• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05For those just watching, I thank you for watching. It's going to be somewhat
00:08crimed against me and my twin flame, and none of this information can be used against me and Shia,
00:13if you are going to use against me and Shia. You're going to be accused of trying to frame me,
00:21and you are going to be sued or go to jail for trying to frame me with the things that I say.
00:30And what was the other thing? You will be accused of spying and stalking if you watch these videos.
00:45So, Shia, I'm going to start talking about the notes,
00:48and I'm pretty behind, so I'm going to have to go kind of quickly, and
00:53um, I probably won't go too quick, but I'll try.
01:05So, I haven't cut my hair yet. I watched some videos, and basically, there's some ways to do
01:14it, and I'm probably, there's some ways to do it to make it, uh, there's some hair hacks I'm going
01:26to do, and they're going to play with my voice. I'm still possessed, and I'm still tortured.
01:31It's not as bad. Hopefully, it stays that way, but it's not like as, it's not,
01:40uh, it's, something happened, I think, with the spiritual ascension that there's,
01:47I'm either getting a little bit of a break, or something seriously happened
01:55with the hive mind, because I've heard, uh, if they, if they try to torture Shia,
02:01if they try to torture Shia, specifically the root chakra area, they'll get electrocuted in some ways.
02:17So, so in regards to, um,
02:23in regards to the Kiran Rakya page, did you see the heart, how there's a little bit of black? Remember
02:30how I told you, um, that I have heart problems? Well, I've been having heart problems for a very,
02:38very long time, and the pendulum told me that your heart is failing as well, so we have to be
02:46extremely careful, Shia. I do, uh, want to go through some things that we need to do. Basically,
02:57ever since the ghost point, remember the ghost points, like, I started having things happen with my heart?
03:04Like, I started having things happen with my heart?
03:10Um, ever since then, my heart has not been the same, and there's been a lack of being able to breathe.
03:21I get to breathe through my mouth when I remember to.
03:26There's a consistent lack of breathing. There's a
03:29consistent faint heart. There's, like, basically, I can feel my pulse.
03:35I can feel my pulse, but when I go to feel it, it usually pumps pretty, like,
03:42strong feeling. Like, you can really feel the pulse, but now I can't. There's a weak pulse. That's a sign
03:48of heart failure, so I checked the pendulum, Shia. I don't want to scare you, and don't worry, Shia.
03:54I'm not going to die, and neither are you. However, we have to be
03:59really, um, careful and specifically do the heart ruckus, do the ruckus for the heart organ.
04:08So, remember that I went to the heart specialist in Reading? I had my mom, I flew, I flew, I had my mom
04:16fly out to, uh, go to the doctors with me, and they still didn't do anything. I thought they would take
04:23me seriously if my mom was there. They didn't do anything. They said your heart's fine, uh, but then I
04:31get a stroke three years, two, two years later, possibly. It was two years later I got a stroke.
04:41I don't, I don't remember how many years later. So, I, I believe this faint heart and the breathing
04:49issue is a problem. So, make sure, Shia, that you drink extra water because there's oxygen in water,
04:58and I'm going to go through my sheets and try to, I'm just going to keep doing the things that I'm
05:03doing, but I did do some, use the massage gun today. I took my supplements. I had
05:11miso soup with seaweed, noodles, and tortilla shell with some of this chick-fil-a dip I had left over,
05:20and drinking iced coffee. Iced, I actually, because of the heat, I'm gonna, I put ice in it,
05:30and coffee's tall enough where I can put ice in it. So, I,
05:40I have, um,
05:46a consistent faint heartbeat. The breathing's a problem.
05:52Uh, coffee's good for the heart, Shia. I saw a little image when I googled if coffee's good for
05:59you. I don't know how we're going to go through all these lawsuits and trials when we're both
06:06near death with heart failure. However, I do know that if we are together, we'll be able to calm
06:13each other down, Shia. I think that was, is the only way that we're going to be able to get through
06:19all these lawsuits. So, remember how they turned my heart into a death trap, Shia? If there's the
06:27atheric, I'm pretty sure something atheric or spirit about my heart already died,
06:32which is possibly contributing, causing it to fail, and
06:40I, but I checked my pulse. It was 81 beats per minute, which is fine. It's not about,
06:48I don't think it's really about the pulse. It's more like it's faint, and when it's faint, it,
06:54the blood has a difficult time pumping throughout the body, so I'm going to focus on the body and
06:59brain yoga to try to get some of the blood flowing, and you should too, Shia. It says that
07:06we both have 25 percent, we have 75 percent heart failure, like, equivalently, and I,
07:16I, I'm not going to actually, like, I'm actually not thinking it's not true at all. I think it's
07:25true. So, part of it is because we're not with each other, but it's mostly the torture,
07:39which part of the torture is not being together,
07:44um, but I've, this has been something I've had my whole life, heart problems,
07:53so I'm not going to be, um, I, I was, pendulum said we're not going to die, Shia, and also,
08:05don't worry, Shia, don't worry about our heart failure, but just do everything possible you can.
08:10Obviously, once the torture, the torture lessens, we'll be able to actually heal.
08:15That's why we've barely been, barely surviving at this point, but the faint heartbeat has been
08:21since the ghost point, so it's been pretty consistent, so I have to be careful that I
08:26watch this, because I didn't know what this was, this feeling of when, remember I told you,
08:31my heart's turning off? Well, I realized that it's there, but it's very faint. So,
08:43I also want to show you, um, the
08:51maintenance, came in and fixed the bathroom, looks really good, and I'm gonna go ahead and
08:59looks really good, and I'm gonna explain to you.
09:05Looks good, I cleaned it, I cleaned all of it, cleaned all the glue off of it.
09:14Uh, let me show, uh, on my cell phone.
09:29So, I'll, I'll tell, basically, I have, I wrote notes about, uh, maintenance,
09:42this maintenance from two months, who's been working here for two months, came in,
09:46and I got his name, showed him the photos.
09:50I showed him these photos of the fridge, and I said, I said, see, see that, that cut back in the
10:05sheet block, and he nodded his head. He said personally, I can't do anything about it,
10:10so he didn't deny it, and that's a very good thing, that he didn't deny it.
10:15But it was, he was only in here for less than 10 minutes, and we, that's, he said very little,
10:21because I'm sure he doesn't want to get involved, but he is involved now, because I know his name,
10:25and he saw the photos. And he did deny it, so I don't think, I don't think he's bad.
10:33So, I wanted to show you, also,
10:37a photograph of a desk, to give you proof, uh, if you go into a rental agency office,
10:44it should be open for public, and she agreed to say, to, she agreed that I could take the photos,
10:48so I'm going to show it to you. Unfortunately, there was something on the desk that I didn't
10:53get a photograph of. So, I'm going to show it to you, and I'm going to show it to you,
10:59and I'm going to show it to you, and I'm going to show it to you, and I'm going to show it to you,
11:03So, this is,
11:20this is what the desk looks like,
11:25and see this photo on the right side of the desk?
11:34Like it doesn't really match the decorations.
11:44To me, putting it on the bottom of the desk, sort of when you walk in,
11:49it's a little awkward to see that photo like taped in that area and location of the desk for one.
11:59Also, so she's got all these photographs of fairies, all these ducks.
12:07What this photo though is very oddly placed and
12:11it's not, it's kind of a disturbing looking photo.
12:22And that's in my opinion.
12:28So over here, I didn't take the photo.
12:32There was something in the way for me to take the photo.
12:36That's a black duck with a star on the thing.
12:40And that duck is a firefighter duck.
12:44It has a duck with a firefighter outfit, fire.
12:51So, also this is a mat that says, do not disturb, I'm already disturbed.
13:06That's not, that's, it's kind of like the vibe I'm getting.
13:13Don't disturb, don't complain.
13:21And there was also a sign, a printout on the left side, not on her desk, on the left side of someone else's desk,
13:27that says, do not disturb unless fire, flood, or blood.
13:32Like, just leave us alone.
13:34Obviously, there's a lot of drama in this building.
13:37However, there's, and I'm not really going to comment on all the decorations and the decor.
13:45However, this, all these fairies, ducks, cats, this is oddly placed on the right side of the desk.
13:55I'm not going to read too much into, I'm not going to explain to you what I think.
14:02Okay, I'm just going to, I'm just showing you.
14:30I don't know what that is.
14:32I can't tell.
14:34When I see it in the picture, I...
14:41I can't tell what that is.
14:46So that's what I wanted to show you.
15:07I'm not going to go into detail about the desk, however.
15:13I already explained it.
15:25So, the person from maintenance has only been working here for two months.
15:30He saw the photos, I showed them, explained.
15:33He said, there's nothing I can personally do about it.
15:36And the subject was dropped.
15:38He went and fixed it, and they left.
15:42He didn't disagree, he did not deny it.
15:44I do not think he's going to support it.
15:46There's a whole, like, ring of people involved in participating in covering up the murder and torture against me.
15:56It's not just a few people that are going to get in trouble for it.
16:00So, I don't...
16:01He seemed like there's...
16:03He didn't want to get involved, but he's definitely not going to support...
16:08He's not going to support the criminals.
16:12And he's only been working here for two months, he really doesn't have much of a say to begin with.
16:17So he was correct in saying he personally can't do anything about it.
16:23But when I showed him the cracks on the sheetrock and the photos...
16:36I said, do you see how it's cut?
16:38And he goes...
16:43Also, this is kind of random, but...
16:49I'm not really going to say this.
16:54A family member gave me a nickname, Chuka, when I was growing up.
17:05Several years ago, I wanted to try to get some family members to go watch me talk about fashion at this thing.
17:13This little thing that I tried to create.
17:17And no one showed up but a few family members.
17:21But she sent me...
17:23She said...
17:24It's a tagline.
17:26She said...
17:27It's a tagline.
17:29But she sent me...
17:31She sent a text saying, I got a lot of stuff on my plate.
17:36And then with V2K...
17:39Said, eat shit.
17:42To tell me Chuka, the nickname, was actually Chuka, chew shit.
18:00I know these rakyos are working, Chaya, because it's like a constant feeling of fight and resistance.
18:14The demons are constantly resisting the rakyos when I play them.
18:21There's like a resistance feeling.
18:30So this is just a bunch of stuff that I want to talk about.
18:35I don't have... I'm not in the mood to talk about it.
18:43But these criminals are a bunch of nobodies.
18:47They all think that they're important because of who they messed with and tried to kill and torture me and you.
18:52It's because we're important, they think they're important.
18:54They're a bunch of nobody criminals.
18:57When you go to jail, you become a... you are a nobody.
19:00If you're a criminal, you're a nobody automatically.
19:03They all think that they're important because they did crime to us.
19:06They're a bunch of fucking losers.
19:09There's no such thing as a hero that's a criminal.
19:12And with this V2K play, they all act like they're such heroes.
19:16Trying to kill and torture me and you.
19:18And slow kill us.
19:20They act like they're being so heroic for Satan.
19:24And because it's a spiritual battle, they're heroes.
19:29Because it's a spiritual battle? No.
19:31They're not heroes. They're criminals.
19:33Criminals get locked up.
19:39They brainwash me to think that it's a spiritual battle.
19:43It's just their way of fighting. No.
19:45When you go to crime, you get locked up and go to jail.
19:49And they act like they're business professionals about it.
19:53I'm a professional. I'm a professional at it.
19:57I'm a professional at killing.
20:01So, they're business professionals at torturing people?
20:05It's quite a joke.
20:19Organized crime. Many people are involved.
20:23And if you look...
20:25If you go on the internet and look up mass arrests,
20:30they recently arrested 150 people for a P.E.D.O. rape.
20:43What is that?
20:46Why don't I take photos of it?
20:54Oh, here it is.
20:58700 arrests in a P.E.D.O. ring.
21:06And it's kind of...
21:08It's kind of actually true, what's happening to us.
21:12Most of these criminals are way older than us.
21:15And they are doing those kinds of crimes.
21:23700 arrests, so they all went to jail.
21:26So, I'm thinking, well, there's no way all these people can go to jail.
21:29Yes, there is a way. There's a way.
21:32It's called a mass arrest.
21:34And, yeah, it's kind of embarrassing for them
21:38that hundreds of people go to jail for just two people.
21:40That's very embarrassing.
21:42Because usually, like, if there was 700 arrests,
21:46there would be thousands of people that got hurt,
21:49or hundreds of people that got hurt.
21:50It's only two people.
21:55Massive P.E.D.O. arrest of 51 men.
22:05So, mass arrest is possible. It's called mass arrests.
22:09It's possible that there's a lot of people involved that are going to go to jail.
22:13150 go to jail for S.E.X. trafficking.
22:19150 all go to jail.
22:21Not in the same jail, I'm sure.
22:40They repeatedly tell me that the criminal that stole your D.N.A. has notebooks,
22:45and she's writing all of the loving things that you said to her
22:49through the consciousness that they stole from you into the C.N.
22:55She has all these notebooks.
22:56She's writing down all of the loving things to you.
22:59I don't believe that, Shia, but they've said this to me so many times,
23:02I have to tell you.
23:03I know that they're doing this to try to trigger you.
23:05Don't get triggered, Shia.
23:07I have to tell you because it will diffuse it.
23:09If I don't say it, it diffuses it more if I tell you
23:13than if I say it.
23:14But it's a very, very hard thing to do.
23:16And I'm not talking about people that are doing this to you,
23:20but I'm talking about people that are doing this to you
23:23because it will diffuse it, if I don't say it, it diffuses it more if I tell you, than if I don't tell you.
23:37The person that messed with my fridge, I don't know what he looks like.
23:41They use AI masks, he uses an AI mask to change what he looks like.
23:47I've seen probably 20 different AI masks on this criminal.
23:56I still do not know what he looks like at this point.
24:02And he makes the AI mask look like he's not on anything, like he's healthy.
24:11I wouldn't say healthy.
24:14But he doesn't, the AI masks don't make it appear like what he's supposed to be, what he actually looks like.
24:27But these criminals are very unimportant.
24:32They're very, very unimportant.
24:34They think that they're such heroes.
24:37And like it's this little love club, they're all like hanging out together, like chit-chat in V2K and I have to observe it.
24:50No, they happen to be doing crime to very important people, two very important people shining in the sun.
24:57That's why they think they're important.
25:13This is another one that they constantly do.
25:24Oh, I can't say this one.
25:27The hell already exists.
25:33Hell already exists, Shia.
25:36Hell already exists.
25:38They just played my voice, Shia.
25:44And then they use it to back down.
25:47These criminals are going to go straight to hell.
25:51And it's all going to be returned to sender of torture that they gave other people, which would be probably thousands of years worth.
26:00And then they don't exist.
26:02That's why they don't have personalities and identities, and you can't really know what they are.
26:07It's because entities don't have personalities and identities.
26:10They're entities.
26:14But how do so many people go to jail?
26:16How do so many people go to jail?
26:18Well, look on the internet.
26:21I just recently looked that up.
26:23These past five months.
26:25I never even knew about mass harass.
26:28I didn't know that that was even a thing.
26:46I did use a pendulum to ask about you.
27:08You don't think that my face is going to be like this forever.
27:16I don't actually...
27:18I don't really know if I...
27:21Oh, I skipped a lot of notes.
27:26I'm actually very, very tired because yesterday I did so much cleaning.
27:30I had to clean the glue off.
27:31I did my laundry.
27:33I cleaned everything.
27:35I'm actually really tired, so I'm not going to make two videos.
27:38And I'm feeling kind of weak from the heat.
27:40And I know that you need to rest, Shia.
27:45I know that this is causing stress for both of us, some of the things that I'm saying.
27:51It's like we're going through the stress.
27:55So I think I'm going to make this video just one part.
28:01There's just so much negativity, I can't...
28:06I know I'm missing things that I'm supposed to tell you about, that I really want to talk to you about.
28:15But this is getting...
28:17This torture is going to be returned to the sender.
28:28Their lives are over, these criminals.
28:36I'm definitely behind the notes, Shia.
28:39And I'm starting to get nervous, so I will...
28:43I will spend probably tomorrow and do a very long video, like an hour, two hours.
28:50But not today because I'm not feeling well.
28:57You're probably not feeling well.
28:58You have to rest.
28:59And I know that you like to watch these videos.
29:03You would watch them...
29:05You'd watch hours a day, which you usually do.
29:12You do need to rest, Shia.
29:15Do you have a camera I definitely have to show you?
29:24Nah, I don't want to bring up...
29:26I don't want to show you.
29:28Yeah, I definitely collected several new photos that I haven't showed you.
29:40So, I'm going to...
29:48I'm going to make a longer video tomorrow.
29:50I'm going to make a longer video tomorrow.
29:55So, you...
29:58So, today we can rest.
30:00Because I have to review these videos, too.
30:02I really do review them.
30:04To make sure that...
30:05Because of my stroke, too, I tend to say different words.
30:09What was something that I said?
30:13I say the wrong words sometimes.
30:15And sometimes it really messes up the sentence.
30:18And also with the possession.
30:20I need to make sure that you know what I'm saying.
30:24So, I'm going to make a longer video tomorrow.
30:27And just rest today, Shia.
30:29I love you, Shia.
30:30Thank you everybody for watching.
30:31Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
