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#### Description
Welcome to our channel! In this video, we present the recitation of Surah Abasa, the 80th chapter of the Quran. Surah Abasa, meaning "He Frowned," recounts an incident where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) turned away from a blind man seeking guidance, focusing instead on the elite. This chapter serves as a reminder of the importance of humility, treating everyone with respect, and recognizing the value of all individuals, regardless of their social status. Surah Abasa emphasizes that the message of Islam is universal and should be accessible to all. Listen and reflect on the timeless lessons this surah offers. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more beautiful Quranic recitations!

#### Disclaimer
The content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional religious advice or guidance. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, please consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or authority for any specific religious concerns or questions. The recitation and interpretation of the Quran can vary, and individual experiences may differ.

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#سورۃ_عبس #قرآن #اسلامی_تعلیمات #روحانیت #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلام #اسلامی_تعلیم #قرآن_سیکھیں #قرآنی_حکمت #سورۃ_عبس_کے_فوائد #اسلامی_تاریخ #سورۃ_عبس_کی_تشریح #سورۃ_عبس_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_مواد #اسلامی_ویڈیو #قرآن_کی_سیکھ #مسلمان #اسلامی_یاددہانی #روزانہ_قرآن #مقدس_قرآن #قرآن_کی_آیات #ایمان #عاجزی #الہی_رہنمائی #اسلامی_حکمت #اسلامی_علم #اسلامی_حوصلہ_افزائی #امن #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_ایمان #الہی_وحی #اسلامی_پیغامات #اسلامی_عکاسی #اسلامی_زندگی #روحانی_سفر #قرآن_کی_عکاسی #اسلامی_آگاہی


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:19In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:25In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:32As for the one who is self-sufficient,
00:36You are his protector.
00:40And what is wrong with you that he does not purify himself?
00:45And as for the one who comes to you in a hurry
00:51And he fears Allah,
00:54You are distracted from him.
00:58No! Indeed, it is a reminder.
01:04So whoever wills, he will remember it.
01:09In honored scriptures,
01:14Exalted, purified,
01:18In the hands of travelers,
01:21Honorable, righteous.
01:24Mankind has been killed, how ungrateful he is!
01:30From what thing did He create him?
01:34From a sperm-drop He created him and determined it.
01:39Then He made the way easy for him.
01:43Then He caused him to die and buried him.
01:48Then, when He willed, He raised him up.
01:55No! He did not fulfill what He commanded.
02:02So let man look at his food.
02:08How We poured the water in abundance.
02:14Then We split the earth in two.
02:19Then We spread in it grain,
02:24And grapevines, and date-palms,
02:28And olive trees, and date-palms,
02:32And gardens, and vineyards,
02:37And fruits, and herbs,
02:41As provision for you and your cattle.
02:46But when the Hour comes,
02:53The Day when man will flee from his brother,
02:57And his mother, and his father,
03:01And his wife, and his sons,
03:05For every one of them on that Day will be a matter of no avail.
03:14Faces on that Day will be bright,
03:20Laughing, rejoicing,
03:25And faces on that Day will be covered with dust,
03:31Covered with darkness.
03:34Those will be the disbelievers, the transgressors.
03:40Allah Almighty has spoken the truth!
