Kill Squad

  • last month
Kill Squad


00:01:43Lawrence Electronics.
00:01:45Our company is doing so good, Joanne.
00:01:48You know, this quarter will surpass last quarter
00:01:51in gross receipts with new orders coming in every day.
00:01:54And next quarter will be even, even better.
00:01:57You don't have to tell me that.
00:01:59After all, Daddy left me the company.
00:02:04Get me another drink, will you, Joseph, dear?
00:02:11Things are looking so good for us.
00:02:14Company's growing strong.
00:02:16We can have everything we've always wanted.
00:02:28That's the house.
00:02:32That's the house.
00:03:02Jesse, try the door.
00:03:05All right.
00:03:12It's locked.
00:03:14Well, try the back way. Come on.
00:03:16Okay, Virgil, come here.
00:03:19Hey, man, you see that dude's old lady?
00:03:22Look at that.
00:03:24Oh, we're gonna have some fun with her.
00:03:26Let's go.
00:03:31And it's great that we have our good friend Larry Pearson with us.
00:03:35He's your friend.
00:03:37He's your friend.
00:03:38He's our friend.
00:03:40He's the top executive in our company.
00:03:42He runs our company.
00:03:43And with some of his ideas, he saved us thousands of dollars.
00:03:47As far as I'm concerned,
00:03:49the company can do without your friend, Mr. Pearson.
00:03:53Why, Joanne?
00:03:55Is it because he's black?
00:03:58I thought I heard a noise along the side of the house.
00:04:01It's probably our neighbor's dog.
00:04:03It's always crapping in our yard.
00:04:05You mess with something, I'll break both your damn legs, you got that?
00:04:08Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:04:09Get the message.
00:04:10Yeah, I got it.
00:04:13Go check, please.
00:04:16All right, I'll go.
00:04:31Joseph, are you there?
00:04:36I'm sorry.
00:04:37Okay, it's a very bad joke.
00:04:38I'm sorry, dear, really.
00:04:39I'm sorry.
00:04:40It won't happen again.
00:04:42Don't touch me.
00:04:48I'm sorry.
00:04:49I'm sorry.
00:04:50I'm sorry.
00:04:51I'm sorry.
00:04:52I'm sorry.
00:04:53I'm sorry.
00:04:54I'm sorry.
00:04:55I'm sorry.
00:04:56I'm sorry.
00:05:02Please close the door.
00:05:08We're gonna have fun tonight.
00:05:11The lady is all yours.
00:05:15Just doing her job.
00:05:27I think you've had enough tonight.
00:05:35Let's go to bed.
00:06:12Kill him! Kill him!
00:06:20Watch out!
00:06:23Dutch! Dutch!
00:06:40Come on!
00:06:43Come on! Come on!
00:06:57Hey, Larry Pearson.
00:06:59How are you doing?
00:07:14This is a rejection slip, man.
00:07:16I know that.
00:07:18Why are you rejecting the tool?
00:07:20Because it wasn't built to our specifications.
00:07:23You mean Lawrence Electronics specifications.
00:07:27Those specs don't mean jack, man.
00:07:29And you know it.
00:07:30Give us a break.
00:07:31All right.
00:07:33Hey, the specs were there when you bid on the job.
00:07:35We're paying you to build a tool the way it should have been done.
00:07:38And that's to our specifications.
00:07:39It's that simple, Johnny.
00:07:40Specification my ass, man.
00:07:42Got a lot of time and money in that job.
00:07:46You rework the tool and we'll be happy to pay you.
00:07:48I need some money now.
00:07:50How about a partial payment?
00:07:53Can't do that.
00:07:54I was counting on getting paid for the job this week, man.
00:07:57I need some goddamn money.
00:07:59I said no.
00:08:00I can't do that.
00:08:02That's bullshit, man.
00:08:04You're the one in charge now.
00:08:07Ever since your, uh, Mr. Lawrence got himself shot.
00:08:12His old lady getting raped and murdered.
00:08:15Hell, he's still in the hospital.
00:08:18And when he gets out, he's gonna be stuck in a wheelchair.
00:08:20So don't tell me you can't do that.
00:08:28I said no.
00:08:34You know what happened to that Mr. Lawrence of yours?
00:08:37That could happen just about to anybody.
00:08:40You know what I mean?
00:10:16You better let me hold on to this before you kill yourself.
00:10:24Incidentally, we still want that tool reworked.
00:10:28You'll get your money after.
00:10:32I knew he'd see things my way.
00:10:47Look, Joe, I know things have been tough.
00:10:48But Doc says everything is looking just great.
00:10:53It's been months now.
00:10:55Months. You'd have thought someone would have found something by now.
00:11:03I wish I could trade places with you, Joe.
00:11:06I mean that.
00:11:08I know.
00:11:09I know, Larry.
00:11:14Just take me home.
00:11:16To my garden.
00:11:19All right.
00:11:28Thanks, Larry.
00:11:29You're a good buddy.
00:11:37I'm glad to be back here.
00:11:42I love this place.
00:11:48Aren't these flowers beautiful, Larry?
00:11:53It's a place where a man can think.
00:11:59Opens a man's mind to a lot of things.
00:12:04I realize that the police are not going to help.
00:12:08We're going to have to take these matters in our own hands.
00:12:14Assemble a squad.
00:12:19All right.
00:12:21Now you're talking, Joe.
00:12:26They owe you.
00:12:28I owe you.
00:12:30Hell, we all owe you.
00:12:34I'll never forget that day.
00:12:37I was never so scared in all my life.
00:12:39God, I was scared.
00:12:43Do you ever think about that day, Joe?
00:12:45All the time.
00:12:48All the time.
00:12:56Come on, come on.
00:13:02Come on, come on.
00:13:09Come on, come on.
00:13:15Come on, Joe.
00:13:16Come on, Joe.
00:13:19Come on, come on.
00:13:32Marine, check base.
00:13:37Marine, go.
00:13:38Sit tight, son.
00:13:52All right.
00:14:01All right.
00:14:07Oh, my God!
00:14:26I'll let go!
00:14:35Mine, Tom!
00:14:36Two mummies! Two mummies!
00:15:03Hey! Hey!
00:15:06What the hell do they want?
00:15:09It's a damn minefield. They want us to walk through and make a path for them.
00:15:13Give it a go!
00:15:37You mean bastards, you butchers!
00:15:40Okay! Come on! Come on!
00:15:47No, Joe! Don't let those bastards do that to you, man! Don't do it!
00:15:53It's okay! It's okay!
00:15:56Alan! Alan!
00:16:01Come on in!
00:16:03Come on!
00:16:36Hey! Hey, come on!
00:16:40Hey, there's nothing to it! Come on!
00:16:44Tommy, Casey, when I say go, you take the cars on the right. I'll take the one on the left.
00:17:06Get out of there! Get out of there!
00:17:27All right, come on! Get Joe and get the hell out of here!
00:17:29Hang in there!
00:17:37Assemble a squad, Larry. You know where to find them.
00:17:41All right, Joe.
00:17:49Get out of here! Come on! Come on, help me!
00:17:58Keep going! Come on!
00:18:07Oh, my God! It won't start!
00:18:11Hey, man, are you crazy?
00:18:15He's coming around the side! He's coming around the side!
00:18:19Do it, man!
00:18:37Come on!
00:18:38Come on!
00:18:40Come on!
00:19:05Joseph needs you.
00:19:06He needs you.
00:19:07Let's go. I know where I can find Casey.
00:19:09Great, let's go.
00:19:12I plan to prove to no more of you cheaters.
00:19:16He owed me a dollar.
00:19:18You did all this for one dollar?
00:19:21Did you cheat?
00:19:37Here comes Big Casey.
00:19:41Hey, Salt-N-Pepa!
00:19:50I thought I told you to work from the corner. What the hell are you doing?
00:19:54We were told to get off that corner. That's why.
00:19:57I'm sorry.
00:19:58I'm sorry.
00:19:59I'm sorry.
00:20:00I'm sorry.
00:20:01I'm sorry.
00:20:02I'm sorry.
00:20:03I'm sorry.
00:20:04I'm sorry.
00:20:05That's why.
00:20:06Who says?
00:20:07Lewis says so.
00:20:08Lewis says it's his corner for his girls now.
00:20:10What the hell's a Lewis?
00:20:12Big, mean, and ugly.
00:20:15Get in.
00:20:18Get in the car.
00:20:19Move it, woman.
00:20:22Close the door, Shamu.
00:20:25Now let's go talk to this Mr. Lewis.
00:20:29That's Casey's corner, baby. You dig?
00:20:31And there ain't nobody big enough to kick my girls off my corner.
00:20:37There's the girls, Casey.
00:20:40Damn, that's ugly.
00:20:45There, there's Lewis.
00:20:46Girls, now that's ugly.
00:21:20Baby, what's happening?
00:21:24You know, I do think that we have a little misunderstanding here.
00:21:32Hey, bro, what's happening?
00:21:34Hey, man, what's going on?
00:21:38Now, about our little misunderstanding here.
00:21:42Just stay away, boy.
00:21:47My name ain't no Roy.
00:21:49I said boy.
00:21:56You know, I don't know who's ugly.
00:21:59You or those two things down there you call hookers.
00:22:04Standing on my corner.
00:22:29Joseph needs you.
00:22:30You got it.
00:22:36I don't want to see you or your two clowns around here again.
00:22:39You dig?
00:22:43Hold on a minute, guys.
00:22:45Now look here, baby, I got some business to take care of.
00:22:48Why don't you take a couple of days off, huh?
00:23:00Where can we find Tommy?
00:23:02We can check his office.
00:23:04All right, let's go.
00:23:30He takes off his shirt.
00:23:42Mr. Webster.
00:23:43Excuse me, sir.
00:23:45Excuse me, sir.
00:23:46Mr. Webster.
00:23:48Mr. Webster.
00:23:50Mr. Webster, sir.
00:23:52Who the hell are you?
00:23:54Your gardener, sir.
00:23:55I've been your gardener for the past six months.
00:23:57Oh, yeah.
00:23:58What can I do for you?
00:24:00I finish the front yard and that'll be $23.50, sir.
00:24:02Okay, hon.
00:24:05Hey, what about my cherry?
00:24:06I'll get your cherry a little later, hon.
00:24:10What did you say?
00:24:11I said I finish the front yard and that will be $23.50, sir.
00:24:16Yeah, yeah, oh, sure, sure.
00:24:17But can't you see I'm busy right now?
00:24:19Come back tomorrow.
00:24:21No, sir.
00:24:22I'd like to be paid today, right now.
00:24:25Today's wages plus the five weeks you owe me.
00:24:29I said I'm busy.
00:24:31You come back tomorrow.
00:24:34If I wanted to be paid tomorrow, I would have done your yard work tomorrow.
00:24:39But I did it today and I want to be paid today.
00:24:42Oh, come on, buddy.
00:24:43Come on.
00:24:45Would anybody like a little nip?
00:25:22This better be good.
00:25:31Hey, Tommy-san.
00:25:32Hey, honey.
00:25:35Joseph needs you.
00:25:36No problem.
00:25:38All right.
00:25:54All right.
00:26:25We don't need any stewies around here who are going to rat on us and get us in trouble.
00:26:29Do we?
00:26:30Hell no.
00:26:31Son of a bitch.
00:26:33Serves him right.
00:26:49Where the hell is he?
00:26:56Looking for me?
00:26:58What the hell happened, man?
00:26:59You slip or something?
00:27:00If I didn't know any better, I'd say somebody pushed me.
00:27:03Who in the hell would want to push you?
00:27:04You tell me.
00:27:05Hey, man.
00:27:07It's nothing against you personally.
00:27:08It's a matter of dollars and cents.
00:27:09What the hell is that supposed to mean?
00:27:11You get paid by the job.
00:27:12We get paid by the hour.
00:27:13Now, we got a good thing here and you're going to mess it up.
00:27:15You come in here and find out we're stealing equipment, make us look bad.
00:27:18We got a good job here and we figure we can milk it for months.
00:27:20The rate you're going, it will be over in three weeks.
00:27:22You just pushed me off the roof.
00:27:23Just push.
00:27:24Push you?
00:27:25You're trying to sell me.
00:27:40Let's see that karate save me now.
00:27:44I got plenty of them.
00:27:45Yeah, this should be good.
00:27:53Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:27:54Kick him.
00:27:55Thank you, thank you.
00:28:09Hey, hey, hey.
00:28:10Feet to feet.
00:28:11Oh, well, well.
00:28:12Look who's there.
00:28:13Hey, man.
00:28:14All right.
00:28:15All right.
00:28:16You too.
00:28:17Joseph needs you.
00:28:18Say no more.
00:28:20Who knows where Arthur is?
00:28:21Let's go get him.
00:28:22I do.
00:28:23Great discovery.
00:28:42Les, Paul.
00:28:45How are you gentlemen doing today?
00:28:49Arthur, my friend.
00:28:51Let's talk for a minute.
00:28:53It's a fine day today, isn't it?
00:28:54It's a fine day.
00:28:56We'll see, Arthur.
00:28:57We'll see.
00:28:58But first we got to talk about this investment we made in this million dollar scheme of yours.
00:29:02The pet bug.
00:29:04It's been eight months now.
00:29:06And the only thing we've seen is the red carpet in your office, three inches thick.
00:29:09And the mahogany desk and this Mercedes.
00:29:12And oh yes, this suit.
00:29:14Hey, all you got to do is ask.
00:29:16Look, I got 10,000 tarantulas coming in from Arizona.
00:29:19I got 5,000 scorpions flying all the way in from Mexico.
00:29:23And centipedes.
00:29:24Can you believe this with your own ears?
00:29:26I got 3,000 centipedes coming in from Death Valley.
00:29:29Cut the crap, Papa.
00:29:30Hey, it's no bull.
00:29:32I wouldn't lie to you about 3,000 centipedes.
00:29:34Look, I got four color flyer coming out of the printers at the end of the week.
00:29:38I got ads coming out in all the major magazines next month.
00:29:42This is all straight stuff.
00:29:44Believe me.
00:29:45Trust me.
00:29:47We trust you, Arthur.
00:29:49But we'll be back to check on our investment.
00:29:52You. I quit.
00:29:54You're a crazy man and I never want to work for you again. Not ever.
00:29:57Who's that?
00:29:58My secretary.
00:30:00What's the matter with you, Lola?
00:30:02The IRS just threw me out and put a padlock on the office door.
00:30:05That's what.
00:30:15Hey, ma'am. We can't play.
00:30:17I didn't bring my ball.
00:30:45Okay, Arthur. Okay.
00:30:47You got one week to get the money back.
00:30:48One week.
00:30:53Hey, all right.
00:30:55All right.
00:30:57Hey, all right.
00:30:59Hey, Art. Joe and the squad need you.
00:31:02No problem.
00:31:03Mr. Leftfoot?
00:31:04Yes, sir.
00:31:05I'm Mr. Levy from the Bank of San Jose.
00:31:07And the reason I'm here, sir, is you're four months behind on your payments, sir.
00:31:13And if you don't pay some payments, I'm going to have to repossess your car.
00:31:16Repossess your car?
00:31:17You're a businessman.
00:31:19You want to invest in a million-dollar idea?
00:31:20What are you talking about?
00:31:21Pet bugs.
00:31:22You're crazy.
00:31:23Pet bugs, yeah.
00:31:24Want to buy a tarantula?
00:31:26That's crazy.
00:31:27That's the dumbest thing I ever heard of.
00:31:28What are you talking about?
00:31:29Come on.
00:31:30Come on, Barry.
00:31:31Mr. Leftfoot.
00:31:32Mr. Leftfoot.
00:31:33Your car.
00:31:35All of them in here, Joe.
00:31:36I didn't get into much detail with them, but enough to give them a rough idea,
00:31:39and everyone is glad and proud to be here to help you.
00:31:43Very good.
00:33:05Still the squad clown, huh, Arthur?
00:33:13But deadly.
00:34:26And you, my friend.
00:34:35Come on.
00:34:48It's the same squad, Joe.
00:34:55First, you men don't realize how proud I am to have you here with me again.
00:35:01I sincerely mean that, and I want to thank you.
00:35:08Let's get down to business.
00:35:12We believe the motive behind all of this is that my wife and I would not sell the electronics company.
00:35:21For the past four months, we've had threatening phone calls.
00:35:26My wife and I, we thought it would...
00:35:33We thought it would pass.
00:35:37What Joe is trying to say is that we think one of the larger electronics corporations is behind this.
00:35:42Joe overheard the killers call their leader Dutch.
00:35:47That's the man we have to get to.
00:35:50Now, we do have one lead, and one lead only.
00:35:53His name is Virgil, and he lives on an abandoned ranch with about eight or ten cowboy types.
00:36:01Now, it's not much to go on, but at least it's some place to start.
00:36:06Okay, men.
00:36:08Go to work.
00:36:10Go get Dutch.
00:36:12You bring back the man they call Dutch to me.
00:36:17Yeah, I will.
00:36:20All right.
00:36:21All right.
00:36:26Hold on, you son of a bitch.
00:36:27Come on back.
00:36:31Come on, you white son of a bitch.
00:36:32You wait up now.
00:36:34Hey, over here.
00:36:42Hold down.
00:36:46Hold down.
00:36:47Hey, get away.
00:36:48Now, come on.
00:36:49Come on.
00:36:52Come on, you.
00:36:53Hold down now.
00:36:55Hey, hey, hey.
00:37:15Will you stop?
00:37:26Excuse me, please, but I'm looking for a gentleman named Virgil.
00:37:32A gentleman named Virgil.
00:37:35Who are you, and what do you want?
00:37:38My business is with Virgil.
00:37:48Holy shit.
00:37:50You got business with one of our partners.
00:37:52You got business with all of them.
00:37:54I said I have business with just one bastard here, and that's Virgil.
00:37:59What'd you say, nigger?
00:38:21I know it's gonna be hard to distinguish,
00:38:24but I said I'm looking for the cowboy that looks and smells like the asshole of a horse.
00:39:10Oh, horse shit.
00:39:52All right, Angela.
00:39:54Now, we came here for some answers, and we're not leaving until we get some.
00:39:57We want to know about a peer called Dutch.
00:39:59Well, I don't know anyone called Dutch.
00:40:01Well, your boyfriend worked for this man called Dutch a couple of months ago.
00:40:04Okay, okay.
00:40:06We got wasted one night.
00:40:08He bragged about messing up this dude and his old lady.
00:40:11Did he mention any names, places, or anything?
00:40:14Come on, lady, anything.
00:40:17Does that sound like one? Yeah.
00:40:18Jesse, that's the one. He's a truck driver.
00:40:20Works for a cement company in town.
00:40:22Anybody else?
00:40:25Anybody else?
00:40:27Georgie, he works in a steel yard.
00:40:40I found out that there are only two cement companies in town.
00:40:42The Quick-Dry Cement Company and the Antonio Brothers Cement Incorporated.
00:40:48And the one they call Jesse works for one of them.
00:40:50As for the other one, Georgie, we have a pretty good idea
00:40:53just about where at the steel yard we might find him.
00:40:56I think it'd be a good idea to split up into two teams.
00:40:58Larry, you, Casey, and Pete.
00:41:03Go to Antonio Brothers Cement Company first, then to Quick-Dry.
00:41:07Alan, you, Tommy, and Art,
00:41:09you go to the steel yard and have a talk with Georgie.
00:41:13That's all now.
00:41:40Excuse me, sir. Do you have a guy named Jesse James working here?
00:41:44Jesse James? No, never heard of him.
00:41:49Well, if he's not here, there's just one cement company left.
00:41:52We're coming to get you, Jesse James.
00:41:54And I hope you have the Dalton Brothers with you
00:41:56because we're coming to get you, baby.
00:42:10I can't tell you what time I'm going to be home.
00:42:12I don't know yet.
00:42:13I'm standing out here in the middle of the hot sun
00:42:15trying to talk to you on the telephone,
00:42:17and I don't know what time I'm going to be home.
00:42:19I'll be there as soon as I can, all right?
00:42:21All right?
00:42:22Hey! Hey, what are you doing?
00:42:24Hey! Hey, what are you doing?
00:42:59Is this Dutch?
00:43:00Who wants to know?
00:43:01Virgil's dead, man.
00:43:02He was wasted by a bunch of guys from a John Wayne movie,
00:43:05and they're after you.
00:43:06They want you, man, and they want you bad.
00:43:09Hey, how'd you get my number?
00:43:11From Virgil.
00:43:12Said you were the man.
00:43:13If I ever needed any extra cash to give you a call,
00:43:15said you were the man to talk to, and them's his exact words.
00:43:18Who are you?
00:43:20Jake, huh?
00:43:24Okay, Virgil's told me about you.
00:43:26What do you want?
00:43:27These guys want your ass, man, real bad.
00:43:30You must have done some heavy stuff to get them to call out to Marines.
00:43:34Now, what I want to know is what's in it for me and my boys
00:43:38if we waste those dudes.
00:43:40I'll tell you.
00:43:42Don't worry.
00:43:44You take care of them.
00:43:46I'll take care of you.
00:43:48I'll take real good care of you.
00:43:50You got that?
00:43:51You'll be hearing from me.
00:44:12How do you do, gentlemen?
00:44:13I'm looking for Georgie.
00:44:14Hey, Georgie, he's looking for a cruise.
00:44:17Hey, baby.
00:44:18Already been in the service, man.
00:44:20Liked it, too.
00:44:21Recommended highly.
00:44:22I got a couple of questions to ask you about a former employer of yours.
00:44:25Hey, man, you look like you're ready for war.
00:44:27Hey, yeah.
00:44:28Ask away, baby.
00:44:53Tell me about Dutch.
00:44:54Come on, talk to me.
00:44:55I don't know any Dutch.
00:44:57Hey, man, get this chump out of my face.
00:45:23Come on.
00:45:47You tell us about this man they call Dutch.
00:45:49Yeah, pal.
00:45:50That's how far a big friend gets mad here.
00:45:52We call him Crunch.
00:45:53And that's the last thing you're going to hear before he breaks your back.
00:45:56No, please don't do that to me, man.
00:45:58Nobody was supposed to get hurt.
00:46:00All we want to know is something about Dutch.
00:46:02I don't know, man.
00:46:03That's the truth.
00:46:05I'm not jibing you, man.
00:46:06That's Phil.
00:46:07He works at A&E Toy.
00:46:08That's a wrecking yard, man.
00:46:09He was the one who got me this gig.
00:46:21I love you.
00:46:22I love you.
00:46:51Hey, excuse me, friend.
00:46:54We're looking for a guy named Jesse James.
00:46:59Yeah, he's around here somewhere.
00:47:00Why don't you go check his truck?
00:47:03All right.
00:47:04Thank you much.
00:47:05All right.
00:47:21Hey, is that you under there, Jesse?
00:47:23Yeah, it's me.
00:47:25Who are you?
00:47:28We're friends of Dutch's and we'd like to talk to you.
00:47:31All right, I'll see you.
00:47:49I'd like to talk to you.
00:47:51Yeah, man, come on out and talk to us, OK?
00:47:55Yeah, OK, just let me tighten this last bolt.
00:47:57Otherwise, I'll forget about it.
00:48:00OK, man.
00:48:03See you later.
00:48:05See you later.
00:48:07Can I have a drink?
00:48:10I'll get it.
00:48:11There you go.
00:48:13Thanks a lot.
00:48:14I'll be back.
00:48:16I'll be back.
00:48:17I'll be back.
00:48:19See you later, man.
00:48:20See you later.
00:48:21See you later.
00:48:27I love you.
00:48:28I love you.
00:48:29I love you.
00:48:30My, my, Jesse, you sure are in a big hurry.
00:48:51The name Dutch must have gotten you excited.
00:48:54Tell us who we can find.
00:48:58Dutch who?
00:49:02You know who we're talking about.
00:49:03You got trouble, Jesse?
00:49:07Your troubles are over.
00:49:08Let's get him, man.
00:50:00Well, Jesse, looks like you're in deep shit, unless you'd tell us something about the
00:50:13man they call Dutch.
00:50:14You hear me?
00:50:15Yeah, I'll tell you the truth, man.
00:50:17I don't know Dutch, or how to get in touch with him or anything.
00:50:20What do you mean you don't know him, man?
00:50:22You worked for him!
00:50:23That's it, man.
00:50:24I don't know him.
00:50:25Richie called me and asked me if I wanted to make some quick bucks and have some fun,
00:50:29Fun, you say? Just what the hell do you mean by fun, man?
00:50:32We were just supposed to scare them.
00:50:34Someone wanted them scared real bad. It was just fun, man, you know?
00:50:37No, I don't know.
00:50:39How'd you get these scratches?
00:50:41It's cuts. It's just cuts from beer glass and a bar fight.
00:50:45Beer fight, bar fight. Those are fingernail scratches.
00:50:49Tell us some more about Gritchie.
00:50:53He's a black dude. He works at World Motors in downtown.
00:50:56That's all.
00:50:59All right, get the hell out of here.
00:51:01All right, get out.
00:51:29I killed an action.
00:51:48Look, Joe, if it's any consolation, they died for a cause they believed in.
00:52:02You didn't order them to do anything they didn't want to do.
00:52:06They knew what they were getting into. We all do.
00:52:12We did manage to get some leads, though.
00:52:18A guy by the name of Phil works for A&A Towing,
00:52:21and a second name of Ritchie, car salesman for Pacific Autos.
00:52:28Both local.
00:52:30Get him. Larry and Casey, get Phil.
00:52:34Tommy and Art, get that damn Ritchie.
00:52:38Get him. Get him.
00:52:41We'll get him, Joe. We'll get him.
00:52:47We'll get him.
00:53:18Hey, Phil, how the hell are you, man?
00:53:21Sorry, man, I ain't Phil.
00:53:23That's right over on the fourth lift. That's Phil.
00:53:40Hey, Phil! Phil!
00:53:44Hey, Phil! Phil!
00:53:47Yeah? What do you want?
00:53:49Why don't you come on down here and talk to us? Turn that thing off.
00:53:52Talk about what? Cars, man? Need some car parts?
00:53:55Turn that off, man. We have a proposition for you.
00:54:01Proposition? What kind of proposition?
00:54:06Hey, Jesse said that you're the man to see. The main man.
00:54:11He speaks highly of you.
00:54:14Jesse? Jesse who?
00:54:17Jesse, man. You know who we're talking about. Jesse.
00:54:21We need some work. We need some money.
00:54:24Jesse, man, he said that you could hook us up with a cat by the name of Dutch.
00:54:30Dutch? I don't know any Dutch.
00:54:33Come on, man. I don't know anybody like that.
00:55:03Watch out!
00:56:04I got you into this.
00:56:08But I'll get him. I promise you that I'll get him.
00:56:33Welcome, gents. Welcome.
00:56:36Say, I got the right car for you. Fast, lots of style.
00:56:41And this baby's looking pretty good, too.
00:56:44Well, let's go.
00:56:46Come on, let's go.
00:56:48Come on, let's go.
00:56:50Come on, let's go.
00:56:52Come on, let's go.
00:56:54Come on, let's go.
00:56:56Come on, let's go.
00:56:58Come on, let's go.
00:57:00Fast, lots of style.
00:57:02And this baby's looking for a new home.
00:57:05A friend of ours told us to ask for a salesman by the name of Richie.
00:57:08I hope you don't mind.
00:57:10Mind? Why should I mind?
00:57:12Well, one big happy family around here.
00:57:14Of course, I could get you a better deal.
00:57:17Well, just fooling, gents. Just fooling.
00:57:21You wait right here. I'll get him for you.
00:57:25Hey, Richie.
00:57:31Hey, gents, you're looking at the right car.
00:57:33Lots of style, easy on the gas.
00:57:35This baby's just looking for a new home.
00:57:37Can you start it up for us?
00:57:39Sure, can do.
00:57:45Oh, what's the matter with you, man?
00:57:47Damn, that hurts.
00:57:49Now, what the hell's the matter with you?
00:57:51Dutch. The name Dutch sounds like you know it.
00:57:54No, man. Come on, man. Let go, man.
00:57:56No, I'm not playing around anymore.
00:57:58Put an address with the name Dutch.
00:58:00Address, goddammit. Give us an address.
00:58:02Get that jingle, all right, Richie.
00:58:04Checking the horn.
00:58:05No, man. Fool, man. These suckers.
00:58:07I don't know what these suckers want, but it ain't to buy a car.
00:58:09Get him.
00:58:58Ah, shit.
00:59:54Ah, this fucking car.
01:00:29Tommy, Tommy, you go around.
01:01:07Get up.
01:01:09Talk to us. Tell us about Dutch.
01:01:28Oh, my God.
01:01:30Oh, my God, not again.
01:01:34If only I had my mobility, Larry.
01:01:37You don't know what this is doing to me.
01:01:40I know, Joe. I understand.
01:01:42I'm calling the whole thing off.
01:01:44I'll give what little information we have over to the police.
01:01:47I'm calling it off.
01:01:48You can't do that, Joe.
01:01:50I have to, Arthur. Can't you see? I have to.
01:01:53It's not your fight anymore.
01:01:55It's ours. It's all of ours.
01:01:59We're going back to the ranch and have a talk with the cowboy's girlfriend, Angela.
01:02:04We'll keep in touch.
01:02:10All right.
01:02:26Look, Joe, don't worry. We're going out to the cowboy's now.
01:02:29Once we get them there, we'll get to the bottom of this. You'll see.
01:02:32Now, don't worry, okay?
01:02:34I do worry, Larry.
01:02:36I want this to come to a stop.
01:02:38We'll get these things over with.
01:02:40Yeah, I want the same thing.
01:02:42I'll be in touch.
01:03:09I want you to...
01:03:15Hey, a beer, too, man.
01:03:17Did you see that?
01:03:22Hurry up.
01:03:25Come on.
01:03:38Come on.
01:03:45Let's get out of here.
01:03:49I don't know where.
01:03:51That's it. Stop down there.
01:04:02I want water on the roof.
01:04:08Where'd they go?
01:04:14There they are.
01:04:16Right up.
01:04:58Now, let's talk this out, man.
01:05:00What do you say? Hey, man, let's talk it out. What do you say?
01:05:03Fine. That's all we wanted to do anyway.
01:05:06All right. Let's talk about Dutch.
01:05:09And don't tell us you don't know who Dutch is.
01:05:12Dutch, sure I know who he is.
01:05:14Why didn't you say so?
01:05:16All you had to do was ask.
01:05:18Communicate, man. That's what's wrong with the world today.
01:05:21No communication.
01:05:36No communication.
01:06:06All right.
01:06:36All right.
01:08:28How are you?
01:08:36How are you?
01:09:07Barbecue time, everybody!
01:09:14Come and get it! Come and get it!
01:09:25Get him!
01:09:27Kill him!
01:09:29Get him!
01:09:37Get the bastard!
01:09:39Goddamn it!
01:09:43Get him, for God's sake!
01:10:00Hey, soldier boy.
01:10:02Try me.
01:10:06Try me.
01:10:16Kill him!
01:10:18Kill him!
01:10:20Get him, you horses!
01:10:22Get him!
01:10:26Get him, for God's sake!
01:10:32Get him!
01:10:36Get him!
01:10:42No, no, no, no.
01:10:44I've been looking forward to this meeting for some time now.
01:10:47No, you see, I've got a weak heart.
01:10:50No, I really have a weak heart.
01:10:52You see, I checked with my doctor.
01:10:54You know, I have a thing, an aversion to physical violence.
01:11:01I can't stand pain.
01:11:04It just don't hurt me.
01:11:09I really do have a...
01:11:10Shut up!
01:11:12I only want one thing from you.
01:11:14One thing!
01:11:17I'll tell you anything.
01:11:18Ask what?
01:11:20Some information.
01:11:21You better be good or I'll rip that weak heart right out of your chest.
01:11:25Now, you put out the contract to my friends.
01:11:28One of the other electronics corporations.
01:11:30Electronic corporations?
01:12:03We're whipped.
01:12:05We've lost the fight.
01:12:08I couldn't find the answer and we've got no place else to go.
01:12:12You did your best, Larry.
01:12:16You proved yourself a true friend.
01:12:19I lost some good friends.
01:12:25I'll never be able to forgive myself.
01:12:29Hey, like I told you before, Joe, it's not your fault.
01:12:34They weren't forced into anything.
01:12:37They knew exactly what they were getting into.
01:12:41Don't let it haunt you.
01:12:43It'll end up ruining you.
01:12:46Do you have a record of what's been happening?
01:12:51Yeah, I...
01:12:53It's all in the card.
01:12:54Names, places.
01:12:56Could you get it for me, please?
01:12:58I'd like to study it before I turn it over to the police.
01:13:05I'll be right back.
01:13:56Oh, yeah!
01:14:27Bulletproof vest.
01:14:30I've been waiting for you.
01:14:56Why, Joe?
01:14:59I don't know.
01:15:02I just feel like you.
01:15:05You're not the man I used to know.
01:15:08So why are you here?
01:15:11I'm here because I need you.
01:15:14I'm here because I need you.
01:15:17I'm here because I need you, Joe.
01:15:20I'm here because I need you, Joe.
01:15:23Why Joe, why to us, to me Joe, then I loved you like a brother, I would have done anything
01:15:37in the world for you, why god damn you, why?
01:15:52You dare ask me why, this is why, this is why, why wife, why Joanne Joe, she hated me,
01:16:14she made me feel like I was a nobody, always talking about divorce, everything you see
01:16:23is hers, everything, the car, the house, the money, the company, everything is hers, I
01:16:32knew I had to get rid of her, I just couldn't take it anymore, I made a game of it, a killer
01:16:48game, yes, I hired Dutch to kill her and to shoot me, make it look real I said, next was
01:17:00to get you to assemble a squad, oh I knew that would be easy, you're so stupid, the squad would
01:17:12kill Dutch and his men and I killed the squad, I almost died in my uniform, I wanted to see them
01:17:21die in theirs and I knew they'll just come down to you and me, so I trained and I trained and I
01:17:36trained, forcing my body back into shape, waiting for this moment and after you're gone, I'm free
01:17:49and I own everything, and once again, I will be in command.
01:18:19Art, can you hear me? Can you hear me Art? Pet bugs, we can make millions.
01:18:49We'd have been great together, at least we can trust one another.
01:19:11Well, partner,
01:19:14you better get me to a hospital before I bleed to death.
01:19:24You damn fool.
01:19:27What do you think partner? Pet bugs, eh partner? We'll make millions, you and me Larry,
01:19:37we'll make millions, tarantulas, scorpions, centipedes, you believe that? Centipedes?
01:19:48Think of it, we'll be the barons of the bugs.