সারারাত ঘুমাইনি, আরজি কর কাণ্ডে কী না করেছি, তাও মিথ্যে কুৎসা হচ্ছে!: মমতা

  • last month
সারারাত ঘুমাইনি, আরজি কর কাণ্ডে কী না করেছি, তাও মিথ্যে কুৎসা হচ্ছে!: মমতা


00:00I say, even if someone abuses me a thousand times and spreads lies on social networks,
00:07not everyone spreads lies, I am making a point, it should be discussed.
00:14I say, whatever I want to say, I am tired of hearing it.
00:20But please do not disrespect the Bengali mother.
00:25I am tired of saying it today.
00:28I came here during the election campaign
00:32and every year, the day before Independence Day,
00:37I participate in the program that is being held
00:42and say a few words.
00:45You say, those who say this freedom is a lie,
00:52how will they understand the meaning of Independence Day?
00:57Have you ever celebrated Independence Day?
01:00When the government was in power,
01:03you celebrated it for two years,
01:06at the end of the 45-year rule of the Bambam government, twice.
01:09There, too, the flag was put upside down once.
01:13And the BJP party has never been born.
01:17How do you know about independence?
01:21They have become powerful,
01:24they have come to power.
01:27Their job is to divide the country,
01:31to divide the society,
01:34to do discrimination in the name of religion,
01:38to divide people,
01:41to divide religion and caste.
01:45They do not want independence.
01:48This thing does not last long.
01:51I am sad to say this today,
01:54but I am bound to say it,
01:57because of their behavior.
02:00For which, now, Modi ji,
02:03the majority, has not got a single leg,
02:06he has to walk on his feet, depending on many people.
02:09The next day, whoever raises his leg,
02:12this government will also fall.
02:16It is a lie,
02:19to say it again and again,
02:22that if you cut a lemon, it will become a lemon.
02:25No matter how much you cut the lemon,
02:28once the juice comes out,
02:31if you cut the lemon again and again,
02:34the lemon will become a lemon.
02:37Keep in mind, if I ask you,
02:40two or three incidents,
02:43which I did not do,
02:46which work I did not do,
02:49which discrimination I did not know,
02:52which action I did not take.
02:55When the incident happened,
02:58I was in Jharkhand.
03:01I was returning from Jharkhand.
03:04I was able to know the sudden news
03:07while coming in the car.
03:10I met the Kolkata Police Commissioner,
03:13Binit Goyal.
03:16They reported to me,
03:19that we are here in the hospital.
03:22Their parents are also coming.
03:25I spoke to the father.
03:28The father said, speak to the mother also.
03:31I spoke to the mother also.
03:34And I told them,
03:38I want their hangings.
03:41I have been saying this from the first day.
03:44I will stick to this today also.
03:47And I said,
03:50I will go to your house very soon.
03:53As it was their work,
03:56family work after death,
03:59it was not right to disturb at that time.
04:02It was a matter of discrimination.
04:06I went to their house that day.
04:09And when did the incident happen?
04:12Possibly on Friday.
04:15I went to their house on Monday.
04:18Until then, the police,
04:21listen to the incident that night,
04:24spoke to me a hundred times.
04:27Minute to minute.
04:30I did not sleep all night.
04:33The police commissioner spoke to me
04:36for two nights.
04:39His dead body was not cremated.
04:42The police took the dead body by escort.
04:45And the whole night,
04:48they started from the CCTV,
04:51from showing the judicial magistrate,
04:54from making the video,
04:57after that,
05:00from DNA test,
05:03from sample collection,
05:06listen to this,
05:09last month's CCTV,
05:12I heard this,
05:15to see who is coming,
05:18who has come, who has not come,
05:21they appointed 164 people.
05:24And within 12 hours,
05:27the real murderer,
05:30was arrested.
05:33His evidence,
05:36within 12 hours,
05:39he was arrested.
05:42And not only that,
05:45I gave time to Rabindranath,
05:48to do an investigation.
05:51I told the health department,
05:54do an investigation.
05:57I cannot take any action
06:00without investigation.
06:03This is minimum courtesy.
