03Your Majesty.
31:08What joke is this?
31:10A nun come to cleanse my soul before it's sold?
31:14I treated your arm in Kingsbridge.
31:18I removed a fragment of arrow.
31:23So you did.
31:27But as a woman, not a nun.
31:30That I do remember.
31:34How is your arm?
31:37Of little consequence today.
31:43Your Majesty, I was sent here to petition you.
31:45Petition me?
31:47What idiot would send you on such a mission?
31:53The God has, Your Majesty.
31:56The prior steals convent money, and without your help...
32:01I care not for church squabbles on a day such as this.
32:04Forgive me, Sire, but I have travelled a long way in search of you.
32:08I have seen the horrors that men inflict upon each other,
32:10and I would bear it on again if you might hear my plea.
32:16I understand that it is of little consequence to a king,
32:19but as you have your duty, I am afraid I have mine.
32:22Do you think you know that duty is the burden of a king?
32:30I can't begin to fathom what you must go through.
32:34But duty is a burden that we all must bear, I'm afraid.
32:40And as you cannot walk away from yours, I cannot walk away from mine.
32:46Your name?
32:49Carys Willard.
32:55Carys Willard.
32:58Your spirit and heart are all that I love of England.
33:02If I am still king after tomorrow,
33:05I will grant your petition.
33:18So, it seems I have no choice but to bow down in defeat
33:22to that greedy French prick and hand him my crown.
33:26Well, that same crown says I have no choice.
33:29But to refuse his terms,
33:32we will attack the French across the river at dawn.
33:35But attack, sire? But Sir Henry...
33:37I don't hear no buts!
33:39This is no day for cowards or politicians.
33:44The last thing the French will expect
33:46is an attack from a defeated army.
33:48You say I'll bow and commit the day?
33:50Yes, Your Majesty.
33:52Then all we need do is bring them into range.
33:55A small party could cross under cover of darkness
33:58and dispatch their sentries,
34:00making safer path for our longbows to ford to the river.
34:05It is a bold plan, but if it fails,
34:07the king will withdraw his terms.
34:09And so be it.
34:11Stealth, cunning, and English resolve may yet win this day.
34:16Who's bold enough to grasp this opportunity?
34:18I am, Your Majesty.
34:20Sire, the French will hear them coming.
34:22Oliver, careful. And silent.
34:26Move your men slowly, like French snails.
34:35Remember, slow and silent.
34:39Yes, sir.
34:46Come on.
34:52Let's go.
35:52Come on.
36:53Come on.
37:18Follow me.
37:22Let's go.
37:52Let's go.
38:22Come on.
38:43We're going back.
38:45Go. With stealth.
38:47With stealth.
38:52Let's go.
39:22Let's go.
39:52Let's go.
40:22Let's go.
40:30Prepare my armor.
40:42Forward. Into position.
40:52Let's go.
41:23Let's go.
41:32Let's go.
41:34Let's go.
41:36Let's go.
41:39Let's go.
42:02Take cover!
42:15Let's go.
42:35Leave me!
42:37Leave me!
42:42No, Carter, give in!
42:44No, Carter!
44:16Sister Clarice!
44:20Is that your prayers or my arrows?
44:24Either way, you owe God his petition.
44:29It's his petition now, is it?
45:10Here you are.
45:16I shall visit Kingsbridge again.
45:19See how you fare.
45:23If it pleases you.
45:26It does.
45:34You're very welcome.
45:36Onwards. It's time to go home.
46:06To be continued...
46:36To be continued...
