Nautilu - Season 01 Episode 03

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00:00She's a mother leading them away from her calf.
00:04Let the calf go.
00:06Who is this Nimue?
00:07He is a convict, a murderer, and now a kidnapper.
00:10He is a pirate from the Coromandel Coast.
00:13But you must have committed some crime to have been imprisoned in that place, surely?
00:17I've stolen the company's most prized possession.
00:20You have humiliated some of the most powerful men on earth.
00:22In your worst nightmare, what could they have sent to hunt us down?
00:27It can't be.
00:30Use the keg bombs.
00:32Fire away!
00:36Any closer, we're dead.
00:40Take her all the way down.
00:43We're too deep for them.
00:45Keep your stick.
00:49Quiet, or you're dead.
01:00I should not be down here.
01:30I'm getting some sort of clicking sound.
01:58Shut that dog up.
02:50I would rather deal with the company than this.
03:04We're stuck.
03:07Mr. Harris.
03:08Mr. Harris!
03:10I need answers now.
03:13I don't know what it is.
03:20It could be some kind of giant squid.
03:34What the hell's going on?
03:39What is that sound?
03:41Yeah, I can hear it breaking.
03:42Nothing is breaking.
03:43The ship is breaking.
03:44I'm not sure the raft will hold.
04:12What are you actually going to do?
04:14Try and scare it off.
04:17Get it.
04:19With that?
04:20It's 10 times your size.
04:22Please stop talking.
04:23But just remember, it's probably frightened from the explosions.
04:27Then I'll kindly ask you to leave us alone.
04:32Listen, I haven't completed my test.
04:35But the suit should hold.
04:36What do you mean, should?
06:14Do something, Nemo!
08:12The suit held.
08:14And the whale saved you.
08:18Now tell me it's not a sentient being.
08:22Hot seaweed tea.
08:30The dreadnought is still here.
08:36It's quieting down again, sir.
08:40All I hear are muffled noises.
08:44Well, tell me if the engines start up.
08:49You think you're doing work?
08:50Only one way to find out.
08:52We loaded it up with anything that'll make a noise.
08:57And don't worry, we have no explosive charges, so no fish will get hurt.
09:00You're not as funny as you think you are.
09:08I have something!
09:14They're on the move.
09:19Captain, follow that sound.
09:23Do not lose it.
09:26What's the bearing?
09:27180 degrees, sir.
09:37They're leaving.
09:38Fire the engines.
09:46Wait! If we fire the engines too soon, they'll hear.
09:49Soon as the torpedo dies, they'll be back.
09:50Fire the engines.
10:01Something's not right.
10:03It's just starving.
10:05Like all of us.
10:08It's all right. It's all right.
10:21Do you want to tell me what's going on?
10:33What's your name?
10:34I'm Miss Lucas.
10:37You tell them I'm not a threat.
10:39The rest of them, out there, you tell them.
10:41You have a knife at a child's throat.
10:44Let him go, and I'll tell them.
10:48No one's going to hurt you.
10:51You have my word.
11:05A trooper?
11:09I say we throw him overboard.
11:10I say we let him speak.
11:12I'm not interested in hearing him speak.
11:14I was on duty when you took this up.
11:16I tried to get out.
11:20You're not real conscious, remember?
11:23Very brave.
11:23Yes, that was me.
11:25Very brave.
11:32You think I wanted to join the company?
11:34Where I come from, it's either that or rot in the straits.
11:41What would you have done?
11:43I won't let you do to this man what you did to Captain Youngblood and those poor sailors.
11:50You won't let me?
11:57Lock him up.
11:59When we reach land, we'll put him ashore.
12:04The moment the Dreadnought is within telegraph range,
12:06every company ship from Cape Town to Gibraltar will be looking for us.
12:10We head east, take the northeast passage through the Arctic to the Pillars of Alba.
12:15That route will take us a month, at least.
12:18Excuse me? A month?
12:20I will go insane.
12:21We continue at depth, undetected.
12:25We need to resurface so we can resupply.
12:27We can't do that.
12:28We can't do that.
12:29We can't do that.
12:30We can't do that.
12:30We can't do that.
12:31We can't do that.
12:32We can't do that.
12:33We can't do that.
12:34We're running out of food and water.
12:36Out of the question.
12:37There is nothing out there but water.
12:39You're welcome to drink it.
12:41How much do we have?
12:42Weak supply?
12:45If we eat nothing and drink less.
12:48You are supposed to be managing our supplies.
12:50What supplies?
12:51We stole a boat that has hardly anything on it.
12:53You have one job, huh?
12:57What do you mean you've lost it?
12:59The sound has stopped.
13:08A submarine doesn't just disappear!
13:13Director Crawley!
13:26The torpedo!
13:29You've traded in this region?
13:35Many times.
13:36We cannot go here.
13:38Company territory.
13:39Or here.
13:40Or here.
13:41We'll be shot the moment we make landfall.
13:44What about there?
13:48Don't even think about it.
13:51Absolutely not.
13:52Company territory?
13:54The people there, they believe the head contains...
14:00It's like head magic.
14:01They will consume it the first opportunity they get.
14:05Oh, amazing.
14:08I don't see we have much of a choice if we're not to starve.
14:12I'll send out an advance party.
14:13Miss Lucas will stay here.
14:14But you can't get into trouble.
14:15Of course, Captain.
14:18Don't you want me where you can keep an eye on me?
15:27Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
15:30We're not hostile.
15:31You look faintly hostile.
15:35You're them, aren't you?
15:37The prisoners from Kalpani.
15:39Word of your escape precedes you.
15:41So you are not cannibals?
15:42Not to my knowledge.
15:46You'll find no love for the company here.
15:50Very wise.
15:53We need supplies.
15:54We can trade.
16:09You think you're paying with that?
16:13If you bring your ship into the harbour,
16:15I'll see it loaded up with supplies.
16:17And why would you do that?
16:18Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
16:22Have I got that the wrong way around?
16:27You know, you remind me of someone I knew.
16:32The Maharaja of Bundelkhand.
16:38I met him once, some years ago.
16:42He was my father.
16:44Then you must be Prince Takkar.
16:56How did you know him?
16:58How long have you got?
16:59Why don't you come up to the palace and let me tell you all about it?
17:03My chefs can prepare something for you to eat.
17:04And I'm sure you'd all welcome the opportunity to freshen up.
17:08Your Highness, we could all eat.
17:10I don't think so.
17:11Wash our faces.
17:13New clothes.
17:13No, no, no.
17:14We're not going with the blue wizard?
17:17Very well.
17:19My name is Humility Lucas.
17:22This man is holding me against my will.
17:23Miss Lucas, is this true?
17:25She owes me her life.
17:29He sank the boat in which I was traveling to Bombay and imprisoned me on his submarine.
17:33If you found it in your heart to assist me,
17:34my many influential friends would be extremely grateful.
17:37And before she says anything, she kidnapped me too.
17:40This is going to be such fun.
17:43My offer remains open.
17:45Au revoir.
17:50Delighted to meet you.
17:54Let's go.
17:57Lord Algernon Pitt, the company's major shareholder.
18:06He's your fiancé.
18:08I think so, yes.
18:09I assume this is not a match you desire.
18:12You may assume that, yes.
18:14And you want to...
18:15Continue my education.
18:17And why shouldn't you, Miss Lucas?
18:18The world needs more educated women.
18:20Look at the mess.
18:22Supposedly educated men are making things.
18:26Where do you want to go?
18:31If Europe is to deny me an education, I'll go elsewhere to become an engineer.
18:36I'm going to help build the new world.
18:38Which is where I was rather hoping you'd come in.
18:40Well, perhaps I can help you.
18:43There's a clipper calling in here bound for Manila.
18:47You can then sail to San Diego or San Francisco.
18:50But until then, welcome to my humble abode.
19:36That's not quite what I was thinking.
19:42What's your name?
19:47That's a funny name.
19:50Could you do something for me?
19:54It certainly looks different.
19:57How are you feeling?
20:03Like myself.
20:14You can't get away from me.
20:18Apparently not.
20:21We were just going to dinner.
20:23I'm starving.
20:24Well, we'll make sure to send you up something.
20:37I wonder what delights they're eating at the palace right now.
20:41Ocean trout.
20:46Even just like a soup or something.
20:50I don't trust this Englishman.
20:51We're going to bring the Nautilus into dock.
20:55The Roger offered us supplies.
20:56We need them.
20:57This isn't about feeding your crew, is it?
21:09Well, you don't like squid?
21:11Let's just say I've gone off it.
21:21What the...
21:22A thing of beauty, is it not?
21:25The world's first ice machine, or so I'm told.
21:28You know, I'm quite a keen engineer myself.
21:34Now, tell me everything there is to know about the Nautilus.
21:37I'm not sure I could do it justice.
21:39It's Benoit you need to ask.
21:40He designed it.
21:41Along with Nemo.
21:43Nemo Dakar?
21:45Is he really a prince?
21:47What do you make of him?
21:51A closed book.
21:52Well, can you blame him?
21:54What do you mean?
21:56You don't know, do you?
22:00They killed his wife and daughter.
22:03The company seized Nemo's lands while he was studying in England.
22:07His wife put up quite a fight, I'm told, but...
22:10By the time Nemo got back, it was too late.
22:12They're both dead.
22:13Daughter was only eight or nine years old, I believe.
22:20Nemo was arrested and imprisoned.
22:26They've taken everything from him.
22:43Captain, please.
22:53I can be of use to you.
22:54You're going.
22:55I can help you.
23:09Can you help with the supplies?
23:10Check them when they arrive and get them on board?
23:13And I need you to thank God no one gets on this ship, no one.
23:43Welcome, welcome.
24:00Welcome, welcome, welcome.
24:02Clean clothes for everyone in the boot room on the left.
24:06So glad you changed your mind.
24:09A stowaway.
24:11Company man.
24:12Could you make him comfortable?
24:14Prince Dakar, for you, it will be my absolute pleasure.
24:26These lands were an absolute backwater when I first got here.
24:30I cleared the jungle with my own two hands.
24:33The company has allowed you your independence?
24:36Oh, they would undoubtedly like to take it from me, as with the Dutch.
24:40Then how do you survive?
24:42Simple, my dear fellow.
24:43I play one off against the other.
24:49Miss Lucas tells me you are a quite brilliant man of science.
24:54Well, thank you, Mr. Cassies.
24:56Perhaps you'd like to take a look at my library.
24:58I have an original manuscript of Alexander von Humboldt's Cosmos.
25:04Won't be a moment.
25:27Welcome to my little library.
25:29Very impressive.
25:30There's something you must see.
25:36My most prized possession.
25:40This is William Dampierre's diaries.
25:44I've never read this.
25:45It's fascinating.
25:46Oh, excuse me a moment.
25:48Make yourself at home.
25:50Food from the Raja.
25:52About time.
25:54Do you think they're eating lobster?
25:57They are definitely eating lobster.
26:10The Raja tricked us.
26:13We need to warn him off.
26:30You look like a boring genie.
26:33You look like a walking carpet.
27:04You couldn't resist, could you?
27:06I mean, it is the reason you're here.
27:10Your father.
27:17I met him only the once in London.
27:23That can't be right.
27:23He never traveled to England.
27:25Didn't he?
27:28Ice cold.
27:31Now, this was taken shortly before I left the East India Mercantile Company.
27:36If I'm not mistaken, isn't this your father?
27:42That's him.
27:46This is the East India Mercantile Company headquarters in Marksbury Street.
27:50If you look through the window, you can see London.
27:53You know why he was there?
27:54For the signing ceremony.
27:59I don't...
28:02Oh, you poor man.
28:05You don't know.
28:06Know what?
28:07Your father signed away his lands to the company.
28:12Your lands, I suppose.
28:14So that when he died, they would have every right to them.
28:17Legally, they could only claim his lands if there was no heir, which means...
28:28He must have disowned you.
28:32He didn't tell you?
28:34Yeah, he wouldn't do that.
28:36There's the proof.
28:40It's just a photograph.
28:48Maybe you're right.
28:49You tell me.
28:52Your father sent you to England when you were what?
28:57How often did you see him?
28:58How often did you talk to him?
29:00How well did you really know him?
29:04I'm so sorry.
29:07Let's get you something to eat.
30:06Where's the ice?
30:08There is none, sir.
30:10No ice?
30:11The machine is broken.
30:13Well, fetch the engineer.
30:16Sir, you had him executed.
30:18Did I?
30:22Very person I need.
30:24I have something of an engineering challenge for you.
30:27Yes, come this way.
30:32I knew it all along, sir.
30:34We're the same, you and me.
30:36Nobility in our blood.
30:38My father is Lord Farley.
30:41That's why I'm going to England.
30:42To find him.
30:45This is my family crest.
30:47My mother drew it for me the night she died.
30:50That's why I went to sea.
30:52To get to London.
30:56Excuse me.
31:34Oh, this is rather awkward.
31:45I wasn't expecting them to counter so quickly.
31:48Why the charade?
31:50I'm sorry, what?
31:51Why the charade of hospitality?
31:54The company made a decent offer.
31:56Actually, it's a counter offer.
31:58I already rejected their first one.
32:01£10,000 for our capture.
32:02Not bad for a day's work.
32:03Don't flatter yourself.
32:04That's for the Nautilus.
32:06Why not just throw us in the cellars?
32:07Do you have any idea how dull it gets around here?
32:10Still, all good things come to an end.
32:16The company will be here within the hour.
32:18They want you alive.
32:27I never go anywhere without them.
32:37Ah, Kai, welcome.
32:38Sit down, eat, eat, eat.
32:40Have you seen Neema?
32:42No, have you, sir?
32:43Something doesn't feel right.
32:45The food that they gave us at the docks, it's all rotten.
32:48Well, there is plenty of fresh food here.
32:50Take whatever you like.
32:51Try the strawberry.
32:52Oh, delicious.
32:59Haven't you had enough?
33:03This is a tart.
33:04But you are right.
33:05I think I should eat some jelly.
33:06Chandeesh, the soldiers, they look hungry.
33:09Don't worry about them.
33:11We have to keep up our strength
33:12if we are to be ready for the fight.
33:14No, those are just words, my friend.
33:17And you know it.
33:18They are worth nothing without action.
33:33Oh, where is the power source?
34:03I'm off.
34:25Sorry about the conditions.
34:27The company will be here soon enough.
34:29I'm quite sure you'll feel perfectly happy back at Calparny.
34:33I assume you wouldn't want me speaking ill of you?
34:36Excuse me?
34:37I am a company man, after all.
34:39Born and bred.
34:40You wouldn't want them finding one of their own
34:42behind your prison bars, would you?
34:49I'm sorry.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:51I'm sorry.
34:51I'm sorry.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:53I'm sorry.
34:53I'm sorry.
34:54I'm sorry.
35:05This is wrong.
35:07Come on, follow me.
35:10It's perfectly safe.
35:11All of you, follow me.
35:12Come on.
35:24Go on, eat.
35:26Miss Lucas, maybe this is not such a good idea.
35:29These children are hungry.
35:31I found them all slaving in the boiler room.
35:35Go on, Amal.
35:36It's all right.
35:45What's the meaning of this?
35:47You arranged this?
35:49It wasn't them.
35:50It was me.
35:50These children are my guests.
35:52I trust you'll make them feel as welcome as you have made me.
35:55Take, take, take.
35:58Don't worry.
35:58You're not the one who's going to get shot.
36:01Tastes good, does it?
36:08Eat it now.
36:13Eat it.
36:15Eat it.
36:18Eat it.
36:18Eat it.
36:19Eat it.
36:19Eat it.
36:21You cannot do this.
36:23She's sorry, sir.
36:25I'm the girl's father.
36:28Punish me, not her.
36:29Oh, believe me, I intend to.
36:31I must protest.
36:32Must you?
36:34How tedious.
36:38Seize them all, ungrateful troublemakers.
36:42Oh, don't just stand there.
36:44Do as I tell you.
36:48That is what they do.
36:50They divide brother against brother.
36:54We're finished.
36:56We are not the enemy.
36:57He is.
37:00You're prisoners of this man, as we were prisoners in Kalpani.
37:02Seize him.
37:03But we realize you have to earn your freedom.
37:06They're not going to give it to you.
37:07How long are you going to let them enslave your children?
37:10Get this man out of my sight.
37:11The Raja, he lives off your blood, of your sweat, and of your tears.
37:17This is your land.
37:18This is your home.
37:20Seize it.
37:21Seize it.
37:22Seize it with both hands.
37:23Let go of him.
37:29He's right.
37:32You know he's right.
37:33Who's with me?
37:35What are you doing?
37:37Oh, I'm warning you, little man.
37:39Are you willing to die for him?
37:41What a stupid question.
37:43Of course they are.
37:49I'll see you all hanged for this.
37:52What are you going to do?
37:53Shoot me?
37:55I do not get shot.
38:06Put your tiny clock in.
38:17This game is stupid.
38:18I love it.
38:20Well, so long as you're all having fun.
38:41The company's on their way.
38:43Nemo is down in the cells in the basement.
38:46Where are you going?
38:49You have nothing to fear.
38:54Except fear itself.
39:06Fire at will.
39:20Take the children and go.
39:31What about you?
39:34Get them out of here.
39:35Come on, let's go.
40:19Oh, my God.
40:49What's going on?
40:55I might have inadvertently started a little situation.
40:59How little?
41:00It's the crew being shot at.
41:01It's not as bad as it sounds.
41:03But we have to get out of here.
41:04So now there's a we.
41:05Let me guess.
41:06Roger withdrew his offer of help.
41:07Let's just say I found out what kind of man he is.
41:09The old world is incapable of change.
41:11Yeah, I could have told you that.
41:12And you're always right.
41:14I don't want to argue.
41:35It's harder than it looks.
41:42Where did you get that?
41:54Are you all right?
41:59I'm fine.
42:01I'm fine.
42:02You did it.
42:03You did it.
42:05You control your freedom.
42:08We are the people's soldiers.
42:10We will never suppress the people.
42:13Let's take the palace.
42:15Let's take the Rogers Palace.
42:17Let's go.
42:18Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
42:25We need to find another way out.
43:32Oh, yeah.
44:07You are the liberators.
44:09This is your time.
44:11From the court of the Rogers Communications.
44:13Let's go.
44:28What are you doing here?
44:29The Rogers have been telegraphing the company.
44:33Well, not anymore.
44:47Vive la revolution.
45:02You're a scepticist.
45:18We should alert the company and let them know I've lost control.
45:31Send out a call for reinforcements, mercenaries. Pay whatever they ask.
45:49Hold on! Hold on!
46:08Thank you for coming back for me.
46:11Did you just thank me?
46:14We're leaving!
46:15The supplies were rotten. All of them.
46:21On the way!
46:31The wheels!
46:45Let's go!
46:53Not a total loss, then.
47:02Are you all right?
47:04Like you care.
47:10What is that?
47:15Let's go!
47:23Let's go!
47:29What about Jagadish?
47:41You're the imbecile responsible for this whole thing.
47:44You can't stop them now.
47:49Maybe we negotiate a surrender. We have no choice.
47:56Your Grace?
48:01A man always has a choice.
48:06Drink it. It may prove a useful trade.
48:14The bay is shallow. It will limit our ability to manoeuvre.
48:18We need to hurry!
48:20Look! Over there!
48:31Nimr! He gave me the key.
48:43Did you see Jagadish?
48:45He was taken by the Raja's guard. I tried to save him.
48:53Can't we wait a little longer, please?
48:56He's one of us! If it wasn't for him, we'd all be in the cells!
48:59Either we go now, or we are caught.
49:07Fire the engines! Seal the hatches!
49:13Fire the engines!
49:43Fire the engines!