Inmerso en una investigación cuyo fin es separar las dos naturalezas del hombre, el doctor Jekyll degenera en el vengativo mister Hyde, cuyo objetivo es desafiar al jugador del que su mujer está enamorado. Pero el doctor Jekyll, horrorizado, se rebela contra su segunda naturaleza. Una intrigante historia basada en la novela de Robert Louis Stevenson.
00:01:41Londres mil ocho ciento setenta y cuatro
00:02:27Yeah, I love it
00:02:30In cada uno de esos mudos animales humanos existirá personalidad que hasta cuando juegan se expresa
00:02:35Mudos animales humanos Henry estos no son conejillos de india son niños que no pueden hablar
00:02:42Pero estoy convencido de que en este caso su mudez la ocasión a una parte de su cerebro que se niega a permitir que
00:02:48La otra parte se manifieste expresa libremente sugieres que expresan con acciones lo que no pueden decir por supuesto
00:02:54El mismo Henry checo
00:02:56siempre buscando la llave de las puertas de la mente gracias doctor jakey a los niños les gusta venir a visitar su jardín
00:03:03después nunca quieren irse y menos
00:03:14Tienes razón
00:03:16Todos mis experimentos
00:03:18tienen como fin la liberación de ese ser que llevamos aprisionado
00:03:22En la tesis que desató toda la polémica que haya orado alrededor hablabas de dos seres en cada una de nuestras personalidades
00:03:31Hay dos fuerzas que luchan por la supremacía
00:03:35Pero fue un error publicar esa tesis sin pruebas ahora no tengo que probar nada
00:03:40al renunciar a mi cátedra me libré de esos idiotas que se creen científicos y no lo son
00:03:45te echan de menos
00:03:48Si desde que renuncié no tienen de quien burlarse
00:03:51Todavía recuerdo su risa es razón para desaparecer de los círculos profesionales
00:03:57Vives como un ermitaño en medio de londres es eso prudente lo es si uno no quiere que sus propios colegas lo destruyan
00:04:05Eres justo tienen la profesión fue justo conmigo
00:04:10Quien aparte de ti me ha escuchado siquiera olvida la profesión un momento
00:04:15Piensa en los otros en los que te quieren
00:04:20Ahora entiendo que te pidió que me hablaras
00:04:23Si entiende lo que es esto para ella quieres vivir aquí solo sin sirvientes y hasta sin amigos no te das cuenta de que ella
00:04:30necesita otras cosas Henry otra vida en seis años de matrimonio
00:04:35Kiki no ha pensado jamás en mi trabajo
00:04:39Olvídate de esto sólo un momento
00:04:42Tu hogar está en ruinas toda tu vida se cae a tu alrededor
00:04:47Quiero aislamiento para trabajar
00:04:50No puedo pensar en nada más ahora
00:04:53Mi labor comienza a rendir fruto y no puedo dejarla pero con qué fin trabajas que buscas querido Henry
00:05:04Nunca se ha ignorado
00:05:06Que la personalidad de todos los seres es una extraña combinación de elementos desiguales
00:05:11Tenemos que aceptar ese conflicto respaldar lo bueno bien y mal de que vale hablar de moral
00:05:18El hombre que yo conozco lleva dentro dos personas a una la llamo el hombre según debe ser
00:05:25en su perfección
00:05:28El es superior al mal y este no le toca y el otro hombre
00:05:33a ese no le toca el bien
00:05:36es el hombre como querría ser
00:05:38libre de todas las limitaciones que le impone el mundo
00:05:42esclavo sólo de su voluntad
00:05:47Pues sería un hombre peligroso
00:05:50porque lo que nos hace civilizados son precisamente esas restricciones que te parecen mal
00:05:56Somos científicos
00:05:59A nosotros nos toca entender y liberar las fuerzas de la naturaleza
00:06:03La naturaleza mala del hombre es la más fuerte de las dos y su naturaleza más elevada es la más débil
00:06:10ha habido pocos santos y tantos pecadores
00:06:15podrías estirpar nos todo lo malo con un escalpelo
00:06:20Insiste en ver las cosas a la luz del convencionalismo
00:06:23no me interesa la consideración moral
00:06:26sino la conquista de todos los recursos de la personalidad humana por la ciencia
00:06:33Ahora verás
00:06:36Quieto, quieto
00:06:39No te asustes
00:06:41Eso es, quieto
00:06:45Eso es
00:07:21Ve esta
00:07:23Hasta nuestros más primitivos antepasados llevan dentro una fuerza más primitiva aún más aterradora
00:07:32¿Qué es esto?
00:07:34Has hecho un demonio salvaje de ese animadillo
00:07:37afectuoso y feliz
00:07:39Cuando la droga haya perdido su efecto en cuatro horas
00:07:42volverá a su antiguo modo de ser
00:07:51¿No puedes tomar un animal violento y volverlo tranquilo con una droga contraria a esta?
00:07:57En eso estoy trabajando, pero antes debo conocer bien el enemigo que tengo que derrotar
00:08:02Henry, ¿ya has experimentado con esta droga en algún otro ser?
00:08:08Disculpe, profesor
00:08:10Lamento molestarte, Henry
00:08:11Estoy trabajando, Kitty
00:08:12Lo siento, pero Paul Allen ha vuelto y quiere verte
00:08:15No accedas otra vez, ese hombre es un parásito
00:08:18Les ruego que me disculpen, tengo que irme ya
00:08:21No se vaya
00:08:22Es grato hablar con quien sabe comprenderme
00:08:24Regresaré en cuanto pueda, Henry, adiós
00:08:28Le diré a Allen que se vaya
00:08:30Todo lo que Paul quiere es que le preste más dinero
00:08:33Le firmaré las cuentas que quiera
00:08:35Pero Henry, son todas de sus deudas de juego
00:08:38Si te preocuparas por tus propias cosas como...
00:08:40Y si entendieras, Kitty
00:08:42Si entendieras tú mis cosas como quisiera
00:08:55¿Qué opina, Henry?
00:08:57Estoy perplejo y francamente un poco asustado
00:09:01¿Cómo yo, Henry?
00:09:03Henry trabaja en un campo muy peligroso
00:09:05Se encierra en su laboratorio día y noche y a veces lo noto enfermo y extraño
00:09:11Hace unos días cayó al suelo y yo tuve que arrastrarlo hasta su cuarto
00:09:16Debió avisarme
00:09:18No quería que le hiciera ningún examen
00:09:21Durante toda una noche
00:09:23¡Qué horrible!
00:09:26Tuve mucho miedo
00:09:27Dígame qué pasó
00:09:29Le oí dentro de su cuarto, gritaba como un loco
00:09:33Sus gritos eran extraños y terribles, aterradores
00:09:36La fiebre que le causó el agotamiento, Kitty
00:09:39Pero la voz, Henry, la voz no parecía suya
00:09:46Kitty, escuche
00:09:48A Henry no le ocurre nada que no puedan curar el descanso y usted
00:09:52No puedo ayudarlo más, lo he intentado en vano
00:09:56Su esposo es un hombre de gran talento, Kitty
00:09:59Un genio tal vez
00:10:01No es fácil vivir con los hombres de su categoría, tiene que darse cuenta
00:10:04Dígame una cosa, Earl
00:10:07¿Cree que puede ser que pierda la razón gradualmente?
00:10:10¿La razón?
00:10:12No quiero que se vuelva loco y lo pierda
00:10:16No, Kitty, no sufro por eso
00:10:18Henry está obcecado, sí, pero es con sus experimentos
00:10:22Tanta concentración no es prudente, pero no es locura
00:10:28¿Debe usted ayudarlo?
00:10:30Ambos tenemos que ayudarlo
00:10:33Sí, por supuesto
00:10:35Bien, hasta pronto
00:10:37Saldré por aquí
00:10:57Oh, no te pongas así
00:10:59Detesto pedir más de lo que tú detestas que venga
00:11:01Entonces confiesas que es una falta de dignidad
00:11:04¿Qué dijo?
00:11:06Tú y Henry son igual que dos niños
00:11:09No es falta en sus juguetes, se sienten felices
00:11:12No me tortures y dime lo que ha respondido, estoy desesperado
00:11:15¿En contra de mi consejo de esposa, querido Paul?
00:11:19Sí, él volverá a salvarte
00:11:23Eres buena conmigo
00:11:26Lo sé
00:11:28Y no es justo
00:11:30No volveré a ponerte en esta situación, no quiero que sufras más
00:11:33Desde luego que no
00:11:36No te merezco, Kitty
00:11:39Lo sé
00:11:43Pero yo, Vanessa
00:11:46No merezco nada mejor que tú
00:12:02Lamento que no quieras ir
00:12:04No sé cómo resistes esas cenas tan aburridas
00:12:07A veces son alegres
00:12:09Escuchar a esas bestias ignorantes llenas de hielo y de hipocresía
00:12:13Son mis amistades, Henry
00:12:24Olvidémonos de todo esta noche
00:12:26Tú de tus amigos y yo de mi trabajo, pasemos esta velada juntos
00:12:31Diana Ash-Burnham no me lo perdonaría jamás
00:12:34Quedaría un lugar vacío
00:12:36Oh, claro
00:12:38Qué estúpido soy
00:12:40La mesa de Lady Ash-Burnham es más importante
00:12:43¿Crees que eso estaría bien?
00:12:46Lo debiste haber dicho por la tarde y no a esta hora de la noche
00:12:50Te necesito ahora, Kitty
00:12:55Oh, Henry, qué egoísta eres
00:12:57Te pregunté esta tarde qué querías
00:12:59Puedes estarte aquí, pero yo no
00:13:02Y no ofenderé a nadie por uno de tus caprichos
00:16:00Vamos, amor
00:16:04Mi querida Kitty
00:16:06¿Acaso me he quejado alguna vez de tu compañera?
00:16:09Tu aburrimiento es evidente y natural
00:16:12La mujer que demuestra lo que siente siempre pierde la dignidad
00:16:15Te muestro la otra cara de esa sociedad respetable que tanto te aburre
00:16:19Pero en lugar de divertirte en tus ruñas y dices esas cosas
00:16:22No, no, no, no
00:16:25No te aburre, pero en lugar de divertirte en tus ruñas y dices esas cosas
00:16:30¿Y este lugar te parece tan divertido?
00:16:33Los señorones que frecuentan los respetables salones de tus amigas
00:16:37Pueden decirte que no existe ninguna diversión que no la haya quien la esfinge
00:16:43Eres muy generoso con el dinero de mi esposo
00:16:46Eres perfecta, todas son
00:16:49Y tú eres la más perfecta de todas
00:16:51Sabes ser la perfecta esposa con Henry
00:16:53Eres perfectamente conmigo sin ningún esfuerzo
00:16:56¿Quieres llevarme a casa?
00:16:59¿A la tuya o a la mía?
00:17:01¡A la mía!
00:17:16A mí me parece que lo nuestro dura demasiado ya, Kitty
00:17:20Sí, eso digo yo
00:17:22Debíamos terminar mientras todavía sentimos algún cariño
00:17:28Pero entonces, querido Paul, ¿cómo vas a resolver tus finanzas?
00:17:32Que no te preocupe eso
00:17:34Recuerda que Henry siempre fue mi amigo
00:17:36Mientras que tú, su amantísima esposa, lo has odiado siempre y lo has dicho
00:17:43Qué desvergonzado eres, Paul, por eso me gustas tanto
00:17:46Pues espero que jamás hayas uno más desvergonzado aún que yo
00:17:50Te perdería en un instante
00:17:53Eso es lo que quieren las mujeres como tú
00:17:55Absoluto y total olvido de la vergüenza
00:17:58El experimento ha sido un éxito completo, Jekyll
00:19:19Buenas tardes
00:19:28Creo que le gustará este lugar, señor
00:19:30Hasta podría pasar como sitio respetable
00:19:32Me asusta, amigo
00:19:34Desconozco su malvada ciudad
00:19:37Es malvada solo con el que es pobre, señor
00:19:40Gracias, señor
00:19:41Le deseo que pase la noche más divertida de su vida en Londres
00:19:48Otro imbécil que cae en esta ratonea
00:19:59¿Y? ¿Te gustaría eso?
00:20:06Oh, no sería nada difícil
00:20:17Pues vamos, Daisy, ya es hora de irnos a dormir
00:20:29¿Habrá por aquí quien invite a beber a dos chicas solas?
00:20:33Lo haré con mucho gusto
00:20:35Pero tal vez quieras bailar antes
00:20:37Tú tienes aspecto de ser buen bailarín
00:20:40Igual que tú
00:20:42Buenas noches, Daisy
00:20:44Hasta mañana
00:20:45Bailemos, me encanta esa pieza
00:20:50Mira si seré bruta
00:20:59No te había visto aquí antes
00:21:01No estuve aquí antes
00:21:03El sitio está muy bien
00:21:04Mejor que en el box hall o Willis
00:21:06Que se han vuelto unos corrales
00:21:08Una chica no puede ir sola allí
00:21:10Tampoco estuve en esos
00:21:12Parece que no sales mucho
00:21:14A ningún sitio
00:21:15Soy virgen en esta ciudad
00:21:19Pues eso te durará poco
00:21:28Debo irme
00:21:40Eso no es ser muy cortés
00:21:42Así no es como se porta un caballero, ¿verdad?
00:21:45Me aceptaste y ahora me sueltas como si fuera un zapato viejo
00:21:48Suéltame, ramera de mala muerte
00:21:50¿Pero qué dices?
00:21:52¿Qué me has llamado?
00:21:59No bebas demasiado esta noche, queridito
00:22:03Sí, ya has dicho que prefieres un esposo aburrido a un amante borracho
00:22:10¿Me equivoco? Es el señor Paul Allen
00:22:12¿Será uno de mis malditos acreedores?
00:22:15El señor Allen se permite esas chanzas de vez en cuando
00:22:18Dispénselo usted
00:22:19Oh, qué perfectos modales
00:22:21Qué perfecta señora eres, señora Jekyll
00:22:24¿No cree usted al verlas y que es el ejemplo más perfecto de señorío que haya visto jamás?
00:22:29La encuentro encantadora
00:22:31No soporto tus groserías, Paul
00:22:34No se vaya, señora Jekyll
00:22:36Su esposo es antiguo amigo mío
00:22:38Siempre quise conocerla
00:22:40Ah, sí
00:22:41Es usted amable, señor...
00:22:46Edward Hyde
00:22:51No molesto, ¿verdad?
00:22:53Oh, no, no molesta, amigo
00:22:55A la señora Jekyll le encanta que se acerque gente
00:22:59Cualquier cosa por aliviar la carga, ¿eh?
00:23:02Solo así me resiste
00:23:04Mi helada princesa de las nieves
00:23:06No resiste el calor de mi compañía
00:23:08¿Prefiere usted que me vaya?
00:23:11No importa, amigo mío
00:23:13Si su marido no es celoso
00:23:15Tampoco yo lo voy a hacer
00:23:17Henry es estupendo
00:23:19El mejor amigo que he tenido
00:23:21Es hora de que nos vayamos
00:23:23Vámonos, Paul
00:23:26Sí, dispensenos
00:23:27Tenemos que ir a cumplir con nuestro deber
00:23:29Porque siempre cumplimos con nuestro deber
00:23:31Y le debemos mucho a Kitty, ¿sabe usted?
00:23:34Basta, Paul, no fricas
00:23:35Oye lo que tocan
00:23:38Una última pieza
00:23:40El vals del amante perdido y a casa
00:23:44Tal vez quiera usted bailar conmigo, señor Hyde
00:23:47Con mucho gusto
00:23:54Al infierno
00:23:56Ya era hora, síguelo
00:24:00¿Conoce bien a mi esposo, señor Hyde?
00:24:03Muy bien
00:24:06¿Nos visitará entonces?
00:24:08Claro que sí
00:24:10Tengo un negocio con Henry
00:24:12Espero que amistad con usted
00:24:14Cómo no
00:24:17Pero, señor Hyde
00:24:19Confío que...
00:24:21Justificaré su confianza
00:24:26Míralo, fue ese
00:24:31El rubio aquel
00:24:47¿Estás segura, Jenny?
00:24:50Trató de obligarme
00:24:52Y cuando le rechacé se puso como una fiera
00:24:55¿Son amigos suyos?
00:24:57¿Le va usted a pagar a esta joven o...
00:24:59¿O tengo que obligarlo a pagar?
00:25:03¿Cómo se atreve a hablarle así a un caballero borracho?
00:25:07¿Vas a llevarme a casa, Paul?
00:25:09Las mujeres no saben de honor
00:25:11¿Quieres que lo abandone ahora?
00:25:13Le doy una oportunidad
00:25:15Esto se resuelve con unas cuantas monedas
00:25:18Está bien
00:25:19Adiós, caballeros
00:25:27Le he dicho que se vaya y que se lleve a esa ramera
00:25:33Así aprenderá
00:25:35Su amiguita se ocupará de él
00:25:44Por Dios, no lo mate, hombre
00:25:51¿O ya se siente mal?
00:25:53Déjame, Jekyll
00:26:00Debo irme
00:26:02Debo irme
00:26:18¡Maldito seas, Jekyll! ¡Maldito!
00:26:32Te juro que volveré, Jekyll
00:27:35¿Qué pasa?
00:27:37Aunque no te perdiste nada esta noche
00:27:40A veces esas cenas son tan aburridas
00:27:48¿Has debido acompañarme?
00:27:50Es injusto que yo tenga que llevar toda la carga
00:27:53Uno vive en sociedad y debe respetar las costumbres sociales
00:28:01Estoy agotada
00:28:06Claro que ya yo sé que a ti no te importa
00:28:11Haces tu vida sola en un mundo lejano y superior
00:28:20Por Dios, Henry, di algo
00:28:23Te necesito, Kitty
00:28:29Te necesito desesperadamente
00:28:35Henry, estoy muy cansada
00:28:41¿Qué eres tú en realidad, Kitty?
00:28:44Tu mujer, Henry, solo eso
00:28:46Pero la mujer oculta
00:28:49¿Es acaso mi esposa también?
00:28:52Henry, ¿no crees que es tarde para ponerte con estas cosas?
00:28:57¿Podremos saber quiénes somos en realidad?
00:29:01Dime quién eres, Kitty
00:29:06¿Quién eres?
00:29:09Te sangra la mano
00:29:15Me sangra, sí
00:29:17Pero, ¿debo saberlo?
00:29:23¿Quiénes somos?
00:29:26¿Quién soy?
00:29:28¿Cómo saberlo?
00:29:31Sí, ¿cómo?
00:29:41Mi querido Paul, no sabes lo mucho que me alegró encontrarte por aquí
00:29:46Debiste venir anoche, nos divertimos
00:29:48Veo que te gustó el lugar
00:29:52Me recuerda a un mercado
00:29:54No le veo el parecido
00:29:56Aquí y allí se compra de todo
00:30:26¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:28¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:30¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:32¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:34¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:36¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:38¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:40¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:42¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:44¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:46¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:48¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:50¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:52¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:54¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:56¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:30:58¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:00¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:02¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:04¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:06¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:08¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:10¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:12¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:14¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:16¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:18¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:20¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:22¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:24¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:26¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:28¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:30¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:32¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:34¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:36¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:38¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:40¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:42¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:44¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:46¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:48¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:50¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:52¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:54¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:56¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:31:58¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:00¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:02¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:04¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:06¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:08¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:10¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:12¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:14¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:16¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:18¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:20¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:22¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:24¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:26¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:28¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:30¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:32¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:34¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:36¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:38¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:40¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:42¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:44¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:46¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:48¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:50¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:52¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:54¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:56¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:32:58¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:33:00¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:33:02¿Quién eres tú en realidad?
00:33:16¡Bravo! ¡Bravo! ¡Bravo!
00:33:26Ese manjar no será jamás para nosotros, hablo por experiencia.
00:33:30¡Bravo! ¡Bravo! ¡Bravo!
00:33:41¡Ah María la inasequible!
00:33:44Eva with her snake.
00:33:47Mr. Allen, what a pleasure to see you here.
00:33:49A new admirer.
00:33:51Mr. Edward Hyde.
00:33:55It is a great honor for me.
00:33:57Very kind, Mr. Hyde.
00:33:59What urbanity.
00:34:01She only uses the names of people in bed.
00:34:15Well, girls.
00:34:17I have to entertain them both.
00:34:19I hope I don't disappoint them.
00:34:21We'll take care of it.
00:34:24Thank you for your trust.
00:34:45You're in the wrong room, Mr. Hyde.
00:34:47I don't usually receive guests here.
00:34:49I see your friend is still taking care of her.
00:34:51Don't come near her.
00:34:53She's dangerous.
00:34:57Good evening, my dear Apis.
00:35:03Your friend treated me like a nobody.
00:35:05She never suggested that you were a nobody.
00:35:09How much money are you going to offer me, Mr. Hyde?
00:35:11I would never offend such a beautiful woman
00:35:13by offering her something so trivial.
00:35:17Thank you for your courtesy.
00:35:19But goodbye.
00:35:21Won't you thank me?
00:35:24I have to get dressed.
00:35:26I won't stop you.
00:35:28I have an appointment.
00:35:30Well, you'll be late.
00:35:32What could take me so long?
00:35:34I'll do it.
00:35:36You're so impertinent, Mr. Hyde.
00:35:38Yes, that's true.
00:35:40But you're still funny.
00:35:42I'll get to the point.
00:35:47You're very trustworthy, aren't you?
00:35:50If I weren't, I could talk to you.
00:35:53The one who begs doesn't succeed.
00:35:55I don't beg.
00:35:57I don't beg.
00:35:59I don't beg.
00:36:02I don't beg.
00:36:08I didn't come to buy.
00:36:24I am that man.
00:36:31I am that man.
00:37:02What's the matter?
00:37:04Are you leaving?
00:37:06Yes, it's urgent.
00:37:08I'll see you again.
00:37:14What does perhaps mean?
00:37:16Edward, why perhaps?
00:37:20I don't know yet.
00:37:23But you must know what you feel.
00:37:25The English never know what we feel.
00:37:28But you'll be back soon.
00:37:30I don't know.
00:37:32Tell me.
00:37:34I told you I don't know yet.
00:37:40I understand.
00:37:42You have a cold wife waiting for you.
00:37:46What a good idea.
00:37:51Yes, I have a cold wife.
00:38:00Good morning. Dr. Jekyll is expecting me.
00:38:02He has left.
00:38:04Can I see Mrs. Jekyll?
00:38:06It's early to visit a lady, isn't it?
00:38:21He says he had an appointment with the doctor.
00:38:26Tell Mr. Hyde to come up.
00:38:29He's already here.
00:38:31Mr. Hyde!
00:38:33It's a shame my husband isn't here.
00:38:36A shame.
00:38:38You may leave now.
00:38:40I'm sorry to have you in my room.
00:38:43We're not used to having guests here.
00:38:46Esquire, I understand.
00:38:49It's not easy to be the wife of a prisoner.
00:38:54Have you heard of my husband's way of being?
00:38:58It's talked about all over town.
00:39:01Can you tell me why you're here?
00:39:04It doesn't matter.
00:39:07Ever since I met you, I've only wanted to talk to you.
00:39:15Mr. Hyde.
00:39:17I hope you're not mistaken about the circumstances of our first meeting.
00:39:24Because of those circumstances, I've tried to keep her out of my mind.
00:39:30I don't want her to think badly of me for intervening in...
00:39:34In what?
00:39:36In your friendship with my friend Paul Allen.
00:39:39I'm not intervening in anything.
00:39:42Paul Allen has no property rights to me.
00:39:45And Henry?
00:39:48Henry has his life.
00:39:50He doesn't need my approval.
00:39:52Nor do I need his approval.
00:39:54Do you think that's wrong?
00:39:56Those who don't seek approval are not interested in good or evil.
00:40:01Then what are we interested in?
00:40:06To seek pleasure.
00:40:08To fulfill our desires.
00:40:11All that is different.
00:40:13Different from what?
00:40:15From the boredom of having an indifferent husband...
00:40:19...and an arrogant lover.
00:40:25I'm not as free from conventionalism as you think.
00:40:29Forgive me.
00:40:31I forgot that even the most honorable women...
00:40:34...want to be courted with the least sincere compliments.
00:40:40I can't deny that he's frank.
00:40:42A little rude, perhaps, but frank.
00:40:45Listen to me, Kitty.
00:40:48When I took you in my arms and we danced together...
00:40:51...we both knew what our destiny was.
00:40:54Oh, sir, I didn't think you were so bold.
00:41:01Great loves begin without words.
00:41:04My great love has already begun.
00:41:09It began a long time before you appeared.
00:41:12What can a man so weak have... fat and so unreliable... Paul Allen is?
00:41:21In truth, it's a very fair description.
00:41:25Then why?
00:41:27Simply because I love him.
00:41:32Love is an idiocy.
00:41:38But it's a fact that I love Paul Allen.
00:41:46I love him.
00:42:27Do you confirm my observations, Ernst?
00:42:30I'm afraid so.
00:42:32It seems that your metabolism has accelerated... if your life were being consumed at a more violent rate.
00:42:42No, I'm not going to serve you anymore as a treasurer, Paul.
00:42:46Kitty, why don't you let Henry solve these little problems?
00:42:50I'm tired of being exploited.
00:42:52How can you speak of my love like that?
00:42:56I must pay my debts of honor.
00:42:59What a sharp gentleman you are, Paul.
00:43:02I try to be.
00:43:03You risk so much honor in the cards that you have no more to live for.
00:43:17Even though that's your diagnosis... think I'm a simple opium addict.
00:43:23You offend me, my friend.
00:43:25I know how to misdiagnose easily.
00:43:28But I suspect that your addiction is for something less known...
00:43:32...and more harmful.
00:43:35Thank you, Ernst.
00:43:41Oh, Mr. Allen.
00:43:43Perhaps you convince our friend... be more prudent.
00:43:48Goodbye, Henry.
00:43:49It's not my specialty, but I'll try.
00:43:52Hello, dear Henry.
00:43:53What are you looking for here?
00:43:55The hidden elixir of life?
00:43:57I leave those worries to you and your friends.
00:44:01What are you coming for?
00:44:03Well, just to thank you again for your immense generosity with me.
00:44:08I thank you for your gratitude.
00:44:11And now I return to my work.
00:44:19Henry, I wanted to ask you if you could...
00:44:22My experiments are expensive, Paul.
00:44:25And I have already exceeded my expenses with your help.
00:44:29Oh, I'm sorry, Henry.
00:44:33Don't bother coming back, because I'm going on a trip.
00:44:37Oh, you're going too far.
00:44:50I suppose you've solved everything with more lies.
00:44:54Unfortunately, no.
00:44:56My luck has changed.
00:44:58He refused to help you.
00:45:00But what will you do?
00:45:03I'm very happy to have reunited the Jekylls.
00:45:07What are you going to do, Paul?
00:45:10Don't worry about me, Kitty.
00:45:13You won't make a mistake?
00:45:15I'll just keep on living.
00:45:23I'm willing to discover everything that can reveal Hyde.
00:45:27I have ordered the bank to allow him to act in my name during my absence.
00:45:31And to consider him my heir if I don't return.
00:45:35Because I want to return to this life of isolation, frustration and heartbreak.
00:46:31You've had bad luck lately, Allen.
00:46:35Curse you.
00:46:37Luck is womanly and capricious.
00:46:39It's not womanly.
00:46:41I've always had good luck with them.
00:46:43Or almost always.
00:46:45I have to go.
00:46:48Goodbye, old man.
00:46:55My dear Edward.
00:46:57Just the man I wanted to see.
00:46:59Bring me another glass.
00:47:03My weakness.
00:47:06No, the game.
00:47:08Women are not weakness, but necessity.
00:47:11But I thought it was one of those necessities of yours...
00:47:14that used to pay your gambling debts.
00:47:17I don't trust anyone anymore.
00:47:19I was her husband and...
00:47:21I lost both of them. I have no one.
00:47:23How much do you owe?
00:47:25About 2,000 pounds.
00:47:28Sell your soul.
00:47:30With pleasure, but to whom?
00:47:33I'll buy it.
00:47:35My soul?
00:47:37That wouldn't be of much use to me either.
00:47:40The debt.
00:47:44Well, you're very generous, but I can't allow it.
00:47:49I'll give you 5,000 pounds.
00:47:52Are you sure you want to do it, Edward?
00:47:55It's a very noble offer, and I appreciate it very much.
00:47:58Bring the money, and I'll give you as much as you need.
00:48:02But don't you think it would be better to give me the money now...
00:48:05and let me be who I am?
00:48:07I can't do it like that.
00:48:09Of course, if you don't want to put yourself in my hands...
00:48:12I'll feel honored to put myself in such generous hands.
00:48:15You are my salvation.
00:48:17Are there certain ways to pay me?
00:48:20London is an oyster, and I can open it for you.
00:48:25Very well.
00:48:27Open it, then.
00:48:29Give me all your pearls.
00:48:37Hit him!
00:48:39Hit him!
00:48:56Hit him!
00:49:10Thank you, thank you. Cheers.
00:49:25Pour the gin in and blast your eyes
00:49:29One more drink before in the desert from first I die
00:49:34So carry your silly little tiny last gin in and blast your eyes
00:49:55So carry your silly little tiny last gin in and blast your eyes
00:50:25So carry your silly little tiny last gin in and blast your eyes
00:50:29So carry your silly little tiny last gin in and blast your eyes
00:50:42Oh, what a night.
00:50:44The others paid me with those pieces of useless paper, and you too.
00:50:48When did I not pay a debt of honor?
00:50:51But I'm tired. Night after night.
00:50:54Yes, they are trying to insult me.
00:50:56Don't be a fool, Allen. We accept anyone's signature.
00:51:04What more do you want? You've seen it all.
00:51:07Is London running out in a week?
00:51:10Think of something.
00:51:12I already did. It's over.
00:51:15And by the way, I'm out of money.
00:51:19So soon?
00:51:21My dear Paul, you only have one skill.
00:51:24Spending money faster than anyone.
00:51:28And I suppose you think...
00:51:29Paul, I think...
00:51:31...that you're an idiot.
00:51:35I'll have to try again with Kitty.
00:51:38Try again with me?
00:51:41You're an excellent person.
00:51:44And I'll see Kitty.
00:51:47What the hell do you mean?
00:51:49It's something so easy that even you would understand.
00:51:52I simply ask you to sell your lover.
00:51:56How can you suppose?
00:52:01How funny.
00:52:03I thought you despised everything that was morality, and now you're amazed like a schoolboy.
00:52:09You're so vile, so degenerate and so vile.
00:52:14Think for a moment.
00:52:16I only ask you to help me serve an adulteress.
00:52:20A woman who doesn't entertain you anymore.
00:52:22Go back to hell.
00:52:46Is that you, Nanny?
00:53:11Mr. Hyde.
00:53:13I never thought you'd come back.
00:53:16Do you always enter someone else's house like that?
00:53:19Your husband isn't like you.
00:53:21He trusts me with everything that's his.
00:53:24Have you seen him?
00:53:27I won't ask you how or when you saw him.
00:53:30I'd be happy to tell you everything your husband does since he left you.
00:53:35I'd rather not hear it.
00:53:37But if you see him again, I'd be happy to give you this.
00:53:41With pleasure.
00:53:44I suppose you also have a letter for Mr. Allen.
00:53:48I'd rather give him things personally.
00:53:52Good evening, Mr. Hyde.
00:53:54Please leave.
00:53:56I have Paul Allen here.
00:53:59In my pocket.
00:54:01What do you mean?
00:54:03Here is your lover.
00:54:06In a handkerchief.
00:54:12Would you like to buy his life?
00:54:15Come on, Mrs. Jekyll.
00:54:17You wouldn't sell now what you gave for free so many other times.
00:54:27That's a very interesting suggestion, Mr. Hyde.
00:54:30I'd do it if you didn't repel me.
00:55:00Give me a coin for a drug, sir.
00:55:03Just a sad coin.
00:55:05It would be nothing for you.
00:55:07A coin for a drug.
00:55:10Let me go!
00:55:12Let me go!
00:55:15Let me go!
00:55:46It's an honor for me, my sisters, and my niece Mary
00:55:50to be here drinking with a gentleman as distinguished as you.
00:55:54Yes, let's drink.
00:55:56Drink, Mary.
00:55:58I have realized the honor you three are giving me.
00:56:03And you too, my dear.
00:56:05Of course.
00:56:06What a charming young man.
00:56:08Yes, I think it was love at first sight.
00:56:11Mr. Hyde, would you like to come with my sister to my house?
00:56:14Yes, good idea, sir.
00:56:15You'll see how much fun it will be.
00:56:17A mother's life is not easy.
00:56:26Why do we hurt each other even though we love each other so much?
00:56:30Because we are two cowards.
00:56:32We want everything.
00:56:35Let's fight.
00:56:37Let's start a new life together.
00:56:40Yes, my love, yes.
00:57:01You know, I like you.
00:57:06And I, Mary, like you too.
00:57:11Are you happy?
00:57:14Take him when I get out.
00:57:17What's wrong? Are you afraid?
00:57:19No, it's nothing.
00:57:21What? Are we leaving now, Mr. Hyde?
00:57:30It's okay.
00:57:32They don't have much patience.
00:57:35Let's go.
00:57:43Hurry up, Mary.
00:57:45Get out of the way.
00:57:47Thank you very much.
00:57:59Tonight we will win.
00:58:01The housewife will be happy.
00:58:03Fred always arranges a deal for us.
00:58:05He never fails.
00:58:07And the housewife never loses.
00:58:16At the perfect moment, girls.
00:58:21They say she is very religious. Is it true?
00:58:24Yes, she has a husband.
00:58:35What a pity.
00:58:37I liked him.
00:58:39What are you complaining about?
00:58:41What are you complaining about?
00:58:43Tonight you won without working.
00:58:47One for you and one for you.
00:58:50Oh, yes, another one for you.
00:58:52Come on, I invite you all.
00:59:11I love you.
00:59:13I love you.
00:59:41It is impossible to continue like this.
00:59:43I have decided to leave you, Kitty.
00:59:54I destroyed my formula and the drugs...
00:59:56...because I fear that Hyde will exert too much influence on me.
01:00:01There is no such low degeneration that satisfies him.
01:00:05I have closed the door.
01:00:33Goodbye, Dr. Jekyll.
01:00:35Come, children.
01:01:27Now I will have to leave Hyde forever.
01:01:33I have to...
01:01:35...end this.
01:02:06I have returned by my own will.
01:02:12I am free.
01:02:22How could you put yourself in the hands of a man like that?
01:02:25You and Henry forced me to do it.
01:02:27Paul, we should have had the courage to leave together years ago.
01:02:31Kitty, be realistic.
01:02:32How could we have lived with my debts?
01:02:34Sorry to interrupt.
01:02:38What the hell are you doing here?
01:02:39I have a message from your husband, ma'am.
01:02:42He wants to put an end to this uncomfortable situation...
01:02:45...because he can't stand it anymore.
01:02:47And he wants to see you both tonight at the Sphinx.
01:02:51He wants our last night together to be happy.
01:02:55He will go, I suppose.
01:02:57Isn't that right, ma'am?
01:03:04What is he up to?
01:03:07I don't want to go, Paul.
01:03:09I'm afraid.
01:03:10This could be the solution to our problem.
01:03:13If Henry wants to be free, he will offer you some money.
01:03:17He will give you money.
01:03:18It's true, I'm a fool for being afraid.
01:03:21We should both go.
01:04:38I didn't know Henry knew this place, Paul.
01:04:42We never knew Henry as well as we thought.
01:04:45And Mr. Hyde?
01:04:47Everything is ready in the lady's room.
01:04:52I'll go upstairs and see what he has prepared for us.
01:04:55Wait for me here.
01:04:56Don't be long, dear.
01:04:58Champagne for the lady.
01:05:07Champagne for the lady.
01:05:33Come in.
01:05:38My dear Paul, you're just in time.
01:05:45Didn't your precious lover come?
01:05:48We can't celebrate without her.
01:05:50Is it necessary for her to come up here?
01:05:52Of course.
01:05:53She will wait downstairs until the matter is resolved.
01:05:56And Henry?
01:05:58Are you anxious to see your old friend?
01:06:00Let's finish this once and for all.
01:06:02As you wish.
01:06:08Henry will talk to you in private.
01:06:12But what the hell is all this?
01:06:15He has made some arrangements for the future he wants to discuss.
01:06:19Don't worry, Paul.
01:06:21This could solve all your problems.
01:06:24Well, come in.
01:06:37There's no one here.
01:06:39You really don't see anything?
01:06:41Don't be ridiculous, Hyde.
01:06:43There's no one here.
01:07:07You're so inconsiderate, Paul, leaving her here alone.
01:07:10Where is he?
01:07:12Upstairs. Come on.
01:07:37Come on.
01:08:08Where are you?
01:08:11Where is Paul?
01:08:21Where is Henry?
01:08:23Believe me, your husband is here.
01:08:54You have finally reached the place you deserve.
01:08:57This is your place, Kitty.
01:09:07Come on.
01:09:37Come on.
01:09:52Do you like to dress like this?
01:09:55I like to see you here.
01:09:57I always love you.
01:10:03At last, justice is complete.
01:10:07Whose room is this?
01:10:13At last.
01:12:31I love you, Edward.
01:12:36Yes, love.
01:12:40You still don't know who I am, and you still love me?
01:12:43That doesn't stop me, Edward.
01:12:46You are an animal.
01:12:49You don't know if I'm good or bad.
01:12:52The men who bought me knew everything about good and evil.
01:12:58So you eliminate the unnecessary.
01:13:01Good, evil, and love.
01:13:04No, not love.
01:13:09I don't know how to love.
01:13:12I don't know anything about love.
01:13:15I'm sorry for you.
01:13:18And maybe for me.
01:13:22But I still love you.
01:13:28See you tomorrow, my love.
01:14:04Déjame esconderme.
01:14:11Déjame esconderme.
01:14:21Déjame, oyes?
01:14:25Quiero ser libre!
01:14:31Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:16:31He's always
01:16:36Look at it. He better
01:16:38Don't stay cool. But I'm the persecutor. I need to obligate an occult are como tuve que ocultar me yo
01:16:45Que odio terrible. Oh, no abrigo ningún sentimiento hacia ti
01:16:51Solo hago lo que es lógicamente necesario
01:16:55Vamos, Jekyll
01:16:57Admitted to the Rota
01:16:59Termina esta lucha que debes perder. Eso no debes reconocerlo Jekyll
01:17:06Has perdido
01:17:18It's prudent to get out of here
01:17:25Entra de unas horas de buscará tu debes rendir de check
01:17:33Debes rendir de
01:17:38Que monstruo a creado que pon su equidad
01:17:53Los arreglos los hizo el doctor Jekyll. Oh, no los hizo jayde en su nombre los dos iba a cenar anoche con la señora
01:18:01El señor jayde era un gran amigo de la señora maria
01:18:06Sabes de algún otro dato sobre edward jayde que es muy generoso con su dinero y aparte de sus virtudes como cliente que es
01:18:13Un perfecto caballero no se nada más inspector y del doctor jekyll del sea un menos porque no llegue a conocer
01:18:24Estoy seguro de que la gerencia estaría dispuesta a hacer ciertos arreglos con ustedes hiciera
01:18:30falta lo siento esta vez no es posible en otra ocasión quizás
01:18:37Supongo que jekyll pudo haber entrado y salido por la puerta trasera con edward jayde y esa tal maria pronto lo sabremos
01:18:46esto quedará cerrado
01:18:49Ahora lo que conviene es visitar al doctor
01:18:53vamos allá de modo
01:18:56Que sólo a ti puedo acudir
01:19:00Tan sólo tú eres capaz de salvar algo del recuerdo y del honor de tu amigo arrepentido
01:19:07henry jekyll
01:19:36Would have any doctor see senor en seguida
01:19:45Tells me
01:19:48Se que de atrás
01:19:58Y nunca se irá
01:20:00I don't respect you for the sake of human life.
01:20:20What am I going to do now?
01:20:29Who can help me?
01:20:39Tell me.
01:20:44Are you feeling ill?
01:20:49I'm fine.
01:20:54Do you want to take that big basket outside?
01:21:04Of course.
01:21:09Can you carry it?
01:21:14It's a little heavy, but I think I can.
01:21:19It's a little heavy, but I think I can.
01:21:29It's a little heavy, but I think I can.
01:21:42It's a little heavy, but I think I can.
01:22:10Open the door!
01:22:15Open the door!
01:22:22He has a gun! He wants to kill me!
01:22:26He's crazy!
01:22:28Open the door!
01:22:48He's crazy!
01:23:03Open the door!
01:23:28What happened?
01:23:30Jekyll set fire to everything.
01:23:34And he killed himself.
01:23:35He wanted to...
01:23:36Don't say anything else.
01:23:49According to Professor Litawer's testimony,
01:23:54the balance of Dr. Jekyll's mind was destroyed by dangerous experiments
01:24:01and drug addiction.
01:24:04In his state of dementia,
01:24:07he carried out a diabolical revenge against his wife and friend for false offenses.
01:24:13And in the end, he committed suicide.
01:24:17Mr. Hyde was very lucky to be able to escape the fire.
01:24:23Dr. Jekyll's case is a warning
01:24:28that one should not play with the divine pattern of nature.
01:24:34He died of suicide.
01:24:38Thank you, gentlemen.
01:24:39The case is closed.
01:24:45I'm sure he was crazy.
01:24:47I agree.
01:24:51A great man.
01:24:53A great mind.
01:24:55But he didn't realize that the superior man doesn't make mistakes.
01:24:59The superior man?
01:25:01The one who lives on his energy and his reason.
01:25:05He does what he likes.
01:25:08There is no Jekyll inside him.
01:25:10For a moment, I thought I heard poor Henry.
01:25:13He said,
01:25:15Mr. Hyde, do you feel bad?
01:25:20I must go now.
01:25:22Are you sure you can?
01:25:27Well, goodbye.
01:25:33Help me.
01:25:36Help me.
01:25:40Help me.
01:25:47Help me.
01:25:50Help me.
01:25:53Are you okay?
01:26:09Let me go, Jekyll.
01:26:12Let me go.
01:26:21Not here.
01:26:26I beg you.
01:27:17I asked you for forgiveness.
01:27:23I destroyed him.
01:27:27And you destroyed yourself.
01:27:29My poor friend.
01:27:32I could do it.
01:27:34Only me.
01:27:41And I did it.
01:27:46Henry Jekyll.
01:28:16Henry Jekyll.