• last year


00:30My name's Roman Comte and I'm the general manager of the Mutiny Club.
00:36Let's play find the DEA agent at the martini bar.
00:39Why'd you never tell me that your brother's the biggest trafficker in Miami?
00:43We went our separate ways.
00:45I'm gonna need you to provide us with intel about his operation.
00:47Your brother is a very dangerous man.
00:49They threatened to arrest me and take Valeria away if I don't cooperate.
00:53You're Janice Nichols.
00:54Hot damn.
00:55I love your film.
00:56I did that film against my will.
00:58Chucho, that's my brother.
01:00We came from Cuba and you abandoned me.
01:03I didn't want to kill people so I could sell drugs.
01:05I might be willing to help you, but you're gonna have to prove that I can trust you.
01:09There's something else going on, mister.
01:11Some Haitians stole Lester's shipment. He's gonna buy it back.
01:16All units ready to engage.
01:17Isn't that the meat?
01:18Oh, we switched it.
01:19You know, Chucho, smells of rat everywhere.
01:21What the fuck?
01:22Those Haitians, they got another thing coming.
01:26Fucking rat.
01:30We gotta get him to a fucking hospital.
01:32Come on, hurry. Let's go.
01:47Oh, let me get this fucking straight.
01:49A bunch of coke dealing Haitians your brother was supposed to meet with wind up dead.
01:54A shot full of holes.
01:55Chucho Ramirez winds up in the ER in the middle of the night with a bullet in his throat.
02:00You were with Lester the whole time and you know nothing about any of this?
02:03Lester took me to the meet, but he had me wait in the car.
02:07Why, Roman, would he do that?
02:09The same reason he gave me a fake meeting address. He doesn't trust me yet.
02:12He's testing me.
02:15I'm gonna get the information from you about your brother.
02:19Where you can kiss your daughter goodbye. Huh?
02:22You know, listen, asshole, I risked my life even being there.
02:25Now I'm gonna report you and all your fucking booms.
02:27My group supervisor?
02:30Your local congressman?
02:32Who, Roman?
02:38Look, I got this Chucho Ramirez under 24-hour guard.
02:43Son of a bitch is unconscious right now.
02:46But if he makes it out of the ICU, he and I are gonna have a little chat.
02:52What are his chances?
02:54I don't know.
02:56But you ought to pray to God that miserable piece of shit survives and spills on Lester.
03:20Catalina, how are you?
03:24I know, I know, I know.
03:26Listen, I need you to have faith.
03:29Because I really feel Chucho's going to recover.
03:32I've asked my godmother to come by tomorrow.
03:35To ask the Orishas for protection.
03:38For him.
03:45I want you to meet Chucho's family.
03:47I want you to meet Chucho's family.
03:49This is Catalina, his wife, and his children Rosa and Manuel.
03:54This is my brother, Roman.
03:56This is the man that helped me save Chucho.
04:03He's going to be okay.
04:04Listen, when Chucho wakes up in the ICU,
04:08and they move him, I'm going to get him out of there.
04:11Even the cannon, if I have to.
04:15Do you understand?
04:29Chucho isn't just my number two.
04:31He's the most loyal guy I've ever known.
04:34He will very likely be under guard.
04:36I'm sorry, brother, but it's impossible.
04:39How many things have you and I done that everybody said was impossible?
04:43Not walk into a hospital guarded by US law enforcement.
04:46Chucho is like a brother to me.
04:48I would do for him as I would do for you.
04:55Well, if he's your brother,
04:58then he's my brother too.
05:18Are you ready for more?
05:21I got it.
05:27You got it.
05:34Are you ready for more?
05:41Baby, why so serious?
05:43It ain't what it seems.
05:46It's secret safe with me.
05:56Baby, why so serious?
05:58It ain't what it seems.
06:01It's secret safe with me.
06:06I got it.
06:12You got it.
06:19You know where we at.
06:20Hotel Cocaine.
06:22Hotel Cocaine.
06:24Hotel Cocaine.
06:26Hotel Cocaine.
06:28Might just blow your brains.
06:30Might just maintain.
06:32Might just do things.
06:34You know where we at.
06:35Hotel Cocaine.
06:37Hotel Cocaine.
06:39You ready for more?
07:10I know where you're going.
07:19Look at this.
07:20Can you fucking believe it?
07:22Yeah, so?
07:23They counterfeit.
07:24People are manufacturing these goddamn cards to get into the club.
07:28Oh, shit.
07:29Whoever made these went to a lot of trouble.
07:32The easier to just print the money.
07:34A lot of people in Miami have money.
07:36Very few have mutiny cards.
07:37Burn these.
07:38Where's Janice?
07:51This is Rick James.
07:53Grandmaster of funk.
07:55Rick, this is Roman Conte, our kick-ass general manager.
07:59Mr. James, I'm a huge fan.
08:01Your songs really get our dance floor grooving.
08:04Thank you, brother.
08:05Anything you need, can I get you a drink?
08:06A bite?
08:07On the house, of course.
08:10That sounds about right.
08:11Yeah, we need a few grams.
08:12I just need a quick word with Janice.
08:15Then I'll dig some up.
08:16It's a pleasure.
08:25How's it going?
08:26If making sure the guests don't put their hands down
08:28one of my girls' bikinis is your idea of a good time,
08:30I'm having a blast.
08:33I need a favor.
08:36Does your friend Nancy still work at Mercy Hospital?
08:41What kind of favor?
08:42I need the health status on a patient admitted last night.
08:46Chucho Ramirez.
08:50Are you serious?
08:52He got shot.
08:54And how does that involve you?
08:59You can't repeat this to anyone, Janice.
09:03Yeah, of course.
09:06Nestor Cabal is my brother.
09:12That DEA asshole, Zulio, is forcing me to spy on him,
09:15or he'll hit me with some bullshit drug charges
09:18and take Valeria away.
09:20How can he do that?
09:21You need to get a lawyer.
09:22I can't risk it.
09:25Yeah, I went with Nestor and Chucho to a...
09:30a meet last night.
09:32Somehow Chucho figured out I'm working for the DEA,
09:34so, look, I had to.
09:35It was...
09:37It was either him or me.
09:40I had to shoot him.
09:42And he survived.
09:43Oh, my God.
09:45If he lives,
09:46and he tells Zulio I shot him,
09:48I'll be sent to jail.
09:51And if he tells Nestor I'm working with the feds,
09:53I will be face down in the Everglades.
09:58So what the hell are you gonna do?
10:05Gingy, gingy, ya-ya, da-da
10:09Gingy, gingy, ya-ya, here
10:13On the jungle, da-da, ya-ya
10:17We are ready, mama, let's...
10:35Hey, Roman.
10:40Gingy, gingy, ya-ya, da-da
10:44Gingy, gingy, ya-ya, here
10:47Rick, look at the women around you.
10:51You're gonna get out of this funk.
10:53Just relax.
10:55Take it all in.
10:59You guys have been on a bit of a tear.
11:01Oh, thank you, thank you.
11:05Mr. James.
11:08One, two.
11:10How about a little mood picker opera?
11:14No, man.
11:15Rick, this isn't like you.
11:17Roman, we gotta cheer this guy up.
11:18Even the girls aren't doing it for him.
11:21The Bolivian pink.
11:27Rick, are you sure?
11:29I ain't feeling it.
11:30He's got writer's block.
11:32Sorry to hear that.
11:33You know, maybe being here will do the trick.
11:35Uh, Crosby, Stills, and Nash wrote a whole album here.
11:38And if I'm not mistaken,
11:39Keith Richards came up with Beast of Burden
11:41at our very own urinal.
11:43Y'all ain't getting it.
11:45When my album dropped,
11:46I got everything I always wanted.
11:48Money, chicks, fame.
11:52But then the music stopped.
11:54Rick, trust me.
11:56You'll get your inspiration back.
11:57That's what the mutiny's all about.
12:00Ay, caramba.
12:05I gotta get back.
12:06Roman, don't worry.
12:08Valeria's confirmation.
12:09I will be there.
12:10Wouldn't miss it for the world.
12:14Later, Rick.
12:22I don't know how you can stand
12:23being a part of this freak show every night.
12:26For a guy who hates this freak show,
12:28you're here a lot.
12:29What are you fucking with me?
12:31This place is a goddamn cornucopia of information.
12:34I could tell if someone brought it on the load
12:36by how many cases of champagne they ordered.
12:38You want me here for a reason,
12:39or are you just lonely?
12:40Came to brighten your evening.
12:41You suck at that.
12:44About a year ago,
12:45some coked-up Peruvians rescued their boss
12:47out of a hospital in Bermondade County,
12:49and I wouldn't put it past your brother
12:50to do something that ballsy.
12:53Give him a call.
12:54Tell him you heard from one of your bozos
12:56here at the club that the DEA,
12:58they doubled protection on Chucho.
13:07Is that it?
13:08That'll do.
13:27What the fuck are you doing here?
13:31You look good, Janice.
13:32Still haven't answered my question.
13:35I came to ask your forgiveness.
13:38Want to sit?
13:39No, I do not.
13:40What you did, what I went through,
13:42is unforgivable.
13:44Can you leave now?
13:45Or should I get a bouncer?
13:49I'll go if you want me to.
13:55I've learned that forgiveness
13:57isn't just for those seeking it,
13:59but also for those who forgive.
14:02I reserved a room, hoping we could talk.
14:06grab a coffee tomorrow?
14:08If you decide you don't want to,
14:10I'll check out and you'll never see me again.
14:15Your call.
14:34Thanks, sweetheart.
14:36Connect with Nancy.
14:39She said Chucho's in and out of consciousness,
14:41still in intensive care,
14:42but the doctors are expecting him to recover.
14:49Did she say when he'll be moved out of there?
14:58I don't think you should go anywhere near that hospital.
15:09Where's Valeria?
15:10She's getting ready.
15:11Listen, her confirmation class,
15:13I got a call, she skipped it.
15:17Confirmation's tomorrow.
15:19You need to talk to her.
15:21I will.
15:23Look, I need more shit right now.
15:27And while you do that, my love,
15:28I am going to read you a poem from a fellow Cuban.
15:36I've seen a man live with a dagger to his side,
15:39never saying the name of the one who killed him.
15:48you want me to die by your hand?
15:51To prove your undying love for me.
15:56You drive a hard bargain.
16:01Sorry to interrupt, but...
16:03I have to go.
16:04And I will drive you to school.
16:07We have to have a little talk about confirmation class.
16:11Now don't look at her.
16:13This is about us.
16:26All right, enough of the silent treatment.
16:29Let's talk about this class you skipped.
16:32This whole confirmation thing is about me
16:34becoming a soldier of Christ.
16:36But how is that possible if I think it's all bullshit?
16:41It's not bullshit.
16:46What kind of God sends teenagers out to die
16:48in some stupid war in Vietnam?
16:51Or lets the world create a bomb that can annihilate us all?
17:01Or what?
17:03Or takes Mom from us?
17:19I understand.
17:21I really do.
17:23I don't know how God works, but...
17:26I know that he created your mom.
17:35So he...
17:38He must have had a good reason for taking her away.
17:48I don't know.
18:05I don't have much time, so be quick about what you have to say.
18:10Can you at least have a seat?
18:26They said this could be tough.
18:29Who's they?
18:31Um, I've been doing something called EST.
18:36It's about trying to become a better person.
18:40Part of that includes reconnecting with people you haven't seen in a while to make amends.
18:46You lured me and every one of those girls into a sex ring.
18:51Using drugs and alcohol and whatever else you could find to do it.
18:56You spill that?
19:00Yeah, I did.
19:04Janice, I'm sorry.
19:07I hope you can find forgiveness if and when you think I'm ever worthy of it.
19:16Phil, I'm not sure I can ever forgive you.
19:24But I admit it feels good to hear you say that.
19:43Chucho will be moved from the intensive care unit on the third floor to a private room on the second that I have arranged.
19:49Now there's an elevator, but he'll be on a gurney, so he'll be wheeled down a ramp.
19:53When they roll that gurney down the ramp, he'll be with it every step of the way.
19:56Nestor, the DEA's fucking wise to this.
20:02You understand me?
20:04All I know is when Chucho comes out, Guillermo's gonna be there and he's gonna intercept the DEA before they get to the ramp.
20:11At gunpoint.
20:12Right, so you're asking for a fucking shootout in a hospital.
20:15Cabal's smart. Very smart.
20:18But if he tries to grab his man, he's in for a rude awakening.
20:22Nestor, we are too fucking exposed.
20:25It's an open hospital. There's civilians. Too many things could go wrong.
20:31I understand everything, but you need to have a little faith.
20:34If the Orishas want us to succeed, then we're gonna succeed. And if they don't, then we're fucked anyways.
20:40The Orishas?
20:41Yeah. The divine spirits who protect us.
20:47Alright, let's get ready.
20:50He wants to kidnap Chucho from the hospital? That's crazy.
20:54I couldn't talk him out of it, but I'm going with him.
20:57Why? What for?
20:59Chucho might be under DEA guard, but if Nestor manages to get him out of there, it'll be my best chance to take him out.
21:07I need you to cover for me at the club for the next few hours. Can you do that?
21:11Sure, but I don't think you should do this.
21:14Thanks. Appreciate it.
22:30Let's go, bro.
22:39Okay, fellas. Stay close.
22:46What's going on?
22:48I don't know.
22:50I don't know what's going on.
22:52I don't know what's going on.
22:54I don't know what's going on.
22:56I don't know what's going on.
22:59Don't make me blow your fucking heads off.
23:01It's okay. No one wants to get shot here today.
23:04Shut the fuck up. Raise your hands.
23:25Just walk slowly.
23:44If you make a move to come after me, I will shoot up this hospital and kill anyone I see.
23:49Don't worry. No one's gonna make a move.
23:58Piece of shit.
24:00Clay, get the fuck out.
24:01Get the fuck out of here.
24:02Let's go.
24:05Next one. Mira, bugger.
24:12Motherfucker. They switched him out for a fucking dead guy.
24:15Let's go.
24:22Don't worry, Chucho. You're safe with us.
24:29Okay, boys. Host up in front of this room.
24:32Anybody who's not hospital personnel tries to enter, shoot the motherfucker.
24:37Let me know when he wakes up.
24:47Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special treat here at the Mutiny Club tonight.
24:53The great Rick James has agreed to perform a little number with our Mutiny Girls up on this very stage.
25:01No? No? That's right. That's right.
25:05Now, I don't think Rick would mind my sharing with you, but he's been seeking a little inspiration for his new album.
25:13And I reminded him of the karmic benefits of hearing and seeing and feeling the response an audience has to his musical genius.
25:24So, people, please, put your hands together for the minister of funk, the one, the only, the king, Rick James.
25:37Come on up here, Rick, and show us your stuff.
25:44Uh, okay. Okay.
25:47Hey, big fan.
25:51All right. Well, I'm gonna get us started.
25:54That's right.
25:58Come here, ladies. Come here, baby.
26:01Rick, it's a joint. Get up here.
26:04Come on, show them what you're all about.
26:08Oh, come on. Rick, where are ya?
26:15Let's go. This is where you come in, Rick.
26:18Rick, where are you going? Come back!
26:29Well, he scared Rick James out of the club. That was great.
26:33Yes, but I think we have a problem.
26:34What's that?
26:35Maybe it's nothing, but I just saw Phil leading Trudy upstairs. Just thought you should know.
26:42Big, sexy smile for me. That's it. Right there. Right there. That's beautiful. You're like a cat. I love it.
26:49Hey, Janice.
26:50Get out, Trudy.
26:52She doesn't have to go anywhere. It's a free country.
26:58Is something wrong? He's just taking modeling photos.
27:01That's what he tells all the girls before he talks them into turning tricks.
27:05Those pics aren't for some modeling agency. They're for the Johns he plans to sell you to.
27:09She's old.
27:11And jealous.
27:13This is your big break.
27:15He's lying, Trudy.
27:17I paid good money for this room. You won't expect a certain amount of privacy.
27:23Gotta say, the immense thing had me going for a bit.
27:28We don't have to be enemies, Janice. Why don't you help me?
27:31There's lots of money to be made.
27:32You're the pimp. Not me.
27:35No. I see what goes on here.
27:37These girls are here of their own free will.
27:39And if they ever decide to leave, they go with my full blessing.
27:43And if you come back here and try to—
27:44You're gonna do what?
27:51A little friendly advice.
27:53Mind your fucking business.
27:56Or what'll come at you will make being locked up in my uncle's rooms feel like heaven.
28:02By comparison.
28:07Okay, come on. Break's over. Let's go. Let's go.
28:09Back in the pillows. Let's go.
28:11Do you want it or not? Let's go.
28:14Yeah. Little smile. At the camera.
28:16Forget about her. Let's go.
28:17What'd you give me before?
28:38What'd you find out?
28:39Truth was in a private room. Heavily guarded.
28:42They wouldn't give me his condition.
28:46And maybe I could go back there alone. Sneak in.
28:49No. Not now. It's impossible.
28:52Let me try.
28:53Brother, it's not a risk I'm willing to take.
28:56I'm not going to risk it.
28:58I'm not going to risk it.
29:00I'm not going to risk it.
29:02I'm not going to risk it.
29:04I'm not going to risk it.
29:05It's not a risk I'm willing to take.
29:07What if he regains consciousness and talks to the cops?
29:09He will never betray me.
29:15Is that what your Santera told you?
29:16Hey, brother, you do your thing, your Catholic church, and you're going to let me do mine.
29:23If Chucho wakes up and dimes us out, we're all fucked.
29:26That Santera comes here tomorrow to do a job to protect me.
29:30If you weren't so stubborn, my brother, you'd do it with me.
29:33With your brother?
29:35I'm glad for you, but I can't.
29:38My lady has confirmations tomorrow.
29:41You pray to your God for protection, and I'm going to pray to mine.
29:44That way, we're going to have all our bases covered.
30:06How are you, Chuchito?
30:10You don't look so good.
30:14I know you speak English, so I won't torture you with my terrible Spanish.
30:20But I'm going to need everything you've got on this to cabal.
30:26Of course, I could pin the murders of about 14 Haitians on your hands.
30:30Of course, I could pin the murders of about 14 Haitians on your hands.
30:35But if you want to stay loyal to your boss, be my guest.
30:38Be my guest.
30:59Write that shit down.
31:04Scream it. Write it.
31:07Come on.
31:36Rick, welcome to the Alice in Wonderland suite.
31:43What the...
31:49This place is tripped out.
31:54I do my best thinking in here.
31:57Okay, see this funhouse mirror?
32:00To me, it symbolizes the way we look at ourselves.
32:05Distorted, misshaped, monstrous.
32:11You got that right, B.
32:16It's kind of like this for Mars.
32:19You think your music is all you got.
32:22All you are.
32:24I get it.
32:26Look, all my life I've been a weirdo.
32:29I was that kid who wore shoes on the wrong feet because he thought it looked cooler that way.
32:34Who rather play with snails in the outfield during little league games than his team.
32:39Who flunked every test he ever took because school felt like an unbearable prison.
32:47And who was told he never amount to anything by teachers, psychiatric specialists...
32:54And most of his family, except for my mom.
32:59She never treated me like a freak.
33:02She encouraged me to be as strange as I wanted to be.
33:07Because she said, Burton, that's your superpower.
33:13And then one day that little boy got caught in a riptide and the only one who went after him was her.
33:20She saved me.
33:23But drowned doing it.
33:28Damn, man. Sorry.
33:31That's fucked up.
33:44But you know what keeps me reaching for the stars, Rick?
33:48No, what?
33:51You do.
33:53You inspire me.
33:55That's why I built this hotel. For people like us.
33:58You kind of sound like my first church choir teacher.
34:02Singing them gospels was like...
34:08Fighting God.
34:12For real.
34:14For real.
34:18I think I have a way to get inspired.
34:21But you're gonna have to go somewhere with me.
34:36Hey, there he is. Have a seat.
34:39I'm working.
34:40Hey, relax. It's good news.
34:43Your brother wanted to make a play and I was ready for him.
34:47But that stiff. Putting the gurney.
34:50I would have given my left nut to see his reaction.
34:53So why didn't you arrest him on the spot?
34:55What for? I was conning with a dead guy.
34:58I know.
35:00So, Chucho's gonna make it?
35:03He's out of ICU. Not well enough to talk yet, but yeah.
35:07He will be soon.
35:08That's fantastic.
35:10And he will spill.
35:12When facing jail, they all do.
35:14And not just about Nestor.
35:16What happened in Little Haiti.
35:20What else happened in Little Haiti? What are you talking about?
35:24So, there's nothing you want to tell me about that night you haven't talked about?
35:40We'll see what Chucho has to say when he wakes up.
35:45Let me know.
35:48Will do.
35:56Janice, what's up?
36:04He's here, Roman.
36:13Who's here?
36:20Yes, just like that.
36:24You're a natural.
36:28Who the fuck are you?
36:30You don't remember me, Singal?
36:32Fuck, man.
36:34I'm the one who found you beating Janice up on Lincoln Road.
36:44Remember me now?
36:45El Buda?
36:50Roman, stop!
36:51That's enough. Enough.
36:56And you tell your uncle.
36:58If any of you ever come back here, I'll kill you all.
37:02You clear?
37:07Get the fuck out of here.
37:45I just sent Trini home.
37:48She's fine, but...
37:51How are you?
37:54You were right.
37:58I should have gone to a lawyer.
38:00I should have told Zulio to go fuck himself.
38:02Roman, it's not too late.
38:04It is.
38:07As soon as Chucho wakes up,
38:09he'll either tell Zulio or Nestor what I did.
38:13And by then, I will grow up without a father.
38:16There's got to be a way.
38:18The only way is if Chucho dies.
38:25After the confirmation, I'll go to Zulio.
38:27And I'll tell him the whole thing.
38:29Even if he throws me in jail,
38:31maybe he won't take Valeria away.
38:34And Marisol will raise her.
38:37Or maybe you'll get lucky and Chucho will die.
38:41I'm not that lucky.
38:58I couldn't do this without you.
39:01You've died many nights before.
39:03I'm sure after, say, a hundred tries,
39:06you would get it.
39:08I mean, this.
39:10All of this.
39:12Raising Valeria like she was your own.
39:16I don't know.
39:18I don't know.
39:20I don't know.
39:22I don't know.
39:24I don't know.
39:25Raising Valeria like she was your own.
39:28It's like having two children.
39:30You and Valeria.
39:31Very funny.
39:34I mean it.
39:35She loves you.
39:36She depends on you.
39:40You inspire.
39:41And me.
39:44I'm just trying to say thank you.
39:49Look into my eyes.
39:52Kiss me.
39:55Kiss me.
40:12You're welcome.
40:15Now hurry, we'll be late.
40:22You look like a soldier of Christ.
40:24Only prettier.
40:26You are spectacular.
40:28Listen, the good thing about being confirmed is the dress.
40:31Let me see.
40:33As your madrina, I gotta make sure you look your best.
40:37I'll never be as pretty as you.
40:39You've already beat me by a mile.
40:41Let's go.
40:42Papa Dios waits for no one.
40:44Let's go.
40:51Let's go.
41:10In confirmation, we are called to align our inner intentions to the beatitudes of Christ.
41:16To search for the fundamental goodness that God put in all of us.
41:25Confirmation is not merely a rite of passage.
41:29It is a deepening of a holy covenant with God.
41:33A profound moment in your life of faith that began at baptism.
41:38I can't even believe we're talking about this, Janice.
41:41Nancy, a woman's life is at stake.
41:43Please, I just need a nurse's uniform.
41:49Baptism incorporates us into Christ and forms us into God's people.
41:56His first sacrament cleanses all our sins and rescues us from the power of darkness.
42:04Today, your baptism is completed and you are enriched with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
42:10Do you reject Satan and all his works and empty promises?
42:15I do.
42:17Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
42:24I do.
42:27Do you believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
42:33the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
42:37I do.
42:45As you receive the sacraments today, do so with a heart full of faith and openness to the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life.
42:55This anointing will seal you with the gifts of the Lord.
42:59This anointing will seal you with the gifts of the Lord.
43:03Remember these gifts and use them to spread and defend the faith.
43:08You are called to be witnesses of Christ in your words and actions.
43:12Let your every action be a reflection of God's love, peace, compassion, and justice.
44:03See you in hell.
44:17Valeria receives with this signal the gift of the Holy Spirit.
44:24Peace be with you.
44:25And also with you.
44:26The peace of the Lord be with you always.
44:35Are you feeling at all inspired yet?
44:39I definitely feel a song coming on.
44:44But hey, B.
44:48Your mama would have been real proud of you.
44:54You're not just a freak.
44:57You're a super freak.
45:01Thanks for the help, brother.
45:07Super freak.
45:13Roman, everything okay?
45:17No, I'll be in in a minute.
45:18I just need some air.
45:19Dad, what's wrong?
45:21No, nothing.
45:22Just go inside.
45:24I'm going to take a little walk.
45:30I'll see you in a minute.
46:05Hello, Gary.
46:09Chucho's dead.
46:12I got a call from the hospital he died about an hour ago.
46:15He didn't make it.
46:20Chucho's destiny has come to an end.
46:24But a new one begins for me and you.
46:29I'm sorry, I'm not following.
46:34It's a sign from the Orishas.
46:36I need a new second in command.
46:39You're my new Chucho.
47:06You're my Chucho.
47:36You're my Chucho.