• 2 months ago
The World Health Organization says that the mpox surge in Africa is now a global public health emergency, sounding its highest possible alarm over the worsening situation.
00:00Last week, I announced that I was convening an emergency committee under the International
00:06Health Regulations to evaluate the upsurge of MPOCs in the Democratic Republic of the
00:13Congo and other countries in Africa.
00:17Today, the emergency committee met and advised me that, in its view, the situation constitutes
00:25a public health emergency of international concern.
00:29The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of MPOCs in eastern DRC, its detection in
00:36neighboring countries that had not previously reported MPOCs, and the potential for further
00:41spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying.
00:47In addition to other outbreaks of other clades of MPOCs in other parts of Africa, it is clear
00:54that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives.
