Tilawat e Quran pak 107❤️

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the Copyright Law of the United States mentions fair use as one. According to Article 107, people can use copyrighted content for the following reasons:

news reporting;
scholarship or research.
And these are not considered copyright infringements.


00:00We have made day and night into two signs,
00:02the sign of the night into the sign of the day and the sign of the day into the sign of the light,
00:06so that you may seek the grace of your Lord, that is, the sustenance of your life,
00:10and know the number and the account of the years.
00:12And We have made all things in detail.
00:15And We have hung the deeds of every man in the form of a book around his neck.
00:20And on the Day of Resurrection, that book will be taken out of his neck.