• 2 months ago
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00:00Now, today's main event.
00:04Darby Yo, Asia Pacific, Lightweight title match.
00:07This is the 12th match.
00:08Japan's Yasuda, his third defense match.
00:14He won the title about a year ago.
00:16He's also ranked 9th in the world.
00:20Now, the first round has begun.
00:22The champion of the red corner, Southpaw Style, is Yasuda Katsuya.
00:25He won the title a year ago in June.
00:27Today is his third defense match.
00:30Now, Mr. Kawashima.
00:31What will be the starting point for today's champion, Yasuda?
00:35That's right.
00:35This Lightweight division has a high level in Japan.
00:40The wall is thick.
00:42I think the most important thing is to aim for the top there.
00:45I want to defend well here and aim for the top.
00:49He says that stacking up the wins one by one will shorten the distance to the world.
00:58Now, the match has begun.
01:00The opponent is Fresco Calicosia from the Philippines.
01:02He fought against Mori Musashi from Japan two years ago.
01:05He's an Otaku MMA fighter.
01:06At that time, he was defeated in three rounds.
01:10But since then, he's raised his level.
01:13Today's challenge is Calicosia.
01:1628-year-old Calicosia and 32-year-old Yasuda Katsuya.
01:21Now, in the beginning, it's a quiet start.
01:27Yasuda, the champion, went to the right.
01:32Yasuda is aiming for strength.
01:34First of all, he wants to be aware of how to apply pressure to reduce the opponent's stamina.
01:41To reduce and exhaust the opponent's stamina.
01:43To make the opponent say, I lost.
01:46That's the formula for K.O.
01:47That's what he said.
01:48Now, Yasuda has gained some distance.
01:53Calicosia of Orthodox.
01:57Mr. Kawashima, in the beginning, it was a battle of distance.
02:02That's right.
02:02There's a difference between the left and the right.
02:05It's about distance, right?
02:08So, it's about who's going to control the distance.
02:11I think that's what's going to be decided in the end.
02:15Challenger Calicosia was defeated in the Mori vs. Musashi match two years ago.
02:20That was in the 8th round.
02:23On the other hand, Yasuda...
02:26If Mori is in the 8th round, he's faster.
02:30Today is the 12th round, but he wants to finish within 5 rounds.
02:33That's what he's saying.
02:35Today, he wants to show what he's made of as a champion.
02:41Now, he's scrambling.
02:44In January of this year, he won the 9th round technical knockout in the second defense match.
02:50However, the title match and the first defense match were both judged.
02:54In order to appeal to the world, Mr. Kawashima...
02:57He wants to finish in the early stages.
03:02That's what he's thinking.
03:07Yasuda is a very cautious fighter.
03:09He's the type of fighter who's very cautious in his fights.
03:14He's also a fighter who hits hard punches.
03:20In the first half, Yasuda Katsuya was the champion.
03:28Now, let's look at both fighters' results.
03:30Yasuda Katsuya is the champion.
03:32He won 13 out of 14 fights in the Ohashi Boxing Gym.
03:36He has 8 KO victories.
03:38He's currently ranked 9th in the world for WBO.
03:42Today is his 3rd defense match.
03:47On the other hand, the challenger, Presko Karkosyan from the Philippines.
03:50He also has a high KO score.
03:52Out of 16 fights, he has 12 wins, 3 losses and 1 loss.
03:55He has 9 KO victories.
03:57He's currently the Philippine Super Featherweight Champion.
04:03Today is his 2nd bout in Japan.
04:08He's currently ranked 3rd in the WBO Asia Pacific Lightweight division.
04:14In Japan, Katsuya's title match is a big opportunity.
04:20The 2nd round has begun.
04:23Katsuya-san, there was a moment where you tried to close the distance.
04:27Yes, I tried to put pressure on him.
04:31Katsuya has a very soft upper body.
04:36He can't read the trajectory of his punches.
04:39However, his lower body and footwork are weak points.
04:43He wants to attack from the bottom, from his body.
04:46That's how the champion's camp plans the match.
04:50Tabu-san, this is Yasuda-san from the champion's camp.
04:53In the first round, you tried to close the distance.
04:56You tried to put pressure on him.
04:58You tried to block his left hook.
05:02Yes, I tried to block his right hook.
05:07Kawashima-san, Yasuda-san said that he wants to use a lot of throw punches.
05:14Yes, he wants to use his front hand.
05:16He wants to use his front hand to throw strong punches.
05:19Right now, he's only throwing strong jabs.
05:21I want him to throw weaker jabs.
05:24What about his body?
05:28He can throw his body with his front hand.
05:31He can throw it up and down.
05:33He can also throw it straight to the left.
05:36He said that he wants to avoid getting hit.
05:45No motion.
05:47However, his left hook has been thrown.
05:52Kawashima-san, how do you feel about the challenger, Carl Kosher?
05:57I don't have a bad impression of him.
06:05I don't have a bad impression of him.
06:07He's shaking his body.
06:09Carl Kosher is trying to keep his guard up.
06:11There are a lot of people who are not good at Southpaw.
06:15He hasn't shown that much so far.
06:17He hasn't shown that much so far.
06:21Yasuda is throwing his front hand.
06:24Carl Kosher is in the ring.
06:26However, Yasuda is dodging.
06:31It's going to be his third defense in a row.
06:35He wants to pursue his dream of the world championship.
06:38Carl Kosher is on the left!
06:40Yasuda's leg is holding on to the left!
06:44Yasuda's leg is holding on to the left!
06:46This is the challenger, Carl Kosher's left!
06:52This is the challenger, Carl Kosher's left!
06:55He's taking a break from his 12-win streak.
06:58He's got a hard puncher.
07:02Yasuda says he wants to focus on the win and the content of the match.
07:07But when he comes in, he's countered by Calicosia.
07:11He's pretty good at Southpaw, isn't he?
07:13Is that so?
07:17Yasuda is trying to keep his distance.
07:20The challenger is making a showdown in the second round.
07:25The challenger is making a showdown in the second round.
07:31Yasuda's left hook in no motion.
07:34This is the second round.
07:37Calicosia, who was looking at the situation,
07:40is using his left hook.
07:45How is Yasuda's damage?
07:47I don't think it's that bad.
07:50It would be bad if he wasn't able to attack.
07:58Yasuda's impression of Calicosia is that he's tougher than he is tough.
08:01He's the kind of guy who'll go for a Philippine-style punch.
08:05He says he wants to be careful about the trajectory of his punches.
08:12The second round.
08:13He wasn't able to take a down.
08:16Yasuda has taken a down.
08:21This is the 12th round of the title match.
08:23He's now in the third round.
08:28Yasuda has taken the challenger's left hook.
08:38He was trying to reduce his opponent's stamina by putting pressure on him.
08:44Has Yasuda's pressure on his opponent been effective so far?
08:49I think he's under a bit of pressure right now.
08:52He's under pressure.
08:54He had a good punch earlier.
09:00Of course, he's wary of his opponent's left hook.
09:05Yasuda is looking at the situation from a distance.
09:09It's a strike.
09:11It's a strike.
09:13He's aiming for that hook.
09:16Calicosia, right?
09:19What would be the best way to deal with that hook?
09:26He wants to put pressure on his opponent.
09:28So that he won't be able to hit.
09:30He's going for a feint.
09:35He's going for the left hook.
09:37Calicosia, the challenger.
09:38He's aiming for that hook.
09:41Calicosia was originally an outboxer.
09:44He was the type to aim for the point guard.
09:46But he became a professional and polished his punch.
09:48And he put pressure on himself.
09:52But he was able to do that because he had a lot of stamina.
09:56Yasuda, the champion, is ready to fight in the 12th round.
10:02But is he being pushed by the challenger?
10:07It's the third defense.
10:09He's going for the body.
10:12He's going for the body.
10:14He's aiming for the hook.
10:18Yasuda has won 3 fights.
10:22He's been fighting for a long time.
10:24He wants to show off his attack today.
10:30Calicosia, the challenger.
10:36He's going for the body.
10:38He's going for the body.
10:44Yasuda's body was the theme of today's match.
10:49But he may not be able to change his strategy.
10:57He's in.
10:59Kawashima-san, what do you think of Yasuda's takers?
11:02His takers are decreasing.
11:05He's holding back.
11:08Yasuda, the champion, is in his left hook in the second round.
11:13He's holding back.
11:17But the challenger is in the lead.
11:20WBO Asia Pacific Lightweight title match.
11:23The third round is over.
11:25Thank you very much.
11:33In the second round, the challenger was in his left hook.
11:38Yasuda, the champion, was about to break his knee.
11:41In the third round...
11:44It's a little hard to get out if you're put together like this.
11:49There's only fear left for Yasuda.
11:52You should put more pressure on him.
11:55You should put more pressure on him.
11:58You should use your legs and body.
12:01You should make him fight.
12:03You should make him fight.
12:06You should make him fight.
12:11He's determined to win.
12:14He's determined to win.
12:16It's his goal to win in 5 rounds.
12:19He's got a lot of experience, but he's had a lot of trouble with the hard puncher, Karkosyan, so far in the fourth round.
12:33First, he extended his right jab. He's a champion.
12:42It's been a year since he won the belt and the title.
12:49He's currently in 9th place in the WBO world rankings.
12:53Of course, he's dreaming of the world title.
12:59He's going to make some distance after the punch.
13:01Mr. Tabichi, you're a champion, but you seemed to want to be more aggressive.
13:06You said that you wanted to attack the body and that you wanted to take care of the counterattacks.
13:12That's right.
13:14The concept of today's fight is to attack the body.
13:18But he's a champion, so he can't do that.
13:22He's a champion, so he can't do that.
13:24That's right. He's a champion, so he can't do that.
13:25He's a champion, so he can't do that.
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24:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
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27:27no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
27:35At the end of that round, Yasuda might have pushed his left stance forward.
27:41You push your left stance forward and then push your left foot forward, right?
27:47So that way you won't miss a kick.
27:48Is that right?
27:50And then if you return your right hook.
27:59He says that if he loses, he won't be forgiven.
28:02This is his third defense.
28:13There was an announcement that the challenger cut his nose.
28:16This is a valid move by Yasuda.
28:20Now, it's the end of the 8th round.
28:28Yasuda wants to make the champion's round.
28:37First, he wants to hold the initiative.
28:43He closes the distance with Jibari.
28:50The challenger, Calicosia, fought Morinusa two years ago in Japan.
28:55At that time, he lost in the 8th round.
28:58The contract weight was a super featherweight, so he lifted it.
29:02It's a title match again today.
29:08Yasuda is a challenger who is proud of his high defense.
29:13He says he wants to cut his nose today.
29:19This is a very close fight.
29:24He's returning the body.
29:30How about the left?
29:35Yasuda, the champion, stepped in dynamically.
29:42He's cornered.
29:44Now, the left body.
29:47The champion is stepping forward.
29:50Yes, he's tired.
29:54He wants to make a move.
29:56He's the champion.
30:01Jibari, Jibari, and the left.
30:03It worked.
30:07A left straight no motion.
30:11The count is increasing.
30:16He can't get up.
30:19He's knocked out.
30:23It was a moment.
30:25Yasuda's left.
30:30This is his third defense.
30:33He fought hard, but he's knocked out.
30:39He won.
30:42Yasuda is the champion.
30:44His third defense was a success.
30:52It's a no motion.
30:54He changed his timing.
30:56He couldn't see the punch.
31:02It was a very difficult match.
31:07It's only the 8th round.
31:11It's a great finish.
31:15He's heading to his dream world title.
31:19It's his third defense.
31:22He's the champion.
31:24Yasuda Katsuya.
31:26It's a great win.
31:36He's knocked out.
31:39It was a great finish.
31:43It was a very difficult match.
31:46It's only the 8th round.
31:50He's the champion.
31:52He's the champion.
31:54He was the champion.
31:58It's a difficult match.
32:01He's got a lot of experience.
