General Hospital 7-26-24

  • last month
00:00Your lunch plans have been confirmed. There's a copy of the latest ad sales on your desk, and I just canceled your 9 a.m.
00:07With enchantment wait what?
00:09Why I mean you you don't just cancel a meeting with Erica can't I mean that woman is adorably difficult Erica made her last
00:18assistant wear burlap for an entire year just because she
00:22Booked her a layover on her flight to Beirut
00:26I didn't know you could fly direct to Beirut
00:28Madison you can't that's the point you put me in a very very difficult position
00:32Now why would you cancel a meeting with Erica Kane and risk her wrath?
00:55Hey, oh wait did we have plans this morning, and I just forgot no I just wanted to stop by oh
01:02Okay, well
01:04Perfect timing because I have been dying to talk to you about the press Hilton interview
01:08It's been so great to see how everybody's been responding with such support. There's this
01:15lesbian influencer she's
01:17Super powerful on Instagram, and she said this listen
01:21Christina and blaze clearly love and support each other and are a great example
01:25How to remain true to yourself while negotiating a difficult family situation
01:30Isn't that so empowering?
01:35Okay, so you saw the interview obviously wasn't it great
01:54Yeah that time no, it's fine, what's up
01:59Sonny's downstairs you want him to see him
02:02Don't have anything to charge it with so no
02:07All right fair enough hey detective
02:13Come on shut the door
02:19Have an update on Jack Brennan
02:25Brennan the guy the guy we arrested at Bobby's last year. Oh good, so I wasn't imagining him then
02:32What's that supposed to mean?
02:34He's disappeared from Pennville. This is if he was never there
02:41Thanks for coming Diane of course assuming this is about the Carly
02:46She's doing as well as can be expected. I know her arraignment is in a few hours
02:52She's pleading not guilty right she is
02:56Okay, I can help with her defense
03:00Fantastic how do I exonerate Carly by giving me up in her place?
03:45Cuffs off works, they're not violent. She's not going anywhere
03:54Cluster FBI's orders
03:57Prisoners only in PCPD's custody until she's transferred to federal holdings, so I'll still go back on as soon as you two are done talking
04:09The Jagger has gone too far. I'm gonna do everything I can to get you know don't do anything, but Diane handle it, please
04:22Donna she doesn't know anything and and to Laura's is right there to make sure she doesn't get upset
04:29Okay, okay
04:33What's going on Carly I
04:36Saw you get arrested
04:38By Jagger I wanted to jump in Diane said don't even think about it
04:46What's going on you died, and I took your place
04:53I'll take full responsibility for everything that happened at that meeting
04:57I'll say that I fed Carly every word that she was just a figurehead, and I was the one making all the decisions
05:03What it's a novel idea and a complete waste of time
05:11Charge spring this meeting on you so last-minute. No, it's fine
05:15You don't need to apologize as you clearly stated you are my boss, and I'm at your disposal
05:21Appreciate you being so understanding yes, but you did put me in in a bit of a bind Michael when the subject of this sudden
05:28Cancellation comes up and no doubt it will I am going to forward Erica Cain's calls to you. That's fair
05:35I'm happy to handle it
05:37Thank you very much medicine. Please hold all my calls and don't go far. I may need a witness
05:43I'll be right outside miss Rafe's
05:45Mr.. Griffiths
05:49It's a interesting warning your assistant thought you and I struck a truce
05:54Oh, we did, but if I've learned anything. I know that when we have a meeting together things could go sideways
06:00Very quickly can't disagree
06:04So I'll get straight to the point
06:08I need your help
06:12You're not saying anything does that mean you disagree you don't think it went well
06:17No from what I've heard the response has been really good
06:21I'm sure a lot of people found you to be very sympathetic
06:28Interesting choice of words a lot of people, but not you
06:33TJ has some thoughts about the interview
06:36About which part and why isn't he the one you're talking to me about this then what is TJ's problem now?
06:42I'm not gonna speak for TJ, but we talked about it last night and in order to settle his concerns
06:48I agreed to bring by these papers for you to sign whoa whoa what papers Molly? What is this about?
06:56You giving up your parental rights?
07:04You're functioning as the surrogate for TJ and me
07:07But you're also the egg donor and as our mother so adequately pointed out according to the laws of the state of New York
07:14You are legally the baby's mother until you relinquish your parental rights
07:20Not relinquish
07:25That's what these papers say over and over and over again
07:29Terminate you want me to terminate my parental rights?
07:33Something relinquished can be taken back something terminated can't it's a pretty big difference. Don't you think?
07:40In order for me to legally be the baby's mother you have to terminate your rights. This is what we agreed to in the beginning
07:48Let me just
07:49Let me get this straight
07:51So you and TJ saw the interview I did where I poured my heart out to the entire world and this is your response
08:00Okay, I don't understand what the issue is here. You're about to give birth
08:03You were going to have to sign these papers at that time to give TJ and me the baby
08:07Why not just sign them now when things are calm and there's time
08:12But possible reason could you have not to?
08:17Say Brennan's disappeared you mean he escaped Penville
08:22No, it's a good question
08:24How do you escape from somewhere when you weren't there to begin with?
08:28Now we talking about we arrested this guy you and me we put him in a car
08:32We watched him get taken to and I visited him there more than once
08:37According to Penville's records Brennan was never in their custody
08:41There's no digital record of him no paper trail no video surveillance
08:46He was never an intake and he was never assigned to sell
08:50it's like
08:52Brennan's association with Pentonville has completely vanished
08:57Okay. Well, there has to be witnesses that were there right that saw him that spoke to him. No, yeah, you'd think
09:03Maybe I can rustle up a CEO or two
09:06An inmate maybe that can place him there, but at the end of the day, it's not proof. It's just hearsay
09:15I'm showing you the best part
09:18PCPD's records have been purged also both physically and digitally
09:25My this is crazy
09:30Who has the power
09:32To erase the records of an inmates entire existence and by the silence of that many people
09:42So I understand that you have a
09:45long-standing connection to Congressman McConkie
09:48He went to Princeton with my father. I've known him my whole life, but your family also goes way back with him
09:53Well Tracy and my grandmother do yes
09:56But I'd rather not get Tracy involved in this because she has a tendency to stick her nose and things that are
10:00None of her business and my grandmother she is not doing well, so I'd rather not ask her
10:06but from how it sounds
10:08your connection to McConkie is
10:10Closer, that's probably true, but you still haven't told me what you want
10:16An introduction didn't you meet him at the 4th of July party?
10:20He was very brief all he really did was exchange small talk or what I need is some face time and why is that Michael?
10:28I'd rather not say
10:32You're asking me to exploit a decades-long family friendship with the congressman for your mysterious
10:39Purposes, I am sorry Michael, but I am going to need a lot more
10:43Information before I put McConkie on the spot. I need to ask him for a favor favor. Yes is this
10:51For ELQ is ELQ in trouble is it a war should I be worried about crimson? No, no, they're both fine
10:59Then if it's not a business matter
11:03Then it's personal
11:07I need McConkie to help my mother
11:13While Nina was keeping you honor herself and Nixon boss the rest of us thought you were dead and
11:19The five families were circling ready to take over your territory with you gone they were all racing for the opportunity Sonny
11:29Anyone who might stick a claim my business would be a target that's right
11:33So Jason and I had to make a show of strength to prove to them that the territory was in safe hands
11:39But Jason was hurt and he couldn't make it to the meeting with the five families, so I was the only option
11:44I already know all that what I want to know is how the FBI charged you with Rico violations
11:51Someone in the meeting was wearing a wire
11:58The FBI
12:01Has a recording of me
12:03Announcing that I was taking over control of your entire organization
12:08That was a long time ago. Why are they digging in now?
12:15Because they had another use for the recording
12:20They used it as leverage over Jason
12:25The FBI played the recording for Jason and told him that they would charge me with everything they could unless he worked for them
12:35That's what Jason's been doing
12:39Keeping me out of jail while working undercover for John Cain's
12:45I was hoping you were going to give me documents or witnesses or best-case scenario
12:52proof that the FBI's recording had been
12:55Improperly procured something I could actually use just just use me. No, that's a non-starter Jason
13:02The FBI's evidence against Carly is hard. It's
13:08Damning that recording
13:10Yeah, not if I say a coaster
13:14Only going to tack on another conspiracy charge. Look it's Carly's voice on that tape. Carly was at the meeting
13:21There's no getting around that you now assuming responsibility is only going to implicate you right alongside her
13:26Who's gonna who's that gonna benefit?
13:28All I gotta do is convince one juror that there's reasonable doubt then the whole thing's worth it and promise you that's not how this
13:35Is going to work out
13:37You won't save Carly you will condemn yourself
13:39Strengthen the prosecution's case against her
13:44My friend I know you have the noblest of intentions
13:49Actually, I could use your assistance with another aspect of this case
13:58My defense strategy
14:00Will be to spin the story. I'm gonna present Carly as a sympathetic defendant
14:06Convince a jury that she lied in that meeting to save herself and her children from a group of vicious
14:13Mob bosses suspected in a wide range of crimes including several brutal murders that she feared
14:22for the lives of her
14:25Children and herself and that she literally bluffed to save her life
14:31Lying to these people to push them away
14:37Jurors love stories
14:42Carly said did you think her chance of acquittal is what 30%?
14:48We can do better than that
14:51Not much better
14:55Are you ready?
14:57Carly was arrested
15:00My mom was very publicly handcuffed down in the lobby. I thought news would be all over the building by now
15:05Well, my former Metro court employees really don't have a reason to gossip with me anymore. What was Carly arrested for the charges?
15:13Don't matter
15:14This whole thing is the work of this this this
15:17It's a rogue FBI agent who has a vendetta against Jason and my mother and probably Sonny, too
15:23This this agent needs to know that he is not above the law himself
15:27Which McConkie can give him through Congress? Yes, exactly
15:31McConkie is on the House Election Committee on intelligence. And yes, I could buy influence on his committee
15:36But I feel like a personal touch from you would be much more
15:40Subtle it's safer. No money trail
15:45This is all very
15:47Watergate sounding Michael and we know how that turned out. Well, yeah
15:52According to law it's only illegal if money actually changes hands and we both know that you will do anything to save Carly
15:58You would hand over that money in a heartbeat
16:01So you're asking me to potentially commit a crime to cover up Carly's crime
16:07Now, are you ready?
16:09To be labeled as co-conspirator
16:13With me
16:16So you were arrested things must have broken down between Jagger and Jason
16:23Jason was supposed to do one more specific job for Kate's and then Kate's was gonna cut him loose
16:29Well, Jason kept up his end of the bargain and Kate's double-crossed Jason said he was gonna send him on another job to some prison
16:37Somewhere to go undercover lying bastard. Yes, so Jason and I got in a big fight
16:40He said that he would rather keep working for Kate's and to see me tried and charged
16:45Let me guess Jason won
16:47He made me promise not to turn myself in so I agreed
16:52So you lied to I didn't lie to him. I didn't lie to him. I didn't I
16:58Didn't want to
17:00Turn myself in but when I saw Kate's there in the Metro court, and he made a jab about Jason. I lost it, sonny
17:06I couldn't help it. I was there. I saw okay, you know, you basically dared him to arrest, right?
17:12So here we are
17:18So, how did you find out about this I found out about a month ago about the recording
17:28Diane no, but she has to know cuz we're trying to work on a defense for me. What does she say your chances are?
17:37The odds are not in my favor
17:44Know you'll do your best Diane and your best is better than anybody else's. I just don't see how Carly is gonna beat this
17:50I'm sorry, Jason, but short of getting that FBI recording
17:55Destroyed or having it deemed inadmissible as evidence Carly will be arraigned and charged this afternoon and with any luck
18:04She'll be granted bail and then a trial date will be set then we prepare to go to war
18:09Okay, what do you want me to do I
18:13Want you
18:14to slap on a suit and tie and show up every day to that courtroom you let Carly see you in
18:22Her corner you are calm and you are steady
18:26Because the prosecution could clinch its case against her by
18:31Provoking a courtroom meltdown out of her. We don't want that
18:39We are excellent, I'm gonna excuse me. I need to go over my nose. Okay. Wait, hold on one more thing
18:48Can we undercut Carly's case
18:53By tarnishing Kate's
19:00It could work yes, it's worked before
19:06Kate's testimony is going to carry a tremendous amount of weight simply because he's FBI. There's a presumption of authority and
19:14Integrity we'd have to come up with something substantial in order to make a jury doubt Kate's
19:21It may be possible
19:24I know someone who can get us information on Kate's
19:29And she owes me
19:36Brennan's disappearance has the WSB written all over it, right? I can see that but to what end
19:42This guy out of a prison cell doesn't open up a whole can of worms for the WSB. Yeah, I thought that too
19:47But then I'm wondering if freeing him
19:50solves more problems than it creates I
19:54Guess so, but you know, they want to shut him up. He knows something
19:57They don't want him to they just put him in a hole and Steinmeier and throw away the hole
20:01Yeah, I mean it's possible
20:04The only way of figuring this out is
20:07Cornering the WSB with proof of their involvement
20:11It wasn't when he was he was admitted to GH for a stabbing that happened at Pennville, right? Yeah
20:17Hospitals gotta have records of him being there unless WSB wiped those two great. Can you check on that? That'd be awesome. Thank you
20:24Yeah, yeah, I'll go take care of that right now. Thank you. Thank you
20:31Thing is, you know, I just this guy he's the WSB's problem, isn't he?
20:38Why does the PCPD care what happens to Brennan
20:43Okay, I'm kind of flying blind here so can you just tell me what it is
20:48I said that upset you and TJ so much and made you guys worry
20:53Wait was this wasn't because Perez asked me about the baby and I said it was private was it
21:01It's just common sense Christina
21:03You cannot sit down for an interview with Perez Hilton be visibly pregnant and when he asks about it say sorry
21:10That's private the interview wasn't about the baby. It was about Ali and me and Ali's mother
21:16It wasn't about the baby at all. Don't act like you didn't see those questions coming. You cannot be that naive
21:21I'm not naive. I was trying to protect you and TJ
21:25I didn't want to drag you guys or this baby into a mess. That was really about Ali and her personal
21:32Private life and it's now all over the news. You made it seem like this baby is yours and Ali's
21:38No, I didn't there was a simple explanation that would have avoided all confusion
21:42You only had to say that you are acting as the surrogate for your sister and left it at that
21:48Instead every lesbian on the internet is so excited about you and blaze becoming parents and they're all
21:54Posting about which onesie they should buy you. Okay, that's
21:57Insane, that is not what's happening. I really I am shocked Molly
22:02I can't believe that you would misinterpret something. I said this badly. What am I misinterpreting? It's what we all heard
22:12What I call Kelly Ripa and and and tell her that I have an exclusive
22:17Molly my sister has endometriosis and she was devastated to find out that she can't bear children
22:23So I am helping her and her partner by helping them become parents. Is that what you want?
22:29Would you have preferred that would that make you happy because actually I was just trying to take the attention off of you
22:35But hey
22:35If you if you really want to become the the public face of endometriosis and have that you're being ridiculous
22:42Am I all TJ and I wanted was for you to be clear about whose baby you're carrying
22:46That's what you should have told me before. I did
22:50Look, okay
22:52I am
22:54Sorry, if anything I said was taken the wrong way. Okay, I am
23:00This wasn't my intention
23:03Of course not nothing ever is you didn't even tell me you were doing this interview, but
23:10We are talking in circles and I need to get to the office. So can you just sign these papers so that I can go?
23:19Sign the damn papers
23:29We have an agreement Christina you have to sign these papers
23:36Okay, can we just
23:38Can we just let's just talk about this for a minute
23:42okay, I
23:44Just I don't think it's a good idea Molly for me to sign the papers right now
23:51Yes, it is
23:53You are about to give birth and I cannot legally adopt my baby until you terminate your rights
23:58Okay, but there's there's issues at play right now that that weren't happening when we originally agreed to this what?
24:07You and TJ what about us?
24:13What if you break up
24:16TJ and I are not breaking up. That's not even a question. Okay, maybe you are too close to it and you don't want to
24:23See it Molly, but I mean things have been really rocky lately
24:29It's so
24:31Condescending of you to think that you can tell me about my own relationship. Okay, maybe you don't want to see it
24:36And I'm sorry to say this but it's true. I mean you can't deny it
24:40There has been so much tension between you guys lately. I mean you cannot stop fighting
24:46All we fight about is you
24:49So so so what according to you now TJ and I are going to break up because we fight
24:54That's what couples do they fight and they make up and they wind up stronger for it
24:59But but you wouldn't know anything about that
25:01Because you have never not one single time been able to keep anybody around long enough to form a real relationship
25:08All you have is a string of embarrassingly
25:12Misguided attempts with men a crush that drove your teacher out of town and a messed up
25:17Infatuation with a woman who was so ashamed of being gay that she was still in the closet until her mother
25:23Caused a national uproar by publicly outing her look in the mirror Christina. You are not equipped to be a mother
25:30You can barely take care of yourself
25:36If this is found out, how do I know that you're not going to shift the blame solely on me
25:42No one's gonna believe that you care enough about my mother to do something illegal to help her. I can't argue with you there
25:50Look, my mom's facing RICO charges because the action she took to protect her family when my father
25:55Wasn't Nixon Falls and that only happened because of you
25:58My mother wouldn't even be in this position if Sonny had been in Port Charles conducting business as usual
26:04So I owe you one not only me you owe my family
26:08Look, you can make this right with just one phone call
26:10All you have to do is get me a meeting with McConkie and then I will persuade him into opening up an official inquiry
26:15and it is this this
26:17FBI agents twisted vendetta against my family
26:23If I agree to this
26:26Are you and I finally square
26:31Tell you what, I'll give you something that's even more important to you when my mom goes free
26:38I will make sure that willow knows that all the credit goes to you
26:45So Brennan is also connected to this other case that's unfolding right now, which is Carly's
26:50Agent Kate's he used evidence of Carly's involvement in Sonny's business to force Jason to work for the FBI
26:59Okay, I
27:01Knew Jason wasn't informant. I knew he was working for the FBI and they got him to flip. I did not know how
27:07Surprised me. Yeah Carly
27:10explains it
27:12Agent Kate's, you know, he also
27:15He's kind of showed interest in Brennan and he implied at one point that
27:21Brennan might have leverage over him
27:24And you want to figure out what that leverage is?
27:27Yeah, I mean either Brennan has committed such terrible crimes that the WSB
27:33just doesn't want him ever to see daylight again, or
27:37He means something else to the bureau entirely
27:41And I want to know which it is
27:48Jagger's always had a chip on his shoulder because I took care of his brother stone
27:53When he was dying of AIDS and he could not show up
27:57He's been trying to take me down for 30 years Carly and you know why he can't
28:03Because he doesn't know how
28:05Now he thinks he's gonna come at me through you and Jason
28:11You're right he's after you
28:14But you're not the only reason he's here
28:16I mean he came to Port Charles for another job something to do with Pikeman
28:19Well, that was his official reason, but he'll never pass up a chance to take me down. You know all the way he does it
28:28He builds himself up by tearing me down
28:32He started with nothing he has nothing and he's gonna die with nothing
28:47No way in hell is he sending my little girl's mother to prison
29:01Now you really think of me I
29:05Will think infinitely better of you when you sign the papers
29:12Molly I cannot sign those papers right now. There's too much uncertainty
29:17If you and TJ break up then then he and I are the only ones with the legal claim to this child
29:22and I have to make sure that you guys are
29:25Gonna make it before I sign those and what is that gonna be?
29:29What's the test what criteria of commitment to TJ and I need to meet for you?
29:34I don't know what we do. You're just gonna come up with another reason not to sign the papers
29:41Christina this is not about me and TJ. This is about you
29:45You've been lying to us this entire time and the truth is finally coming out just admit it
29:50You want to keep this baby, don't you?
29:55I do wonder sometimes if maybe
29:58Allie and I would make better parents for this baby right now
30:01Maybe we would be able to provide a more stable home than you and TJ. That's all
30:07Wait, hold on. Let me get rid of this. No, don't go. This is going no way. I need to get to work
30:14Hi, Christina. There's Halia
30:18I'm sorry. Is this bad time? I should have called first. No, don't worry. I was just leaving wait. I think you forgot something
30:37You sure know how to sweeten a deal so is that a yes
30:45You know, everyone knows that I will do anything just about anything to make sure that my relationship with Willow is on track for
30:52Good, but if I agree to do this, it has to include peace with you as well
30:57I am sick of the ugliness between us. We have to put it behind us in the past
31:03No, you getting me a meeting is but cocky
31:06Be good start
31:09And if this is found out it may or may not be bad for us
31:14I don't know, but you know who's gonna be bad for Drew
31:17Can you imagine the uproar if the media finds out that the nephew of McConkey's hand-picked?
31:24Successor leaned on him to tip the scales in your mother's favor
31:29It would be the end of McConkey's legacy and the end of Drew's campaign
31:34All I'm doing is bringing the actions of a rogue agent to McConkey's attention
31:37I'm sure I'll be able to avoid even the slightest hint of impropriety. Okay, Drew will be fine. Well, you sound confident about that
31:45It's just a conversation one with a work to all of our benefit
31:52So, what do you say we have a deal
32:01Can I do for you Natalia is Allison here no, she is she's out with Brooklyn
32:10Well, it's unfortunate
32:11I was hoping to talk to the both of you together, but I can I can also just come back and no time
32:16Don't you're already here. I'd rather us just have it out. What's Isabel?
32:22Well, I I came by
32:26Because I I wanted to
32:30Look I
32:32Saying thank you
32:34Falls very short
32:40Know you're angry, but you can't get arrested too. What's going on here? Jagger's gonna regret ever messing
32:48You're not going anywhere I'm gonna get you back to your son not yet
32:51You've got to call Dante Falcone area and have him come down here. I need to talk to him
32:59You made a big mistake coming here
33:02What are you gonna do beat me up?
33:04I was thinking more along the lines of reporting you for witness tampering
33:11You still don't get it
33:14You're my witness
33:16and when Carly's trial starts the US attorney is gonna put you on the stand and
33:21They'll produce a piece of paper with your signature on it showing that we made a deal
33:25And then the attorney will ask you why you agreed to work with the FBI
33:31And you can stonewall all you want, but eventually they're gonna get you to admit the truth
33:37That you did it for Carly because you know, she's guilty
33:42Carly dug her own grave Jason, but you're gonna be the one who buries her in it
33:51But there is still one way you can stop that from happening
34:00Interview that you and Allison did with Perez Hilton and I
34:05You were both very very generous towards me much more generous than I deserved
34:13Well, I really don't believe it's right to police people's speech or their perspectives
34:23That's that's very big of you
34:26Look don't get me wrong if someone refused to hire me or to rent me an apartment just because I'm gay
34:33I would be livid and I
34:36honestly probably consider suing because that's discrimination and that's not okay, but
34:43Someone just not approving of me or not agreeing with my lifestyle I
34:51I just don't let it affect me because everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I
34:59Don't know honestly what I believe anymore from one hour to the next and it's
35:06It's pretty disconcerting
35:08But I have to say your your live and let live attitude is it is a value that I hold dear
35:15I just need to be better at living it and
35:22I'm just glad that we we could talk and that we could be honest with each other
35:29Okay, yeah
35:32Just to be clear Natalia, I believe you're entitled to your own thoughts and opinions
35:39But I don't have to like them
35:42And I don't fair
35:45And to be clear on my end
35:50I admire your principles
35:52And I respect what you said
35:58I have my Conkey's office number pulled up. Do we have a deal?
36:05You're going about this the wrong way are you turning me down did I say that
36:10If you call his office, you're gonna have to get through his bulldog of an assistant
36:16You should call him on his cell
36:19Deal with him personally
36:31Congressman it's Nina
36:34Hi, um, listen really quick
36:37I am calling you because I'm gonna be in DC next week and I thought maybe we could go to that Italian place
36:42We both love
36:45No, I insist this time I am paying no, no
36:49Okay, great. Great. Oh and I'm gonna bring a friend
36:55He's a great guy. Very
36:59very influential
37:04You're gonna love it
37:08Hey, you wanna see me? Dante, Sonny's lost it. He's out of control. What are you talking about? What happened?
37:14There isn't time. You've got to find Sonny. Where did he go? I don't know. But if you find John Cates, you're gonna find Sonny
37:21Sonny went after Cates and God knows what'll happen if Sonny finds him
37:27Brick get me a location on Jagger Cates now
37:37No, he's not at the Metro Court anymore
37:41Carly kicked him out
37:45Yeah, I'm sure
37:50Do whatever you have to do
37:54Just find Cates for me
37:58I have a proposition for you. No
38:02You fail to honor our deal, I'm not taking any new assignment from you. You don't have to go undercover
38:08You don't even have to leave Port Charles
38:10And in the end you can run back to your beloved Carly who will be out from under the threat of prosecution
38:17for good
38:19All you got to do
38:21Is deliver Sonny to me
38:27I'm an ex-general hospital. I'm going to make a move. It has to be now
38:31Are we gonna end up settling this with lawyers? I need to know that I can trust you. There's something really important
38:36Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you if you really want to save her you're gonna have to give