Only Murders in the Building ist eine Comedy-Serie aus dem Hause Hulu mit Selena Gomez, Martin Short und Steve Martin in den Hauptrollen. Diese spielen ein Trio von True-Crime-Fans, die plötzlich selbst in einen Kriminalfall verwickelt werden.
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00:00We're only murders in the building.
00:04I'm Charles Hay...
00:06What the hell?
00:08...Din Savage.
00:10You can just splice that onto the Charles Hay.
00:12Yeah, I'll get out the splicer.
00:15A Hollywood studio.
00:16Want us to make a movie of our podcast?
00:18This script is amazing.
00:20Oliver flits around the room as septuagenarian Peter Pan or a male Tinkerbell?
00:25I do not walk that way.
00:31Okay, podcasters.
00:33We have a fabulous cast.
00:37I'm Eugene Levy.
00:38I'm Eva Longoria.
00:40Oliver, this is Zach Galif...
00:41Oh yes, Zach Galifragilistic, of course.
00:45I see what you're doing.
00:46I happen to have starred in the second highest grossing comedy of all time.
00:49Are you the little boy from Home Alone?
00:51What have they done to you?
00:54We thought it'd be a good idea if we do character study.
01:00Are we attached to Mabel?
01:02I'd say so.
01:03Guys, we're going to Hollywood.
01:06Oh my God.
01:12There's been another murder.
01:17Who would kill Sazh?
01:19This is a lot of suspects.
01:22We were hoping we could ask a few questions.
01:25I'm not talking to you.
01:26Well, maybe this will unzip your lips.
01:29Can you break this?
01:30I'll give you the 20, you give me back 15.
01:34We can help you now.
01:37Actors are investigators.
01:41Charles, this shooter was focusing on your apartment.
01:45You think I was the target?
01:46We have to find a safe house.
01:48What about your sister in Long Island?
01:52Look who decided to show up.
01:54You know, I always knew what your voice sounded like from the podcast.
01:56Sometimes I slow it down, and then I speed it back up, and then I slow it down again.
02:01And then I speed it back up.
02:17There's a killer out there. You need to focus.
02:20We'll take it from here.
02:21Oh yeah, you think you got this?
02:22We're not children.
02:23And can you open this next snack? My assistant's not here.