Max Brandel es un guionista de televisión que arriesga su exitosa carrera y su matrimonio para intentar convertirse en un cómico de stand-up, pero no tiene éxito. Max tiene entonces que mudarse con su padre Stan, un talentoso pero excéntrico chef reconvertido en portero. Cuando Max tiene un gran desacuerdo con su exesposa y su nueva pareja sobre cómo lidiar con el asperger de su hijo Ezra, de 9 años, Max decide tomar una solución drástica: secuestrar a Ezra y llevarlo de viaje por todo el país.
Crédito: Closer Media, Wayfarer Studios
Crédito: Closer Media, Wayfarer Studios
00:00Hey, what's going on?
00:05My name's Ezra.
00:06Where do horses go when they're sick?
00:08To the horse-pital.
00:10First original joke.
00:11I'm proud of you.
00:12New material's not easy.
00:13But he's got like a secret language.
00:14You notice this?
00:15Like the doctor who first told me my son was autistic, he says, you know, the autistic
00:22mind is wired in revolutionary ways.
00:25Just swap those bitches and show them who's boss.
00:29Today, he was a danger to himself and others.
00:32There it is.
00:33There it is.
00:34The secret language.
00:35Max, stop.
00:36I am going to require him to attend a school for special needs.
00:38Son of a bitch!
00:40Are you crying?
00:41Come on.
00:42He cried, didn't he?
00:43The man you're in shouldn't be living with his father.
00:48You want to do something for your son?
00:50You get Mr. Siegel to book you on Mr. Kimmel.
00:53Get your best stuff together, Max.
00:54You're going to need it.
00:55My son is here tonight.
00:56Stop talking about me!
00:57Bordoved will pay for him to go to a special needs school.
01:02He doesn't need a special school.
01:03He just needs to be seen, Jen.
01:05Put him in a gym and let him work off that special sauce.
01:08But you got to keep fighting.
01:09Hey, what are you doing?
01:11Don't worry about it.
01:12You're not taking the car.
01:13You get the frilla and vanilla.
01:14We're not fighting, Ez.
01:15We need to get him away from here.
01:16Bye, Pop Pop.
01:19You kidnapped Ezra?
01:20You can't be kidding me.
01:21You need to bring him home now.
01:22Where the hell are you?
01:23Come on.
01:24Stand up.
01:25Stand up.
01:26Arms up.
01:27Just taking a little time off with Ez.
01:28Give your Uncle Nicky a hug, huh?
01:29Come on.
01:30Come here.
01:31Hey, where are you going, kid?
01:32Jen thinks he should go to a special needs school, and I don't.
01:33You know, that kid is the one thing that I can't get wrong.
01:34That's right.
01:35You can't because he's perfect.
01:36All right, you two.
01:37Get a room.
01:38I don't mean to be rude, but that was not as easy as it looked.
01:39I think it's a change of pace.
01:40It's a change of pace.
01:41It's a change of pace.
01:42It's a change of pace.
01:43It's a change of pace.
01:44It's a change of pace.
01:45It's a change of pace.
01:46It's a change of pace.
01:47It's a change of pace.
01:48It's a change of pace.
01:49It's a change of pace.
01:50It's a change of pace.
01:51It's a change of pace.
01:52It's a change of pace.
01:53It's a change of pace.
01:54It's a change of pace.
01:55It's a change of pace.
01:56It's a change of pace.
01:57It's a change of pace.
01:58It's a change of pace.
01:59It's a change of pace.
02:00It's a change of pace.
02:01It's a change of pace.
02:02It's a change of pace.
02:03It's a change of pace.
02:04It's a change of pace.
02:05It's a change of pace.
02:06It's a change of pace.
02:07It's a change of pace.
02:08It's a change of pace.
02:09It's a change of pace.
02:10It's a change of pace.
02:11It's a change of pace.
02:12It's a change of pace.
02:13It's a change of pace.
02:14It's a change of pace.
02:15It's a change of pace.
02:16It's a change of pace.
02:17It's a change of pace.
02:18It's a change of pace.
02:19It's a change of pace.
02:20It's a change of pace.
02:21It's a change of pace.
02:22It's a change of pace.
02:23It's a change of pace.
02:24It's a change of pace.
02:25It's a change of pace.
02:26It's a change of pace.
02:27It's a change of pace.
02:28It's a change of pace.
02:29It's a change of pace.
02:30It's a change of pace.
02:31It's a change of pace.