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  • last month


01:26So I'm like
01:30Thank you. What's up?
01:34I'm glad to see you
01:42Sorry, I know that I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry. She'll come wide. We'll go to my head. I'm sick. She'll be a little empty
01:49Type of surely him. Okay. We said in a calamity. I think we'll have this was right
01:52I'll look like shit. I should have a little bit. I didn't kill him
01:55There's a coffee soda
02:03Know I got what's up. There was a man. Thank you
02:30I'm not sorry. I'm a jazz
02:42What a choice
03:57So what are you boy we're gonna be calling it
04:07Hi, I did yeah
04:09Sajid, I gotta win the dinner spirit. You're a spirit
04:13Get the dam I mean, who's a bounty?
04:17Well, I didn't know she could I'm in me. What do you mean this me?
04:22I'm about to come to kill you. I'm fake. What you got to feel me. I'm gonna kick on
04:27She's a catty boy
04:29Come Leah, coolie. Yeah, I'm a boot
04:35Clearly I'm a boy
04:41Well, I'm a little boy. She'll wait
04:43I'm gonna have a boy. I'm a hell. How's that?
04:46Into your armor. I'm not a fee. I'm tired. I could buy it. I mean, hey, I like it's a team. I'll fuck you
04:53I'm gonna sell him Charlie
04:55So in theory, I mean I feel it. I should give you myself a tear. I did it. You know, it was Salama
05:00Well, let me show me. I like what you're gonna hate. I'm gonna tell me now. I love
05:05Yeah, I knew I'd be
05:08My baby and it's gonna be in the house. I want to feel mojada and in a holiday
05:12I'll let you know how let you know how let you know how to make one of each
05:15Till I see you say boy. It's a girl. Yeah, Andy. I'm good. I'll give it to you. I'll eat it. Well, I'll be one
05:21I'm sorry
05:24John my
05:44Can't imagine what I'm gonna do
05:46Wanna mini gary to be held a tag on the soil of law of the law. What will I kill me?
05:51When I
06:21In TV, I'll be level of identity
06:24Tyree knee Lama Irish
06:27But since he haram to know such a haram to relish my idea
06:31Mom, what's going on here?
06:33And he got a chemical fee why did I have anti-factory fear the worst can be twisted on a fella
06:38Well, he's Sarah Arba'a. Oh, yeah, he'll know
06:43So for a lot of them
06:45Until a mutt I'm much of a denia bustle
06:48But unless you don't clean up such a big one
06:50Daddy, I'm a dirty man. Take a trace in Raskolnikov. I'm me what I'm Anna. No one will hush up. No, it's a little pain
06:57I know if it's what I have
07:03Well, I know why I say no, maybe Shayna, but still sure how I lay on it. Yeah be muscled
07:08I took him
07:09Well, I could walk it up a little bit. Yeah, I was lost. I had them. I have to have you go now
07:14Hey, it's not her. But how's the man in the insult? We want a nurse in for him, but I'll let you know
07:23Hi, I'll call you
07:31Hey, I tell
07:36The father of the lot in Senegal
07:40Had to stop it
07:42I'll be time. Yeah, it's a fault
07:45Okay, I'll jump over
07:48Well, what can I do?
07:50Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
07:57It's I said I like our way
08:00Can tell you I mean
08:02What do we think reality?
08:08How did the father the father can take reality module
08:25I know I'm Shayna
08:28Shabu-shabu time so yet. Oh, I'm so mad
08:31Okay, let's get a mini-mini-mini
08:37Let's give kill me can
08:42Have to stick around here. Hey kill me. Can I have to listen to you? I love it. I'll show you
08:51He la la la best time I'm a muscular
08:54What's a market like a jury never say?
08:56Oh, we got a bone makeup artist. I don't know. I'm the makeup artist shot. Oh, it's funny. That's how sweet
09:02Hey, I'm the makeup artist shot. Oh, it doesn't have a desert account. Oh
09:07This account, you know, I'm hot. Let's roll. You know, I'm so you have a blogger out. Hey
09:13That's Habibi Habibi. Hey, I call it. Let's go. Let's go. My son. What's up?
09:19I'm a chick. My such a date. I've ridden it on an ass
09:22We can end the makeup artists more time. Ah, yeah, but I'm a tough
09:26She'll move all of them. I'm a business. I'm a business. You couldn't be more boating about the hi-hat
09:33Oh, I'm the sugar. He best him. I know and I rice wide. Oh my god. What are you?
09:37No, muscular. But then until I walk out
09:39Yeah, I'm sure that's the one
09:45Hello, you know
09:48Marco got a shaman
09:54Okay, okay
10:03She am I'm Audrey
10:05Google boy, I mean I can lean it. Hey, yeah, I'm wrong. No, I'll have it
10:11Hala Sana, I can I'm a teen
10:18I'll have a killer. I know a lost. I'm a kill. I'll rock a resume. Yeah, that's a good
10:23Come here, son
10:24Yeah, I mean I'm gonna say but I'm gonna show you have to let the hurry
10:27Well, I'm a so we have let a shell or a I am a big deal. Yeah, I'm a big deal
10:31Yeah, I'm a big deal. Yeah, I'm a big deal. Yeah, I'm a big deal
10:34I'm a big deal. I'm a big deal. I'm a big deal. I'm a big deal. I'm a big deal
11:09Think the rafters to kill him. I'm I had a refrain. Yeah, I keep it. I'm serious. I want you to live in it
11:15You've been a evil. I'm a mother. I'm a father. I'm a external
11:18I don't think I'm a house. I'm a seat. I wish tomorrow. Yeah, I'll have you between us
11:22I don't have to sing them how much I'm gonna go. It's not too late if I'm gonna swallow from me. I'll get sick
11:27He's not a sugar. It's a lot of mcinty
11:30Sally, I'm gonna make I don't have to go. That's what I'll wait
11:34You know, I got a shame. I'm a little bit got right here
12:06Mom, look, my dad brought me to the party.
12:13They're so pretty.
12:15What party?
12:17It's an invitation, we made it for us.
12:19Because we brought all our relatives and all our acquaintances.
12:23But you still have to come.
12:25Why? Did they tell you?
12:27Did you tell your mom or did you invite me?
12:30No, they told me and they confirmed it.
12:32Mom, pick one, I'm sure I won't wear them all.
12:34No, my love, you don't have to.
12:37I'll wear what I have.
12:43What do you think of this dress?
12:45They're all pretty.
12:55Today is going to be a crazy party.
12:59No, no, really, we're going to have fun.
13:00We're going to have fun, it's different.
13:02I don't want a party, I just want you to be happy.
13:07I don't understand why you're tired.
13:09Come on, let's go.
13:11You don't know how to do it.
13:30I don't know how to do it.
14:00I don't know how to do it.
14:30I don't know how to do it.
15:00I don't know how to do it.
15:31Today is going to be a crazy party.
15:34No, no, really, we're going to have fun.
15:36I don't know how to do it.
15:38I don't know how to do it.
15:56How are you?
15:57Look, everyone is telling me about you.
16:00What do you mean?
16:02Your mother, your father, your brother Khaled, your sister Tahrir.
16:06Everyone is telling me that you have to go out and get married today.
16:09Since they haven't seen you get married before.
16:11So, where exactly are we going now?
16:13Look, first we're going to the market.
16:15And after the market, we're going to the salon.
16:17And after the salon, we're going to the party.
16:19What about my mother?
16:21Your aunt is definitely going to be there.
16:22No, I'm not going to go.
16:24I mean, I'm not going to go.
16:28Yes, we're going to get out of the salon.
16:30And after the party, we're going to get married.
16:32Don't worry, dear.
16:34Come on, let's go.
16:43What do you think?
16:45It's nice.
16:47Okay, you didn't find anything.
16:49Let me see.
16:50I don't know.
16:52I feel like this one or this one.
16:54What do you think?
16:56They're all colorful.
16:58Let me see your size.
17:00Excuse me, do you have this size?
17:02I can't find this size.
17:21What's wrong?
17:23What's wrong with you?
17:25I don't know, I feel like I want something simple.
17:28Something simple?
17:32What do you think of this?
17:34It's weird with the tannoura.
17:36There's nothing better.
17:38Okay, I'll take this one.
17:50Let's go.
17:51Welcome, welcome to this special cover of our show.
18:20In this special cover, we bring you the joy of Hussa's family to welcome their daughter today.
18:25After 33 years, we welcome her today with joy, with a beautiful smile.
18:29Come on, to the joy of Hussa.
18:31Stay with us today to meet and get to know the joy of the family and their feelings today.
18:35Hayat, today is your day off. Today, of course, you are Hussa's little sister.
18:39Tell us how you feel today. What did you see today in the nice weather?
18:41And she came back today and said she fell in love with you.
18:43Honestly, I have mixed feelings. I don't know.
18:48It's strange. And at the same time, I'm happy that my parents are happy that Hussa came back to us.
18:54But unfortunately, I don't have any memories with her because I wasn't born at the time.
18:59Hussa, of course, was with her when she was a child.
19:02And her mother, God rest her soul, was with her.
19:04Every Wednesday, my son and I would go to my aunt's house and play together.
19:08When we were young, we would watch the same cartoon.
19:11Well, of course, I'm happy, but there aren't many details I remember.
19:15I remember a few simple things.
19:18For example, we would study and play together.
19:20From the photo album, I lived a lot of moments with her through the photos.
19:25Honestly, I was very surprised and very excited after she came back.
19:29And I really expected her to be your martyr.
19:46Honestly, I can't tell you how I felt.
19:49I can only tell you how I found my daughter.
19:51I found her in their house, crying and fainting.
19:55And she couldn't speak because of the shock.
19:58I wanted to know who her mother was and who her father was so I could take them to her.
20:01But I didn't find any answer from her.
20:03Even when I went to Saudi Arabia.
20:05And, God bless, we're seeing these tears, these precious tears.
20:09As we say, we're going to do something from the heart to the heart.
20:13What made you want to take her to Saudi Arabia and raise her here?
20:19Of course, God knows that this mother, Noora, doesn't have children.
20:24She doesn't have daughters.
20:26So, God blessed her with this daughter.
20:29That's why she stuck to her.
20:31Even after she knew her family, she wasn't willing to give them to her.
20:35But in the end, what's right is what's right.
20:38No matter what people say or say, it's hard to get a feeling.
20:43But, you know, I was holding on to hope.
20:46I had a hope, a strong hope, that one day I would find her.
20:50Although I thought she was gone, a martyr.
20:53But there was a feeling inside me that she was still there.
20:57And, thank God, after a long time, I found her.
21:02It was a dream, a dream, something strange.
21:05Honestly, I can't describe it to you.
21:07Hussam is a beautiful name.
21:09It's a name that I miss and love a lot.
21:13I feel that my son has finally returned to me.
21:17My daughter.
21:18She came back to me after they took her from me for many years.
21:22Thank God.
21:23Thank God.
21:24Thank God.
21:25First of all, she was in prison.
21:28She left and moved to Kuwait.
21:30But she spent most of her life in another country.
21:34She left and moved to another country.
21:37I wish her all the best.
21:39I wish her all the best.
21:42I have beautiful memories of her.
21:44She was young, but she was beautiful.
21:47I don't want anyone to be mad at me, but she looks like me.
21:50I'm her mother.
21:51I'm the one who carried her for nine months in my womb.
21:56I have the same eyes, the same features, the same smile.
22:02I feel like I'm her mother.
22:21During our meeting today at the house of Hussa's family,
22:24to welcome their daughter Hussa,
22:25the joy and the happy feelings today,
22:28we got to know Hussa's father, Anout Sabigh.
22:32Thank God.
22:33What would you like to say to them today?
22:39I don't know.
22:41Ask them.
22:42I asked them a while ago, but I appreciate this feeling today.
22:45Would you like to say something to them?
22:46I asked them all.
22:47You're the last one.
22:48You're our bride for today.
22:49What would you like to say?
22:51I don't know what to say.
23:04Dear viewers, these tears are precious to us.
23:06Tears of happiness and peace.
23:09As you saw today,
23:10this full coverage introduced us to Hussa's family.
23:13We took their opinion.
23:14We saw their happiness.
23:15We saw their tears of joy.
23:17Tears of happiness and peace from their whole family.
23:19This was today's special coverage from Hussa's family.
23:21I hope you are safe.
23:22Thank God for their safety.
23:24See you in the next coverage.
23:26In the name of God.
23:49Thank you, Abu Badr.
24:12You did a great job.
24:13God bless your father.
24:14God bless your father.
24:15On the contrary, I want to thank you for this nice visit.
24:19You did a great job.
24:20Do you have all these cars?
24:24One of the neighbors invited a guest.
24:28God bless you.
24:29See you.
24:30Good night.
24:31Good night.
24:32Good night.
24:35We failed.
24:37He was talking and talking.
24:40God bless you.
24:44God bless you.
24:52Congratulations on the new car.
24:55Who is your sister in the car?
24:59She is my cousin.
25:01She is a driver.
25:03Honestly, she is so beautiful.
25:14What do you think, brother Waleed?
25:43I hope you like the design
25:45Honestly, I really like the design
25:48I really liked it
25:50And as we promised you, the design will be ready when you order it
25:55And I have no doubt about that
25:57Well, I will prepare the contracts so that it will be completed
26:02Ok, goodbye
26:13Hello, sir. This is Sarah, the engineer
26:16What can I do for you?
26:17Do you want me to design a house for you?
26:19No, I'm sure it's an apartment
26:20No, no, no, a street, a street, right? A street
26:23My sister, engineer Anoud is the one who took over the project
26:26Engineer Anoud
26:29Is there anything I can do for you?
26:31Thank you, sister
26:32I wish I was lucky
26:34Oh, how lucky I am, how lucky I am
26:37How lucky I am to break the rock
26:39I don't care about anything
26:52I'm very surprised, but at the same time, I'm very excited
26:57Do you know when was the last time we went out for breakfast, lunch, or even coffee?
27:04I know, a long time ago
27:06But after you finish your coffee, I will give you a surprise
27:09A surprise?
27:11I know you want to say it's a surprise, but I will show you
27:16So, what kind of surprise?
27:20If I told you, how can I call it a surprise?
27:25Will you buy me a new car?
27:30No, not a car
27:32How can I touch it?
27:33What's wrong with you? You can't be patient
27:35Drink your coffee and go
27:37Okay, I'm done
27:38Drink it quickly
27:43I won't allow you to doubt my manners
27:45My dear, explain to me what happened
27:48I'm not forced to explain to you or anyone else
27:51If you have problems, jealousy, jealousy of girls, go and deal with it yourself, not me
27:57If you want to talk about work, go ahead, if you don't want to talk about work, go to your office
28:02Everything will be fine
28:26What's wrong?
28:28Do you want to buy me a net, a car, or a bracelet?
28:31A net, a car, or a bracelet?
28:34From what shop?
28:37Are you serious?
28:42I expected the surprise to be a car, a watch, a brand, but a shop in my name?
28:48You deserve it, you deserve it, I called it marble
28:51Thank you very much
28:58Congratulations, Maram, on your new shop
29:01Thank you, uncle
29:03You're welcome
29:05Your husband, the one I'm sitting next to, my right-hand man
29:09He takes your work from the shop and displays it here in the shop
29:13No, I heard that he has a shop in Eid
29:17Maram doesn't have a job, I brought the stuff here
29:21And since we have a shop, she doesn't need to display her work in another shop
29:26I was going to tell you today
29:29Khaled, tell me, give me news, or I'll break your head
29:35No, uncle, what are you talking about?
29:37One of me will do another job for you, and I'll give it to you
29:40In the end, we're all the same
29:41See? Your wife has more good than you
29:46Dad, you misunderstood me
29:47No, no, I know you didn't misunderstand me
29:49I know why you did this, I have news, I know
29:52Anyway, congratulations on your new shop
29:58You're right, dad
30:00What you understood is right, no one wants to help us
30:05What do you mean?
30:06What I'm not convinced of
30:09It doesn't smell like us, and it doesn't even have the same smell as us
30:13And dad, you taught us that we shouldn't interfere in other people's business
30:16And now you're interfering in our business and our lives
30:22Congratulations on your new shop
30:25Thank you
30:53No, no, don't be surprised
30:57You'll see, I'm so happy
30:59How are you?
31:01I'm good, good, as long as I hear this beautiful voice
31:06I'm relaxed
31:08Today, you know, we have a party
31:11Yeah, but...
31:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
31:15The word is heard in my house
31:17And I want you to be present
31:20See them, sit with them, get to know them, get to know you
31:24I mean, you'll get to know each other
31:26I hope
31:27I hope you die
31:30I have a few things to finish
31:32And if you want, you can go together
31:40Get back to work
31:52Hello, mom
31:54How are you?
31:56I'm fine, thank God
31:58Mom, I just want to tell you that I won't have lunch at home today
32:01I'll have lunch outside
32:05Yeah, I'll have lunch at his place
32:07Okay, mom
32:09God bless you
32:11Mom, please eat
32:13It's not like I don't have anything to eat
32:40Do you know that we put this picture in every corner of the house?
32:44I mean, this picture in particular
32:47I remember 1989, the first day of Eid
32:50We went to the photo studio and took this picture for you
33:01By the way, I have one in the shop
33:06The same one he put in his wallet?
33:11Can you believe it?
33:13I didn't expect my sister to be like this
33:15When she was young, she was beautiful
33:25You too
33:26Everything about you is beautiful
33:28Hussa, I'm sorry but
33:32You know, this wound in your eye
33:35What is it?
33:36Oh, God, it's just time
33:37Why are we just standing here?
33:38Get down, they're talking
33:43This wound
34:01How will this go away?
34:03When will it go away?
34:05Mom, some things
34:07The wound won't go away
34:09But we forget
34:10And there are some things
34:12The wound will go away
34:13But it will stay memorable
34:16Do you understand?
34:20Oh, God
34:30I don't want to remember those dark days
34:36Why did you call me Tahrir?
34:40Today is the most important day in my life
34:43I will never forget it
34:46Come on, guys, the food is getting cold
34:48Let's taste my aunt's cooking
34:50And then we'll talk about our beautiful memories
35:21I miss this food so much
35:23Eat, eat, God bless you
35:25God bless you too
35:27What do you want now, dad?
35:28I'm embarrassed
35:29Come on, dad, let's eat
35:31Looks like she still hasn't gotten used to us
35:33Zain, what do you want first?
35:37Or should we go for a drink?
35:39No, I'm looking for myself
35:42Don't you remember anything about your childhood?
35:45I don't remember everything
35:47There are things I remember and things I don't
35:50Yes, talk to us more
35:52Tell us the details
35:53I want to know
