1969 Orgasmo HOT MOVIE

  • 2 months ago
1969 Orgasmo HOT MOVIE
00:00:00I'm going to do some more water sports.
00:00:02And then I'll go home and rest.
00:00:05And then I'll go to sleep.
00:00:07I love you, Dad.
00:00:09I love you too.
00:00:12I love you, Dad.
00:00:14I love you, Mom.
00:00:16I love you, Dad.
00:00:20I love you, Dad.
00:00:21I love you, Mom.
00:00:22I love you.
00:00:23I love you, Dad.
00:00:25Come on, please.
00:00:26Hold it right there for a moment.
00:00:27Over here.
00:00:28Just take off your glasses.
00:00:29One more.
00:00:30Move aside, please.
00:00:31Smile, please.
00:00:32Get down.
00:00:33Over here, senora.
00:00:36Get down.
00:00:37Hold it a moment.
00:00:38God, my dear.
00:00:39How are you?
00:00:40Hold it a minute.
00:00:41The stage was set the night we met, for fate had planned it so.
00:01:07Just one look was all it took to set my heart aglow.
00:01:16Oh, heartily, with all of me, I proved how love should be.
00:01:25And the days we shared when you still cared
00:01:29were such sweet ecstasy.
00:01:33But then, but then, I don't know when you turned up near.
00:01:42And you lied to me, and so hopelessly.
00:01:50I hid the pride and hide inside when you'd soon be gone.
00:01:59But hoping that you'd not forget, that I'd still wait for you on and on, on and on.
00:02:23Welcome, Senora West.
00:02:25This is Teresa, your guardian angel.
00:02:28Depend on her to take care of all your wants and pleasures.
00:02:30She's efficient as an IBM.
00:02:32How do you do, Teresa?
00:02:33Grazie, Senora.
00:02:34Please call me Terry.
00:02:35I stay some months in London, so I know some English.
00:02:38Are you thirsty?
00:02:39Make us a cold drink, Teresa.
00:02:43Look, silence and harmony.
00:02:45The village is only a few kilometers.
00:02:48The marina is just 20 minutes, if you like boating.
00:02:51Oh, I'm afraid I won't feel up to the sea.
00:02:54All right.
00:02:58Well, here we are.
00:03:00No one will bother you here.
00:03:02Oh, it's lovely.
00:03:04Really lovely.
00:03:09Brian, you've been perfect.
00:03:12Wait before saying so.
00:03:13Oh, the house is beautiful.
00:03:18Oh, Brian.
00:03:21Now, you can turn out pictures by Catherine Somset, just the way you did
00:03:24when you were a promising young artist in New York.
00:03:28Too much time has passed since then.
00:03:32I'm afraid I've lost my spirit.
00:03:34Don't worry.
00:03:35Be grateful that the future will hold whatever your heart desires.
00:03:39There's been so much pain.
00:03:42The sorrow will diminish.
00:03:44The future will lessen the misery you're now enduring.
00:03:47Remember, you can take courage from the memory of Robert.
00:03:51Now that he's dead, how do I pick up the pieces?
00:04:00Oh, no.
00:04:01Isn't there anything stronger to drink in this house?
00:04:03Of course.
00:04:05I'm sorry.
00:04:10Oh, try to understand, Brian.
00:04:12I'm so low, I need something to pick me up once in a while.
00:04:18I know that I can pull myself together in time,
00:04:21but I need a little freedom after what I've been through.
00:04:24I think I ought to remind you that this kind of freedom
00:04:26isn't very good for your nervous system.
00:04:28I'm worried that things could be messy due to a problem turning up
00:04:30in the formal procedure in New York.
00:04:33I don't ever want to go back to New York.
00:04:41So, have you liquidated the estate?
00:04:43My dear girl, I've told you 10 times,
00:04:45two petroleum companies, four television stations,
00:04:48a chain of department stores.
00:04:50They're not items you can unload as you would a truck.
00:04:52It's a big job and I need time.
00:04:54All right, Brian.
00:04:56I'll rely on you.
00:04:58The only thing that might cause a grievance
00:05:00is the family mansion on Lake Michigan.
00:05:02I've just heard from relatives of Robert.
00:05:05Oh, a horrible, cold old barn.
00:05:09I could never stand being there.
00:05:11The letter was from Robert's two old aunts.
00:05:14They're dead set against selling it.
00:05:16Why don't they buy it?
00:05:17Because they consider it property of the family.
00:05:22Oh, it's not important to me.
00:05:24I'll give it to them.
00:05:25This you could do.
00:05:26Of course, on the other hand, it might be best
00:05:28to get the two old ladies out of our hair promptly.
00:05:31I'd recommend you take it easy and don't worry so much.
00:05:34I'll telephone from New York and assign our best attorneys
00:05:37to settle the probate.
00:05:38Thank you, Brian.
00:05:40You're a treasure.
00:05:55Take that thing away.
00:05:56I don't want it in here.
00:05:58It's messy in the cellar.
00:05:59I don't care where you put it, as long as I never
00:06:02have to see it or hear it.
00:06:11Here are the pills, Senora West.
00:06:16A journalist has telephoned to see you.
00:06:20Oh, questions, questions.
00:06:22I'm sick of them.
00:06:24They can go to hell.
00:06:26Oh, I've got such a headache.
00:06:29Better try resting.
00:06:31Better try resting.
00:06:44Salve, gente.
00:06:45Buongiorno, signore.
00:06:47Come stanno i bambini?
00:06:48This is Senora West's villa.
00:06:49What is it you want?
00:06:50Please, I need tools and a telephone.
00:06:52But you know that I'm cordially penitent, signora.
00:06:54You see here a daring poor pilgrim and a miserable guy.
00:06:57I'm sorry, but it's impossible to help.
00:07:00Please, countess, be nice.
00:07:01I tell you, I can fix the motor alone.
00:07:03My passion is automobiles.
00:07:07Si, Senora West.
00:07:11Give the young man what he needs, and then send him away.
00:07:16Bravo, Senora West.
00:07:17Buon anno, eh?
00:07:19Offer to me?
00:07:21Get her that rose.
00:07:27Pick it and take it to Mrs. West.
00:07:29My name's Peter Donovan.
00:07:49It's a matter of speaking the same language.
00:07:57Well, that does it.
00:07:59You mean you finished so fast?
00:08:02Not on your life.
00:08:03It's inexorably broken.
00:08:05Have to get a new part.
00:08:08For your wonderful eyes.
00:08:10By the way, why don't you let me see them?
00:08:12Is it necessary?
00:08:13Not at all.
00:08:14I'll take you on your word.
00:08:29Your word wasn't enough.
00:08:35All right.
00:08:36Never mind.
00:08:41How far is it to town?
00:08:43I don't know.
00:08:44Two or three miles.
00:08:46Maybe four.
00:08:48I was afraid it was 50.
00:08:50I'm sorry about having to leave the car here,
00:08:52but I'll be back tomorrow morning.
00:08:54I'm sorry about having to leave the car here,
00:08:56but I'll be back tomorrow morning with the mechanic.
00:08:58It's all right.
00:08:59Would you like me to have Teresa drive you in?
00:09:02No, no, no.
00:09:03I prefer walking on my hands.
00:09:06Well, so long.
00:09:24Well, that'll keep her busy.
00:09:26Take it easy.
00:09:32That's Mr. Mannars' car.
00:09:41Watch out.
00:09:42You'll never get out of that pram safe unless you mean down there.
00:09:49Where are you going, Jackson?
00:09:51You can't risk getting caught.
00:09:52What are you doing here?
00:09:57Trying to sleep, and then I just happened to bump into the horn.
00:10:02But I don't understand. Didn't you go into town?
00:10:05You bet. Six miles. Seven thousand lira to pay for a new part.
00:10:09And if the mechanic had come, it would have taken twelve. I just had seven.
00:10:13I see. In other words, you didn't have the money for a hotel room.
00:10:16It happens at least once in your life.
00:10:20Just a moment.
00:10:26Yes? Hello?
00:10:28Oh, it's you, Brian. I was afraid you wouldn't call.
00:10:33Saturday. Perfect.
00:10:36Let's see. Today is...
00:10:43Yes, that's right. Wednesday.
00:10:48All right, dear. I'll see you then.
00:10:50Right. Goodbye.
00:10:53Haven't you been taught that it's rude to enter a house without being invited?
00:10:57I was just looking. After all, masterpieces are to be looked at.
00:11:01Otherwise, why bother painting them?
00:11:04Well, I paint for myself. Besides, I'm not a professional.
00:11:09It's perfect. You used a mirror, right?
00:11:12You've got a rather unusual belly button, just like the Botticelli Venus.
00:11:17Oh, stop it. Besides, what do you know about painting?
00:11:29You're not an art critic, are you?
00:11:31Why not? What do you know about me?
00:11:33You're right. In fact, I'm not a critic, not even an intellectual.
00:11:38But... I've forgotten all my manners.
00:11:42I'm hungry as a wolf.
00:11:46Can wolves do not apologize? Good-bye, Miss West.
00:11:49Oh, wait a minute.
00:11:53All right, stay here. But don't touch anything.
00:11:58That's all I could find. But it should be enough for a wolf.
00:12:02I didn't feel I should wake the housekeeper.
00:12:05You needn't have gone to that trouble.
00:12:08Here's a drink, if you feel like it.
00:12:21There. You can settle down here.
00:12:24I hope you'll forgive me if I don't have a pair of pajamas your size.
00:12:29I always sleep naked, and I like the women I sleep with to sleep naked, too.
00:12:34I see. Well, good night.
00:12:50No, no, no.
00:13:21I don't want that old witch to catch on to anything.
00:13:24Well, I do. You're a free woman. What's more, you pay her.
00:13:29Why are you afraid of her?
00:13:32One has to be afraid of everything these days, especially when one's happy.
00:13:38Besides, things are not easy for me now.
00:13:43But you are a widow, aren't you?
00:13:46As of seven weeks.
00:13:48I suppose you loved your husband very much, didn't you?
00:13:52He died suddenly in a car crash.
00:13:55Very wisely. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.
00:13:58Poor Robert.
00:14:00He was a good man, but closed.
00:14:03All he ever thought about was money.
00:14:06And you married him for money?
00:14:08No. I needed affection.
00:14:11I thought an older man could give it to me.
00:14:14But all he knew how to give was money.
00:14:18You want some advice to save your soul?
00:14:21Give away all the money you've got, but not to the poor.
00:14:24To somebody richer than you.
00:14:27We need not create rich people any more than there already are.
00:14:36She's coming back later.
00:14:45Well, Mrs. West. Have a nice trip and give London a smile.
00:14:49Thank you. If you're ever in the neighborhood, do stop in.
00:14:56Clear everything away, Teresa.
00:14:59That's all for tonight.
00:15:17Is that you, Peter?
00:15:44Oh, no!
00:15:46Are you afraid of getting dirty?
00:15:56Oh, yes. Dirty me.
00:16:07Shall I meet you plane?
00:16:08No, I prefer to drive. Wait for me there.
00:16:11Don't forget you're meeting Robert's aunts.
00:16:12Oh, yes. Don't worry. I'll wear the soberest dress I have.
00:16:15Fine. See you in London.
00:16:16Right. Bye.
00:16:21Peter, hurry. You've got to leave right away.
00:16:24Okay, but what's your trouble?
00:16:26Oh, I'm in a terrible rush.
00:16:27You say I'll never get to London.
00:16:30Look, please don't be offended, Peter.
00:16:33But I would like you to be in a position of independence until I get back.
00:16:37Here, take it.
00:16:40Were you used to being paid before you married the rich man?
00:16:43Oh, forgive me. It's just my maternal instinct.
00:16:47Please go now, quietly.
00:16:49Okay, my would-be mother.
00:16:54When I get back from London, will we see each other again?
00:16:57It's up to you. If you want me, just call.
00:17:00Piazza Navona 19, top floor. There's no phone, but the mailman comes.
00:17:07Piazza Navona 19, top floor.
00:17:26We've reached an accord that's perfectly rational.
00:17:29The result is that the family mansion becomes your property.
00:17:32In exchange, are you disposed to renounce all legal demands on the estate of your nephew, Robert?
00:17:36I think so.
00:17:37No, no, that's not so. I'm not going to renounce the legacy we expected.
00:17:40I would absolutely contest any attempt to oppose the will of the family.
00:17:43Mr. Osborne, could we buy the house?
00:17:46Legally, yes, but you'll have to meet the price.
00:17:48Then it's simpler to do, as I say.
00:17:50On the contrary, the West mansion is worth more than mere money.
00:17:53But Catherine was his wife.
00:17:55It had the honor of having Lincoln as a guest one night.
00:17:58After all, it is the West family's oldest possession.
00:18:01And we cannot forget the sentimental value.
00:18:03We cannot equate sentimentality with economics.
00:18:05Let's hear what Catherine has to say.
00:18:08Oh, my dear aunties.
00:18:10The only thing I know is that my poor Robert would have wanted me to give you the family house.
00:18:17Oh, no, irregardless.
00:18:19We Wests don't want any charity, legal or personal.
00:18:21But Janet, don't be too offended.
00:18:23It was just and generous of our precious niece.
00:18:25I have no nieces.
00:18:26Our poor dear Robert is gone.
00:18:28She's only the widow of my nephew.
00:18:29Poor Robert. He never lived to enjoy his life.
00:18:32A young woman and an older man, it wasn't right.
00:18:34We cannot forget the sentimental value.
00:18:36We cannot equate sentimentality with economics.
00:18:38We cannot equate sentimentality with economics.
00:18:39But why did he drive himself so hard?
00:18:43You, you, Catherine.
00:18:45Please, a glass of water.
00:19:00Here's his telegram.
00:19:02This is from the brokers for Delta Petroleum.
00:19:07For the Pasadena residents, I can hope for the best, even better than New York.
00:19:14These are the Brazilian oil lease for the council to administer during litigation, etc.
00:19:18You can rest assured that you'll be even richer.
00:19:20Oh, you must be mad.
00:19:21Oh, where's my angel?
00:19:23Come on, princess, you're invited to dinner.
00:19:25By whom?
00:19:26A lonely man who's fascinated by you, but who feels he's not worthy of your attention.
00:19:33A few days later.
00:19:49Hello? Telegram?
00:19:51Destination, please.
00:19:52Rome. Piazza Navona 19.
00:19:59Yes? A message, please?
00:20:02Yes, yes.
00:20:03No, I'm sorry. I've changed my mind.
00:20:33Who's there?
00:20:54Teresa, is that you?
00:21:02Oh, my God!
00:22:01Who's there?
00:22:06Who's there?
00:22:12Let me out!
00:22:14Let me out! Let me out!
00:22:22Teresa, help!
00:22:27Senora West!
00:22:28Who's there?
00:22:31Oh, Teresa.
00:22:33What caused you to scream?
00:22:34There's someone in the house, Teresa.
00:22:36Come along.
00:22:37Teresa, there's someone in the house.
00:22:39Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:22:49But I tell you, I can't have been dreaming.
00:22:51The shower was on. The window was open.
00:22:53But look there. The painting was always there.
00:22:56Somebody must have taken it upstairs.
00:22:58You're not well tonight.
00:22:59You're feeling terribly anxious, but it's only temporary.
00:23:02Don't drive yourself crazy.
00:23:04The lights were on, and then they went off.
00:23:07In other words, you don't believe me.
00:23:09How can I, when you depend so much on pills to help you escape from reality?
00:23:14You need rest, Senora West.
00:23:16Go to your room. You'll feel better soon.
00:25:03And the mountain came to my hammers.
00:25:11You might have at least called.
00:25:16Do you hear anything?
00:25:20It was cut off two months ago.
00:25:30No. I'm angry with you.
00:25:38Oh, no. Not here.
00:25:41Yes, here. I didn't make any fuss about your damn rich house.
00:25:45I live here. I bring my women here on this bed.
00:25:48Women like that?
00:25:52You're worse than she is.
00:25:55Much worse.
00:25:57Yes, that's right.
00:25:59I'm worse than she is.
00:26:01I'm worse than all of them.
00:26:04Oh, yes.
00:26:06Yes, yes, yes.
00:26:13Thanks, dear lady. I'm sorry about this.
00:26:21Flowers, Senora?
00:26:23Put it on the bed.
00:26:28Are you trying to lose me after depriving me of a room?
00:26:32I don't find it funny. Why don't you behave decently and apologize?
00:26:35Well, I didn't ask you to accompany her home.
00:26:38Oh, stop it, Peter. I find the whole thing very distasteful.
00:26:42You're right. I'm sorry. Take her.
00:26:57Prepare the guest rooms.
00:26:59Mr. Donovan is spending a week with us.
00:27:29Come on!
00:27:33I'd like you to meet my sister.
00:27:55Come on.
00:28:17Oh, sorry. Please, try to be more careful when you dance.
00:28:20Ah, Teresa, don't bother.
00:28:23Go to bed and get some sleep.
00:28:25I'm so sleepy.
00:28:31In my day, I was fabulous.
00:28:37In my day, I was famous for rock and roll.
00:28:40This is your day, Catherine. Ours is yet to come.
00:28:44Peter's right.
00:28:46I'd give half my life to resemble you during the other half.
00:28:51If you only knew the admiration.
00:28:54The enormous attraction I feel for you.
00:28:57The melting sensation I get looking at you.
00:29:00So feminine. So beautiful.
00:29:10There. Touching you to be sure you're real.
00:29:13That's a thrill.
00:29:15Oh, Eva.
00:29:18You have so much inside.
00:29:20If you can even give it away to someone like me,
00:29:23rich with no purpose in life,
00:29:26who doesn't deserve it.
00:29:32Well, then.
00:29:36If that's the way it's to be,
00:29:38teach me how to be young.
00:29:40But hoping yet you'd not forget
00:29:45that I'd still love you
00:29:47Good for you. Come on.
00:29:49On and on, on and on
00:29:56But then, but then, I don't know why
00:30:00You turn off me
00:30:04And you lie to me
00:30:10Oh, it's wonderful to be young.
00:30:25Oh, no, you monster. Don't use the flash.
00:30:28You'll burn everything out on me and we'll turn out looking dreadful.
00:30:31It has a special film that takes photos in this light.
00:30:36Now, you can do whatever you want.
00:30:39Does it have an automatic shutter? Of course.
00:30:51Come on. All together, a family group.
00:30:58So, Eva, how do you like the house?
00:31:01It's lovely here.
00:31:03Silent and chanting.
00:31:05It reminds me of our grandparents' house in Beverly Hills.
00:31:08It's an old, dreary house full of old folks and dogs.
00:31:12Oh, he's lying.
00:31:14I bet he's longing to go back.
00:31:16He's always doing that.
00:31:18When he loves something, he says he hates it.
00:31:23Mm, at last.
00:31:28Not for me, thank you.
00:31:33I am no teetotaler, but when I drink on an empty stomach,
00:31:36I don't trust myself to drive.
00:31:38But where do you have to go?
00:31:40Well, back to Rome, I suppose.
00:31:42Oh, not at all. I've already arranged dinner here.
00:31:45Unless you have something more important to do.
00:31:48I don't think there is anyone more important than you, Catherine.
00:31:51At least for the moment.
00:31:55Oh, well, then, come on, have a drink.
00:31:57You won't be driving anywhere tonight.
00:31:59You need some love, just tell me
00:32:02Oh, yeah
00:32:05Yeah, any time
00:32:08You're feeling down, just tell me
00:32:11Yeah, any time
00:32:14I'll come around, just tell me
00:32:17Don't worry
00:32:19Baby, cos I'm around
00:32:23I'll be there
00:32:25I'll turn your sadness into fun
00:32:31Late at night, when it's dark
00:32:34And so cold
00:32:37You're all promised, you're the warmest
00:32:41I am to hold
00:32:43So any time
00:32:45You need some love, just tell me
00:32:49Yeah, any time
00:32:52You're feeling alone, just tell me
00:32:55Don't worry
00:32:57Baby, cos I'm around
00:33:01I'll be there
00:33:03I'll turn your sadness into fun
00:33:09Late at night, when it's dark
00:33:12And so cold
00:33:15You're all promised, you're the warmest
00:33:19I am to hold
00:33:21So any time
00:33:23You need some love, just tell me
00:33:27Yeah, any time
00:33:29You're feeling alone, just tell me
00:33:33Don't worry
00:33:35Baby, cos I'm around
00:33:39I'll be there
00:33:41I'll turn your sadness into fun
00:33:46Why don't you tell me, baby
00:33:49Come on and tell me
00:33:52Why don't you come tell me, baby
00:33:55Come on and tell me
00:33:58Why don't you come tell me, baby
00:34:01Why don't you tell me
00:34:04Come on and tell me, baby
00:34:07Come on and tell me
00:34:10Why don't you tell me, baby
00:34:13Come on and tell me
00:34:16Why don't you come tell me, baby
00:34:19Come on and tell me
00:34:22Why don't you come tell me, baby
00:34:25Come on and tell me
00:34:33Oh, I wish I didn't feel so tired.
00:34:38It's a pity to break up a night like tonight.
00:34:41Look, I've got some pills that make you stop feeling tired.
00:34:44I took one in the nightclub.
00:34:47It should be taken with four fingers of whiskey.
00:35:11Eva, I'd like to give her a kiss. May I?
00:35:13You must.
00:35:15Oh, not now, darling.
00:35:17You must never say no to a guest, Catherine.
00:35:32Why should you hide when you make love?
00:35:35There's so many ridiculous and repulsive things.
00:35:38And love is the most beautiful in the world.
00:35:40Quite right, sis.
00:35:42Just think, there's people who count their money in public.
00:35:44People who slug each other in the ring.
00:35:47People who make war.
00:35:51How long is it since you've made love, sis?
00:35:54I never remember the last time.
00:35:57I only think of the next.
00:35:59What you've done in the past seems like nothing...
00:36:02compared to what you'd like to do.
00:36:05Now I order you to go to bed.
00:36:08I will take your word for it.
00:36:11Come on, Catherine.
00:36:14Come on.
00:36:35Catherine, wake up, darling.
00:36:38It's four in the afternoon.
00:36:40Oh, let me sleep.
00:36:43Come on, you've got to wake up.
00:36:52Oh, I can't.
00:36:54You'll end up harming yourself.
00:37:00Take this.
00:37:02You'll feel better in a moment.
00:37:14Your move, Catherine.
00:37:28Yes, here she is.
00:37:48Hello, Brian. How are you?
00:37:51No, don't worry.
00:37:53There are two kids from Boston.
00:37:55Yes, the children of a friend of mine.
00:37:58Tomorrow evening?
00:38:02Till tomorrow night, then.
00:38:04No, I'll come there.
00:38:06Right. Bye.
00:38:08Try and leave us and I'll bump you off.
00:38:12Stop that, you moron.
00:38:14But Peter, it was only a joke.
00:38:16I don't tolerate jokes with guns.
00:38:19And I don't tolerate brutality.
00:38:21You prefer she'd shot you, you idiot?
00:38:23How dare you speak to me like that?
00:38:25And you keep your voice down or the Brooklyn comes out in you.
00:38:29Huh. Brooklyn.
00:39:00I don't want you two to quarrel because of me.
00:39:03Oh, it's not because of you.
00:39:05It's because of me. Come on, let's drop it.
00:39:07Oh, that's too easy.
00:39:09Is that what you did as a little boy?
00:39:13But he means it when he says he's sorry.
00:39:15Well, there's nothing really to be sorry about anyway.
00:39:19Come here!
00:39:21Oh, stop it, Peter.
00:39:30Good night.
00:39:32Good loving.
00:39:44Perhaps, dear Catherine, worry comes from caring.
00:39:47That's very sweet of you, Brian.
00:39:50But there's really no need to worry.
00:39:52I feel much better now.
00:39:54You know, these two youngsters have been marvelous.
00:39:57They've given me a new perspective on life, on youth.
00:40:02That's so. To be young requires the company of the young.
00:40:05Excuse me, I didn't mean to sound like such an old man.
00:40:08Oh, that's not true.
00:40:10But I must tell you frankly, Brian,
00:40:13I have no intention of getting married again.
00:40:16I'm not asking you to marry me.
00:40:18No, but you were about to when I stopped you.
00:40:21Anyway, you'll always be close to me.
00:40:25Anyway, you'll always be the closest person to me.
00:40:29I'll never let you go.
00:40:31I have always felt the same way about you.
00:40:34What's that?
00:40:36Oh, it's just something for the digestion.
00:40:40I've had a problem with my liver lately.
00:40:45That's why I would like to go home early if possible.
00:40:55© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:41:25© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:41:30Welcome back, you tramp.
00:41:55© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:42:25© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:42:41Can you talk, Signora West?
00:42:43Can you say anything?
00:42:45What happened?
00:42:48Are you all right, Signora West?
00:42:51Do you feel any better?
00:42:54This is Teresa.
00:42:56Please, say something.
00:42:58Do you want me to make you a cup of hot tea?
00:43:05Ah, good. Here, drink.
00:43:14Can you say anything?
00:43:16You may have a concussion.
00:43:24I just tripped, Teresa.
00:43:27It's nothing. I'll be all right.
00:43:32Go back to bed. We'll look after her.
00:43:35Come on.
00:43:46We didn't lie to you before.
00:43:48My father and Eva's father were in love.
00:43:51My father and Eva's father were good friends.
00:43:54Our mothers too.
00:43:56To the point that they divorced and married each other.
00:43:59So we grew up together.
00:44:01School together, vacations together, bed together.
00:44:04Ever since we were children.
00:44:06It's disgusting.
00:44:08You've deceived me so.
00:44:11You've helped us yourself.
00:44:15Are you jealous of something?
00:44:17I'm the one who should be.
00:44:19But jealousy does not exist.
00:44:22Especially in the particular situation we're in.
00:44:27Why did you come here, Eva?
00:44:30I wanted to see who was stealing Peter from me.
00:44:34And when I saw you, I realized he was right.
00:44:39And you made me fall in love too.
00:44:44I made you fall in love.
00:44:46There are all kinds of love.
00:44:49And all kinds of pleasure.
00:44:51When you came, we thought you were here with us.
00:44:55I was here with you.
00:45:16I was here with you.
00:45:46I don't know when.
00:45:48I don't know when.
00:45:50I don't know when.
00:45:52I don't know when.
00:45:58I don't know.
00:46:00I don't know when.
00:46:02I don't know when.
00:46:04I don't know when.
00:46:06I don't know.
00:46:08I don't know when.
00:46:10I don't know.
00:46:12I don't know when.
00:46:14I don't know when.
00:46:17I don't know.
00:46:19I don't know when.
00:46:21Just some sleep.
00:46:34Only the free man doesn't need anyone to wait on him.
00:46:37We can get along perfectly well by ourselves.
00:46:40Without that old bag spying on everything we say and do.
00:46:43Oh, but that's out of the question.
00:46:45Why? You're going off on a cruise and you're closing down the house.
00:46:49And you mean we stay here alone?
00:46:51No, Martino stays on.
00:46:53He lives with his flowers and besides, he's deaf.
00:47:00Tell me, Catherine,
00:47:02before making up your mind,
00:47:05did you like it?
00:47:13No, I didn't.
00:47:44Hey, turn it up!
00:47:46It can't.
00:47:59No! No, no, no!
00:48:02No, no, no!
00:48:04No, no, no!
00:48:14And I'll be there.
00:48:26So, to the third question.
00:48:29What do you think of yourself?
00:48:32Well, what do I think of myself?
00:48:38When I think of myself,
00:48:40I want to vomit.
00:48:43But I'm happy because I realize it.
00:48:46You see,
00:48:48you two don't realize how nauseating you are.
00:48:54I've told the truth.
00:49:01That makes us both more nauseating.
00:49:06Why did you do that?
00:49:08Get out of the way. Let's drink.
00:49:10Come on. It's all over, Catherine.
00:49:13It's only a game.
00:49:15Yes, a game. Game of truth.
00:49:17And I told the truth.
00:49:19You won't screw me anymore with your drugs,
00:49:23you slimy little bastards.
00:49:25You won't have my neck.
00:49:27Go find somebody else for your degenerate games.
00:49:31And get out of my house.
00:49:33I never want to see you again.
00:49:35You filth.
00:49:37I loathe you.
00:49:40I hate you.
00:49:42I hate you.
00:50:08Martino, do you hear me?
00:50:11Take this away.
00:50:21Don't forget.
00:50:23Open the gate at five sharp.
00:50:25But before and after that,
00:50:27don't open it for anyone.
00:50:32Five o'clock?
00:51:05What's the meaning of this?
00:51:07Leave at once.
00:51:11Leave at once.
00:51:26All right.
00:51:28How much do you want?
00:51:30She asks how much we want.
00:51:32How much does she think she's worth?
00:51:34I knew it was blackmail.
00:51:36I haven't got time to lose.
00:51:38I'm expecting guests.
00:51:40Get out.
00:51:42We don't want your money.
00:51:44We want you.
00:51:54It was certainly fortunate for Catherine
00:51:56that when Teresa suddenly walked out on her,
00:51:58she discovered you too.
00:52:00No doubt it's very peaceful in this desert.
00:52:05Miss West, what do you mean?
00:52:07This is an earthly paradise.
00:52:10I've never seen any place as rich and fungi of all kinds.
00:52:13Oh, really?
00:52:15What are you interested in?
00:52:17Well, music, photography, too.
00:52:19But actually, I'm sort of...
00:52:21well, an old-fashioned girl.
00:52:23And I think I'm too young
00:52:25to take a serious interest in anything.
00:52:27I feel much pleasure
00:52:29whenever I hear such words from the younger generation.
00:52:32No, no, not at all, young lady.
00:52:34Continue on with those principles
00:52:36and you'll wind up like us, taking care of alcoholics
00:52:38never having had the pleasure of getting drunk.
00:52:42Are you feeling better, dear?
00:52:44Oh, much better, thank you.
00:52:46In fact, I jotted down the notes you asked for.
00:52:48What papers?
00:52:50About the oil company.
00:52:52If you start losing your memory, Brian,
00:52:54I'll be forced to hire another attorney.
00:52:56Oh, yes, I forgot. I'm sorry.
00:53:10Then it's possible to proceed.
00:53:12Now, these are the, uh, details
00:53:14concerning the sale of the villa.
00:53:16Now, your approval is necessary
00:53:18to complete the matter.
00:53:20Please sign here.
00:53:22We expect to see you in London, Cathy, dear.
00:53:26Bye. See you in Michigan. Maybe this springtime.
00:53:28And also, I'm very grateful for the concern
00:53:30you've shown for Catherine.
00:53:32For us, it's a pleasure, Mr. Sanders.
00:53:34Catherine is so sweet and unhappy.
00:53:36I'll telephone tomorrow from the airport.
00:53:38Don't forget. Please call.
00:53:40Hmm. Ciao.
00:53:52Come back alone as soon as you can.
00:53:54I'm in danger.
00:54:02Shut the gate.
00:54:06Here. Give this to her.
00:54:12It would even give a kick to the rotting Mr. West.
00:54:16You'd give all your stinking millions
00:54:18to have a taste of this, wouldn't you, Catherine?
00:54:20We don't want them.
00:54:22We like you.
00:54:24Sweet and agreeable,
00:54:26as you were long, long ago.
00:54:28That's all over now.
00:54:30And I don't feel like drinking.
00:54:32You're a liar, Mrs. West.
00:54:34You do feel like it.
00:54:36Except you're also afraid.
00:54:38This is the most exciting moment of your life.
00:54:42Why don't you surprise me
00:54:44and ask to have a drink?
00:54:46Stop it.
00:54:48What do you promise me if I let you drink?
00:54:56Stop it.
00:54:58You hear that?
00:55:00You hear that?
00:55:02She wants to stop before we've even started.
00:55:10Hello, Brian, can you hear me now?
00:55:14Oh, no, no, no.
00:55:16Please. Please.
00:55:20Oh, no, no, no. Don't hang up, Brian.
00:55:22Stay on the line.
00:55:30Hello, Brian?
00:55:34Oh, the letter.
00:55:36Oh, it's nothing important.
00:55:38I just wanted to hear about the dividends.
00:55:42Oh, well, it was nothing important.
00:55:44I just wanted to know about the dividends.
00:55:48Yes, I'm fine. Bye.
00:55:54Oh, no, turn it down, please.
00:55:56Having a little trouble, huh?
00:55:58Come on, go to bed.
00:56:00Go on to bed.
00:56:02We want to be alone.
00:56:04Come on, move it.
00:56:26You need some love
00:56:28Just tell me
00:56:56I love you
00:56:58I love you
00:57:00I love you
00:57:02I love you
00:57:04I love you
00:57:06I love you
00:57:08I love you
00:57:10I love you
00:57:12I love you
00:57:14I love you
00:57:16I love you
00:57:18I love you
00:57:20I love you
00:57:22I love you
00:57:24I love you
00:57:26I love you
00:57:28I love you
00:57:30I love you
00:57:49♪ Anytime you need some love, I guess I'll be there anytime ♪
00:57:57♪ You've been alone with me... ♪
00:57:59Stop it! Stop it! Let me out of here!
00:58:03Stop it! Let me out of here!
00:58:06Stop it! Stop it! Let me out of here!
00:58:11Stop it! Let me out!
00:58:13Let me out of here!
00:58:15♪ Tell me, baby, come on, tell me ♪
00:58:20♪ Why don't you come on, tell me, baby? Come on, tell me ♪
00:58:26Oh, no! No! No!
00:58:33♪ Tell me, baby, come on, tell me ♪
00:58:37♪ Why don't you come on, tell me? Come on, tell me, baby? Come on, tell me, baby? ♪
00:58:49What's happening?
00:58:50She shut herself in!
00:58:52Katherine, what have you done?
00:58:54What have you done? What are you doing?
00:58:56Pull back the car.
00:58:57Pull back the car!
00:58:58Have you gone out of your mind?
00:59:03I wanna leave! I wanna get out of here! Where are the keys?
00:59:04You're sick, Katherine.
00:59:06The keys!
00:59:07Come on. Let's go home. Come with me.
00:59:09I don't want to, I want the keys!
00:59:11Where are the keys to my car?
00:59:12I'll give you the keys, come with me.
00:59:24They weren't there before.
00:59:28You're suffering from hallucinations, Catherine.
00:59:31You can't go away.
00:59:33Not in this state.
00:59:35Come on, be good.
00:59:55Peter, Peter, look!
00:59:57My God, he might fall.
00:59:59Please, Peter, go get him, please.
01:00:03Up there, up there.
01:00:05Ah, the same old story.
01:00:07I'll try from up above.
01:00:14Where are you going?
01:00:16No, wait!
01:00:24Come on.
01:00:32Good kitty, kitty, kitty.
01:00:55Wait a minute.
01:01:01Oh, thank you.
01:01:03Is it yours?
01:01:04Yes, she's been missing since this morning.
01:01:07I'm living down the way.
01:01:11Where are you going?
01:01:12Go back to bed.
01:01:13No, let me by.
01:01:17Let me by!
01:01:19Let me by.
01:01:20Go, go, go!
01:01:21No, let me by.
01:01:22Go, go!
01:01:26Damn you!
01:01:32Damn you!
01:01:34Stop it!
01:01:37Stop it!
01:01:39I'm leaving now.
01:01:40See you later, huh?
01:01:41Thanks again.
01:01:46Who's that?
01:01:48Oh, senor.
01:01:49Oh, senor.
01:01:52Here, go into town and get some cigarettes.
01:01:53Go on.
01:02:13Oh, no.
01:02:14Don't beat me.
01:02:17Oh, no.
01:02:20No, please.
01:02:22Oh, please.
01:02:24Oh, no, please, no!
01:02:27Oh, no!
01:02:46Martino, no, don't go away!
01:02:47Don't leave me.
01:02:50No! Don't go away!
01:02:52Don't leave me!
01:03:18Don't go away!
01:03:20Don't leave me!
01:03:28Grazie Senora!
01:03:30Thank you very much!
01:03:48There's not a drop left in the house. Have you forgotten all our wonderful evening?
01:04:18Where's the telephone?
01:04:20We're against technological progress, and we don't want to be disturbed.
01:04:25Put the telephone back at once. I want to order some whiskey.
01:04:30Eva's gone in to lay in a supply, but if you're really thirsty, I'll see what I can do.
01:04:42And I warn you, there's a padlock on the gate!
01:04:48Here we are! But if you want a drink, you've got to be nice.
01:05:04No, no, don't come any closer.
01:05:06Well, I was just trying to be nice.
01:05:09The fact is that we really don't have any more fun with you because you're a poor, demented drunk!
01:05:18I'm sorry.
01:05:20I'm sorry.
01:05:23I'm sorry.
01:05:26I'm sorry.
01:05:47I'm sorry.
01:06:17I'm sorry.
01:06:31Hey, bring me a glass now.
01:06:33Ah, yes.
01:06:48Actually, you're a pretty nice girl.
01:06:51Get up.
01:06:56Stand up.
01:07:04Give me the keys to the gate and the keys to the car.
01:07:07Don't do anything silly, Catherine.
01:07:18Stop there.
01:07:21Throw me the keys and then lock yourself inside.
01:07:47I'm sorry.
01:08:17I'm sorry.
01:08:47I'm sorry.
01:09:18Damn the day I ever got the idea of using red dye.
01:09:22You can thank me for having thought of putting in those blanks.
01:09:26How is she?
01:09:28She's just waking up. The sedative was weak.
01:09:33Be careful, huh? This isn't the moment.
01:09:37Don't worry. It's pure science.
01:09:52West Residence. Ah, good evening, Mr. Sanders.
01:09:56She's gone to Rome with my sister.
01:09:59She's gone to do some shopping.
01:10:03I see.
01:10:06Well, I hope she'll be... that she'll be back by that time, okay?
01:10:13Well, I hope she'll be... that she'll be back by that time, okay?
01:10:17Be seeing you soon.
01:10:23I'm sorry, darling, but I had to stop you from saying anything funny.
01:10:28You've done too many funny things already.
01:10:32Now, Mr. Sanders is on his way, and you've got to get rid of him.
01:10:36Brian's coming here?
01:10:39Quite right.
01:10:41You have to behave, and if you say one thing, we spill the beans.
01:10:45But no. Our little Kathy will be perfect.
01:10:49Now get up and get yourself into shape.
01:10:52God save you if you let yourself be seen in this condition.
01:10:55No, later.
01:10:59Now you've got to get up and get dressed.
01:11:41I'm terribly sorry, but I absolutely must be in New York tomorrow morning.
01:11:45I don't know what to say, Mr. Sanders.
01:11:47Every time they go to Rome, they get lost in the shops,
01:11:50go to the movies, stop by in some restaurant.
01:11:53Quite frankly, I'm pretty fed up with trying to keep up with those live wires.
01:11:59Maybe it's better that way. Katharine needs a little distraction.
01:12:02How is she now?
01:12:04Well, I don't know really what to say.
01:12:06She's doing perfectly well.
01:12:08And then she gets sudden fits of depression.
01:12:11Forgive me, Mr. Sanders, perhaps I shouldn't, uh...
01:12:14No, no. Tell me the truth, I beg you.
01:12:16Well, when she gets sad, she drinks a lot.
01:12:19And when she drinks a lot, she says she wants to die.
01:12:23Then, uh... Then?
01:12:25Then she takes, uh, sleeping pills, and she sleeps for 24 hours a day.
01:12:32Yes, we really must convince her to take a cure.
01:12:35And I'd be very grateful, Mr. Donovan, if you'd always keep me informed.
01:12:39In any case, I'll be back in a week at the most.
01:12:45What about the power of attorney?
01:12:49Thank you. And tell Katharine to sign this and dispatch it immediately
01:12:52to the office of Carlini, who's my correspondent in Rome.
01:12:55And should Signora West have need of clarification,
01:12:58this is my number to telephone.
01:13:01Mr. Donovan, you've been of considerable help.
01:13:03What Katharine wanted to know is what the total dividends come to.
01:13:06Tell her these papers concern $120 million from the Italian branch.
01:13:11I see. $120 million...
01:13:17What was that?
01:13:19Ah, the cat's up to his old trick of trying to steal a bottle of milk.
01:13:25Oh, well, tell Katharine, uh, Mrs. West, to phone me. Goodbye.
01:13:29Goodbye, gentlemen. See you, Mr. Sanders.
01:13:40Keep your millions, you filthy...
01:13:59Too bad you're so crazy.
01:14:01You're so beautiful. I could have loved you and made you happy.
01:14:06All the fault of whiskey.
01:14:10Would you like to make love one last time?
01:14:19Only you and me.
01:14:31Only you and me.
01:14:33Only you and me.
01:14:57Katharine, your supper's ready.
01:15:18Let me out! I'm going mad! I'm going mad!
01:15:33Twenty pills. It'll be a painless suicide.
01:16:03It is our sad duty to inform you of the death of your legal representative,
01:16:32Brian Sanders.
01:16:34Oh, no.
01:16:37In a plane crash returning...
01:16:42Oh, God!
01:16:45Oh, God, no!
01:17:07This is it.
01:17:08Let's wait at least ten minutes.
01:17:31Ten minutes.
01:18:01Ten minutes.
01:18:31Ten minutes.
01:19:01Ten minutes.
01:19:31Ten minutes.
01:20:01Ten minutes.
01:20:32Bye-bye, Katharine. The party's over.
01:20:45Uncle Brian, lend us the car.
01:20:48As soon as I get in the water, I'll explode.
01:20:50It's a beautiful day for swimming.
01:20:52You, too.
01:20:53Thank you, darling.
01:20:59Brian, see you, darling.
01:21:00You, too.
01:21:02See you later.
01:21:20Excuse me, Mr. Sanders. You're wanted at Scotland Yard.
01:21:24We're running out of gas.
01:21:26What do you care? We've got 3,000 oil wells out in Texas.
01:21:30We can double the price of oil and be less traffic on the road.
01:21:39Listen to this. Katharine saved it, too.
01:21:42It's a beautiful day for swimming.
01:21:52That's beautiful, though.
01:21:59Dump me.
01:22:05Dump me, I said.
01:22:06Dump me.
01:22:09Dump me.
01:22:11Dump me.
01:22:12Dump me.
01:22:15You, too.
01:22:20You, too.
01:22:21For fate had planned it so, and just one look was all it took.