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00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:03:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:03:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:04:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:04:30I'll be right with you, lady.
00:05:48Thanks, Barry. Thanks for helping me out again.
00:05:52That's all right, Chuck. That's what sidekicks are for.
00:05:58But wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, all you gotta do is ask, Chuck.
00:06:12Sure thing, Chuckie-poo, old pal. Any old time, old buddy.
00:06:16Yeah, Barry-wary, you geek.
00:06:22What a dork.
00:06:25Why don't you just leave him alone?
00:06:27All right, class. Settle down. That's enough.
00:06:34Let it happen, Barry. Relax. You don't have to fight it.
00:06:39Test on Friday, chapter seven.
00:06:45Hey, Barry?
00:06:48Do you want me to wait after? I can.
00:06:51No, not tonight, Lauren. My dad's coming.
00:06:56Bye, Lauren.
00:07:02Where were you this time?
00:07:08Japan, I think.
00:07:12You were supposed to be in my history class.
00:07:15Yeah, I know. I don't know why it happens.
00:07:18Barry, you've got to understand. There's a time and a place for dreams.
00:07:22It's not in the classroom.
00:07:24Yeah. Yeah, I know.
00:07:26When your dad comes to pick you up, he and I need to have a talk.
00:07:45You can do your job.
00:08:01I've had talks with him about the daydreams.
00:08:05He's, uh... He's just never been a physical kid.
00:08:09There's nothing wrong with that.
00:08:11Einstein, uh...
00:08:13Gandhi, Gershwin. There's nothing wrong with these people.
00:08:16My son has asthma.
00:08:19He's made up this world where he can be the star athlete, the quarterback.
00:08:24He can be, uh...
00:08:25Chuck Norris?
00:08:33He says they're sidekicks.
00:08:35That they, uh, do things together.
00:08:39I don't know.
00:08:41Have you ever tried?
00:08:44Being his sidekick.
00:08:47I don't think I have a chance against Chuck.
00:08:51I put in a lot of hours at work.
00:08:53Barry's alone too much with his videos, his karate games.
00:08:58We all put in extra hours, Mr. Kabruski.
00:09:01That's not what I asked you.
00:09:04Am I close with my son?
00:09:11We went through some hard times, and, uh...
00:09:14That should have brought us closer, but, uh...
00:09:18You have to help him change his priorities.
00:09:27Maybe yours, too.
00:09:31Barry, come on.
00:09:33Get a grip.
00:09:35What's the matter with you?
00:09:37Oh, nothing.
00:09:38Space case.
00:09:39Come on, let's go.
00:09:40It's late.
00:09:42Let's go.
00:09:43Come on.
00:09:44Bye, Barry.
00:09:45See you tomorrow.
00:09:47Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
00:09:48Thanks for your time.
00:09:49Did you forget something?
00:09:52I don't know.
00:09:54Did you forget something?
00:10:02Let's go.
00:10:04You see this master stone, I'll sign you up for karate.
00:10:17Snap at the top!
00:10:18Come on, come on!
00:10:20Crack it!
00:10:22I'm just going to tell him I'm here.
00:10:23Come on!
00:10:27Switch feet!
00:10:30Excuse me.
00:10:31Pardon me.
00:10:33Excuse me.
00:10:35Snap at the top!
00:10:37Snap it!
00:10:44We don't wear shoes on the mat here, mister!
00:10:57Double knots.
00:11:01Socks too?
00:11:04Inside present kicks!
00:11:06Hey, hey, hey!
00:11:08Don't touch that!
00:11:10So you want to learn karate, huh?
00:11:15Hurry up!
00:11:17I mean, yes, sir.
00:11:19Don't you, sonny?
00:11:21Oh, yeah.
00:11:22Yeah, I mean, yes, sir.
00:11:23Now, your father here tells me all you think about is this art,
00:11:28this craft that has taken me years, years to master.
00:11:35Could you wheeze a little quieter, kid?
00:11:37I'm trying to talk here.
00:11:38Excuse me, Mr. Stone.
00:11:40My son has a condition.
00:11:42Oh, yeah, you must be pretty good to win all this stuff.
00:11:46Well, I don't like to brag or anything.
00:11:48Yeah, I bet you're almost as good as Chuck Norris.
00:11:54Chuck Norris?
00:11:58Chuck Norris?
00:12:01He doesn't compete anymore, kid.
00:12:03And one of the reasons, one of the main reasons he doesn't is me!
00:12:08Okay, let's, uh.
00:12:10He doesn't compete because I would kick his ass!
00:12:15Let's go, son. Come on.
00:12:17Kick his ass!
00:12:18Got you the first time.
00:12:20Let's find another place. I mean, this isn't all there is.
00:12:22You know, kid, that's the first smart thing you've said all day,
00:12:24this isn't all there is.
00:12:26It's just the best there is.
00:12:28You know, karate is a sport of discipline and restraint and style,
00:12:35one that builds respect.
00:12:37You believe in the Easter Bunny, too, kid?
00:12:44Chuck Norris.
00:13:09Bring the gunpowder!
00:13:13Well, now I teach you lesson!
00:13:19All right, shut up. I blow you up now.
00:13:27Oh, no.
00:13:57Ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:14:35Time for bed.
00:14:48Time for bed.
00:14:52You looked like you were already asleep.
00:14:53Were you watching that thing?
00:14:55Yeah. Yeah, I was.
00:14:59Kind of.
00:15:03Uh, Dad.
00:15:06Did you ever become involved with something?
00:15:12It's late. You've got to get your eight hours.
00:15:24Forget it.
00:15:37Miss Chen.
00:15:39Miss Chen, well, well, long time no see.
00:15:42What's El Russo Supremo?
00:15:44You know, the last time we spoke, your uncle was coming to town.
00:15:47Did he ever get here?
00:15:48Yes, today.
00:15:49Please, Eugene, I'm late.
00:15:50Well, does he need a job?
00:15:52If I may say so.
00:15:53I'm not without influence in this town.
00:15:55I'm his sponsor, Mr. Mabes.
00:15:56He has a job.
00:15:57He's going to be working in my family's restaurant.
00:15:59Oh, but that's so stereotypical.
00:16:01I mean, it's like working in a laundry.
00:16:03Believe it or not, we've done that, too.
00:16:05Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my date.
00:16:08Oh, a date.
00:16:09Oh, my jealousy rears its ugly green head.
00:16:11Who's the lucky fellow?
00:16:12An appointment date, Eugene, one of my students.
00:16:15Oh, trouble with one of the urchins.
00:16:17Well, perhaps I can be of assistance.
00:16:19Barry Grabowski.
00:16:21Oh, but he's, uh...
00:16:23He's what?
00:16:24Uh, well, he's...
00:16:27slow and, uh...
00:16:31Hopeless, hopeless.
00:16:32The kid is hopeless.
00:16:34He's a dreamer, Mr. Mabes.
00:16:37And historically, dreamers have a pretty good track record.
00:17:49Barry. Barry!
00:17:52And what, may I ask, was all that about?
00:17:57Oh, I, uh...
00:17:59I was, uh, working on a charlie horse.
00:18:04Yeah, I was, uh, just working it out.
00:18:06Uh-huh. We'll talk about it later.
00:18:09Now, there's someone I want you and your dad to meet.
00:18:12If he likes you, maybe he'll be the one to teach you martial arts.
00:18:17Nobody likes me. Why would he?
00:18:21Well, I don't know.
00:18:24Maybe because he's a little bit like you.
00:18:28May I help you?
00:18:29You can help everybody in this place.
00:18:31Tell that chump that doused that cigar.
00:18:33This is a public area.
00:18:34He's not supposed to be smoking that in here.
00:18:36Yes, of course you're right.
00:18:38Since we're all so similar, though,
00:18:40would you mind telling me which particular chump you're referring to?
00:18:44The keys are in front of you, charlie.
00:18:49Excuse me.
00:18:50Sign says no...
00:18:52Come on, come on.
00:18:54One more second.
00:19:08Where, uh... Where is it?
00:19:11By the way, my name is not charlie.
00:19:20You're smoking.
00:19:22I'm smoking!
00:19:23I'm smoking! I'm smoking!
00:19:26Get this thing off me!
00:19:31No, no, wait, wait!
00:19:33My favorite jacket!
00:19:34What are you doing?
00:19:39What's this?
00:19:40It's how we teach children to use chopsticks.
00:19:45I get the point.
00:19:50See, if they had points on them,
00:19:52you could just stab it.
00:19:55It's not happening.
00:19:57I wanted to impress your uncle.
00:19:59Did you notice my uncle stopped using his halfway through the meal?
00:20:03He did?
00:20:05He really likes you.
00:20:07He's very impressed with your work with computers.
00:20:11Are you almost finished with your program?
00:20:14How did you know?
00:20:15Your son.
00:20:18He's told me a lot about you.
00:20:20He hasn't told me much about you.
00:20:22What about you?
00:20:24Well, my father built this restaurant.
00:20:28He came here first.
00:20:30Eight years later, he sent for my mother.
00:20:33So you grew up around here?
00:20:36They worked here together.
00:20:38Then my father died.
00:20:40My mother ran the place herself for a while.
00:20:44But then, two years ago,
00:20:46he sent for her again.
00:20:51Now it's all I have left of them.
00:20:54And your uncle.
00:20:56Dear Uncle.
00:20:58A poet and a charmer.
00:21:00Teacher and philosopher.
00:21:06That is the ninth time.
00:21:09Yeah, I'm sorry. I wasn't ready.
00:21:12That is the entire point of this exercise.
00:21:15You must always be ready.
00:21:18And you, you want to be a martial artist.
00:21:22And what would be your fighting name?
00:21:27Barry the Leopard.
00:21:30No, no, no. Not quite right.
00:21:34Barry the Tiger,
00:21:36who fights with courage and relies on instinct.
00:21:41No, that won't do.
00:21:49I have it.
00:21:52I've got it.
00:21:53What? What is it?
00:21:55Mr. Dumpling.
00:22:00Mr. Dumpling, who fights in a most deceptive manner
00:22:04by smashing the fists of his opponents with his own face.
00:22:09Uh, Mr. Lee, uh...
00:22:11Mr. Dumpling never attacks
00:22:16because he does not survive to attack.
00:22:20Because he is never ready.
00:22:24Okay, I get the point, Mr. Lee.
00:22:26All right, then. It's very simple.
00:22:29I will help you learn what you want to know.
00:22:32But once you stop wanting to learn, I will stop teaching.
00:22:35Well, Mr. Lee, I don't want to stop learning.
00:22:37Oh, never interrupt your teacher.
00:22:41This, for example, is a thief.
00:22:45You cannot compromise with a thief.
00:22:48Unless you wish to give something of yourself away.
00:22:51Does that appear confusing?
00:22:57Good. Life is very confusing.
00:23:01And that is your first lesson.
00:23:03I married the first girl I took out.
00:23:07How long has she been gone?
00:23:11She passed away almost ten years ago.
00:23:16You sure Barry's gonna be okay with your uncle?
00:23:19Well, my uncle will behave himself.
00:23:22If he doesn't, I'll break his arm.
00:23:25Ha, ha, ha. Weren't he?
00:23:28Yeah. How far is your school from your house?
00:23:32About, uh, five, ten minutes.
00:23:35Not how long. How far?
00:23:37Oh, two miles.
00:23:39And how do you get there?
00:23:41My dad, he drops me off in the morning,
00:23:43picks me up in the afternoon, or I get a ride.
00:23:46From now on, you will walk to school.
00:23:48That is, until next week.
00:23:50Then you will run.
00:23:52We will see if that is a thief or a crutch.
00:23:57Psychophobe. Yes?
00:23:59There's a problem out here.
00:24:02Where's that little gal, Grub?
00:24:04Grub, that is the name, ain't it?
00:24:07Grub, the Bruce, Grub, Grub, Grub.
00:24:10Grub, the Bruce.
00:24:12Grub, the Bruce.
00:24:14Grub, the Bruce.
00:24:16What's a funny name?
00:24:19What is a funny name?
00:24:24Hey, Grub's better, ain't it, boy?
00:24:26Grub, Grub, Grub, Grub, Grub, Grub.
00:24:29Grub, Grub, Grub, Grub, Grub.
00:24:33What's your name?
00:24:37Short for Henry.
00:24:39Oh, yeah. I had an uncle named Henry one time.
00:24:42Yeah? I don't think I knew him.
00:24:45Let me deal with that.
00:24:47What are you doing?
00:24:52We're gonna do something really special for you.
00:24:55We're gonna remodel this place.
00:24:57Yeah, boss.
00:24:59Yeah, boss.
00:25:01We're gonna take that wall over there and put it over here.
00:25:03Yeah, yeah.
00:25:05That wall, put it back over here.
00:25:08And we're gonna take the kitchen,
00:25:10put it all the way in the front.
00:25:12But first,
00:25:14the first thing we're gonna do
00:25:16is we're gonna start right here.
00:25:24Look at this gal.
00:25:27Well, boys, let's go.
00:25:29Let's go, gentlemen.
00:25:36You son of a...
00:25:38Sorry, sorry.
00:25:56Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
00:26:02You all right?
00:26:14Get off my hand! Get off my hand!
00:26:17Whoo! Whoo!
00:26:48These gentlemen
00:26:50only saw what I appeared to be.
00:26:53This number 2
00:26:55believed what is,
00:26:57not what you think.
00:27:06Remember, tomorrow you walk to school.
00:27:21The kid moved down the street.
00:27:25Constant vigilance.
00:27:27Eternal suspicion.
00:27:29Like Chuck in the Jungle.
00:27:34Beware the enemy.
00:28:11The kid evaded capture,
00:28:13or worse this time.
00:28:15But the bad guys are still out there.
00:28:20Come on.
00:28:32Come on. You'll be late for school.
00:28:38Barry? Are you okay?
00:28:40Uh, yeah. Hi, Lauren.
00:28:42What's wrong? Where's your dad?
00:28:44Oh, I thought I'd, uh...
00:28:46I'd, uh, walk today.
00:28:50Gee, that's good exercise. Yeah.
00:28:52Well, you'd better hurry,
00:28:54because class starts in ten minutes.
00:29:18Are you sure you don't want a ride?
00:29:20Oh, no, that's okay.
00:29:22I want to get my heart rate up a little higher.
00:29:24Uh, okay. Bye.
00:29:26Let's go, Lauren.
00:29:32Now, we've read several of the board's important plays,
00:29:36and these wondrous words should stay with you
00:29:40from now through the end of your days.
00:29:43Oh, man.
00:29:45Mr. Cellini.
00:29:49Yes is the proper response, Mr. Cellini.
00:29:56Perhaps, Mr. Cellini, we should test your attention skills.
00:30:00From whence does this quote come?
00:30:02To thine own self be true.
00:30:08Polonius, Mr. Mapes.
00:30:10From Hamlet.
00:30:12That is correct, Lauren.
00:30:14Let's try again, Mr. Cellini, shall we?
00:30:18Alas, poor Yorick.
00:30:21I knew him.
00:30:26Uh, it's from the Bible, isn't it?
00:30:30A book with which I'm sure you are thoroughly familiar.
00:30:36No, Mr. Cellini, it's not the Bible.
00:30:43Yes, Mr. Gabruski, what is it?
00:30:45Uh, yeah, it's, uh, Hamlet.
00:30:48Bestill my heart.
00:30:51Yes, that's correct.
00:30:55Be careful, Mr. Cellini.
00:30:58Your competition for class dumbbell is rapidly diminishing.
00:31:13You got to watch where you're going, creep.
00:31:15Accidents happen when you don't pay attention.
00:31:18Let me up.
00:31:20Well, if I let you up, then you might hurt me.
00:31:23And I don't want you to hurt me.
00:31:25Well, it's lucky for you Master Stone didn't take you on.
00:31:28Because I'm in that class, and I'd be doing this to you every day.
00:31:32Oh, look at this.
00:31:35So where's your friend Chuckie now, retard?
00:31:38Oh, by the way, Lauren doesn't like you.
00:31:42She pities you.
00:31:50Come on.
00:32:02Breathe in.
00:32:05Breathe out.
00:32:15Okay, you're doing good.
00:32:17All right, let's start again. All right, relax.
00:32:21Breathe out, bend your knees, breathe in.
00:32:26Move it, Laurence, move it!
00:32:42Hand it up!
00:33:43That's Longwolf.
00:33:46And Littlewolf too.
00:34:11Well, well, well.
00:34:14It isn't the two big, bad wolves.
00:34:20Why do you have?
00:34:37Hey, how about some cookies?
00:34:45Bartender, make mine milk too.
00:34:49Sure, Ranger.
00:34:56Hey, you! Give me a drink!
00:35:00Hey, better yet, give me a kiss.
00:35:04Let go of me!
00:35:06Let go of me!
00:35:09Leave her alone.
00:35:12All right, let's do it.
00:35:33I can take you, Littlewolf.
00:35:36Just you and me.
00:35:40If you're wrong, you're dead wrong.
00:36:17That was for nothing.
00:36:28That was for something.
00:36:49Watch it, Barry!
00:36:53Wake up!
00:36:55This is gym class, sonny boy, not nap time.
00:36:58How dare you fall asleep in my class?
00:37:01Get up, boy!
00:37:04Sorry, Mr. Horn.
00:37:06Oh, I bet you are.
00:37:08But not as sorry as you're gonna be.
00:37:11I've been thinking, son.
00:37:13It's been a while since your last physical evaluation.
00:37:17There you are.
00:37:22Start climbing.
00:37:24Let's go, Barry-wary.
00:37:27Get up that rope.
00:37:29Come on, Gabruski, what are you, a man or Marvin Milton?
00:37:34Oh, he's getting old.
00:37:50Keep going.
00:37:52Don't even think about quitting.
00:37:56You can do it, Barry!
00:38:01Barry, hey, Barry!
00:38:05I'll race you to the top.
00:38:08I can't.
00:38:10Sure you can.
00:38:12Just wrap your leg around the rope and hold it with your foot.
00:38:15I can't.
00:38:17Barry, I hate that word.
00:38:19Who the hell is he talking to?
00:38:21Hey, you up there!
00:38:23You're not off again!
00:38:25Get going!
00:38:27Don't listen to them, listen to me.
00:38:29Wrap your leg around the rope.
00:38:32That's it.
00:38:34Now hold it with your foot.
00:38:36Now all the weight's in your legs.
00:38:38Relax your arms a little bit, see?
00:38:40Weight's in your legs, there you go.
00:38:42All right, now pull.
00:38:44That's it, use your legs.
00:38:46That's it.
00:38:48Good, there you go.
00:38:56Come on, Barry, you can do it!
00:39:00Pull, Barry.
00:39:02Yeah, you're doing great, Barry.
00:39:04It's all yours, Barry.
00:39:06All the way to the top.
00:39:10Well, I'll be.
00:39:17Go, Barry!
00:39:20Hit the showers!
00:39:23Mr. Horn was sure mean today.
00:39:25I think you ought to tell your daddy.
00:39:27My daddy?
00:39:29No, I don't think he'd be too much help.
00:39:31Why not?
00:39:33My daddy'd rope him, shoot him, stuff him and mount him.
00:39:38At least that's what he always says.
00:39:40That's because he's a Texan.
00:39:42My dad's a computer programmer from Pittsburgh.
00:39:44Make him mad, he just punches the keyboard harder.
00:39:48Listen, this is where I get off.
00:39:51Oh, um...
00:39:53Lauren, um...
00:39:56I, uh...
00:40:01I, uh, you know, I really like you.
00:40:06I like you too, Barry.
00:40:09Okay, great.
00:40:11Well, if I like you and you like me, why don't we go out?
00:40:16Go out?
00:40:23I like you, but just not like that.
00:40:30I worry about you.
00:40:32The others are so mean. It makes me feel so...
00:40:35Sorry for me.
00:40:37Yeah, Cellini was right. You pity me.
00:40:39I do not. I don't.
00:40:41I get it, okay?
00:40:43Barry! Please!
00:40:51Oh, damn.
00:41:12Hey, it is your grab.
00:41:18I will beat this thing.
00:41:22I will beat you!
00:41:42I'm going to show you how easy it could be.
00:41:50All you have to do is tell me what I want to know.
00:41:57I won't tell you anything.
00:41:59Hang on as long as you can, Barry.
00:42:01You can do it. Just hang on.
00:42:08Filthy spine.
00:42:13Come on, Barry-wary.
00:42:16Make it easy on yourself.
00:42:20Chuck. Chuck.
00:42:22I can't breathe.
00:42:24What, do you need a trip?
00:42:26You sound like a bagpipe and you do anyway!
00:42:31Hang on, Barry. We'll get out of this.
00:42:34Not to squeeze his lung out!
00:42:49Hang on, Barry.
00:42:51I can't.
00:42:53Hang on, Barry.
00:42:57Hang on, son.
00:42:59That's it, Barry. Hang in there, boy.
00:43:10Has he been getting his allergy shots on a regular basis?
00:43:16Has he been under any extraordinary stress lately at home or at school?
00:43:20I don't think so.
00:43:22He walked to school feeling fine this morning.
00:43:25He seemed to be okay.
00:43:28He's going to be all right?
00:43:30He'll be fine.
00:43:32And it's probably not a bad idea he does these things.
00:43:35You know, basically, his lungs are okay.
00:43:37I looked at the x-rays. There's very little scarring, if any.
00:43:40Frankly, I'm surprised at this attack.
00:43:42What, with the humidity and all down here?
00:43:44Noreen, oh, thanks for coming.
00:43:46Where is Barry?
00:43:48Is he all right?
00:43:49Uh, yes.
00:43:50Which room is he in?
00:43:52Glad you called.
00:43:53The doctor said his x-rays are looking good.
00:43:55Oh, Noreen, this is Dr. Millard.
00:43:57Miss Channa's one of Barry's teachers.
00:43:59Hi, nice to meet you.
00:44:01Miss Channa's one of Barry's teachers.
00:44:03Hi, nice to meet you.
00:44:29Mr. Lee.
00:44:30Yes, I have something for you.
00:44:35I will take this off only for a few minutes.
00:44:40This will help you.
00:45:00It smells awful.
00:45:06Yes, that's how I know when it's ready.
00:45:09It is an old remedy with some of my secret ingredients.
00:45:16Breathe in the fumes.
00:45:24Now rest.
00:45:32It's starting to burn.
00:45:37What is it?
00:45:38You must breathe.
00:45:40The heat will not burn you.
00:45:42It will help.
00:45:49You were perhaps overzealous.
00:45:52You tried to reach too far, too fast.
00:45:58We will try again, but slower.
00:46:09But now I believe you want to learn.
00:46:14Wait, Mr. Dumpling.
00:46:32Let's start with a few simple movements.
00:46:47Low block.
00:46:49High block.
00:46:54High block.
00:47:03Inhale, four steps.
00:47:06Exhale, four steps.
00:47:09Inhale, four steps.
00:47:12Come on, Barry.
00:47:23The object is not to hurt somebody else.
00:47:25It is to stop them from hurting you.
00:47:31You must respect the wood.
00:47:33It lives on its own.
00:47:35It has its own spirit.
00:47:46Barry, Barry.
00:47:49Yeah, I know.
00:47:51I'm up there.
00:47:52I'm ready.
00:47:53All right.
00:48:34Come on and inhale, five.
00:48:38Now rest.
00:48:40Had enough?
00:48:42Just one more.
00:48:43One more.
00:48:44Easy, easy.
00:48:48Pick up.
00:48:53How do you feel?
00:48:54Oh, I never felt better.
00:48:55Oh, you lie as well as you run.
00:48:58Drink that.
00:48:59What's this?
00:49:01Be quiet, disrespectful boy.
00:49:03You dare question me?
00:49:06You took me for six bucks on gin rummy.
00:49:08I'm watching you like a hawk.
00:49:10That will help with the breathing.
00:49:12Now drink.
00:49:16Oh, God, gee, that's awful.
00:49:18Foolish boy.
00:49:19You think magic should win taste test?
00:49:22Then nobody drink Pepsi Cola.
00:49:24Hey, Pepsi has nothing to worry about.
00:49:26You go home now.
00:49:28You give me headache.
00:49:29Besides, you have no more money to win.
00:49:33Here, take this four times a day.
00:49:36Twice on Sunday.
00:49:40All right, goodbye, Mr. Chan.
00:49:41Don't play cards with this guy, okay?
00:49:43Oh, I already learned that.
00:49:45Say hi to your dad for me.
00:49:48Magic potion.
00:49:52What's in this?
00:49:54Don't worry, it won't kill him.
00:49:58That's on my relief.
00:50:29What the hell's that smell?
00:50:33I don't know.
00:50:36Must be a sewage backup around here.
00:50:48Don't be late for school.
00:51:06Form a line!
00:51:09Gabruski, what are you doing here?
00:51:11Get your butt up there on the benches with the rest of the babies.
00:51:15No, I'm okay, Mr. Horn.
00:51:17I'm gonna take the class today.
00:51:19Like hell you will, boy.
00:51:21You wind up in the hospital again, my tail end up in the ringer, for sure.
00:51:25Yeah, but I...
00:51:26Nah, no buts, except yours.
00:51:29Barked up there.
00:51:30Now get moving!
00:51:32Get very wary before you get hurt.
00:51:35I don't remember asking for your opinion!
00:51:3820 laps!
00:51:44All right, now it's time to meet my good friend, Mr. Pusha!
00:51:48Hit the deck!
00:51:54Gabruski, what are you doing?
00:51:56I told you to get up there with the rest of the babies!
00:51:59Haven't gone all day, we got work to do!
00:52:02And I can do it.
00:52:04Look, I'll sign a release or something, okay?
00:52:09You'll do that, boy.
00:52:12Okay, everybody, Mr. Pusha!
00:52:15All right, let us go!
00:52:17Twenty-five, two more!
00:52:20Gabruski, you drop dead on me and I swear to God I'll shoot myself and come on after you.
00:52:29Barry, I have something for you.
00:52:32You will work with these an hour each day.
00:52:35If you make a mistake, they will sting you.
00:52:40But I will help you make them sing.
00:52:48They look deadly.
00:52:50It is true, they are weapons.
00:52:52But you must realize that the greatest weapon you ever possessed is self-control.
00:53:29That's using your head, Barry.
00:53:55It's beautiful.
00:53:56It's beautiful.
00:53:57It's like a ballet.
00:53:59Takes a long time to learn.
00:54:01Much discipline.
00:54:03Come, Barry.
00:54:04Time to run.
00:54:07Work him hard, Lee.
00:54:08Yes, sir.
00:54:09See you later.
00:54:15I wish I could do what you do, but...
00:54:17Sure you can.
00:54:20I couldn't.
00:54:21Come on.
00:54:25Come on.
00:54:26No, no, no.
00:54:27No, no, no.
00:54:29Feet together.
00:54:30Oh, come on.
00:54:31Don't want to hurt myself here.
00:54:33All right.
00:54:37All right.
00:54:38Got that.
00:54:46I can't.
00:54:49I can't.
00:54:50You move so graceful.
00:54:52It's more important to be graceful.
00:55:28Heads up.
00:55:29Ten out of twelve.
00:55:30Not bad.
00:55:37Do you ever, uh, dream?
00:55:40Oh, yes.
00:55:42Not, uh...
00:55:45Just at night.
00:55:47Oh, you mean dreaming when you're awake?
00:55:50I mean, um, it's kind of like I'm off someplace
00:55:52or having an adventure with...
00:55:54With him.
00:56:02Dreams are good.
00:56:04Even when you're walking down a hallway
00:56:07or sitting in a classroom.
00:56:09I like him and all that, but, uh,
00:56:11I mean, is it normal for that to happen?
00:56:14You must learn to control them.
00:56:17When you learn to control them,
00:56:19you will have fewer dreams then,
00:56:22but they will be richer ones.
00:56:26Is that the way it's supposed to be?
00:56:29The dream world is where the child lives,
00:56:33but growing older would not mean growing wiser
00:56:37if that world did not exist.
00:56:40How did you learn so much?
00:57:05Always expect the unexpected.
00:57:18You're kicking much harder.
00:57:20Now I'm ready.
00:57:32Breathe in, breathe out.
00:57:35Breathe in, breathe out.
00:57:38Enough for now.
00:57:40Not too bad.
00:57:42Now we run.
00:57:54Go, go, G-O!
00:57:57Go, Redskins, go!
00:58:00Go, go, G-O!
00:58:03Go, Redskins, go!
00:58:06Go, Redskins, go!
00:58:12Hey, it's Barry Wary.
00:58:15I can't breathe.
00:58:18Up yours, Cellini.
00:58:29Barry, Barry, we always seem to meet this way.
00:58:32By the way, what'd you say to me?
00:58:34I said it's not gonna be so easy this time.
00:58:42What, do you think you're bad?
00:58:44Just knock it off, Cellini, okay?
00:58:46What are you gonna do now?
00:58:52So you want to learn karate, huh?
00:58:54You're about to get your first lesson for free.
00:59:08All right, I'm out of here, okay?
00:59:13Hey, Barry!
00:59:41What in thunder is going on here?
00:59:44Cellini, are you nuts? You could kill him.
00:59:47Hey, mister, when he started it...
00:59:49If that's true, kid, you got less brains
00:59:51Than a woodpecker on an aluminum telephone pole.
00:59:54Now you two break it up and hit the showers.
00:59:58All right, show's over.
01:00:00Come on, you kids, break it up.
01:00:02It's not over by a long shot.
01:00:14Not bad, kid.
01:00:16Not bad at all.
01:00:20I can't believe that was you.
01:00:22Yeah, well, you're not the only one.
01:00:26Such a creep and a bully.
01:00:28Yeah, he's just an all-around kind of guy.
01:00:33Barry, what are you doing this weekend?
01:00:37Um, I'm going to the zoo.
01:00:40Can I come with you?
01:00:44Yeah, sure. I'd like that.
01:00:47Great. I'll see you in english, okay?
01:00:50I'll see you in english, okay?
01:00:54Go! Rescue! Go!
01:00:56Go! Rescue!
01:00:58Go! Rescue!
01:01:34Ha ha!
01:01:36More crust in this bubblegum!
01:01:39Ha ha ha!
01:01:41More acid rain in these jawbreakers!
01:01:44Yes! Dynamite in the piñatas!
01:01:47Ha ha ha!
01:01:49Where's that girl?
01:01:51Bring me that girl!
01:01:58Yes, boss?
01:02:01What is the problem?
01:02:05She won't talk. I thought she was smart.
01:02:08Well, you know what to do, so do it.
01:02:13My pleasure.
01:02:15No! Help!
01:02:20Let's do it.
01:02:26All right, barry.
01:02:28I'll take the front, and you take the back.
01:02:31You know the cue.
01:02:33Same as always. All hell breaks loose.
01:02:39What about him?
01:02:47Help me!
01:02:49Help me!
01:02:51Move it!
01:02:53Let's get going now!
01:02:55Ha ha ha!
01:03:15Help me!
01:03:17Help me!
01:03:19Help me!
01:03:21Help me!
01:03:23Help me!
01:03:25Help me!
01:03:27Help me!
01:03:29Help me!
01:03:31Help me!
01:03:33Help me!
01:03:35Help me!
01:03:37Help me!
01:03:39Help me!
01:03:41Help me!
01:03:44Wasn't that spike?
01:03:46I don't know.
01:04:04Well, our hero.
01:04:07Get him!
01:04:26Oh, a hero clone!
01:04:30Destroy them both!
01:04:44You missed me!
01:04:49Watch it there!
01:04:51Look out! Get them!
01:04:57What is going on here?
01:05:00Get them both to me now!
01:05:02Get them! Get them! Get them!
01:05:04Get them! Get them!
01:05:06Get them! Get them!
01:05:13Get them!
01:05:27You wouldn't dare.
01:05:58Get me down from here!
01:06:00Help me!
01:06:04Where is Spike? He's never around when I need him.
01:06:06Maybe I'll just hang around up here until they leave.
01:06:13If you do, I'll just hang around up here.
01:06:20Maybe not.
01:06:41Hey, Barry.
01:06:43What's going on? Where's Noreen?
01:06:46Hey, this is my dream!
01:06:49My hero!
01:06:53My hero!
01:07:20Hey, tough guy. You want a real shot at me?
01:07:23Well, there's your chance, if you're not too chicken.
01:07:27Karate tournament?
01:07:29That's right. It's a fair contest.
01:07:31Fair? That'll be the day.
01:07:33Lauren, I used to think you were smart.
01:07:36I mean, I don't know why you hang around this bozo
01:07:39when you could have someone like me.
01:07:41Don't make me ill.
01:07:43All right, class.
01:07:45The day we've all been waiting for is finally here.
01:07:48The English romantic poets.
01:07:51Now we're going to start with Percy Bysshe Shelley.
01:07:56We have decided we will join you in this team competition.
01:08:01I should feel happy.
01:08:04But I'm not.
01:08:07Natural reaction.
01:08:10Natural doubt.
01:08:15I'm not ready.
01:08:19Look at the tortoise, Barry.
01:08:22The tortoise is very clumsy
01:08:25and not musical at all.
01:08:28But it has been said, and I believe it,
01:08:31when all things are right,
01:08:34when a dream becomes truth,
01:08:36when the impossible is accomplished
01:08:38and lies behind you,
01:08:40on that day,
01:08:43the tortoise will dance.
01:08:47Tortoises can't dance.
01:08:49Ah, you only think they can.
01:08:51If you believe they can, they will.
01:08:54Barry, come take a look at this.
01:08:57I rest my case.
01:09:12Wait for me!
01:09:17Wait for me!
01:09:39Oh, my goodness, you're doubling your bet?
01:09:42What am I going to do if I lose?
01:09:44I tell you what I'm going to do.
01:09:46I'm going to treat you to a dinner
01:09:48at my restaurant.
01:09:52frying dragon.
01:09:54This one?
01:09:56Oh, thank you very much.
01:09:58Now it's your turn.
01:10:00This one?
01:10:04Ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:06welcome to the Texas Open Team Karate Championship.
01:10:09But before this nationally sanctioned meet,
01:10:12you'll enjoy demonstrations
01:10:14by some of the most renowned martial artists in the country.
01:10:17There's going to be plenty of action here today.
01:10:20All righty. Great.
01:10:22Will all competitors please make sure to register.
01:10:25There's no sense all of us standing here.
01:10:27Why don't you go ahead and watch some of the demonstrations?
01:10:30Yeah, okay, great, thanks.
01:10:32Thank you, sir. Thank you.
01:10:34Morning. Application, please.
01:10:38Next stop, weapons form demonstrations.
01:10:42And who's your fourth?
01:10:44Oh, we don't have one.
01:10:46We wanted to compete as a three-person team.
01:10:48Uh, no.
01:10:50It's a team competition,
01:10:52and you have to have a complete team,
01:10:54which is four people.
01:10:56So you're just going to have to find another team member.
01:11:00Thanks so much.
01:11:02Application, please.
01:11:04Morning. Thank you very much.
01:11:07This competition is drawn the karate world's best and brightest
01:11:11for what should be an afternoon of unexcelled excitement.
01:11:14Here's Andrew Ashby demonstrating sword techniques.
01:11:17Tough like competitors all,
01:11:19including last year's champion team Stone Dojo
01:11:22and second-place contender The Kick Connection.
01:11:27Oh, Barry's going to be so disappointed.
01:11:30There's Chuck Norris.
01:11:37I have an idea for fourth.
01:11:40Come on.
01:11:49He grabbed him by the leg and ripped his pants completely off.
01:11:54Well, well, well, what a surprise. Chuck Norris.
01:11:58Too bad you're not still fighting.
01:12:00I'd love to kick your ass.
01:12:02Only in your dreams, Stone.
01:12:04Yeah, it'd be your worst nightmare, Chuck.
01:12:09That guy hasn't changed, has he?
01:12:11Are you crazy, Uncle? He's a star. He's not going to join our team.
01:12:15He's the boy's hero. Ask him.
01:12:17Excuse, please, judge coming through.
01:12:19You guys had the original training table.
01:12:21You never left it.
01:12:23There he is. Ask him.
01:12:25Ask well.
01:12:32After a week of all that hard eating,
01:12:34I think the internationals were one of the toughest tournaments we fought in.
01:12:39We had a great fight. Excuse me.
01:12:45Could I talk to you for a minute, please, Mr. Norris?
01:12:48Yeah, sure. Just a second, guys.
01:12:52Can I help you? I'm Noreen Chin.
01:12:54Oh, hi, Noreen.
01:13:55Hi, I'm Chuck Norris.
01:13:57Yeah. And you're, uh...
01:13:59Oh, me? I'm, uh, Barry.
01:14:03Hi, Barry. Nice to meet you.
01:14:07You competing?
01:14:11Are you nervous?
01:14:13Oh, gosh, yes. I've never been so nervous in my life.
01:14:16Well, being nervous is good. It loosens you up.
01:14:21Tell you what.
01:14:24Why don't you and I go win this thing, huh?
01:14:27What do you mean?
01:14:29I mean, you needed a board team member, and now you've got one.
01:14:33Besides, there's a fighter here who needs a lesson in humility.
01:14:38We'll be back with the first of the competitions,
01:14:41the Ladies' Top Club, after a brief intermission.
01:14:44This is a little joke here.
01:14:48Oh, come on, Chuck Norris.
01:14:50The Chuck Norris.
01:14:53You got a problem with that, son?
01:15:01And the name of your team?
01:15:10I still can't believe it. Somebody pinched me.
01:15:13Ow. Mr. Lee, that's only an expression.
01:15:16Then why say it? I go home now.
01:15:18What do you mean?
01:15:20I got a restaurant to run. I'll be back in time.
01:15:23Be back by 2 o'clock.
01:15:27Will all competitors for the Women's Kata please report to the judges' stand?
01:15:31Will all competitors for the Women's Kata please report to the judges' stand?
01:16:18Noreen Chin, representing the Flying Dragon Dojo.
01:16:32Noreen Chin, representing the Flying Dragon Dojo.
01:16:46Noreen Chin, representing the Flying Dragon Dojo.
01:16:53Noreen Chin, representing the Flying Dragon Dojo.
01:17:04Oh, beautiful! Beautiful!
01:17:07That was so pretty.
01:17:10Have you seen Uncle?
01:17:14Malia Bernal, representing the Stone Dojo.
01:17:23Malia Bernal, representing the Stone Dojo.
01:17:39Malia Bernal, representing the Stone Dojo.
01:17:48Oh, yeah!
01:17:54First place, Malia Bernal.
01:18:01The Stone Dojo off to an early lead going into the breaking competition,
01:18:05and a strong second place showing from Noreen Chin.
01:18:12Where is he?
01:18:14It's 2.30.
01:18:16I called the restaurant. He wasn't there.
01:18:23Randy Cellini, last year's winner, looking to better his record with an 8-brick break.
01:18:44Randy Cellini, ladies and gentlemen, from the Stone Dojo.
01:18:49We have one more contestant left.
01:18:51Lee Chan, from the Flying... No, Flying Dragon.
01:18:55Would Mr. Lee Chan enter the ring, please? Mr. Lee Chan.
01:19:00Excuse, please. Coming through. Excuse.
01:19:03Hey, he's here. He's here. All right. Come on.
01:19:07Hey, check this out. Here's a guy gonna break bricks for a late proof.
01:19:12Hey, you're not wearing a karate gi.
01:19:15Don't need karate gi for brick breaking.
01:19:26Is it red or white wine with bricks?
01:19:32Ladies and gentlemen, he's asking for another brick.
01:19:46Wow. He broke them. He broke them.
01:19:49Hey, we're gonna be eating humble brick here, babe.
01:19:58Yeah, right. He's broke.
01:20:01He's broke.
01:20:03He's broke.
01:20:05He's broke.
01:20:07He's broke.
01:20:09He's broke.
01:20:11He's broke.
01:20:13Yeah, right. He's broke.
01:20:17That brings the Flying Dragon within two points of the champion Stone Dojo.
01:20:56Manuel Serrano, ladies and gentlemen, the Stone Dojo's master sword.
01:21:01And his championship technique at its best.
01:21:13Thank you.
01:21:43Thank you.
01:22:13Thank you.
01:22:44What a show! What a show!
01:22:47Entering the freestyle fighting, the Dragon is in second place
01:22:51against the undefeated Dojo Master, Kelly Stone.
01:23:03What a show! What a show!
01:23:06Entering the freestyle fighting, the Dragon is in second place
01:23:15Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!
01:23:22Chuck, this is my dad.
01:23:25Hi. How are you?
01:23:27Mr. Norris. I feel like I've known you a long time.
01:23:30Well, it's Chuck, and it's nice meeting you.
01:23:32I want to let you know how much I appreciate your help, my boy,
01:23:35joining the team.
01:23:40My boy! Hi-ya!
01:23:45Well, I got to get ready. Nice meeting you.
01:23:48Nice meeting you, too.
01:25:07Jeff Norris will meet Kelly Stone in the final bout.
01:25:11Hi-ya! Come on, come on!
01:25:13Yeah, go get him.
01:25:20You know, Norris, I've always wanted to see how good you really are.
01:25:24You're only going to see it once, Stone.
01:25:33And here they are, in the final freestyle pairing,
01:25:37Chuck Norris from the Flying Dragon
01:25:39and Kelly Stone representing his dojo.
01:25:58You talking to me?
01:26:00Come on. All right.
01:26:02All right.
01:26:04Come on, Chuck.
01:26:36Come on. All right.
01:26:38Come on, Norris. Come on.
01:26:50At what point?
01:26:52You didn't say go, man.
01:26:54That's right. I wasn't ready.
01:26:56Wasn't ready.
01:27:19No point. No point.
01:27:40That's right. Way to go, Chuck.
01:27:42Shut up, you little twerp.
01:27:44All right, Norris. Let's really do it now.
01:27:49I'll go with you. I'll go with you.
01:28:58Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems we now have a tie the stone dojo and the frying dragon have both amassed
01:29:0536 points there will be a tiebreaker. Please stand by for the dust
01:29:10fry dragon calls heads
01:29:14Heads it is the frying dragon team chooses the participant
01:29:25Will be Barry
01:29:28Me. Oh, we're why me you can do it. You won the weapons. They don't have anyone who can touch you
01:29:34You're the one with something to prove. You've already proven yourself. So just do what you think is, right?
01:29:41The tiebreaker will be between
01:29:43Barry Grabowski and Randy Chilene and the event will be breaking we choose breaking
01:29:56Know how to do this stuff there
01:29:58Yeah, kind of I've done it once you can do it again
01:30:04We're with you Barry
01:30:08Very wary, why don't you just quit now to avoid the embarrassment?
01:30:14Right first of the stone team Randy Chilene
01:30:27Beat that puke face
01:31:23Boy, that stings you're using your hand too much. You are I'm not enough. It's like hammer
01:31:29Head is hand handle his arm
01:31:37I'm gonna end this right now
01:31:52Chilene is asking for another brick. He's going for a record-breaking nine bricks
01:32:36Gonna break something you break it the hell is wrong with you. I told you to break it you follow through with your fist
01:32:44Hey, I can break it
01:32:51Barry Gabrowski has a chance to win it all if you can break nine bricks
01:33:13When you break your hand on those bricks very wary, I'm gonna go get a great big victory kiss from Laura
01:33:18You're not gonna touch
01:33:38No anger you are here to confront bricks
01:33:43That's stupid boy
01:34:07There this will help you
01:35:18Don't know what to say
01:35:22I've always wanted to meet you
01:35:25Well, it's been my pleasure
01:35:30It's um
01:35:32It kind of like a dream
01:35:35Coming true dreams do come true Barry if you want them bad enough
01:35:51There's my dad
01:35:58Thank you