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Surah Al MUTAFFIFIN | Beautiful Quran Recitation |MUNAEM BILLAH | Trending Quran

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:08Woe to those who put off their prayers
00:14Those who, when they are full, turn to others to ask for fulfillment
00:24And when they are full, or when they are full, they lose
00:33Do they not think that they will be resurrected?
00:43For a great Day
00:47The Day when the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds
00:57No! Verily, the record of the transgressors is in Sijjin
01:07And what will make you know what is Sijjin?
01:17A Book inscribed
01:23Woe that Day to the deniers
01:31Those who deny the Day of Recompense
01:39And none denies it except every transgressor, sinner
01:49When Our verses are recited to him, he says,
01:57The legends of the ancients
02:01No! Nay! We see upon their hearts what they used to earn
02:12Nay! Verily, on that Day they will be banished from their Lord
02:23Then, verily, they will enter Hell
02:31Then it will be said, This is what you used to deny
02:42No! Verily, the record of the righteous is in Aliyyin
02:54And what will make you know what is Aliyyin?
03:03A Book inscribed
03:08The near ones will bear witness to it
03:14Verily, the righteous will be in bliss
03:20On couches they will look
03:28In their faces you will recognize the look of bliss
03:37They will be given to drink from a cup, sealed
03:45Its seal is musk, and in that let the competitors compete
03:59And its mixture is of tassneem, a spring that the near ones drink
04:13Verily, those who commit crimes are among those who believe, laughing
04:27And when they pass by them, they will be dumbfounded
04:35And when they return to their people, they will return rejoicing
04:48And when they see them, they will say, Verily, these are astray
05:05And I am not sent against them as a guardian
05:14So on that Day those who believe will be among the disbelievers, laughing
05:25On couches they will look
05:31Have the disbelievers been rewarded for what they used to do?
