Jorge Rodriguez | “Social media was going to unite everyone and did the contrary”

  • last month
Statements by Jorge Rodriguez, President of the National Assembly of Venezuela during an Ordinary Session on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024. teleSUR


00:00The first revolution, the peaceful democratic revolution of the 21st century was here in Venezuela.
00:07And I just, this, this, because I think, and I say with responsibility, I would like to say with responsibility,
00:16that I suspect that humanity is losing a war, a crucial war, in relation to the future life in the planet,
00:27to the life that we would like to have.
00:30There's an author, Yanis Varoufakis, I don't know if you know it, that wrote a book, Technofutilism.
00:39And he says that capitalism died, but capitalism was assassinated precisely by the capital, by a new capital,
00:51by a new way of capital accumulation.
00:54And this has been substituted by a few lords, that they considered their right to own the planet, three or four people.
01:06Very important author, called Annie Weller, that is titled The Nine Giants.
01:13And who are the nine giants? The nine giants of the technology that today are dominating the world,
01:21or they attempt to dominate the world, dominate the planet.
01:25But it's sure that beyond the geopolitical implications that this immense power that they have accumulated,
01:34you don't have any doubt that at this moment they dominate the minds of the majority of the population of the planet.
01:42This is true. And it's also true from the principle, from the start, on a cognitive principle,
01:53on the principles from the beginning of the homo sapiens, of the human species, is marked on fire in our brain.
02:04The rejection is marked with fire in the theory in relation to the topography of the mind.
02:16According to the number of neurons in the area of the brain that is busy in a function, more important also will have that function.
02:28Of course, that lately has been substituted by the theory of these mind circuits.
02:33But let's say that the mind's representation of our hand in the brain, these four fingers, have a determined representation in the brain.
02:45But the thumb is very big because the thumb has more functions than the rest of the four fingers of the hand.
02:52And that is the difference of other primates.
02:57The fear to isolation, which is determined by the silence spiral and which determines the control of the mind that is making this rat, Zuckerberg, Bessels, Moss, is in five parts of our brain.
03:17The most important is relationship with will.
03:20The prefrontal lobe, the frontal, which is different, what differentiates ourselves with other primates and other species of animal.
03:29The front lobe, the cingulated zone of the brain, which is a big, it's a very thick zone, and which determines the relation with ourselves and the emotions.
03:42Part of the brain is determined, which is called the amygdala, and is regulating the emotions of the human being and how the human being interacts with other human beings.
03:54I'm sorry if I bother you, but this is a part of the hypo field, which is related to the memory, but there's a specific place in the hypo field where we remember the social interaction of our childhood.
04:13That is why it's so dangerous and so serious, the harassment against children, against adolescents in schools.
04:21That is why this has led to suicide and has led to homicides in case of sick societies like the one in the United States and those adolescents that are going into the schools and shooting people.
04:36So that is so powerful, so powerful. It is this issue of the fear of isolation, social isolation, and there's a man here that is co-founder of Facebook.
04:50His name is John Parker. Perhaps you cannot recognize him, but there's a film which portrays the beginning of Facebook, the disgusting ascent to Facebook, which is called, this author is co-founder of, co-creator of Facebook.
05:16Look at this, what this person says. We have to proportionate a big shock of dopamine at a certain time because somebody has pushed a like or whatever.
05:32It's exactly one of these things that a hacker would invent like me to exploit a weak point in the psychology, human psychology. The inventors of Facebook, all those people, they understood very consciously.
05:55It was consciously elaborated to produce a way of control on the people's mind, and I would dare to say that the film ends asking Zucker to invite women that he loved, and the woman didn't respond, and the film ends that way. Zuckerberg is rejected, isolated from the same network that he created.
06:20Even though we did it knowing that we were, what we were doing, and it changes literally the relation of the people with society and with the rest of the people.
06:32How many children of 2, 12, 13 years are at this moment immersed in this network, at this moment, watching Instagram or Facebook or TikTok? How many?
06:47The substance that regulates the functions of the brain is called the serotonin. It's also the area where they control the emotions.
07:02One loves and one doesn't love, and when you love, one of those substances goes down, and it's called despise.
07:15Do you remember Javier Solis? Because serotonin is a slow substance that works on a constant way, but there is a transmitter that reactivates when you consume the cocaine, and it's called dopamine.
07:35And this is retro-transmission that, as one of the creators of Facebook say, produces a shock and falls right away.
07:44So you know that, you know what this is like? Like passing from one content of TikTok to another one, to another one, and to another one.
07:55It's not a voluntary thing. It's not voluntary. It's just that you need that every small time the dopamine is activated, and you know another thing that activates the dopamine is going shopping, or going shopping virtually also.
08:12But if you are told that in your children's school there is a man selling cocaine or amphetamine, that will produce you sorrow.
08:32But nobody will feel sorrow that children, men, women, consume amphetamine, a digital amphetamine, cocaine, in a way, in a form of network. It doesn't matter.
08:49That killed the attention, and that's why this has an increase of that deficit of attention at this moment in our schools. Why?
09:01Because if you see a content during a minute, or two minutes, or three minutes on TikTok, you are used to only look at two, or three, or four minutes, and the dopamine goes down and up.
09:16You're used to see TikTok for one month, and then you try to see a film. You will not be able to do it because you will be sleepy, because dopamine is falling.
09:27All that is calculated. Why? So that they control our minds. It sounds like a science fiction movie, but that's the pure reality. That's pure truth.
09:42These rats are coming after us, and when they say to us, we say to the human species, I refer to humanity. These rats, Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, they are after the human beings, men and women.
09:58You know why? You know what for? They come to finish, to end our liberty, our freedom, the freedom to choose, the freedom to be, the freedom to think, the freedom to love, the freedom to choose.
10:13Not even they allow you to choose. Not even they allow you to evaluate. If somebody that thinks different from you has arguments, enough arguments to convince you, they don't need to be convinced.
10:33To be convinced, you need to be, you have to continue believing what I think, and it's you that is believing. I'm sorry for this tongue twister, but that's the way it is.
10:46At this level, in August 2024, there are millions of people in this planet that are still believing that the Earth is plain, and they talk about the horizon, and they talk about how they will fall, and the gigantic wall that is in a certain point.
11:08And we hear that in TikTok, and we say, where is this coming, this craziness coming from? So this crazy guy is only watching the networks to another crazy like him that is saying that the Earth is flat.
11:25That's called the resonance board in the media, social media. With these two things, with the two details, the free choice is finished. The human mind is finished. I would dare to say that within 50 years, 60 years, perhaps less, the minds, the brains of human beings will be different to how they are today.
11:52And they will have an amygdala bigger to be able to control the anxiety, the social anxiety, and be able to have a frontal lobe, smaller lobe of front to have less will, less capacity of volition, less capacity. I'm not talking about nonsense.
12:10I'm talking about memory of human beings is different, is much smaller than the memory of human beings 60, 50 years ago. I don't remember the number of my telephone. Before, I remembered 50, 60 telephone numbers. I don't remember now.
12:31There are people that today can count, can calculate, adding and subtracting. My friend, Nicolás Maduro Moros, can do that and remember a date in an incredible way. But I dare to say that this will be something very rare in the future.
12:49That would be a very outstanding case if in 50, 40 years you can just remember a telephone number. And I would dare to say that then the heap of filth, when the memory is there, will be smaller. And all that as a consequence of the social media.
13:09Techno-feudalism. Three humans, three people, or nine, not even 10, 20, are controlling. And they attempt to control, they try to control the life of thousands of millions of people, where we are included also, the Venezuelan people, with the boldness.
13:33Nothing is more attempting against the freedom of expression, the freedom to express your opinion, the freedom to express yourself.
13:44I despise fascists. I despise somebody that wants to annihilate another person because of his political thinking. I despise the hatred that the fascists are sending out.
14:00That will be prohibited. Because if something is attempting against the freedom of choice of expression, it is this spiral of silence and this sounding board.
14:17But Elon Musk says that he feels alarmed because of the attempt to the freedom of expression after Maduro banned X for 10 days. That's identical.
14:32The vice president of Facebook said, he said, the situation now is very nefarious. We didn't know that in a short time the buckles of dopamine, so on each page the dopamine would go back down and up.
14:59That's explaining biology that we have created. What we have created is destroying the way society is functioning. And we are erosioning the behavior of people between themselves, and I don't have any solution for that.
15:12My solution is that I will stop using those networks. The existence of humanity as we know it today is what is at risk. That's why they come after Venezuela in a very explosive way, in a very disruptive way without any limit.
15:32Because, of course, we are up, it's up to us to stand up against them. And I wish all the other countries on the planet will do the same thing. I wish that we can assume that the eruption of social networks that once was thought that was to promote more freedom between human beings, nobody thought at that moment in the 90s,
16:02when this way of communication began, how nobody thought that how it was going to generate freedom, something that was created by capitalism to create capital.
16:15How could nobody believe or think if it's made by capitalism is to slave people in a certain way? And this time they went directly to the brain, not to the pocket, as capitalists usually do. They went to the brain, the human brain.
16:38The only thing that differentiates us from other primate species is the brain. And more than the brain, this part of the brain that is a frontal lobe, they are after that.
16:55That's why the hatred of Elon Musk, that's why the fraud that they made with the different sheets, you know that they don't talk about the sheets now. Why?
17:09They don't talk anymore about the sheets, the new species they would like to impose is that Venezuela publish their sheets in the Supreme Court, in the electoral chamber. They have already forgotten that it's not competent because now Elon Musk has not been able to burn all our brains so we can just read our constitutional articles still.
17:35He hasn't been able to achieve that. So then, now they come, they're not talking about the sheets because we already show that it was a farce, very dirty papers cut out, badly glued.
17:55They don't talk about the highest Supreme Court is not competent. Now they are saying that Venezuela has to publish the sheets. I'm thinking about sending a letter to the United States so that they can send me the sheets that when Trump said it was a fraud of the elections.
18:18Do you know what the answer would be? For example, the Chicago, an answer because that's by states. Each state decides how the election is held. The Chicago response would be there's no act, there's no sheets because we don't print sheets. They go and vote in the machine and the vote is going somewhere and somebody says 240 and so that's it.
18:43I would like to send a letter to the Chile president of the elections in Chile, the sheets. This Boris raises his head and send me the sheets. I would like to ask the sheets in Peru that chose Irma Boluarte, the president of Peru, but she didn't participate in the election.
19:07She asserted the position of the president and she didn't participate in the elections or the sheets in Europe or the sheets in Colombia or the sheets in Brazil because this is something that is always against us and I think that they are going against us because asking us what they are incapable of fulfilling in their country.
19:33It's normal that they go after us because we are doing and we're doing the same, the struggle for the humanity to continue to be free, independent for so that our country remain ours, our country, not the country of Marx, of Donald Trump. It's normal.
19:52Sometimes one could say that they are a little bit boring.
20:03I was reading yesterday the report of the audit that Carter Center made about the recalling referendum that was a referendum to confirm Hugo Chavez in 2004, but it was a different Carter Center because there was a decent man that was called Jimmy Carter and not these furbish, these people that are now because they are people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now people that are now
20:33people that are now people that are
21:03do. And the electric power accepted it. The same thing that today the High Superior Court
21:13is doing now. I nodded to determine the validity of the acts. And you know how many acts this
21:24Carter Center studied? Do you remember? I don't remember. I didn't remember. 150 acts,
21:33150 sheets, 150 voting stations. Out of thousands of voting stations, 150 voting stations. And
21:46with these, they said, this is how they sheet. So how many, how's the calculation? And Carter
21:53signed. What a difference with this center that is paid by USAID. And they went to the
22:01United States and the United States is saying whatever they want without any proof, without
22:04any evidence, without anything. Because they came here to, with the same purpose, with
22:09the purpose of aggression. I propose and I think that we do a reform, make a reform of
22:21the electoral laws of Venezuela so that never, ever any foreigner come here to do anything
22:28here with anything that deals with the Venezuelan elections. Because why a foreigner has to
22:42come here? So what for? What type of, what kind of capacity he has? So they are the expert
22:50of the United Nations saying they sign. They don't have a word. They don't have a word.
22:56This panel of experts is not a good panel without any word because they sign saying
23:02that the report is private and not only it would be known, the electoral power in Venezuela
23:08and the Secretary of the United Nations. So they announced now, they announced that now
23:15that it would be public. I want to say sometimes it's boring. I would like to say only that
23:24let's go to get used to it because while we are, as long as we are rebel, as long as we
23:31are contestants, decent, courageous, revolutionary Venezuelans, Venezuelans, women and men, they're
23:39coming after us and we're going to continue beating them. We have to swear because that
23:50happened once and we're going to continue beating them on the street as we have beaten
23:57fascism. That woman, that violent woman and his puppet, who is violent because he vindicated
24:13the assassinations, Gonzalo Zurrutia, he published a post on ONEX, vindicated 25th assassinations,
24:22calling them peaceful protests. And they assassinated 25 people in one night, all of
24:30them from chavism, all chavists or agents of the public police force. They thought that
24:40they were going to overthrow us on Monday, but afterwards, and that they were overthrowing
24:45us on Tuesday and afterwards that they were going and now they come with the so-called
24:52international pressure. We are black belt expert in international matters. Come here
25:07with your pressure, with the intentional pressure so that we can, well, you know what I thought
25:13was very gross and machismo, so that's why I didn't say it. So we didn't leave it, so
25:23we leave that on the 21st, on the 22nd in worse conditions. Now we have to move on and
25:33we have to contribute. We have to put our grain in defense of humanity against these
25:38rats of Zuckerberg, another musk, against these new feudal lords that would like to
25:48turn us as serfs and to turn as serfs their serfs that are not submitted to any law, to
25:57any regulation, that they have invented a new way of capital that even will end, will
26:06kill capitalism, will kill the 2008 crisis of the banks was created by them because of
26:15the ambition, because the avarice. That is to say, it's such the barbaric level in that
26:26they are killing capitalism, this neo-feudalism is killing the capitalism as they are so barbaric
26:32as that. But we are forced to put our efforts in because it's not possible that our children
26:46are to the mercy of these rats. It's not possible that because we get tired, the father and mothers
26:56allow the custody of our children to Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, that he was having fun in that island
27:16with children, with boys and girls. It's not possible because it's just like getting a sheep
27:22and give it to a wolf and say, take care of him. In the long run, what they will look for always
27:30is to dominate from our own weakness, which are born, inborn, they are not learned. They are so
27:40powerful because they are inborn and that's why we have to denounce. We have to struggle them,
27:47and this is a mission of this National Assembly to make a rule so that we have laws that they
27:55have to respect and laws that if they don't respect it, because we have to protect the
28:02people because this is the worst threat against humanity. We are forced and we will do it.
28:17We were listening to the statements of Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly
28:25of Venezuela, one day after a meeting of the National Defense Council on Monday,
28:31where precisely Rodríguez informed about a group of regulations aimed at confronting
28:36the spread of hatred, terrorism. As we were saying, we were live to Venezuela,
28:42as the National Assembly is holding an ordinary session. During his intervention,
28:46the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, assured lawmakers are discussing a
28:51group of regulations aimed at confronting the spread of hatred, terrorism and fascist
28:57expressions in the country. In this sense, regarding the current reality where violence
29:01and hate speeches are spreading with impunity through social media, Rodríguez assured humanity
29:07is losing a crucial war for the future of life on this planet, the battle for peace and respect.
29:13The main values of humanity are being substituted as fascism is multiplying with the promotion
29:18of tycoons who have the control of powerful platforms of communication and are also seeking
29:24to control the people's behavior and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
29:30This is all for the moment. Stay tuned with From the South to keep informed with all the updates.
