Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep22 - Baybars meets with member of family of Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Abbas

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Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep22 - Baybars meets with member of family of Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Abbas


00:00Leave the intention you have taken, it will be better for you.
00:04I want you not to come in the circle of punishment.
00:07Do not waste my time by talking nonsense.
00:09I will not let the blood of an innocent person be wasted.
00:11I have come in the path of truth and justice.
00:13Come on, Nuruddin, hurry up, it is getting late.
00:16He spoke with a stammer and started pulling Nuruddin's arm.
00:19Nuruddin already had some doubt about the intention of Qunaikhan
00:23that he is trying to use him to find his own purpose.
00:26Now he met Sareera Sheikh Najdi and he felt God's help.
00:31I think I should not go with you right now.
00:34For now, I am going back home with them.
00:36I will think about it and then decide what step I should take.
00:41You cannot do this to me.
00:43Qunaikhan screamed angrily.
00:44I have ruined my peace and quiet for you day and night.
00:47And now when I am about to reach my destination,
00:50you are avoiding me.
00:52What destination?
00:53Nuruddin was shocked by his words and said,
00:55My destination is the peace and quiet of my conscience.
00:58My destination is to get rid of my regrets and regrets.
01:01Qunaikhan was immediately calm
01:03otherwise he had said something wrong.
01:05How did he regret?
01:06Sheikh Najdi started smiling.
01:08He was left with a smile on his face.
01:11If there was another chance, he would have used his sword immediately.
01:15Now, since he had convinced Nuruddin that the real reason for his help
01:20was that he wanted to repent of his past sins,
01:23he did not want to spoil his game so soon.
01:28Nuruddin, let's go to your home.
01:30I am very tired and hungry.
01:33Sheikh Najdi changed his mind.
01:35Nuruddin was standing quietly.
01:37Hearing his words, he quickly put his arm around his neck and walked away.
01:41Qunaikhan was standing there helplessly,
01:44just grinding his teeth.
01:46Mutiuddin felt a slight shiver in his sleep.
01:50He woke up from this faint sound.
01:52He was thinking about the shiver but could not think of a name.
01:56He sat up in a dreamy state.
01:59He looked to his right and left.
02:00Everything seemed blurry.
02:03Suddenly, the fog of sleep over his mind disappeared.
02:06He had come to his senses.
02:08As soon as he looked at the fountain, he remembered everything.
02:11He quickly splashed a few drops of water on his face and walked towards the horse.
02:16The sun was visible on one side.
02:18He thought that he had not spent much time sleeping.
02:22The fog was still there, but he decided to travel immediately.
02:26He did not want to stay in the Jinnani Sultanate for long.
02:30Suddenly, he thought of a shiver, which opened his eyes.
02:34He tried to listen carefully, but could not hear anything.
02:38Suddenly, he remembered Birgai Khan.
02:41In a moment, he realized the reason for the shiver.
02:44The next moment, he put his ear to the ground.
02:47A slight shiver began to be heard clearly.
02:50He tried his best to know the origin of this shiver, but he was unsuccessful.
02:55This meant that the Qazi Bashinde had reached somewhere near him while tracking him.
03:00Therefore, he did not consider it safe to stay here any longer.
03:03He muttered softly.
03:05Now he started filling water in the fountain without wasting time.
03:08As soon as he filled the water, he sat on the back of the horse.
03:12He put his ear to the ground and the horse started talking to the wind again.
03:16He did not make any mistake in guessing his direction.
03:19In a short while, he had gone quite far from the fountain.
03:22The Muslims had appointed Caliph Abu Ja'far Mansur bin Zahir al-Mustansar Billah
03:28as the Ameer-ul-Mumineen in Baghdad, the religious center of Islam.
03:35He was crowned on the throne of Khilafat in Rajab 623 Hijri.
03:39His mother was the Turkish girl of Caliph Zahir bin Amrillah.
03:43She was an extremely just and kind-hearted caliph.
03:46Her proof was the implementation of those traditions
03:48which the so-called Ulema had abandoned for a long time.
03:52The groups of the Ulema had also rejected the Poet of Islam to prove their ideology.
03:57Caliph Al-Mustansar Billah made the Poet of Islam a real soul.
04:03Mu'affiq Abdul Latif states that some people of that time started remembering the great Islamic Muhasins.
04:09The praise and praise of Caliph Baqt was on everyone's tongue.
04:13There was no sign of his short-sightedness.
04:16His grandfather Caliph An-Nasir-ud-Din-Lillah always cherished him due to his virtues.
04:22He used to call him Qazi with love.
04:25Caliph Al-Mustansar Billah had gathered so many armies in his time
04:29that none of his ancestors had such a large army before him.
04:33When the Tatars invaded Baghdad,
04:37the brave army of the Caliph forced them to retreat under the leadership of Khifaji.
04:43Khifaji was the real brother of Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen.
04:46He wanted the Tatars to be beaten and allowed to attack.
04:51But Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen refused to go to Baghdad.
04:55This was the first time that the Tatar army had not been able to succeed completely.
05:00Khifaji said that he would soon declare war on Baghdad,
05:04but his words were not given much importance.
05:07The court of Caliph Al-Mustansar Billah was full of unparalleled people.
05:12Among them were Sheikh-ul-Islam, Izz-ud-Din bin Abd-us-Salam,
05:15Wajih Qirwani, Imam Abu'l-Qasim Rafai, Yaqout Hamwi,
05:19Hafiz Abu'l-Hassan bin Qattan, Hafiz Izz-ud-Din Ali bin Athir,
05:23Shahab Suharwardi, Baha bin Shaddad, Abu'l-Abbas Oufi,
05:27Allama Abu'l-Khattab bin Wahiya, Abu'l-Barakat bin Mustaufi,
05:31Zia bin Athir, Ibn-e-Arabi, Kamal bin Yunus Sharih.
05:36In addition to them, there were many famous people.
05:41After completing the Hajj, he left for Baghdad without wasting time.
05:46On his way out, Sheikh-ul-Izz-ud-Din proposed to him
05:49that he should return successfully to his destination,
05:51to which he was extremely pleased.
05:53He entered Baghdad with great speed and entered the 23rd district of Hajjah.
05:58Upon reaching the center of Islam, the Muslims felt a strange ecstasy.
06:03Baghdad, which he had heard of many times,
06:05but could not agree to come here.
06:08It was a place of beauty and splendor like a thousand night stories.
06:12The streets and alleys were built in a special order.
06:16He reached a large bathroom,
06:18where he took a bath, wore clean clothes,
06:20and took the path of Qasr-e-Khilafat.
06:22The Darbari present at the Sadr door
06:24discovered the purpose of stopping him.
06:26When Beverus told him that he was Qasid
06:28and wanted to meet the Ameer-ul-Mumineen
06:30and that he had a message from the Sultan of Egypt,
06:33the Darbari instructed him to go to the office of the Qasids,
06:37where Nazim-ul-Umur, the ambassador, was sitting.
06:40Beverus went straight to him and told him his issue.
06:43He was astonished to see Beverus's face.
06:46It was really strange for a great Sultan
06:48to make a young man Qasid and send him away.
06:53He made Beverus stay in the guest house
06:55and promised to meet him soon.
06:58Three days passed in this way.
07:00Beverus was roaming the streets of Baghdad in his free time.
07:04The next evening he was told
07:06that he had to attend the Darbar-e-Khilafat tomorrow morning.
07:09It was a great honor for him
07:11to be presented in front of the Ameer-ul-Mumineen
07:13and he would state his issue.
07:15This responsibility was really great.
07:17Nazim understood from Beverus's condition
07:19that he had no experience in such matters.
07:22He hesitated with fear.
07:24He encouraged Beverus
07:26and also explained to him the etiquette of meeting.
07:29Beverus thanked him.
07:31The next morning,
07:33the Ameer-ul-Mumineen presented
07:35Khalifa Abu Jafar al-Mustansar
07:37in front of Beverus
07:39with his special attire.
07:41His eyes were tearing
07:43seeing the grandeur of the Darbar.
07:45Khalifa Abu Jafar was sitting
07:47on the highest position
07:49on a very precious throne.
07:51Around him,
07:53there was a gathering
07:55of special servants
07:57and ordinary Darbaris.
08:00When Khalifa Abu Jafar
08:02addressed Khalifa Abu Jafar,
08:04he quickly calmed down.
08:06He opened a small silver box
08:08and placed it on the side of the throne.
08:10On the golden cloth,
08:12Najm-ud-Din Ayub's name
08:14was written on it.
08:16Khalifa Abu Jafar pointed
08:18to a Darbari.
08:20He took the box from Beverus
08:22and with great respect
08:24started to climb the stairs
08:26of the throne.
08:28There was also a good news
08:30about the capture of Muslims
08:32on the Battle of Makdis.
08:34When Khalifa Abu Jafar
08:36heard about the situation,
08:38he immediately ordered
08:40the Egyptian government
08:42to launch a missile
08:44for Najm-ud-Din Ayub.
08:46At the same time,
08:48Beverus also presented
08:50the second group
08:52in front of the Ameer-ul-Mumineen.
08:54Young man, come up here.
08:56Your Sultan has authorized
08:58you to pledge allegiance
09:00to him. Do you pledge allegiance to us?
09:02When Beverus heard this,
09:04he extended his hands
09:06towards the Ameer-ul-Mumineen
09:08and kissed his back.
09:10Najm-ud-Din Ayub
09:12and he pledged allegiance to him.
09:14Khalifa Abu Jafar's hands
09:16were in his hands
09:18and he was crying.
09:20He was seeing a glimpse
09:22of the family of prophethood
09:24and it was an honor
09:26to meet such a person.
09:28He was still confused
09:30about his feelings
09:32that the government's missile
09:34was ready.
09:36Young man,
09:38Khalifa Abu Jafar said
09:40we are surprised
09:42at your young age
09:44and the responsibility
09:46of such a big duty.
09:48You are a very close
09:50and loyal companion of the Sultan.
09:52In the weak days of Baghdad,
09:54we thank him enough
09:56for the kindness
09:58Muslims have shown to Islam.
10:00Your Sultan's name is Najm-ud-Din Ayub,
10:02isn't it? Beverus replied
10:04quickly. Tell him that
10:06we will expect the same
10:08actions of his great-grandfather
10:10Najm-ud-Din Ayub.
10:14don't worry. My master is very brave
10:16and a true Muslim. Beverus said
10:18for your brave master,
10:20we have a gift for you.
10:22We have a gift for you.
10:24We have a gift for you.
10:26We have a gift for you.
10:28We have a gift for you.
10:30We have a gift for you.
10:32We have a gift for you.
10:34We have a gift for you.
10:36We have a gift for you.
10:38We have a gift for you.
10:40We have a gift for you.
10:42We have a gift for you.
10:44We have a gift for you.
10:46We have a gift for you.
10:48When he was about to leave,
10:50he was accompanied by five
10:52Niqab-posh Kaneez, twenty slaves
10:54and fifty Arabian horses.
10:56All of them were tired of
10:58riding the horses.
11:00Beverus himself did not know
11:02what could happen to them.
11:04He reached Baghdad alone,
11:06but when he left,
11:08a large caravan was with him.
11:10Nur-ud-Din went to his home
11:12with Sheikh Najdi.
11:14He first gave him a bath
11:16and then called the doctor.
11:18When Sheikh Najdi came out
11:20of the bath, the doctor
11:22massaged his feet.
11:24Sheikh Najdi refused,
11:26but he remained silent
11:28in front of Nur-ud-Din's insistence.
11:30After the massage,
11:32the dishes were brought
11:34to the guesthouse.
11:36Nur-ud-Din put more pressure
11:38on the other dishes,
11:40but he refused.
11:42When he had time to eat,
11:44Nur-ud-Din said,
11:48Sheikh Najdi smiled and said,
11:50Every Muslim is the brother
11:52of another Muslim,
11:54so identification is not necessary.
11:56I am also your brother.
11:58I just wanted to meet you.
12:00I came here.
12:02You are making excuses,
12:04but every brother has the right
12:06to at least be aware of
12:08the name of his Muslim brother.
12:10Very good!
12:12You have adopted a good way
12:14to ask for names.
12:16Now you are confusing me.
12:18Sheikh Mujaddi said,
12:20My name is Abu-l-Khaliq.
12:22People call me Sheikh Najdi.
12:24Alhamdulillah, I have recognized you.
12:26I have heard your name for a long time.
12:28Today I have the honor of meeting you.
12:30Nur-ud-Din's face was filled
12:32with joy.
12:34Do not make me sit in heaven,
12:36Nur-ud-Din. I am a humble man
12:38who tries to call his people
12:40Sheikh-ji, Nur-ud-Din
12:42quickly approached him.
12:44I have been suffering for a long time.
12:46Can you recommend me to Allah?
12:48May He give my mind peace and contentment.
12:50I have understood your sign.
12:52Did you not understand my conversation
12:54with that Mongol?
12:56Yes, I have some idea about him.
12:58According to my suspicion,
13:00he really wanted to use me
13:02as a shield for his purpose.
13:04He was trying to take
13:06an unfair advantage of my late son.
13:08He said, Nur-ud-Din, my late son?
13:10Yes, I had only one son
13:12who was missing for a long time.
13:14Now I have received some information
13:16that he may not be in the world anymore.
13:18Do not listen to false news.
13:20Allah's ungratefulness is not appropriate.
13:22Is my son still alive?
13:24Nur-ud-Din was confused.
13:26He is alive and will return soon.
13:28He was narrating a different story.
13:30Nur-ud-Din was confused.
13:32You may be talking about that Mongol.
13:34He will soon be punished
13:36but there is still some time.
13:38When Sheikh Najdi replied,
13:40Nur-ud-Din felt as if he had
13:42got a new life.
13:44Sheikh Najdi's sudden visit
13:46was no less than God's help.
13:48He was thankful to Allah
13:50that he did not take
13:52a wrong step in his haste
13:54or he would have died
13:56in a state of regret.
13:58On the other hand, Qazi Bashinde
14:00had gone to the blue stone spring
14:02with his chief.
14:04Qazi Bashinde was very tired
14:06and exhausted.
14:08Despite his speed,
14:10he could not reach his destination
14:12on time.
14:14When he reached there,
14:16he found that the rider
14:18had left for the next destination.
14:20Qazi Bashinde was impressed
14:22by his bravery and courage.
14:24Qazi Bashinde was impressed
14:26by his bravery and courage.
14:28Qazi Bashinde was impressed
14:30by his bravery and courage.
14:32Qazi Bashinde was impressed
14:34by his bravery and courage.
14:36Qazi Bashinde left
14:38and reached the destination
14:40on time.
14:42Qazi Bashinde left
14:44and reached the destination
14:46on time.
14:48Qazi Bashinde left
14:50and reached the destination
14:52on time.
14:54All people were looking at him
14:56with admiration.
14:58All people were looking at him
15:00that he will reach the dam by nightfall.
15:03Surprised, Sardar Taajib said,
15:06The speed of that soldier is very fast.
15:08There are Zargami tribes on the other side of the dam
15:11and they are our mortal enemies.
15:13If he crosses the dam, we will not be able to catch him.
15:16Sardar, the people of the Zargami tribe
15:18will not let him cross the Tatari border at any cost.
15:21A Qazi said,
15:22This should not happen.
15:24He will have to be our prey in any case.
15:26I will not accept my defeat.
15:28Go quickly to the north side of the dam.
15:30I want to set up my trap there before that horse rider.
15:33This will be the last and final blow.
15:35Remember, Sardar,
15:36if you lose this game, you will not be able to remain Sardar again.
15:40We will make you our prey.
15:42This is the principle of our elders.
15:44A Qazi said,
15:45I do not need to explain.
15:47I know very well.
15:48And you people also listen carefully.
15:50If you do not reach that dam before evening,
15:53then I, as Sardar, have the right to punish you all.
15:56This is my last warning.
15:58Sardar's tone was suddenly cold and gloomy.
16:01He just shook his neck.
16:03They all started moving towards the dam
16:05with their Sardar very quickly,
16:07where Mutiuddin was about to reach by evening.
16:10Bebris, while staying in different places from Baghdad,
16:13reached near Cairo on the 16th of Muharram, 638 Hijri.
16:17He had sent the news of his arrival to the court of Egypt
16:19from three destinations away.
16:21He put his last camp in a settlement called Qirwan.
16:24This settlement was once a magnificent city.
16:28From the pharaohs of Egypt to the early Muslims,
16:31it was of great importance.
16:33In the final period of the government,
16:35a new city was settled a few miles from it,
16:37which was named Cairo.
16:39The factory of power was moved to Cairo
16:41and then the bustle of the city increased.
16:43The city, along with its former ruins,
16:45collapsed and remained in the form of a small town.
16:48Bebris had settled a few miles from this settlement.
16:51He had sent the news of his success
16:53and the news of other developments
16:55to Cairo through a government official of this settlement.
16:58Najmuddin Ayyub was very happy with Bebris's successful return.
17:02Immediately, he sent 50 horsemen
17:04on the side of Bebris in the building of Abu Khawalid.
17:08When the emperors of Egypt heard of someone's arrival,
17:11they were very confused as to who was coming
17:14for whom such a big and very urgent arrangement was being made.
17:18The emperors tried to find out,
17:20but no one knew why all this was being done.
17:24The Qasid sent by Bebris was kept in the royal guesthouse of the court
17:28and he was not allowed to go out and meet anyone.
17:32When Abu Khawalid reached Bebris,
17:34he left no stone unturned in his praise and praise.
17:37Bebris was happy to hear his praise from his teacher
17:40and he held their hands and began to cry over his happiness.
17:43Abu Khawalid patted his back and encouraged him
17:46that he had come out of such a test
17:49out of which many, many failed.
17:52Bebris and his caravan, led by Abu Khawalid's horsemen,
17:56reached the door of Cairo before dusk.
18:00There were a large number of emperors and nobles
18:03who had gathered there just to spy on who was coming.
18:06When they looked at Bebris,
18:08some of them even frowned.
18:10However, with him in the palanquins,
18:12the company of women and men was beyond their understanding.
18:15Najm-ud-din Ayyub himself came to the door to welcome them.
18:19When Bebris and Abu Khawalid saw their master,
18:22they got off their horses and went to him.
18:25Bebris greeted his master
18:27and wanted to tell him of his success,
18:29but Najm-ud-din Ayyub refused with a sign.
18:32This caravan reached the royal palace
18:34in the presence of Sultan Najm-ud-din Ayyub.
18:36Najm-ud-din Ayyub, outside the royal palace,
18:39climbed on the pillars of the wall.
18:41Then all the Baghdadi servants and slaves
18:43were made to stand in a line on the side of the pillar.
18:46The people of Umara, the capital city,
18:48were busy guessing at this strange and strange game.
18:51There was a lot of speculation.
18:53The sound of the caravan made it difficult to hear anything.
18:56Suddenly, Najm-ud-din Ayyub pointed to his hand
18:59and the caravan seemed to have gone deaf.
19:01My companions and friends,
19:03I had sent a request the other day,
19:05which, by the will of God, has been accepted.
19:08I know that you are all anxious to know
19:10what is going on here.
19:12I would like Qazi-ul-Qaza ibn-e-Mustaqar
19:14to come here to me
19:16and free you all from the circle of spying.
19:19Qazi-ul-Qaza ibn-e-Mustaqar himself did not know
19:21what was going on.
19:23He slowly, slowly,
19:24disguised himself as a pigeon
19:26and reached in front of Sultan Najm-ud-din Ayyub.
19:28There was deep speculation in his eyes.
19:30Before he could say anything,
19:32Najm-ud-din Ayyub stopped him
19:34and pointed to Bebras.
19:36Bebras, as soon as he got the signal,
19:38rushed to the pigeon.
19:40He said,
19:42Give them to me so that they can read
19:44and recite to all the people.
19:46Bebras obeyed immediately
19:48and took out a golden box from his dress
19:50and opened its lid
19:52and put the box aside.
20:10To be continued...
