Emmerdale 13th August 2024

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00:00Are you sure you don't mind giving Brenda a hand? I just want to make sure everything's
00:08perfect for Angel's visit. We only get a few hours with her.
00:11Course not. At least in the cafe I can't get into too much trouble.
00:15Oh, try not to keep stressing about the haulage. You and Will will sort it.
00:20Yeah, I know.
00:21Have we made a mistake keeping today small? There's Dad, and I know the boys would have
00:27loved to have seen her.
00:28Baby steps. They've had this football camp bug for ages, and it's a big thing, her coming
00:34home for a day. We don't want to overwhelm her. You wait. As soon as she'll be home proper,
00:40I'll be sick to the back teeth of her again.
00:43You think?
00:44Yeah. Onwards and upwards.
00:59You're in my light.
01:01I need to talk about my van.
01:03Of course you do.
01:05It's going to cost you a fortune.
01:08Only because of your brother-in-law.
01:10Well, it's not my problem. I'll take it up with him.
01:14Oh yeah? Carry it there himself, did he? Or did he use your tow truck and nick the keys
01:20from your garage?
01:23Fine. That's what we're doing, is it? I'll go and ring my insurance. Or actually, maybe
01:30the police first. They usually need an instant number, don't they? You've got no problem
01:38if they come sniffing round here, do you?
01:45I don't like being threatened.
01:47Not many people do.
01:53Oh, yes, Queen!
01:57You all right? Do you have a hand?
01:59Oh, no, it's okay. Amelia's with me in a sec. She's buzzing, pulling all this together.
02:03She thinks a lot of you, you know. You've really helped her. I'm loving this.
02:08Look at this!
02:09Hey, it's Amelia's idea. It's karaoke now. And apparently, it's not going to get in the
02:14way of all my dance moves.
02:16Oh, brilliant. You're still here. Do you think you could squeeze me in for a beard trim?
02:22Ideally. You don't mean looking like a scruffy get on your wedding day now, do you? And I
02:27always look my best a couple of days after you've worked your magic.
02:30Dad, it's a hen do.
02:32It'll take ten minutes.
02:33It's okay. I can squeeze him in.
02:35See? I knew you were marrying a good'un.
02:38Yeah, I'll tell you what. Not many brides have been this relaxed a couple of days before
02:42the wedding. Oh, that reminds me. Did you manage to get some euros for Venice yet? It
02:46doesn't matter if you haven't. I can get some.
02:51You know, erm, don't worry. I've got everything in hand. I'm just going to go have a look.
03:00You're in a good mood.
03:01Angel's visiting today. I can't wait.
03:05Sorry. You really don't need to be hearing that.
03:08It's not your fault, is it?
03:10Still. How is he, Samson?
03:14Hard to tell.
03:16I'd like to say it gets easier. That's not true. But there is an ending, so try and focus
03:23on that, mate. It's not forever, it's just for now.
03:28That were nicer, Jimmy.
03:33Is that all you've got to say?
03:38You need to talk about this properly, Sam. It's not good, you bottling it all up.
03:42I'm not.
03:47Why did Murray cross Samson up? He might have only got suspended.
03:53We don't know for sure it were her.
03:55Course it was. Who else would have done it?
04:00All the time in my head is going round, what could be happening to him?
04:03I know. I'm doing the same.
04:05It's not the same.
04:08You mean cos I'm not his real mum?
04:11Anyway, I'd best be off. I've got a busy day, especially if I'm going to make Mandy's shin dig.
04:16I didn't mean it like that.
04:18It's OK. Everything's fine. I'm just glad you're getting it off your chest.
04:38Am I interrupted?
04:39No, just getting a bit of practising. The girls are going to love this.
04:43You can hear it halfway across village.
04:45That's good to know, innit, when our charity belt's out her tune with her extra bits.
04:50Sir, please, fixy.
04:54That thing's not stopped buzzing all morning.
04:57Yeah, well, you know, just trying to drum up some extra business for the salon.
05:02Makes sense. Cost of weddings these days.
05:06Are you going to take it?
05:07Would you mind? I thought you might need to get off.
05:09Well, I can do bear's trim, if you want.
05:12It's all right with me, if it makes things easier for you.
05:15Oh, thanks. Right, well, I'll leave you both to it, then.
05:18Take it here, if you want. We're hardly likely to be making much noise now, are we?
05:22Oh, it's a new client, you know. I think it's probably best if I have a bit of privacy.
05:28I didn't know that he lived in the ruddy thing, did I?
05:31And also, I didn't mean for it to go all the way in.
05:34And I've been thinking about this. How do we know that the handbrake was working?
05:37Which is about the only thing that still is.
05:39What's going on?
05:40Look, John's threatened to call the police.
05:42So, what do you want me to do?
05:45Well, an apology would be a start.
05:49Great. Since when have you ever apologised for anything, Kate?
05:52I'm not the one doing it. Come on.
05:58Are you going to come with me, considering you're the reason I'm in this mess?
06:01No. And don't start blaming me. Either I'm staying out of this, like I should have done in the first place.
06:05Hate you.
06:06I don't care.
06:12He's got something to tell you.
06:17I said I'm sorry.
06:19I didn't realise how much that van meant to you.
06:22And I should have taken into consideration that you'd just lost your mum.
06:26So, you wouldn't have destroyed my home if I wasn't grieving, is that it?
06:31And just how thick are you not to realise I live in...
06:33It's a camper van. All my stuff's in there.
06:35Or it was.
06:36See, this isn't getting us anywhere.
06:38Just... Just go.
06:40I thought we were sorting this.
06:41Yes. And I will, but you're not making it easy.
06:46You know what, mate? Actually, I am sorry that you've had such a tough time with it.
06:51But surely you've got to ask yourself the question at some point.
06:54What kind of man ends up living on his own, in his van, and in the middle of nowhere?
07:04Yep. But he's still my wife's brother.
07:07And I just want this over with. I've got enough on my plate.
07:10And I still need my van.
07:12So where do we go from here? Cos I'm not backing down.
07:21Sorry I'm late.
07:23Brenda wouldn't stop bleating on about the toaster.
07:26I told her it could wait, but...
07:28Angel's not back yet, is she?
07:39What's happened?
07:42She's not come in. They've cancelled it.
07:48Is she all right?
07:52She's fine, but...
07:55She got into a fight.
08:00Why would she do that?
08:03Why today?
08:08Wait, I've not got my mask on.
08:12Did you hear something?
08:16Must be my ears playing tricks on me.
08:18Right, well, we're all done.
08:20Just go fetch that beard oil.
08:23Must be someone important, a face like that.
08:26No, but do you mind if I just take it?
08:28No, honestly, I'm in no rush.
08:33Are you not going to say anything?
08:36What, are you shy?
08:38A little mummy's boy, perhaps?
08:40Or is this just some stupid game?
08:57I think you left your microphone on.
08:59Fine, be that way.
09:01It's me doing the talking.
09:03And that's what you're after, isn't it?
09:05Someone to take charge.
09:07Because you're just too weak.
09:09Well, I want paying for this now.
09:11And for what? It's none of your business.
09:13Do you hear me?
09:15It's a useless waste of space.
09:17And I deserve better.
09:19So pay up, little Josh Piggy.
09:21Madame Diamante Dales is here,
09:23and she's about to...
09:25Dear God.
09:27So how did you end it?
09:29Well, Cain said leave it to him.
09:31But you know what he's like.
09:33He probably scared the guy half to death
09:35and sent him packing.
09:37Who can't believe he drove his van into a lake?
09:39How many times? I didn't mean to do it.
09:45That's him. Who?
09:49Victoria's brother, the van guy.
09:51So you do the name.
09:53What do you think?
09:55Cain told him to get lost, and now he's trying to rob the place.
09:57You should call the police, then.
09:59No, no. He threatened to do that to me and to the garage.
10:01Cain finds out that I get them involved here,
10:03he'll hit the roof.
10:05So what are we going to do?
10:07I'll tell you what we're going to do.
10:09We're going to scare him.
10:11No, wait.
10:15Get in.
10:27Hey, you!
10:35That was a mistake.
10:45Just leave it, will you?
10:47Oi, oi! What's going on?
10:49He attacked me.
10:51Looks like you were given as good as you got.
10:53I'd say a bit more than that.
10:55It's all right. I'm just saying what I saw.
10:57He was trying to rob you.
10:59No, I wasn't.
11:01Oh, don't give me that. Why else would you be here?
11:03Because I gave him a job.
11:07He's going to be sticking around. He needs to feed himself.
11:09And more importantly,
11:11he's going to have a job.
11:13And he needs to feed himself.
11:15And more, he needs an extra pair of hands.
11:17He's got experience,
11:21Although maybe I'm beginning to regret that.
11:23He went for me first.
11:25I was only trying to scare you.
11:27I'm shaking.
11:31New guy seems nice.
11:33Oh, go away!
11:39I don't like him.
11:41I don't like him at all.
11:43Are you sure you know what you're doing?
11:45Fixing the mess that you made.
11:47I need to get that van out of the water.
11:49You've got a lot of work ahead of you,
11:51and you're going to be paying for it.
11:55Cain gave him a job?
11:59He said it fixed everyone's problems.
12:01I thought Cain was going to kill him this morning.
12:03Well, he's always respected people who stand up for themselves.
12:05Yeah, I guess.
12:07I wonder if this means John's planning on staying longer.
12:09He made it pretty clear that he was only stopping until his van was fixed.
12:11Well, that's what he said,
12:13but he's got a job.
12:15He's found a family.
12:17Who knows what might happen over the next few weeks? This is great.
12:21Don't think this means I've forgiven you.
12:23It was all Mackenzie, Vic. Trust me.
12:25And I can't believe he was a farmhand.
12:27Your dad would have been proud.
12:29Yeah, yeah, he would.
12:31I'll see you in a bit.
12:35Do you fancy giving me a hand
12:37with a few crates, you know, when I get them done
12:39before Mandy's hen?
12:41As opposed to someone who actually works here.
12:49So sorry about that.
12:51Sit back down and I'll get you that beard oil.
12:53No, no, no, you're all right.
12:55I'll do it myself when I get home.
12:57You all right?
12:59No, I just need some fresh air, that's all.
13:01It just gets very, very hot in here.
13:03Yeah, I think it's our dryers.
13:05Are you finished already?
13:07Yeah, it's pretty straightforward.
13:09You going off?
13:13You done?
13:15Oh, yes, Amelia did a grand job.
13:17Who was it you said you were having a meeting with again?
13:19Why do you ask?
13:21Just interested, that's all.
13:23I mean, I am basically your father-in-law now, aren't I?
13:25Oh, it's just some new client, you know.
13:27Got to pay for this honeymoon somehow.
13:31And it all went well then?
13:33Shoulder moves, boss.
13:35Yeah, something like that.
13:37Right then.
13:39Well, I'd better be off.
13:41Enjoy the karaoke machine,
13:43but do take care of the volume control.
13:47It's amazing how far
13:49that sound can travel.
14:03I thought you were busy.
14:05Girls got to eat.
14:07All right.
14:09I thought
14:11maybe you just said that to get away from me.
14:19I'm sorry for what I said.
14:25Of course you're his mum,
14:27and you're going through this now.
14:33I thought maybe you said what you did
14:35because I made him confess.
14:37If you're still angry with me...
14:41I didn't mean it.
14:43Just sometimes my mouth
14:45runs away with itself.
14:47You know,
14:49when I'm...
14:55I just miss him.
14:57And I'm scared for him.
14:59You're much better than me
15:01at all this.
15:03You know,
15:05emotions and that.
15:07You always know what to do for it, Bess.
15:09I don't know about that.
15:11You do.
15:15Sometimes I think you're the only thing
15:17holding this family together.
15:25Right, there you go.
15:27Right, there you go.
15:29Anything else?
15:31Yeah. Would you mind shifting them all
15:33back downstairs again, please?
15:37Don't blame me. You're the one who won't talk to me
15:39unless I give you something physical to do.
15:41Come on, love.
15:43I could see how much it bothered you
15:45when you heard that John was staying.
15:47Couldn't care less.
15:49Really? Hmm.
15:51You must have fancied him a little bit, seeing as you two...
15:53Oh, no, Mum, don't do that.
15:55Spent some time together.
15:57Well, I wish I'd never laid eyes on him.
15:59Because if I knew he was Robert's brother,
16:01I'd have never have gone there.
16:03Yeah, well, you did go there, didn't you? That ship has already sailed.
16:05Well, then let's hope that
16:07he sails off with the ship.
16:09Just as soon as his van's fixed.
16:11Hmm. You sure?
16:13I wouldn't say it if I wasn't.
16:15There's nothing going on between me and him.
16:25Finished that quick? You in a rush?
16:27We've got plenty to be getting on with.
16:29Look, I'm all for getting some grafting,
16:31but we're paid by the day.
16:33There's no point killing ourselves. My dad won't thank us for that.
16:37Look, I know Matt can be an idiot,
16:39but he's our idiot.
16:41He's a good guy once you get to know him.
16:43I'll have to take your word for it.
16:45There you are.
16:47What are you doing up here? I was looking for you.
16:49Well, we've got a lot to be getting on with.
16:51Sorry. See you out there.
16:53It'll only take a second.
16:55What will?
16:57I just wanted to say I heard you were working here,
16:59and I think it's great.
17:01And don't forget you've always got a bed at mine whenever you need it.
17:03This doesn't mean anything.
17:05It's just a job.
17:11And then I thought I'd compare
17:13their marriage to pancakes.
17:15Because you always mess the first one up,
17:17but the second one, because of the...
17:19You know.
17:21Are you listening?
17:23Eh? What are you watching?
17:25Oh, I'm reading, listening.
17:27You know, text-to-speech stuff.
17:29Must be interesting,
17:31the way you're looking at it.
17:35Keep doing that, people think you're up to all sorts.
17:37Give over.
17:39It's not for me, all this weird stuff you get on here.
17:41Kinks and that.
17:45do you know
17:47there are some blokes
17:49who pay women to, like,
17:51shout at them, belittle them
17:53for money?
17:55How did we get here?
17:57I'm just making conversation.
17:59Are you sure that's all it is?
18:01Because, you know, if you're in trouble...
18:03Oh, no, no, no, it's not me.
18:05It's a mate of mine.
18:07Back from my days in the ring.
18:09People are saying
18:11that his missus might be doing it
18:13behind his back.
18:15You know, this financial domination.
18:17I think I might have found her account.
18:21Would I know him? I'm assuming it's a wrestler.
18:23Is it Abel Bill?
18:25Er, no, is it...
18:27Is it the one-man band sheet? Is it the tag-caster thrasher?
18:29No, no, no, no, it's none of them.
18:33Here they are.
18:35Who fancies an impromptu stag night?
18:37I thought you didn't want one.
18:39I said I didn't want a proper one, but me just buying some booze
18:41and some pizzas.
18:43And I was thinking we could do a diode marathon
18:45with just me dad and me best mate.
18:47It'd be bliss.
18:49All right, yeah, yeah, but you've got to give me a hand with this first.
18:51What are we doing?
18:53It's nothing, just drop it.
18:55Well, no way, it's a brilliant game.
18:57We're guessing which wrestler your dad's got gossip on
18:59because apparently his wife is up to all kinds of things.
19:01It's not gossip. You're talking about somebody's life here.
19:03All right, Dad. I'm sure Marlon didn't mean any harm.
19:05Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
19:07Sorry, you know, but if you want my advice,
19:09you know, if you're not sure,
19:11it's probably best not to say anything, really.
19:13You know, you can't ruin a relationship, even if you are trying to help.
19:15Right. Come on.
19:17We can't let Mandy have all the fun.
19:29You don't give up, do you?
19:31Who, me?
19:33I was just taking an innocent stroll.
19:35Is that so? I want you to know
19:37I'm not trying to upset you, I'm just telling you how it is.
19:39I'm not looking to build a life around here.
19:41And I'm not asking you to.
19:43I just thought if you have to stick around,
19:45and you kind of do,
19:47would it really hurt if we got to know each other?
19:49You know,
19:51my dad never saw himself staying around here.
19:53He went to London,
19:55wrote a book. Not many people know that.
19:57What's your point?
19:59My point is
20:01this place, farming,
20:03it's been in our family for almost 100 years.
20:05It has a way of getting in your bones
20:07whether you want it to or not.
20:09Sounds like it means a lot to you.
20:11More than I've ever realised.
20:13I know you've probably
20:15been through a lot with your mum and stuff,
20:17but if you took the time to just
20:19stop and stand still for a while,
20:21it might not be such a bad thing.
20:23And yet, you probably don't want to
20:25spend the next 100 years here,
20:27but it could also be exactly
20:29what you need right now.
20:33there was another reason
20:35I came to find you.
20:37I didn't want to say anything
20:39in front of Nate, but I went home
20:41to clear some more space for you if you are staying longer,
20:43and I found this
20:45in Harry's room. You must have taken it.
20:47I'm sorry. I assumed it was yours.
20:49But I didn't open it.
20:51It didn't seem right.
20:53Is that a dog tag?
20:55Like from the army?
20:59But I don't want to talk about that time in my life.
21:01It's over. Bye.
21:03Yeah, OK. That's fine.
21:05Please, will you just think
21:07about what I said?
21:09I will. I promise.