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Why does My DOG L​ick my Face?
If your dog licks your face, pay close attention to what I say.
The main reason why dogs lick their owners' faces, hands or feet is to express their affection. This behavior is inherent to their nature and goes back to the behavior of wolves, especially puppies, which is directly related to hunting.
We can interpret the "custom" of licking their guardians' faces as a demonstration of respect, affection and also submission. When we talk about submission, we are referring to your dog licking you to seek approval and even show its gratitude, because it recognizes you as the leader of its social group, is its reference and also the provider of food, resources and care that is fundamental for its well-being. be. You are his favorite person!
However, there are other options than making dogs lick your face.

attract attention
Another reason that explains why dogs lick their owners' faces is that licking is one of the things that dogs often do to get our attention and, in fact, you will notice that you can hardly ignore your dog while he licks you, no. and truth? If you ask yourself, for example, "why does my dog ​​wake me up by licking my face?", the most likely answer is because he needs something from you. The point is that only you can identify why your dog needs your attention and what he is asking for through his insistent licking.

To calm down
Licking is one of the main signs to calm down that dogs use in a multitude of situations that cause discomfort, fear, anxiety, stress, etc. Dogs use them to communicate with each other, but also with other animals and people, and they generally do so with the purpose of appeasing a situation that they perceive as unfavorable or potentially dangerous.

The calming signals we saw earlier also intensify when a dog is in a stressful environment or experiences a series of stressful situations.

Traumas or phobias
So, we come to the fifth cause that explains why dogs lick their owners' faces. When a dog has gone through a series of negative experiences, especially those involving abandonment and different types of mistreatment, there is a high chance that it will develop trauma or even a phobia.


