• 2 months ago
‘A Costa Rican Wedding’ Stars Take Us Inside Their ‘Trauma Bond’ After Acting With Jungle Tarantulas


00:00So, when we were there, on one of my days off, I was on this bus.
00:06You had to take a bus to get from where we were staying down to the beach.
00:11And I just started chatting with this gentleman that was on there, who was a local.
00:16And we were talking about how hot it was and how sweaty it was.
00:21And he said, apparently, this is the hottest it has ever been in Costa Rica on record.
00:29So, what was it like shooting there?
00:32I was dripping sweat from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed,
00:38and probably while I was sleeping. It was nuts.
00:40And then in the jungle too, it's so, so thick.
00:44Like, I don't know if you've ever been in a steam room,
00:48but take that and amplify it by a thousand. It was crazy.
00:54And also, as the day progressed, the different types of critters would start coming out.
01:01And there was this one night shoot that we did,
01:05and there was what looked like a grasshopper on top of one of the tables
01:10we had set up for craft services and stuff.
01:14It was like that big, like bigger than a shoe, but it looked like a grasshopper.
01:21So, that's the type of thing you would run into in the jungles of Costa Rica, for sure.
01:27It's like being in Jurassic Park.
01:29I have to say, he made it so easy. Again, to be brutally honest, it's not always like that.
01:35It's not always. Sometimes you definitely have to turn it on for the camera.
01:40It's just part of the job, I think. But right off the bat, Chris and I just got along so well.
01:46We joked that maybe part of it was the trauma bond.
01:48Like a lot of it was really high stakes, stressful situations that we were put in.
01:54But we formed this very close friendship very, very quickly.
01:58And I think that that very much translated into the characters and their relationship as well.
02:04But the biggest lesson I took away is, so I worked with the tarantula in the movie.
02:10I am so scared of spiders. I was so scared.
02:15But once I did it, I have the entire, I asked the producers to send me like the raw footage of that.
02:20So, hopefully one day they'll let me post it because it was just truly the bravest thing I have ever done in my life.
02:27But after I worked with the tarantula, I was like, listen, if I can do this,
02:31it means that now in real life I can learn how to ethically remove spiders from my house.
02:37So, I got like a little spider vacuum and now I vacuum them up and free them
02:41because nothing is ever going to be as bad as that tarantula on my body.
