Dehati Ladke Season 2 Episode 2 ft. Kusha Kapila, Shine Pandey, Saamya Jainn

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Dehati Ladke Season 2 Episode 2 ft. Kusha Kapila, Shine Pandey, Saamya Jainn


00:00Where's the insurance?
00:01It's in the car, sir.
00:03In the car.
00:03In the car?
00:05Don't you have food?
00:05Your father?
00:06No, my miser father.
00:07Yes, you're right.
00:11Hey, mister.
00:13You're not allowed to ride a car without a helmet
00:15or a crown.
00:17Sir, I forgot to wear a helmet early in the morning.
00:19People are staring at me.
00:21I'll go and get it.
00:22I told you to park the car on the side.
00:23Otherwise, I'll hit you with a stick.
00:25Sir, please be a little polite.
00:27Mister, first learn how to shake hands.
00:30Then you can teach me manners.
00:31Let's go.
00:36Do you sign or not?
00:38Ma'am, if you're done, please sign.
00:41Just a minute. Go and sign.
00:42Sir, I'll sign.
00:44I'm also getting a number.
00:45Get lost.
00:45Sir, I'll sign.
00:46Just a minute. Please wait.
00:48You sign and we'll stand here.
00:50Go home.
00:55You go.
00:55Yes, tell me. What's the problem?
00:57What's the problem?
00:58Have some patience.
01:00We're just doing our job.
01:01Give it to me.
01:04You didn't do the right thing by hitting the constable.
01:06I didn't hit him. He just flew away.
01:08Listen, don't tell your mother about this.
01:11Otherwise, she'll taunt me.
01:12She'll say that I went to the police station for the rest of my life.
01:14Keep Raj under control.
01:16He'll be indebted to you.
01:19We'll pay off the debt when the time comes.
01:21Are you sure?
01:24You'll pay off the debt, right?
01:25Of course not.
01:27Let's go.
01:38This is a shabby place.
01:40There's nothing to eat.
01:42We won't come here again.
01:45Ritesh has been trying to impress Prerna and me
01:49for the past two days.
01:50But, he'll stay within limits.
01:52If he doesn't, he'll beat us again.
01:53I came here with the army, but we were outnumbered.
01:57You guys have gone mad.
02:00If you don't remember, I'll remind you.
02:02You're in jail.
02:04You should avoid fighting, but you're not fighting.
02:07Didn't you get a lesson?
02:10I'm in jail.
02:12I did the right thing.
02:19You guys are so cheap.
02:24Whose phone is ringing?
02:26Sir, it's our phone.
02:28Must be our family's.
02:30Is it your family's or your wife's?
02:32Give the phone to them.
02:35You haven't got the hang of it yet.
02:36What are you doing?
02:37Go and call the doctor.
02:39What did you do?
02:41He was talking nonsense about you.
02:43Does that mean you'll break your head?
02:45When did you become a goon?
02:48I don't know why he called me all of a sudden.
02:50We'll know when we meet.
02:52You left the house in the middle of the night.
02:55I'm scared.
02:58Something bad must have happened.
03:00Okay, hang up.
03:02If you hide anything,
03:04you won't find anything at home.
03:06Okay, hang up.
03:07I'll call you later.
03:17If Singhat is right,
03:18if he had listened to me,
03:20you wouldn't have come this far.
03:24I'll talk to the inspector.
03:26Let's go.
03:34Sir, he's Rajat's father.
03:37Sir, I'm Yuvan's elder brother.
03:39You don't know me.
03:40But your wife knows me.
03:43She's a regular customer of our shop.
03:45She opens everything for me.
03:46She shops from our shop.
03:48And that too at a 50% discount.
03:50And you are?
03:52Sir, I'm Sundar Kumar.
03:54Shashank Kumar's father.
04:00Have a seat.
04:02Come here.
04:04Chaudhary, get the three boys here.
04:06Yes, sir.
04:08Your boys have done something big.
04:10They've broken Saif's head and taken him to the hospital.
04:13Now we'll file a case against them.
04:15Come out, all of you.
04:17Give me the mobile.
04:19Come on.
04:22And you?
04:23Will you take the invitation or eat it?
04:25Come on.
04:26Come out.
04:30Sir, listen to me before filing the case.
04:33First, you listen to me.
04:35It's not the first time this has happened to them.
04:37We had locked them up before.
04:39The boys were harassing them by breaking the walls of the women's college.
04:41Then we filed the case.
04:43We didn't file the case
04:45because we were scared that it wouldn't happen again.
04:47If we had filed the case then,
04:49that boy wouldn't be in the hospital today.
04:51The fight was mutual.
04:53And it was also possible that we would've come to the hospital and Ritesh would've come here.
04:55What was the need to fight?
04:57You kept your mother's promise and your father's everything at stake.
05:01My friend was talking nonsense about Reena.
05:04His parents could've done whatever they wanted.
05:06Or he would've complained himself.
05:08Who are you guys? Heroes?
05:10You're messiahs.
05:11Have some respect for your father.
05:13Chaudhary, lock all three of them up.
05:15Yes, sir. Let's go.
05:16Take them away.
05:17Let's go.
05:20Sir, can we go out for a cup of tea?
05:24Let's go.
05:33Sir, listen to me.
05:35Sir, if we can find a way to solve this case.
05:37Please do something.
05:39It's not an ordinary matter.
05:41Sir, what can't you do?
05:44Please do something.
05:46Some out-of-court settlement.
05:51Look, sir. I can pay up to five lakhs for my brother.
06:00Mr. Chauhan.
06:02Mr. Kumar.
06:04Please take a decision.
06:07Do you want to release the kids or not?
06:11Sir, both of them will pay up to five lakhs.
06:14And we'll pay up to five lakhs.
06:16We'll get at least ten lakhs.
06:18Let's see what happens.
06:22Where will we get so much money from?
06:24We'll get it by the last train tomorrow.
06:26Then get your FD broken.
06:28Or take a loan from PF.
06:30Both of you arrange for two and a half lakhs.
06:32I'll talk to him.
06:37Uncle, Rajat won't be able to sit for the exam.
06:40We'll have to do something.
06:43If we try, everything will be fine.
06:45What will be fine?
06:47Have you seen Sangat?
06:49He has a friend, Lakkoti's son.
06:51And the other one.
06:53We don't know who he is.
06:57We can't even pay up to two and a half lakhs.
06:59We can't even pay up for my son's education.
07:01He's my own son.
07:03Don't expect me to pity you.
07:06My son is getting ruined because of your son.
07:09Now go.
07:11Sell your kidneys and kidneys.
07:13But deposit the money.
07:20They'll do it.
07:24Sir, I have a distant brother-in-law.
07:26He's an officer.
07:28I'll talk to him.
07:36He's ready to give five lakhs.
07:37We'll give him five lakhs.
07:39His and my share.
07:42You just don't register the case.
07:45Look, the matter is out of our hands.
07:47I told you.
07:49The boy's father is a big lawyer.
07:51Nothing can be done now.
07:57Nothing can be done.
08:07I won't let your future be ruined.
08:11I won't let you get hurt.
08:24Yes, Gannu.
08:25The fax number I gave you just now.
08:28Send Rajat's certificate and mark sheet on it.
08:31Hurry up.
08:33Go to Gonda immediately.
08:35Open the shop when it's closed.
08:37Send it quickly. We need it right now.
08:47You stay here with Rajat.
08:50I'll meet that boy at the hospital.
09:05Are you Ritesh's father?
09:09Take this medicine.
09:16Hello, lawyer.
09:18How's the boy?
09:21He's safe.
09:23I'm grateful to you.
09:25Otherwise, I wouldn't have recognized you.
09:28Lawyer, I...
09:30I mean, my name is T.S. Chauhan.
09:35Rajat's father.
09:41This city is known for its culture.
09:44That's why I'm telling you politely.
09:46Go back.
09:48Otherwise, I'll get you punished for what your son did.
09:54Lawyer, I'll go back.
09:58I just want to say something.
10:03You're a father.
10:05I'm also a father.
10:08And no one can understand a father's pain better than you.
10:11I just want to say one thing.
10:14Say whatever you want.
10:16Sir, please. The family will be in trouble.
10:19We can't do this. Take them away.
10:21Put them in the car.
10:23Sir, please try to understand.
10:25Nothing can be done.
10:27He's our younger brother.
10:29He didn't do anything.
10:31Jai Hind, sir.
10:35Put the boys in the car.
10:37Their case is closed.
10:58You were safe as long as you were under my control.
11:02As soon as you came out of my control,
11:05you went away from me.
11:08You were in front of my eyes.
11:10You had shame in your eyes.
11:13Now you're so shameless that you're dancing on my head.
11:18If I had kicked you since childhood, you would have been fine.
11:21Till date, not a single member of our family
11:24reached the door of the police station.
11:26And you reached the jail's door.
11:31You also went to the jail's door once.
11:45We don't know why the case got resolved.
11:47But his father was very angry.
11:49How did he change his mind suddenly?
11:51He must have found out the truth about his son.
11:54How would I know?
11:56Rajat, first promise me that you won't get into any fight again.
11:59Do you know how scared I was?
12:01I was waiting for Ritesh to come to his senses to save you.
12:04Reena, if you keep any kind of relationship with that boy,
12:07I won't be able to tolerate it.
12:09You won't talk to him about anything.
12:11Especially about me and you.
12:13Why? What's the problem?
12:15We've been friends for years.
12:17Don't behave like a possessive boy.
12:19I won't be able to tolerate it.
12:21I won't be able to tolerate it.
12:23I've been serving tea for a long time.
12:25Will you serve me or not?
12:28I'll serve you.
12:32She's serving tea for me
12:34and she's serving blood for me.
12:36When will you serve me?
12:45For whom are you taking this?
12:47I told you not to come here again.
12:49Then why did you come?
12:51Who came?
12:53You're my son.
12:55Why are you worried?
12:57You were my father and I was your son.
12:59But now we're nothing to each other.
13:01You killed one of my sons
13:03and the other one has committed suicide.
13:05And when you want to burn your pyre,
13:07don't call anyone else for rent.
13:11Don't call me son.
13:13You're my brother's weapon.
13:15Is he your relative?
13:18The one you went to serve tea to?
13:20He's my friend.
13:22You've ruined your life in the name of friendship.
13:24You should be grateful for the deeds,
13:26values and virtues of your ancestors.
13:32You're getting free bread
13:34from your grandfather's farm
13:36and you're getting milk from your father's dairy.
13:39That's why you're getting fat.
13:41You're getting fat.
13:42That's why you're getting fat.
13:44You're talking like a pig.
13:46Then cut my tongue.
13:48If that doesn't make you happy,
13:50then cut my throat.
13:52Punish me for being your friend.
13:54Yes, we'll punish you.
13:56You've lost your mind.
13:58And listen to one more thing carefully.
14:00You'll have to work with us
14:02as long as you're dependent on us.
14:06The one you went to serve tea to
14:08is our cook.
14:10The day you build your house
14:12and buy your utensils,
14:14serve tea to whoever you want.
14:17Got it?
14:19I've never touched tea.
14:24I touched it once.
14:26I won't touch it again.
14:34Did you get it, Subbu?
14:36The values of our ancestors.
14:37The values of our ancestors.
14:43Where are you going? Wait, I'll talk to you.
14:52Yes, Rajiv's mother.
14:54Yes, I'm coming.
14:56What should I tell you?
14:58Your son, Subbu...
15:00Don't tell your mother about this case.
15:05Aren't you ashamed of your actions?
15:08Won't you tell your mother about this case?
15:11And whatever you've done here,
15:13we'll tell her everything.
15:15So that the misunderstanding in her mind
15:17gets cleared.
15:20Do you remember the promise you made to me
15:22when you were about to go to jail?
15:28Keep Raj under control.
15:30You'll always have a burden on him.
15:32We'll pay off the debt when the time comes.
15:35Fulfill it.
15:51Yes, Rajiv's mother.
15:55No, everything is fine.
15:57He just ate something wrong a few times.
16:00He's not feeling well.
16:02His stomach is upset.
16:03He's resting. I'll talk to you later.
16:16They're leaving, sir.
16:20You take care of him.
16:22Your friend won't stay here.
16:26try to change your behavior.
16:28You'll regret it.
16:30Tell me one thing.
16:33Why did Ritesh's father withdraw the case?
16:41The day your son
16:43gets trapped in a problem like this,
16:46come and ask.
16:48We'll tell you.
16:50Okay, sir.
16:51I'll let you know if you want to ask me anything.
17:06Why are you troubling your father?
17:09It's my father who is troubling me.
17:11He has never tried to understand me.
17:13He's always talking about himself.
17:17He's always right.
17:19He doesn't have any shortcomings.
17:21Everyone has shortcomings.
17:23We have shortcomings, you have shortcomings.
17:25Maybe even uncle has shortcomings.
17:28But still, he's your father.
17:32Whether you understand it or not,
17:34he wants the best for you.
17:36You have no idea how big of a hand he has
17:38in getting you to where you are.
17:40But you know,
17:42as long as a person is alive,
17:44in front of you,
17:46he doesn't understand.
17:48Without saying anything,
17:50he does so much for you.
17:53One day, you'll know.
17:56Then you'll understand what it means to be a father.
18:06Mr. Lawyer,
18:08Rajat is not a hooligan or a goon.
18:12He's a topper.
18:14He's the topper of Gonda district.
18:17He's a gold medalist in the UP board.
18:20Rajpal has honoured him.
18:24You know how difficult it is to get a first division
18:26in the UP board.
18:28And he's brought that distinction.
18:32Rajat is one in a million, Mr. Lawyer.
18:35Mr. Lawyer,
18:37don't punish him for one mistake.
18:40His career will be ruined.
18:43Not just our family,
18:45the entire village expects him
18:47to pass the UPSC exam.
18:51And he'll make the entire village proud.
18:57Mr. Lawyer,
18:59if he fails,
19:02he won't be able to sit for the UPSC exam.
19:12A great man once said,
19:14a son repeats his father's mistakes.
19:17And the only way to prevent
19:19these mistakes from being repeated
19:22is to not become a father.
19:25Perhaps our father should have listened
19:27to the advice of that great man.
19:29And we shouldn't have been born.
