I Found A Way To Time Travel, ep 2 (English)

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00:00I'd just settled into the couch with my snacks and my movie, when suddenly the doorbell rang.
00:10Flippity-flippin'-flamingo! Can't a woman have a moment of peace in her own house?
00:15Why is someone here at midnight? I was marching towards the door,
00:18when I stopped short. Why is someone here at midnight?
00:21Uh, hello? Who is it? There was only silence. Are you a robber?
00:26Dude, I just took my kids to the dentist today, so I'm broke.
00:30Try your luck with the big house down the street!
00:32Again, no reply, but I could see a weird shadow against the door.
00:37Are you an alien who's accidentally landed on planet Earth?
00:40Run away while you still can! It's too late for the rest of us!
00:44Still no answer, but I heard a muffled laugh.
00:47Look, I've been having a rough time lately, and I am so not in the mood for this.
00:52So I'm warning you, I'm coming out with an axe and I am not afraid to use it!
00:56I flung the door open and jumped back, half expecting to be attacked.
01:00But when the porch light fell on the face under the weird hat,
01:02I recognized someone I thought I'd never see again.
01:06Milo? Not a phone call or text for twelve years,
01:10and now you just show up at my door at midnight? Did someone die?
01:13Uh, hi. Long time no see. Yeah, here's the thing, Jen.
01:17Thousands of people across the globe will die soon if you and I don't travel back in time
01:22and fix a tiny mistake you made in high school. Can I come in?
01:25I was hoping this was the part I'd wake up and realize it was just a stupid dream
01:29that made no sense. Yeah, no such luck.
01:32Hi, I'm Jennifer, the oldest MC of My Story Animated.
01:36By the way, Mr. Director, I don't appreciate how everyone on set
01:40has been telling me I look very good for my age.
01:43That's something you'd say to someone in their 60s. I'm just a hot 35-year-old.
01:52Sorry, I think I'm catching something from one of my kids.
01:55Nasty buggers. Anyway, I'm old enough to be your mom,
01:59so y'all better show some respect and strap in for my story because it's gonna be da bomb.
02:06Okay, no one says that anymore? Whatever.
02:09Now, before I continue, please like and subscribe to MSA.
02:12I'll give you a quick walkthrough of my past. It's kinda important.
02:16I was born on December 27, 1983. A cute lump of fat weighing 10 pounds, 8 ounces.
02:22I was an only kid, so my childhood was carefully documented by my adoring parents.
02:27Cute, cute, still cute, then yikes! Puberty hit and that was just ugly, ugly, hella ugly.
02:35I had it all. The braces, the unibrow, the baby fat still holding on tight.
02:40I didn't think I'd recover from that phase, so I worked hard on being smart and funny.
02:45Then boom! I turned 16 and had a big crush on a boy.
02:49Lost the weight, lost the braces, and people started using a word for me that
02:53I hadn't heard before. Pretty.
02:55I was class valedictorian, voted most likely to succeed,
02:59and the girlfriend of the football team captain.
03:02Alex was an absolute dreamboat. You just had to see him in action once and you knew
03:07this guy was gonna be a star.
03:09We dated all through university and got married after graduation.
03:13Alex's career was on the rise, I was about to start my PhD, life was peachy, blah blah blah.
03:18But then one day, Alex had a terrible injury during a game.
03:22And soon after, the doctors told him he could never play professionally again.
03:27It was a huge blow, and with a kid on the way, I had to quit my PhD program and
03:32get a job as a high school science teacher.
03:34Alex was depressed and bedridden for months.
03:37But when he got back on his feet, he was even worse.
03:41Babe, I've got an amazing idea. We're opening a ramen place!
03:45We don't know the first thing about making ramen.
03:47I'm one-eighth Japanese, it's gotta be in my blood.
03:50It wasn't. We filed for bankruptcy six months later.
03:53I bought a flock of sheep, babe. It's a great investment. We'll double our money in six months.
03:59We didn't. Unless we're talking about losses. Yeah, we doubled those.
04:03I'm growing mushrooms in the garage.
04:05I'm growing avocados in the garden.
04:07I'm investing in a video game for bored 70-year-olds.
04:11I tried to be supportive, knowing that he'd lost his big dream career.
04:15But the debts were piling, the fights were becoming more frequent,
04:18and we were drifting further apart.
04:21Ten years later, we decided to separate and see how we felt about it.
04:25But the one true joy of my life was becoming a mom to my daughter Stella,
04:29followed five years later by her twin brothers, David and Beckham.
04:33No matter what happened, this love I had for my kids was forever.
04:38So were sleepless nights, piles of laundry, cleaning, doctor visits,
04:41viruses, diapers, more piles of laundry, cleaning, homework, tantrums,
04:45crying, more crying, falling like a baby in the bathroom.
04:48Yeah, okay, the last one is me.
04:49Why are you telling me this morning that you need cupcakes for your entire class today?
04:53I put it on the fridge schedule a month ago,
04:56left sticky notes all over the house a week ago,
04:58and set a reminder on your watch for yesterday.
05:01Your brother stuck my watch in a jar of Nutella.
05:04David! Beckham! Why do you keep taking your clothes off?
05:07That's the opposite of getting dressed!
05:09I'll be the only kid who didn't get anything for the class picnic!
05:13No, sweetie, wait. Let's see what we got.
05:15Uh, here's a jar of peanut butter and some cookies.
05:18Ew, no, those are stale.
05:20You want to take some prunes? They're great for constipation!
05:23Mom, I'll tell the teacher you forgot, it happens.
05:26Oh, no, you won't! I know how judgy those teachers are.
05:29We're stopping at a bakery.
05:31Boys, I swear if you don't stop running this second,
05:34I'll call an elf who will call Santa and tell him not to get you any Christmas presents!
05:38You know no one else! Yeah, we don't believe you!
05:41I'm your mother, and mothers never lie to their children!
05:45Now get dressed before I call the goblin who eats twins for—
05:49Hey, lady, can you control your kids? One of them took my cookie.
05:54Oh, God, so sorry. I'll get you another one.
05:57A coffee, too. The other brat stuck his gross finger in it.
06:01Okay, sure, but you don't have to be so angry. They're just kids.
06:05Yeah, I'm angry at you. Clearly you suckers of mom and didn't teach them any manners.
06:11Excuse me? You want to say that again to my face?
06:15Uh, did you think I said it to your butt the first time?
06:20You want a piece of me, buddy?
06:21Mom, please don't.
06:24You're crazy. I'm out of here.
06:26I need to pee! I need to pee, too!
06:28For the last time, you don't need to take your shoes off to pee!
06:32After we returned from the bathroom, I turned to the lady at the counter.
06:36How many cupcakes do you have here?
06:38Two dozen.
06:39I'll take them all, please.
06:41I can't sell them all to you.
06:43Why not? What if someone else comes around for a cupcake?
06:47What do you care if one person buys them or ten people do? You just want sales, right?
06:52No, I want to make people happy.
06:54Then go be a party clown in your free time.
06:57But right now, I need you to sell me those cupcakes.
07:00I'll pay you ten extra dollars.
07:03Gimme it!
07:04I jumped behind the counter and started taking out the cupcakes.
07:07The lady started wrestling with me and screaming for security.
07:11I pushed her, she pushed me back,
07:13and I went flying straight into a baker walking out of the kitchen with someone's wedding cake!
07:18I'll never forget that moment.
07:20Me covered head to toe in white frosting, the salesperson still screaming,
07:26everyone in the cafe, including my children, looking absolutely terrified,
07:30and in the doorway stood Alex, looking as handsome as ever,
07:34holding hands with a leggy redhead who looked like she'd stepped out of a magazine.
07:39Mom, are you okay?
07:41Yes, sweetie. I'm fine.
07:43I'm not fine!
07:45I feel like I'm one of those hamsters on a wheel,
07:47and the wheel never stops, and I'm running and running,
07:50but somehow I've gained weight!
07:52How did that happen?!
07:54You had three kids, honey, and you're an amazing mom!
07:57No, I'm not!
07:59The twins are adorable, but they're maniacs!
08:02And Stella is so smart, and I'm constantly disappointing her!
08:06She knew Alex was dating someone for months,
08:08and she didn't tell me to protect my feelings!
08:11A ten-year-old shouldn't have to do that!
08:13How do you feel about Alex having a girlfriend?
08:16I know the marriage has long been over,
08:18but I just wasn't expecting him to get over it so quickly, you know?
08:22I know.
08:23So yeah, we got a divorce with shared custody of the kids.
08:27I became kinda friends with Cassie, or Katie,
08:30or whatever that dumb redhead's name is, and life went on.
08:34Now it was Alex's turn to keep the kids overnight,
08:38and I had big plans for myself, which were rudely interrupted.
08:43You have white hair now.
08:45You have a bigger butt now.
08:46You checked out my butt?
08:48Don't sound so excited. I just made a logical guess.
08:52Milo, you wanna tell me where you've been for 12 years?
08:56You just suddenly left town without so much as a goodbye?
08:59Oh wait, what day was that?
09:01Yeah, my wedding day, and you were the best man!
09:04I told you, I had a brainwave related to my research.
09:08Also, you know I hate people and weddings, and happiness in general.
09:11You left me a text, and I haven't heard from you since.
09:14Why come and see me now?
09:16Because we have to travel back.
09:18Okay, sit down, and I'll set up a PowerPoint presentation.
09:21Use your words, and make them make sense.
09:24Okay, okay.
09:25So, do you remember what we were doing on the night of 15th December, 2000?
09:29Sometimes I'm in the shower and can't remember if I just shampooed my hair, so no.
09:34Do you remember that you were a nosy person,
09:36and you suspected something shady was happening in the abandoned warehouse in our town,
09:40and you dragged me there one night to find out more?
09:43Oh yeah, I remember that, and I was right.
09:46It was some super freaky science lab,
09:49but then we went back a week later, and it was gone.
09:52Yeah, have you heard about the Xenovirox virus?
09:55I recently read about some cases in the news.
09:58Soon it'll be a lot more, all over the world.
10:00Apparently the virus was created in that shady science lab
10:03by some people in government as biological warfare.
10:06What? No way!
10:08Do you remember that when we were in the lab,
10:10you accidentally bumped into some things on a countertop?
10:13Did I?
10:14You knocked over a vial,
10:15and the liquid in it got mixed with fluid in another beaker.
10:18That was the vaccine.
10:20Because of your mishap, the scientists working on it got the wrong result,
10:23and he concluded that the vaccine was impossible to make.
10:26The project was shut down because it was too risky
10:29having a virus from which no one could be protected.
10:32So it looks like I did a good thing?
10:35You'd think so, but there's no way to really destroy a virus.
10:38It was kept in a secure facility all these years,
10:41and I don't know how and when exactly, but it escaped.
10:45And it's spreading like wildfire now.
10:47And because of your accident, the vaccine for it was never made.
10:50Oh my god.
10:52Well, someone will make it now, won't they?
10:54Not fast enough.
10:56Jen, it's really serious, and we gotta go back and fix this.
10:59What do you mean, go back?
11:01Didn't I already mention the time travel thing?
11:03Yeah, so I stumbled upon a rip in the space-time continuum,
11:06which helped me to discover the way to open portals whenever I want and travel to the past.
11:11That's what I've been working on for almost two decades now.
11:13Oh, no, no, no.
11:16Jennifer, please wake up from this terrible dream.
11:18Is it that bad meeting me after all this time?
11:21Yes, because not a single thing you've said has been good or made sense.
11:26How do you even know all this about the vaccine and the virus?
11:29Time travel.
11:30I just told you.
11:32You used to be a lot smarter, Jen.
11:34You actually expect me to believe you're a time traveler?
11:37If there's anyone who'll believe me, I expect it to be you.
11:40I looked into his sharp blue eyes and knew he wasn't kidding.
11:45Okay, okay.
11:46If you've traveled back in time, why didn't you just fix the problem yourself?
11:51Believe me, I tried.
11:53But I can't seem to do it alone, and I can't ask anyone else.
11:56Come on, we gotta go now.
11:58I have this night to myself, Milo.
12:00And I don't want to be some hero and save the world.
12:02I just want to watch a movie and fall asleep five minutes after it starts
12:06and have pancakes in the morning.
12:08And no, I won't have to make three dozen pancakes.
12:11Or eat the cold ones.
12:13Fresh, hot pancakes just for me.
12:16And coffee.
12:17And peace.
12:18Let me have this, please.
12:20Jen, everyone you love is at great risk.
12:23Do it for your kids.
12:24No, that's just emotional blackmail.
12:26Is it working?
12:27Yeah, fine.
12:28It's working.
12:30Let's go, you weirdo.
12:32You're gonna go like this?
12:34What's wrong with this?
12:35Oh, nothing.
12:36You look lovely.
12:37Is that mustard or barf on your coat?
12:40Shut up.
12:41Put this hat on, please.
12:42Yay, I get a funky hat too.
12:45Next, Milo took out a cube, placed it on the ground, and it sprang up into a tent.
12:50Hey, I need one of those collapsible things for camping with the kids.
12:54That's the astral tent.
12:56It's my time machine.
12:57Now, I just need a minute to set up the temporal destination.
13:01I'd followed Milo here, curious to know what he was going on about.
13:05But it just hit me then.
13:06Milo was actually mental.
13:09He'd really lost it.
13:10Oh, you poor baby.
13:13Uh, what's going on?
13:15Nothing, sweetie.
13:16It's all okay.
13:18I'm here for you.
13:19But you need help.
13:21Professional help.
13:22Do you understand what I'm saying, Milo?
13:26Can you get your hands off my face?
13:27I hear there's really nice places now for people like you.
13:31And you'll get the help you need.
13:33And I'll come visit you.
13:35I promise.
13:36Are you talking about a mental institution?
13:38I'm not crazy.
13:40Of course not, sweetie.
13:42You're special.
13:43Cut it out.
13:44If you think I'm crazy, why did you come with me?
13:47I don't know, Milo.
13:48Maybe I just came along because I'm actually really happy to see you,
13:51even though I've been pretending otherwise.
13:54And maybe a small part of me thought, hey, he's a genius.
13:58Maybe he really did invent time travel and you're in for an adventure, Jen,
14:02which would be a nice change from your mundane life.
14:05But you just pitched up a tent in a field and gave me a stupid hat.
14:09And this is all so ridiculous.
14:11I'm going home.
14:13Just as I turned to leave, I heard a buzzing sound from behind me.
14:16And I gasped.
14:17The tent was glowing.
14:19It makes that sound when it's warming up.
14:22You want to put that hat back on?
14:23OK, then.
14:25As we stood outside the tent, I could feel my heart racing with excitement.
14:30Was this really happening?
14:32Before we go in, you've got to remember three rules of time travel.
14:36Number one and the most important, don't change anything in the past.
14:40We have no idea what happens when we pull out a single thread in the fabric of time.
14:45It can have a butterfly effect and change many outcomes, possibly for the worse.
14:49Aren't we going back to change something?
14:52We already know that has a really bad outcome.
14:55So we're going to risk it.
14:56Change nothing else, OK?
14:58Got it.
14:58Number two, you can't get recognized by anyone.
15:02Tell no one who you are under any circumstances.
15:05Number three.
15:08OK, I think I don't have a number.
15:10So just two important rules of time travel.
15:13Also, I got to warn you, as we travel, you will experience nausea, headaches,
15:16dizziness, stomach cramps, palpitations, sweats, and feel like someone kicked you in the back.
15:20Sounds like nine months of pregnancy.
15:22Been there, done that.
15:23OK, then.
15:24You ready?
15:25This is insane.
15:26Yes, yes.
15:27OK, I'm ready.
15:29It's good to see you too.
15:30Now, one, two, three, go.
16:00Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
16:11That was amazing.
16:13I feel so alive.
16:15I'm going to barf.
16:17I followed Milo out of the tent, and my heart caught in my throat.
16:21I knew this place.
16:22It was the football field in our high school.
16:25I'm fine.
16:26Thanks for asking.
16:29Uh, I think I kind of made a small mistake.
16:32How big is small when we're talking about time travel?
16:34I just got us here a little earlier than planned.
16:37But don't worry.
16:38You'll be back at your house the same night I visited you.
16:41We just got a couple of extra days here.
16:43As long as I get back on time.
16:45Uh, where's my cell phone?
16:47Jen, the iPhone wasn't released till 2007.
16:50It doesn't exist right now.
16:52Welcome to the winter of 2000.
16:55Man, this is so freaky and so dope.
16:58You must be so impressed with yourself.
17:00Who wouldn't be?
17:01Milo said we'd be staying at his place where no one would notice us.
17:04And I knew why, of course.
17:06He'd been adopted as a kid by an eccentric businessman who loved him dearly,
17:10but was away on business a lot.
17:12And growing up, Milo was often home alone in a huge mansion.
17:16We climbed over the wall, walked across the garden, and slipped through a half-opened window.
17:20I still couldn't get over how weird it was to sneak through these familiar hallways.
17:25We slipped into a room in the unused wing of the mansion and settled in to sleep for the night.
17:30You still awake?
17:31Of course I'm still awake.
17:33I'm so excited to be here, Milo.
17:35I can't wait to go around town, visit our school, see my parents.
17:39You know what this means, right?
17:40My mom is still around.
17:43Jen, you can't be out and about.
17:45I just want to see.
17:46Can you imagine how freaked out your parents would be if they saw and recognized the older you
17:50or if you bumped into your younger self?
17:53We don't know what your past self would do if she saw our future self,
17:56and it could have serious consequences for your present.
17:59We have to stay low, do what we came to do, and go home.
18:03You got it?
18:04Yeah, of course.
18:06Of course I wasn't staying in.
18:08I'd be careful.
18:10But how many times does one get to travel back to their freaking past?
18:14So the next morning, I woke up early, locked Milo in the room so he wouldn't follow me too soon,
18:19and sneaked out of the house.
18:21I knew my parents would have left for work by now, so I'd see them later.
18:24That meant I was going to visit the most important place in my teenage life — high school.
18:30No one even asked me who I was as I entered the premises.
18:33And it looked like I'd walked onto the set of Mean Girls.
18:37The really low-rise jeans, fitted crop tops, butterfly clips, tattoo chokers,
18:41and everything with sequins looked like crimes against fashion to me now.
18:46I walked out into the main courtyard, and my heart skipped a beat
18:49as I caught sight of a young Milo on a bench, lost in a book on quantum physics.
18:54I'd always thought he was cute in his careless, genius way, and he had a bit of a fan following.
19:00Hey Milo, I was wondering if you could help me with my math assignment?
19:03I could, but I won't.
19:06Okay, who cares about stupid math anyway?
19:08I just came to ask if you'd go to the spring dance with me.
19:11Is it spring already? I hadn't noticed.
19:13So, is that a yes or no?
19:15A yes or no to what?
19:17The dance, Milo.
19:18Oh yeah, that. Nope, nada. Hard pass. Never gonna happen.
19:24Why not? Am I that unattractive?
19:27To me, yes. Objectively speaking, you're an above-average specimen of the female species.
19:32Come on, stop pining for Jennifer and just say yes.
19:35Are you sure you know the meaning of pining? Can you even spell it?
19:38I don't understand quantity science, but I know when a guy wants a girl.
19:42But she's with Golden Boy now, so you should move on.
19:45With me.
19:46The only thing I'm pining for is peace, so fine, give me that math assignment.
19:50Geez, were you raised by wolves with underdeveloped brains?
19:54It's all wrong. Literally all of it.
19:56I'll solve it in my lunch break and you leave me alone. Deal?
19:59As Milo walked away without waiting for an answer, I saw a troubled look across his face.
20:04I'd sometimes thought Milo and I had a spark, but he'd never said anything,
20:09and I always assumed he didn't want to be more than friends.
20:12I made my way to the football field next, knowing exactly what to expect.
20:16Alex bunking his classes to practice football. But as I got closer,
20:20it nearly took my breath away seeing him playing and looking so vibrant,
20:24and my heart broke a little knowing how that dream had ended.
20:28Hey lady, who are you? And why are you staring at that boy?
20:31Hey, it's not a crime to stare at your husband. And I, uh, by that I mean the coach.
20:37Beautiful man. Can't keep my eyes off him.
20:40Coach Jackson is your husband? I didn't know he was married.
20:45Husband to be. Hopefully, if I can put a ring on it.
20:49Okay, I gotta pee. Be right back.
20:51I ran off in the direction where I remembered the bathrooms were,
20:54and decided to wait it out in case the janitor was still outside.
20:58But as I was wandering through the hallway,
21:00I suddenly saw Alex walk in with his ex-girlfriend, Bianca.
21:04Oh god, I couldn't risk being seen by them.
21:06I slipped through the first door close to me, and realized it was the boy's locker room.
21:11I heard footsteps coming closer, so I jumped into an empty closet
21:15seconds before Alex and Bianca came in. And then they started kissing.
21:20What the actual heck? Alex was cheating on me in high school?
21:24Bianca, we can't keep seeing each other. I have a girlfriend I really like.
21:28So? I have a boyfriend I really like too. Why can't we have some fun on the side?
21:34Yeah, we fought a lot when we were together, but we always had great chemistry.
21:38That witch!
21:39No, no, I can't. Look, this is too stressful and it's giving me an ulcer.
21:44And I need my head in the game before the big championship.
21:47We're not seeing each other again, okay?
21:50Okay, if you say so. Now give me one last.
21:53Alex, are you in there? Can I come in?
21:55That was me. That was my 17-year-old voice.
21:59Oh my god, it's Jen.
22:01Hey, yeah, I'm changing. Give me a minute.
22:04A minute? What'll happen in a minute? Are you gonna do some magic trick to make me invisible?
22:08And suddenly, without warning, Alex shoved Bianca in the closet I was hiding in,
22:13and I barely managed to press myself to one side and hold my breath.
22:17You can come in, Jen.
22:19Seeing myself look so young and beautiful made me want to cry.
22:23I was a goddess!
22:25Hey, babe, missed you in class again.
22:28You're gonna flunk chemistry at this rate.
22:30No one's gonna care when I'll be a rich, famous football player.
22:34And then he pulled me in for a kiss.
22:36How could he kiss me with that same stupid mouth he'd use to kiss stupid Bianca,
22:41who I wanted to strangle?
22:43I just wanted to check if you wanted to go with me and Milo to this science exhibit at the museum
22:48after school. His dad got special passes.
22:51Gross. I'd rather be hit by a car.
22:54Seriously. It's by this really cool scientist who's worked on a quantum entanglement.
22:59You're not even listening anymore, are you?
23:01Of course I'm listening. You said blah blah something blah blah blah.
23:06Why you're even friends with Milo, I'll never understand.
23:09He's my best friend, and he's really cool.
23:12He's a dork. And he acts like I'm some dumb jock.
23:16You guys have fun, babe. I've got a thing with a friend anyway.
23:19As the two walked out hand in hand, I could see Bianca smirking.
23:24Yeah, the thing with a friend is a makeout session with me. Stupid gin.
23:28Gosh, you slimy little...
23:31Bianca jumped out of the closet like she'd been electrocuted, staring at me in shock.
23:35I was so close to getting out unnoticed. Stupid, stupid me.
23:40Who are you, you pervert?
23:42How long have you been hiding here and spying on boys half your age?
23:45What? No, I can explain.
23:47Go ahead, then.
23:48Uh, okay. Yeah, so I do have an explanation. And it's a really good one, too.
23:54And suddenly, Bianca let out an earth-shattering scream.
23:57I shoved her back in the closet and ran for my life.
24:00Apparently, not fast enough for a teenager.
24:03Someone catch that woman! She was hiding in the boys' locker room! She attacked me!
24:08And before I knew it, I had half the school running after me as I was headed for the gates.
24:12I'd never be able to outrun these kids.
24:15And if I got recognized, I was done for. Milo would kill me.
24:19And then suddenly, I saw him approaching me fast on some old bicycle.
24:23Hop on, quick!
24:24Milo pedaled away furiously, but we still had people after us. Can you go a little faster?
24:30I'm trying, but you're kind of... I mean, I don't cycle professionally, you know.
24:34I'm kind of what, Milo?
24:37Well, a little chunkier than I remember.
24:39Did you just call me chunky?
24:42No, I said chunkier. There's a subtle difference.
24:45Stop distracting me!
24:46Milo swerved into some street, after which we ditched the bike,
24:50ran down several narrow alleyways, crossed a main road,
24:53and finally ran into a park where we collapsed behind a huge tree.
24:57Why, you... What were you thinking?!
25:01I'm sorry. I know I should have listened to you, but I just couldn't help myself.
25:05Thank you for coming in time.
25:06You're not welcome!
25:08Milo, it was so cool! I saw you and my younger self, and I was hot!
25:14I don't remember being that hot. Do you remember that?
25:17I really don't.
25:18Also, I caught Alex making out with his freaking ex, Bianca. Can you imagine?
25:24Milo just stared at me quietly.
25:27Uh, why don't you look shocked? Wait, did you know back then?
25:31I'd heard some rumors.
25:33And you never told me?
25:35Ow! I wasn't sure if they were true, okay?
25:38And it's not like you would have listened to me back then.
25:40I told you he was too stupid for you! A dimwit! A moron! A buffoon!
25:46But did you ever listen? No!
25:49You thought everyone was stupid!
25:51You wouldn't have taken me seriously no matter what I'd said, Jen.
25:55You had stars in your eyes for that guy. He was perfect.
25:59Apparently not. So what, our entire relationship was a lie?
26:03And Alex never really loved me?
26:07I hate siding with Alex, but I don't think that's true.
26:11I think he did really love you, the best he knew how.
26:14I guess. If only I'd known though, maybe my life would have been totally different.
26:20No use dwelling on the past, right?
26:22Now listen, we have to stay inside, especially since we've got people looking for us.
26:27I just have one tiny favor to ask.
26:30Hear me out!
26:32Milo, I want to see my parents once, okay? Mom just left without a word,
26:37two weeks from this date actually, and I haven't seen her in 18 years.
26:42I won't interact with anyone, and I'll just see them through the window having dinner.
26:46It'll be nighttime, so no one will notice me.
26:49Fine, just one look through the window, and I'm coming with you.
26:53And later that evening, as we crept up to my house, my heart almost exploded.
26:58There was Mom, as lovely as I remembered,
27:01and Dad laughing and looking like a completely different person from now.
27:05Milo had joined us for dinner, and we were picture perfect.
27:09I loved how you guys always made me feel like I was a part of the family.
27:14I still don't understand why she left us just like that.
27:18It broke Dad's heart. Well, it broke mine too.
27:21I felt Milo slip his fingers through mine, and we watched for a few more minutes before we left.
27:26How about we get pizza from our favorite spot and talk tonight?
27:30We've got a lot of catching up to do.
27:32Sounds like a plan.
27:33And God, I've missed Gianni's pizza.
27:35Best in the world.
27:37This is the worst pizza in the world.
27:39Why does the marinara sauce taste like wet socks?
27:42The pepperoni is like rubber.
27:44How come we didn't notice this before?
27:46I don't know, man.
27:47This is inedible, and I'm starving.
27:50Can we explore your kitchen, please?
27:53Your dad's a millionaire.
27:54Why do you only have eggs in the fridge?
27:57Because he wasn't around much, and I wasn't interested.
28:00I don't mind you boiling some eggs.
28:02Why should I do it?
28:03It's your house.
28:04Or is it my job because I'm a woman?
28:06I didn't know we'd traveled back to 1950.
28:09Jeez, it's not a feminist issue.
28:12I'll boil them.
28:13Do you even know how to boil eggs?
28:15I'm a scientist.
28:16Of course I know.
28:17The stove turns on the other way, genius.
28:20God, men are such useless babies.
28:23Give me that.
28:24I'll do it.
28:24I can handle boiling an egg, woman.
28:26I don't have the energy to bicker like an old married couple.
28:29Just let me do it.
28:30As we both pulled at the saucepan,
28:32it went flying out of our hands and landed with a loud clunk on the floor.
28:36Milo immediately pulled me into the tiny pantry,
28:39and we waited with bated breath, expecting some servant to come running in.
28:43I think no one heard us.
28:45We can go out now.
28:46Let's give it a few more minutes.
28:48We can't risk getting caught.
28:49I felt acutely aware of how close Milo was,
28:53and how he seemed to be analyzing my face.
28:55You haven't changed much since high school, you know?
28:59Just earlier today, you said I'm chunkier.
29:01I just meant you're not a skinny teenager anymore.
29:04And you look great.
29:05I'm sure you get asked out all the time.
29:08Oh no.
29:09I'm probably known as the lunatic mom of three kids in my town.
29:13I attacked a salesperson and destroyed a wedding cake at a bakery not too long ago.
29:17Oh god, I wish I'd been there to see it.
29:20I don't like that crazy, angry side of me at all.
29:24And yeah, that would make anyone run away if they were interested in the first place,
29:28which I highly doubt.
29:30I doubt the opposite.
29:31Suddenly, Milo was even closer and tucking away hair behind my ear.
29:36And my arms were going around his neck, and I could feel his breath on my face.
29:41And just as I leaned in, the door burst open, and we stared in complete horror
29:46at a younger Milo who was staring back at us.
