
  • last month


00:00And I am yours
00:04Did your parents mind that your parents discussed marriage directly?
00:10No, not at all. Infact they were very happy about it.
00:14I am glad. Actually they don't want to talk about engagement now.
00:22I know. I understand their concerns.
00:26You know, dad is very happy.
00:29He always saw something special in you.
00:32Oh, sweet.
00:34And you?
00:36Of course.
00:37I can see it and I'm also very happy. That's why I said yes.
00:42In fact, mom is also very happy.
00:44She's so excited that it's like I'm getting married.
00:47As if she's having a dream come true.
00:49She's very excited.
00:50By the way, dad and mom are also very happy.
00:54In fact, Ameera is the happiest.
00:56That's because two of her favorite people are going to be together.
01:01How cute.
01:03Whose pen is this?
01:05Oh, so you're going to take this compliment yourself?
01:07Of course.
01:08If I take it, who else will take it?
01:10And anyway, I know that all your compliments are for me now.
01:14Oh, so you're going to cry right now?
01:17No, not at all.
01:18I'm not going to cry.
01:19It's just a small request.
01:23We're just jokes apart.
01:26I'm not going to allow anyone to dominate another person.
01:35Good relationships last only when you take steps together.
01:38Not when you try to learn from each other.
01:42And I promise you.
01:44I won't do that with you.
01:50I know.
01:52That's why I chose you.
02:02Okay, keep staring.
02:04I'll get the coffee.
02:22Did you call for me?
02:52Look, Haris.
02:55I'm telling you for the last time.
02:59What happened last night,
03:01shouldn't happen again.
03:05And next time, you won't say a word about Hooram.
03:10I'm not done yet.
03:15Listen to me carefully.
03:17You don't need to answer me.
03:21I don't need to answer you.
03:25Mehmood has fixed
03:28Qadir and Hooram's marriage next month.
03:36And I want you both to get married on the same date.
03:44Nikah, Rukhsati, Buleema reception, on the same day.
03:52If you want to marry Sobia,
03:55you have to do it on the same date that I have fixed.
03:59Otherwise, you are the master of your decisions.
04:02You are free.
04:05Don't expect anything from me later.
04:13And one more thing.
04:17Stop teasing Qadir.
04:19He is your brother.
04:21A brother's relationship is very strong.
04:24Because a brother is useful to another brother.
04:27I don't understand.
04:29Since when has Qadir become so important for everyone?
04:34Qadir has always been as important to me as you are.
04:41You are older, he is younger.
04:43In fact, all three children are equal to me.
04:46No one is superior, no one is inferior.
04:53And remember one thing Haris,
04:57competition is only in war,
05:02not in relationships.
05:10Remember this.
05:16Believe me,
05:18life will become easier.
05:25And this is a father's advice to his son.
05:36That's all I wanted to say to you.
05:39You can go.
06:17When you find out, you will be surprised.
06:21That girl is Hiram.
06:23Are you asleep?
06:25Come on, have some sweets.
06:27Do you know we have fixed the marriage of Qadir and Hiram?
06:47I used to tell you Haris,
06:49that this Hiram comes here for some reason.
06:52Now he is marrying your younger brother to show you a bad image.
06:56And I am telling you,
06:58he is the one who has trapped Qadir in his love.
07:01Otherwise, why did he have to fall in love with Hiram?
07:05Haris, he wants to take revenge from both of us.
07:08Hiram from you and Qadir from me.
07:10Otherwise, he didn't fall in love overnight and fix the marriage.
07:14after all this,
07:16your value in this house will be very low.
07:19And Hiram is everyone's favorite in this house.
07:22Now if you become the younger daughter-in-law of this house,
07:25he will be in trouble.
07:28And have you seen, since Qadir has fallen ill,
07:31uncle and aunt only talk about Qadir.
07:38I am telling you,
07:40I am telling you,
07:46Mehmood has fixed Qadir and Hiram's marriage next month.
07:53And I want you both brothers to get married on the same date.
07:58If you want to marry Soubia,
08:01then you will have to do it on the same date that I have fixed.
08:12I have fixed the date of Qadir and Haris' marriage on the 25th of next month.
08:18And the reception on the 26th.
08:21What do you say?
08:25Do whatever you feel is right for you.
08:34Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
08:37Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
08:40Congratulations to you too on Qadir's wedding.
08:48Congratulations on everything.
08:51Sister-in-law Kashyap,
08:53congratulations to you too.
08:59make your aunt's face sweet.
09:08Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
09:17Dad, why did you fix her marriage without knowing my will?
09:25Again the same thing.
09:27Look, I understand you want us to get married together.
09:30So you do our reception together.
09:33And I will get married first.
09:40Because I am the elder son of this family and her elder brother.
09:48Haris, what difference does it make,
09:50if you get married first or a day later.
09:53I don't care.
09:54Haris, what difference does it make,
09:56if you get married first or a day later.
09:59Okay, if it doesn't matter,
10:01then you people get me married first.
10:03You are being stubborn.
10:08it's my special day.
10:10And I can't share it with anyone else.
10:15Okay dad,
10:17I don't have any issue.
10:19First you get her married, then me.
10:21No problem.
10:24Even if you had a problem, it wouldn't have mattered to me.
10:38Haris, it's a happy occasion.
10:44Okay, if this is what Haris and Qadir want,
10:53Haris will get married, then Qadir.
11:06And then we will do the reception on the same day.
12:46I was looking for something.
12:48Forget that.
12:50I like this dress.
12:52It's from the biggest designer in Pakistan.
12:54And I like this color too.
12:56Isn't it nice?
12:58I want to look the most beautiful on my face.
13:00So that when people see me, they say,
13:02this is Sobhia.
13:04They don't even recognize her.
13:06And I want to look more beautiful than Hurram.
13:08So that when people see Hurram on our wedding day,
13:11they say,
13:13Sobhia was looking more beautiful yesterday.
13:15It will be so much fun.
13:17But that's not possible.
13:28I can't look beautiful.
13:30No, you can look beautiful.
13:32But not more than Hurram.
13:34Because Hurram…
13:36Hurram is more beautiful than you.
13:43I mean,
13:45you can do whatever you want,
13:48you can't look more beautiful
13:50than Hurram.
13:53You are praising Hurram
13:55in front of me.
13:58I am not praising him.
14:00I am just telling you the fact.
14:04you shouldn't give importance to your ex-fiancée
14:06in front of your future wife.
14:08Dude, please.
14:10Stop this middle class thinking.
14:12I told you,
14:14I am not praising him.
14:16I am just telling you the fact.
14:18You can do whatever you want.
14:20You can look beautiful.
14:22But not more than Hurram.
14:24Because Hurram is more beautiful than you.
14:26It's a fact.
14:34forget it.
14:36You didn't have to mention it.
14:38Forget it.
14:40Let me see in detail
14:42what you liked.
14:44I want
14:46this designer.
14:48You have chosen a very expensive designer.
14:51But you tell Momani
14:54to buy me a dress from here.
14:58I will tell her, but
15:00honestly, I don't like this color.
15:05Why, Haris?
15:09You are getting married to me.
15:13I know
15:15how you should look.
15:17You won't look good.
15:19And it's too much happening.
15:24Can I see something else?
15:28You can choose.
15:30How is this?
15:35It's very gaudy.
15:41This looks good.
15:43But it won't look good on you.
15:45And there will be so many guests.
15:47They will be my friends.
15:49What will they think when they see you?
15:51Even a decent dress…
15:54Give it to me. I will see.
16:02This one.
16:07it doesn't look good
16:09according to the price.
16:11Sobia, less work
16:13looks graceful.
16:15Simple is
16:19And if you want to show off your money,
16:21then wear a big Sanoto necklace.
16:41I will tell you.
17:00Mahmood, Haris wants to do the wedding separately.
17:03He is not agreeing to the combined function.
17:10And Qadir is also saying the same.
17:14So we have decided to get both the brothers married separately.
17:24Our eldest son wants his wedding to be a grand one.
17:34Subhiya is our daughter, we have to make all the arrangements.
17:41Kasim, this is a very good thing.
17:45Because Hooram also wants her wedding to be simple and in a mosque.
17:56She doesn't want a grand function or a big crowd.
18:00She just wants a big crowd.
18:07Close relatives, family friends and some guests from your side. That's it.
18:17We have decided to do all the arrangements in our lawn.
18:20We will do the henna ceremony in a simple way and you will be there and some guests will be there.
18:31But if you don't have any objection on this.
18:38No aunty, no one will have any objection from us.
18:43Dad, mom.
18:44As our daughter will be happy, we also accept it.
18:59You people have given us Hooram, this is enough for us.
19:03This is enough.
19:11As our daughter is happy, we are also happy.
19:18Thank you aunty.
19:20We have decided that on the first day Haris will get married,
19:25on the second day Qadir will get married
19:28and on the third day we will do the combined bulimia.
19:32Absolutely right.
19:34Done. Come, let's have tea.
19:58By the way, thank God,
20:01where we got a daughter in law like Sobia, we are also getting a good daughter in law like Hooram.
20:06I must have done something good, Allah is rewarding me for it.
20:13Our Qadir is also such a good and soft hearted person,
20:17how can bad things happen to him?
20:20You are absolutely right.
20:32Come dear.
20:34I wanted to talk to mom about something.
20:37What is it?
20:41Are you going to the designer with Sobia tomorrow?
20:44Why are you asking?
20:47Are you going or not?
20:52Yes, I will go.
20:55So I just wanted to say that you will get her what she wants,
21:01whatever she likes.
21:10Actually she has liked 2-3 things, she showed me.
21:14I also finalized something and told her.
21:23So just get her whatever she likes.
21:28Has she ever worn designer clothes that she has already liked?
21:39Mom, whatever happened in the past is in the past.
21:47She was an ordinary girl.
21:50She was 100%…
21:57but now she is going to be Haris Kazalbash's wife.
22:05So obviously, all the standards should be according to that.
22:10You are giving too much importance to Haris.
22:13Let it be, Keshav.
22:14Let it be, Keshav.
22:22Okay son, whatever Sobia likes,
22:26your mother will buy it for her.
22:44What is this, Kasim?
22:46Let it be, Keshav.
22:52Now if the marriage is taking place,
22:55then what is the point of discussing these materialistic things?
23:02And then, thank God, God has given us everything.
23:09We can afford designer dresses.
23:11It is not about affording, it is about that girl.
23:16She is running ahead of her status.
23:19Look, in this matter, I agree with Haris's point of view.
23:30She is fine, whatever she was earlier,
23:33but now she is going to be the daughter in law of our house.
23:35This is not a big thing.
23:41Stop talking about these small things, it is not a big thing.
23:50God has started to show happiness, so leave these things now.
23:59Okay, tell me, will you take Urm along or will you take them separately?
24:05I will take them separately, I will not take her with Sobia.
24:10Okay, as you wish.
24:36Hoorah, mom will take Sobia for her wedding shopping today.
24:41You are getting married to me, stop worrying about Sobia.
24:48what are you thinking? Ameera told me this.
24:53You are joking. Look at your face.
24:56You are talking too much.
24:58Okay, leave it. Tell me, what were you talking about? Complete it.
25:01Complete what?
25:04I was saying that you go with mom tomorrow and buy your wedding dress.
25:13You mean to say that I have to wear the dress of your choice?
25:18No, nothing like that.
25:20I am just saying that you go and choose the color of your choice and wear whatever you want.
25:27Because I like you anyway.
25:32Because you are different from everyone else.
25:40Oh, you are feeling shy.
25:44No, I was just saying that.
25:48Anyway, do you have something in mind? Do you like any color?
25:56It's a surprise. I will tell you later.
25:58Okay, as you wish, my future wife.
26:28Ameera, go and help Sobia.
26:53No way, mom. First of all, you brought me here forcefully.
26:55On top of that, I have to help her. Let her do what she is doing.
26:59Anyway, I am not interested in what she likes and what she doesn't.
27:02She is your daughter in law. You decide.
27:11Sobia, I think this dress is better. Look, it looks so good.
27:16No, not this one.
27:26Sobia, come here.
27:29I am coming. Let me see the dress.
27:35Sobia, what are you doing?
27:38I am looking at the dress. Why are you scolding me?
27:45Here it is. Here it is. I found it.
27:47Here it is. Here it is. I found it.
27:51Speak softly. This is not a market. This is a mall.
27:55Give me some etiquette.
27:57I have been looking for it for a long time and I found it.
28:00Look, there are better clothes here.
28:03You can see that.
28:05There is nothing special about it.
28:10Look, this dress is so beautiful.
28:12There is nothing special about it.
28:17But okay, whatever is your choice.
28:20It is special.
28:22Your son Haris has chosen it for me.
28:25And I will buy this.
28:29Okay, fine. Go and give me your measurements.
28:43What are you doing?
28:44What are you doing?
29:11Look in the left cupboard.
29:12What are you doing?
29:14What are you doing?
29:16I am looking for something.
29:18What are you looking for? You could have told me.
29:20You are getting a surprise. How do I tell you?
29:22Right now you are giving me a headache and not a surprise.
29:25Fatima, get it fast.
29:27Fatima, go and make tea for me.
29:30Tell me. What are you doing?
29:33Wait a minute.
29:35I found it.
29:37This is my wedding dress.
29:39I know. It is so beautiful.
29:40It is the same till today.
29:42You know, whenever I used to see it in pictures,
29:45I used to think that I will wear this for my wedding.
29:48You will wear this for your wedding? My dress?
29:52It is old.
29:54This is the design nowadays.
29:56And nowadays the bride wears her mother's or mother-in-law's dresses.
29:58And what if Kaikash doesn't like it?
30:00Why will he not like it? I will ask him.
30:02Madam, Mr. Kajal's mother is here.
30:05You sit in the drawing room for two minutes.
30:07I forgot to tell you about all this.
30:08Kaikash said that she will come at night.
30:10Now pack all this and come downstairs with me.
30:12Why should I pack?
30:14It is good. Let's show it to her.
30:16Let's go.
30:18No, no. I will talk to her.
30:20You keep doing as you wish.
30:22Greetings, aunty.
30:26Greetings. How are you?
30:28I am fine. How are you?
30:30I am fine.
30:32Hooram, get refreshments.
30:34You sit.
30:35Tell me, how is your preparation going on?
30:37Enough. Hooram doesn't let me do anything.
30:42Whatever I ask for, she refuses.
30:45I don't want this, I don't want that.
30:49Now you make her understand.
30:51She will defame us in front of everyone.
30:53I don't know what this girl wants.
30:55What are you saying, Zara?
30:57Don't we know you?
30:59Why will we talk about small things?
31:01All that is fine.
31:03But being worldly is also a thing.
31:05What does it have to do with us?
31:07In which our children are happy,
31:09we are also happy.
31:11I also keep explaining this to her all the time,
31:13but she doesn't understand.
31:15And you tell me,
31:17in which book is it written that
31:19when a girl gets married,
31:21she should take away all her parents.
31:26I say, whether it is a girl or a boy,
31:28they should be independent.
31:32They should know how to do everything themselves.
31:36Our parents do so much for us all their lives.
31:40Now they get entangled in the unnecessary things of marriage
31:43and the burden on them increases.
31:45Not right.
31:48That is why I told mom and dad
31:50to let them do anything.
31:52Am I not right?
31:54You are absolutely right.
31:57Okay son,
31:59I have called the designer tomorrow.
32:01You come and decide your wedding dress with him.
32:02Aunty, if I say something,
32:04you won't mind, right?
32:06Yes dear, tell me.
32:08I actually wanted
32:10to wear
32:13mom's wedding dress.
32:19If you don't have any objection.
32:22Dear, why would I mind?
32:24In which you are happy,
32:26we are also happy.
32:33You can wear Walima's dress.
32:35But please baby,
32:37don't make it too light in color.
32:39Okay dear, as you wish.
32:52Mom, I like this one.
32:54I will keep this.
32:56No, not at all.
32:58This set was worn by your grandma
33:00at my wedding.
33:02You will have to wear it to your daughter-in-law.
33:04So what? I am also your daughter.
33:06Yes, so you can see from this.
33:08Look at this, such a beautiful set.
33:10Okay, take this.
33:12Your grandma gave this to me at my wedding.
33:14This is also very beautiful.
33:16You give this to your daughter-in-law.
33:19Do you know,
33:21today Hurom has won my heart.
33:28Today when I went to his house
33:30to ask him to come with me
33:32do you know what he said?
33:34He said that I
33:36will wear Zara's wedding dress.
33:48These are the family people.
33:50They don't fall for everything like nine gems.
34:00I am very happy.
34:02I told you mom
34:04that Hurom is different from your class.