alot of home with jesus

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alot of home with jesus
00:00How beautiful heaven is with Jesus!
00:02Imagine a place where there's no pain, no suffering, and no tears.
00:07A place filled with love, joy, and peace beyond anything we've ever known.
00:12That place is heaven, and it is more beautiful than we can ever fully comprehend.
00:17Heaven isn't just a fairy tale or a distant dream.
00:20It's a real place, prepared by Jesus for those who love Him.
00:25In this message, we're going to explore the wonders of heaven,
00:28its beauty, and what it means to be there with Jesus.
00:32As we embark on this journey, let's open our hearts to the truth of what heaven really is.
00:37A home, our eternal home, where Jesus is waiting for us.
00:41When we think about heaven, it's easy to get caught up in what we don't know.
00:46But today, let's focus on what Jesus has revealed to us,
00:50because His words bring comfort, hope, and a glimpse into the eternal life that awaits us.
00:56One of the most powerful images of heaven is found in the book of Revelation,
01:00where it is described as a city made of pure gold,
01:02with gates of pearl and streets of transparent glass.
01:06Can you picture that?
01:07It's a place where there's no need for the sun or the moon because the glory of Jesus lights it up.
01:13The beauty of heaven is beyond our wildest imagination.
01:16It's more than just a place.
01:18It's the perfect expression of Jesus' love and care for us.
01:22Heaven is where we will finally be free from all the struggles and burdens of this life.
01:27Jesus said in John 14, 2-3,
01:30In my Father's house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you.
01:35I am going there to prepare a place for you.
01:38And if I go and prepare a place for you,
01:40I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
01:45These words are a promise, a guarantee that there is a place for each of us in heaven.
01:50This promise is not just about a physical place,
01:53but about being in the presence of Jesus forever.
01:56Think about that for a moment.
01:58Being with Jesus, the one who loves us more than we can ever understand, for all eternity.
02:04No more separation.
02:05No more distance.
02:07Just perfect, unending communion with him.
02:10The significance of heaven lies in this relationship with Jesus.
02:14It's not just about the golden streets or the pearly gates.
02:17It's about being with the one who created us, loves us, and gave his life for us.
02:23Heaven is beautiful because Jesus is there.
02:25He is the source of all joy, peace, and love that we will experience in heaven.
02:31Let's take a moment to reflect on what it means to be in the presence of Jesus in heaven.
02:36Imagine the joy of seeing him face to face, of hearing his voice, and feeling his embrace.
02:42All the pain, sorrow, and disappointments of this life will fade away in the light of his glory.
02:48That's the beauty of heaven, being with Jesus, forever.
02:52Jesus himself gave us a glimpse of this beauty
02:54when he spoke about the kingdom of heaven in the gospels.
02:58He often used parables to describe it as a place of great value,
03:02like a treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great price.
03:06These parables show us that heaven is worth everything.
03:09It's worth giving up everything we have because what we gain in return is far greater.
03:14A real-life example of this can be seen in the life of the apostle Paul.
03:18He faced countless hardships, persecutions, and even imprisonment for the sake of Jesus,
03:24yet he remained joyful and hopeful because he knew that heaven was waiting for him.
03:29Paul wrote in Philippians 1 21,
03:31For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
03:34He understood that being with Jesus in heaven was the ultimate reward,
03:38the greatest gain.
03:40We, too, can have this hope and assurance.
03:43No matter what we go through in this life,
03:45we can look forward to the beauty and peace of heaven.
03:49The challenges we face now are temporary, but the joy of heaven is eternal.
03:54This hope can give us strength to endure, to keep pressing on,
03:57knowing that Jesus has something far more beautiful prepared for us.
04:02Let's not forget that heaven is also a place of reunion.
04:05We will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us in faith.
04:09What a joyous day that will be!
04:11To see our family, our friends, and those who have impacted our lives,
04:16all gathered together in the presence of Jesus.
04:19The beauty of heaven is not just in its physical appearance,
04:22but in the relationships we will share, centered around Jesus.
04:27As we continue to reflect on the beauty of heaven,
04:29let's also remember that this promise of eternal life with Jesus is available to everyone.
04:35Jesus invites us all to be a part of his kingdom.
04:38In John 3.16, we are reminded that,
04:41for Jesus so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
04:45that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
04:49This is the invitation to experience the beauty of heaven with Jesus.
04:53If you haven't yet accepted this invitation, now is the time.
04:58Jesus is waiting for you with open arms.
05:00He has prepared a place for you in heaven,
05:03a place where you can experience his love and joy forever.
05:06All you need to do is to say yes to him, to invite him into your heart, and to follow him.
05:12Let's conclude with a prayer.
05:14Thank you for the beautiful promise of heaven, where we will be with you forever.
05:19Help us to keep our eyes on you and the hope of eternal life.
05:23Strengthen us to endure the challenges of this life,
05:26knowing that you have something far more beautiful prepared for us.
05:30We ask that you guide those who have not yet accepted your invitation to open their hearts to you.
05:35May we all look forward to the day when we will see you face to face
05:39and experience the fullness of your love.
05:41We thank you, Jesus, for preparing a place for us in heaven.
05:46We love you, and we trust in your promises. Amen.
05:50Remember, Jesus always loves you.
05:53If you like this message, type, Amen, in the comments,
05:56and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and share this video with your friends and family.
06:02Let's spread the good news of Jesus together.
06:05Jesus always loves you.