The Vibe Pt 2 - #10+

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Altspace VR Critic -Interview
00:00I think I caught it man. It's always a little glitch. Okay, here we go. Boom. Okay. So as we were saying, this is a spade table. So how would you go by doing it? How would you get the cards?
00:12Okay, um, I can't even remember. I think there's a, you know, there's a plate up here and you push it. I can't even tell you, but it's been so long since I played spades.
00:26And then this type, there's someone that, oh, there you go. Push on the black box here. And then it'll say player two, um, one, two, and it goes all around.
00:37So, excellent. Excellent. And then it'll give you your cards.
00:42That's excellent, because people don't have to be downstairs talking. They can actually be playing games. When you play games, you really start talking to people too. You really get interaction.
00:52That's wonderful. Okay, what else do you have for us?
00:57Um, that's it. This is the vibe lounge.
01:02So tell me a little bit about yourself and your future and what you plan on doing. Um, do you have any more creations that you're going to do or are you going to expand this or do you have any ideas?
01:15I do have some coming soon. Um, but I am, you know, busy in real world. So, um, I just come on here and do what I can when I can. And so maybe next time when I bump into you, you'll be able to see another one of my worlds that I've actually been able to decorate.
01:40So I got to tell you this, man. I'm proud of you, man. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, man. It's beautiful. How do you feel, man? Do you feel proud of yourself? Do you feel like you accomplished something? How do you feel?
01:51Yes, yes, yes, I do. Um, when we finally got it up, it was so much hard work. I was just like, yes. And then we finally kicked off our grand opening. That was like a, it was like a sigh of relief because that's what we've been waiting for forever. It took like three to four months to get it open. And, um, yeah.
02:15So do you feel like you're a manager of a real place? Do you know what, do you have that manager feeling like I own this place? This is my place, like a real business and people come in here to see my place. Does it give you the sense of like in reality when you have a place? Because this is, this is kind of like a reality right here, man. You really are in charge. This is your place, man. You had a dream and you put it together, man. And now people are coming to see your dream. This is wonderful.
02:45It does. You know, when people come in, it does give you that manager, you know, feel and you have to kind of kick into manager gear and like, Hey, I'm responsible for these people's, you know, how they enjoy here at this place. And if they need anything, they will come to me and say, Hey, you know, I need this. I need that or something, you know, so.
03:07It's my job to keep all the machines, all the games running properly, because if they malfunction, exactly, you know, got to fix it. So, yeah. And the hosting with the, you know, music, you got to have a great playlist. So it's a, it's a lot.
03:23Yeah, definitely. Definitely. So how much time do you spend in here a day?
03:28I'm not not much time. We come in here and we like tonight is one of the first nights I've been in a while, a little while, because there was so many people that were looking for something to do.
03:44And I just decided to just come in and see if people.
03:50But if there's nobody, I'll pop in for about three.
03:54So let me ask you this question. What do you have to say to anybody that wants to create something? They have a dream and they haven't put the dream into action yet. What would you say to them?
04:06Never let anyone tell you you can't do something and just keep trying until it fits whatever vibe or whatever visionary that you have that keep trying until it fits what you're looking for.
04:20You have the idea in your head, but you can't see it until you move a couple of chess pieces around and see if it fits in the right spot. Keep trying. Keep going. Never give up. Never let anyone stop you.
04:36That's great. So let me ask you this. Since you built this place in your real life, when you walk down the street, do you walk down the street like a little bit broader, a little bit more confident, a little bit that you know that, you know, you're not like a regular person, you have done something that people don't know about.
04:56Do you feel like you have like a superpower or you like a secret identity that nobody knows about? Is it hard for you to hold on to it and not tell people? You understand what I'm saying?
05:07Well, I understand, but actually most that I tell people outside is they should come and visit because they're never going to actually see what, you know, someone's done in here unless they see it for themselves, because I can tell people all day like, oh, I did this or I did that.
05:32But, you know, if they don't see it, they're like, OK, you know.
05:36Guess what, Flawless?
05:37Where is it?
05:38With this video, not only will you be able to tell people who don't have virtual reality, you'll be able to show them because everybody has a computer and YouTube.
05:47So now you can say, remember when I told you about A, B and C? Let me give you a little identity of what it looks like and how you can walk around, how you can interact and whatever it looks like.
05:57And then that's what this whole purpose is to promote your thing so that your idea doesn't go, you know, without being recognized. You understand what I'm saying?
06:06Right. When somebody puts a lot of work into it, a lot of people don't get a chance to see it.
06:11And let me tell you, man, this is very beautiful. I've been to places, man. This is really, really beautiful, man.
06:17And I'm proud of you, man. You know what I'm saying? You did a good job. You had an idea and you put the idea into operation.
06:23And so would you like to have any closing words or would you like to? Let's go down to the first one.
06:28Well, I wanted to say that this whole floor, I had no idea what to do with this floor. We had different games. We switched it up so many times.
06:40When I came back, my partner was the one who had all this organized by the time I came back.
06:47And I was like, oh, my God, but you do. So it was amazing to come up here and just see all this stuff where it is.
06:53And so organized and so neat and put in the perfect spot. I feel like each piece belongs.
07:02So I give all credit to him. I had my screen on this side behind you on this table.
07:12He switched it all around for me and was like, hey, you'd like it better like this. And we ran with it. It was nice.
07:19Very beautiful. Very beautiful. And once again, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful, wonderful place.
07:26And we're going to end by walking downstairs. That way, as we're walking downstairs, everybody can take a view of what we see while we're going downstairs, the reality of it.
07:36OK, so we're going to walk. We're not going to transport. We're going to give them the walkthrough. They're going to see.
07:40They're going to get the feeling of walking through here. And then you'll be able to walk through.
07:47So we're going to walk through the lamp over there. Then it's the vibe lounge. We have the screen over here.
07:54You have the spades table. Get your spades together because we'll be playing spades over here. I love spades. I'm going to learn how to do it again.
08:00We have the bar over here with all the drinks. And as you can see, the bartender app.
08:07OK, then as we're going down, we can see the view over here. Look at this, man. Look at this.
08:13Even if nobody was here, you could just meditate over here. And then we're going to go down the spiral staircase.
08:19Look at the wood. Look at the beautiful wood. Look at that, man. Look at what Flawless did, man.
08:24That's why they call him Flawless. So he's Flawless. And look at this, man.
08:29And from here, you can see the view before you even go out. This is the second floor view.
08:33And then we're not even going to go over there. We're going to go to the balcony. Right? Right over here.
08:40So we walk over here. This is where I met her at. She was talking with her friends. Look at this. Another view.
08:46So you're on the second floor. You're not even on the third floor. You have another area.
08:51You can sit here, have light drinks, talk to your friends. Look at this. Beautiful.
08:56Then you can go through this door. And look at the DJ. The DJ is right over here, man.
09:01Let me tell you, I've seen avatars. This one is really nice, man.
09:05You can make this a cartoon superhero or something like that.
09:08Then look over here. We can't go over there because she's going to do something later on with that.
09:12Then over here, look at this. I'm going to walk down this ramp.
09:16So you can see what it feels like to walk down this ramp.
09:19Now, Flawless and her partner. Next time we're going to do a partner, we get a chance.
09:24Okay, let me go right over here. Boom.
09:27Now look at this. We're right behind the DJ thing. Right behind the DJ thing.
09:32Now, I'm right next to the DJ. Look at this guy. He's getting ready to cut loose a record, man.
09:39Oh, I've got to tell you something too, Flawless. We need to get a chance too.
09:43You're still here? You're still here, right?
09:45You're still here?
09:47Yeah, I've got something that might be right up your alley too.
09:50Look at this water, man. Let me just show you by this water.
09:53I couldn't really see it from the angle. Look at this, man. Beautiful. Beautiful.
09:59Well, yeah, Flawless. Your hat looks beautiful too. Your outfit looks beautiful too, by the way.
10:05I did an interview with The Queen. Now, I don't know if you've heard of The Queen, right?
10:10But The Queen dropped nine albums, right? And she's looking for places to do her show at.
10:15So I'm going to try to find a way for you to connect with The Queen.
10:19And we're talking about in real life. She did nine albums and she got videos, man.
10:23We could bring The Queen here and then you could say, this Saturday, The Queen will be here.
10:28This, whatever. And you can have dates where you can actually have people in here that can play their own music.
10:33You don't have to worry about copywriting. You have original artists.
10:36You'll be connected, networking with other people too.
10:39Okay. Okay.
10:41So that should be great for you. So let me just show over here.
10:44Okay, it's a dance floor. Beautiful. I love the colors. The rainbow colors. Very beautiful.
10:49And I like when the lights get in my eye. I want you to see what it looks like when the lights get in my eye.
10:54Because I haven't been to a club in a while.
10:57And then you get on the stage. If you have a show, an act, you contact Flawless and she'll let you perform over here.
11:04You got the microphone. If you have a song that you didn't even make an album with
11:09and you just have a song that you think that you want to get out, you can speak to Flawless
11:14and she'll see if she can arrange that for you.
11:16Over here we have the beautiful bar. Nice colors over here.
11:21These guys are working hard because they know that they're working for a winner.
11:25And we work for a winner. You can't slack off because she's Flawless.
11:28So then we have over here this beautiful area and the picture done by her partner
11:33which we'll get a chance to see a little bit later on.
11:36And by the way, she was waiting for a partner. She was looking for a partner.
11:39She actually didn't even want to start the interview until a partner came.
11:42I had to push it a little bit. So that's not her fault. That's my fault for being a little pushy.
11:47So over here is another screen. The vibe.
11:52And another beautiful place over here, my friend. Fireplaces. You don't see it too often.
11:59Because in reality, you can set a fire. But in this world, you can sit here comfortably.
12:04You can talk while you listen to music. It can be romantic.
12:07You can actually meet somebody in here, man. You can really meet a different person in here.
12:12Right. Okay. So what else do you have for me? Anything else?
12:17This is it. I would like to thank everybody for joining us
12:24and allowing us to show you around at the Vibe Lounge.
12:29And I got another question, Flawless. What would you like this video to be called?
12:33Because I always name the video what the creator wants me to call it.
12:36So that way you won't have a problem finding it.
12:39What would you like me to call this video?
12:42The Vibe Lounge.
12:44Take your time. And we can walk outside too while you're going down.
12:48The Vibe Lounge? The Vibe Lounge Tour.
12:51Okay. Okay. Great. And then we're going to go outside and see that poster one more time.
12:56That's where we started at. This is beautiful. 360.
13:00All right.
13:02Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
13:04Look at this beautiful picture over here. Look at that. Wonderful.
13:07Wonderful. The floor is beautiful.
13:09And this is Vibe from the inside. We're going to see Vibe from the outside.
13:13And then we're going to see the big poster that our partner helped create it.
13:17Oh, look up there too, man. Look up there. Look at this.
13:20Look at this, man. I like big places.
13:22Beautiful. Beautiful. Look at the poster. And look at the stars.
13:26So this is the poster that our partner created.
13:29Look at that.
13:34So we're going to end it with you right in front of that poster giving your last words.
13:37Oh, let me just show them what you look like again.
13:40Oh, they see it already.
13:42Okay. So you have any closing words, Floralist?
13:46And thank you. Let me just tell you this.
13:49Let me just tell you this. Thank you so much for the interview.
13:52Because it was short notice.
13:54And you know, it's almost like a real interview.
13:56You know, I get a little bit nervous. You don't know what to say.
13:58I think you did an excellent job.
14:00You have a wonderful place.
14:02And I'm going to come here.
14:04Oh, look at this. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
14:07And is that Pacific time?
14:10Because, you know, a lot of people listen to all over the world.
14:13And they have different time zones.
14:15It's Central.
14:19And where are you from?
14:22This is when we opened January 21st. I'm Texas.
14:25What? You're from Texas?
14:27Wow. I was out there. I was in San Antonio.
14:30I was in the Army out there. That's wonderful. I love Texas.
14:33Oh, really? Wow.
14:35So, any closing words before we end this video?
14:40Thank you, Cass, for joining us at the Vibe Lounge.
14:43And this is the end of our interview.
14:46Okay. Thank you very much.
14:49And guys, thank you. I want you to come and support her.
14:52Because she put a lot of work in it. It's very beautiful.
14:55It's one thing to watch it on a YouTube video.
14:58It's another thing to actually be here and experience it.
15:01And actually, you get a chance to talk to Flawless yourself personally.
15:06You'll talk to the creator that created this place.
15:09And that's a wonderful thing.
15:11Any questions that I miss, you can ask her.
15:13Anybody that wants to do, you have music,
15:16and you want to do some kind of an audition,
15:19you contact Flawless and her partner,
15:22and they will set it up for you.
15:24They'll be glad to invite anybody who's interested in their creations.
15:28Am I right?
15:33Thank you so much.
15:35You're welcome. I'm going to sign off right now.