• last year
This is a modified and built-complete AMT 22" USS ENTERPRISE model kit (Stock No. 8790) with lights and sound. I used the DLM light kit, ParaGrafix photoetched accurizing parts as well as resin accurizing parts from DLM. These parts allowed for building a compete ship from the cut-away 22" kit that was intended to show all the interior decks of the ship. I also added a recordable sound module that allowed music, sound effects, and dialog clips from the 1960s original Star Trek TV series. I also used the weapons toggle switch and sounds from the lights and sound version of the AMT feature film USS Enterprise refit model kit which provides phaser and photon torpedo sounds.

The base is a custom base made from a plastic junction box and the Starfleet delta was originally part of the cutaway Enterprise model kit base -- slightly modified.

#AMTModels, #Spaceships, #StarTrek, #ModelKits, #Starships, #Hobbies, #TV, #Television, #GeneRoddenberry, #USSEnterprise, #SciFi, #ScienceFiction, #William Shatner
