Skegness Carnival 999 Day

  • 2 months ago
It was a shout for emergency services in happier circumstances when Skegness Carnival hosted its 999 Day as part of a busy week of activities. The event was held in Tower Gardens.
00:00Good afternoon, we are back in Talgarne, Skegness for the Skegness Carnival 9.9 day.
00:08I'm with one of the organisers. It's pretty busy in here this afternoon isn't it?
00:13Yeah, it's really busy. We've got about 30 plus stalls up today and then obviously all the emergency services are here.
00:19We've got the fire, we've got light, we've got police, we've got quite a large area out the front.
00:24They're all here and it's going really well.
00:26It's very noisy, you're going to hear the sirens.
00:28I know, I know. Well they were making quite a lot of noise in the procession as well and it hasn't stopped.
00:34Yeah, it's a very noisy area.
00:36So it is a really important day for the emergency services isn't it? To kind of explain what they do.
00:42Yeah, it is really good for them, a lot of public engagement.
00:45I know the fire brigade have their open day tomorrow so people come in here today,
00:49they can chat to them and they can all get down to their open day as well, it's great.
00:52Okay, so there's a lot going on. And then all the charities as well, they're trying to raise money for their organisations.
00:59Yeah, the majority of our stalls are either craft or charity stalls.
01:02So there are lots of trombolas, there's lots of ways to help support other people.
01:06And you're going on for the rest of the afternoon?
01:08Yeah, until 5 o'clock we'll be here.
01:10Now we have to mention the Skegness Carnival Procession because you had a glorious day.
01:17There were thousands and thousands of people lining the streets, weren't there?
01:22You must be so pleased.
01:23We were very lucky again with the weather and we're really over the moon with all the participants this year.
01:29The effort they put into their floats and the walkers and all the designs of the floats, it was really amazing.
01:35Everybody put in such an effort.
01:38And it doesn't stop today, doesn't it?
01:39Do you just quickly want to tell people what they can expect for the rest of the week?
01:44Right, yes, so tomorrow we have the Pavement Art and the Sandcastle competition at the pier.
01:51There's a bit of a sports day going on in Tower Gardens.
01:54And then Friday we have an art and craft contest where you can bring pre-made art things.
01:58Or we're going to have a table in there where you can make something to enter into our competition.
02:02And a classic car show in here.
02:04Right, so still plenty to see.
02:06Yeah, plenty going on.
02:08Okay, well good luck with the rest of the week.
02:09Thank you very much.
02:10Hope the weather holds.
02:11Yeah, you too.
02:13And the message is, come on down, isn't it?
02:15Yes, come on down, come and see us all.
02:18So while we are in here, this year, for anyone watching the parade in the beginning of the parade,
02:25the magnificent display by the Royal British Legion.
02:28Now they seem to be popping up everywhere with this year's Poppy campaign
02:35to decorate the roundabout at the Clock Tower for remembrance.
02:40And today there have been people coming along while they're at the Nine-Nine Day and tying on poppies.
02:48Now I'm just coming over to one of the members, Ned Kelly, to tell me how things have been going today.
02:56It's unbelievable, to tell you the truth.
02:57It's the engagement that we seem to be getting.
03:01People just passing, tying two or three on.
03:03We've got people who are tying a hundred on.
03:05It's just lovely.
03:06Everyone's chatting away.
03:08It's a real feeling of community, which is the whole purpose of the community engagement project, really.
03:14Yeah, I mean, they're looking fabulous already, aren't they?
03:17I'll just come and just show this one.
03:19There's so many different ones as well, because we've got...
03:22I believe they're not.
03:23An old bottle top, crocheted bottle top.
03:26We've got felt ones.
03:28We've got plastic ones.
03:29That's different as well, isn't it?
03:31You can see people have been so ingenious.
03:33It's amazing.
03:34Yeah, and...
03:36And this camouflage netting, was it empty this morning?
03:40Totally empty, totally empty.
03:41Yeah, just come over here and just see what's been going on there.
03:46It's looking beautiful, isn't it?
03:48I'm blown away, really, by the engagement of people and their kindness and their time.
03:54And are you still... are you nearly there now with the number of poppies you need and the...
03:59It's... poppies are coming in constantly, which is good, because we'll always need more.
04:05But it's... the tying on, that seems to be a bit more time...
04:11Consuming, yeah.
04:12Very much more time-consuming.
04:13But it's... on occasions like this, and there's other situations at the Village Museum, that kind of thing, where...
04:22Village Church Museum, they've hosted you a few times, haven't they?
04:25They have indeed. They've been fantastic.
04:28So people... yeah, if people want to get involved, how can they?
04:32Keep an eye out on social media. The British Legion on their social media are publicising when there's events like this.
04:39That'll be the Skegness Royal British Legion page, won't it?
04:42But yeah, it's just... thank you to everybody for all... everything they're doing for us.
04:46It's... it's thank you to the people of Skegness and all the visitors.
04:49They're absolutely fantastic.
04:51And thank you.
05:04Thank you very much.
05:11OK, well, I'm going to have a wander round, because I can't seem to switch you off for a minute!
