• 2 months ago
Scaramucci: Trump's New Hire Signals Aggressive Campaign Recalibration


00:00Let's discuss all the aspects of the campaign right now with former Trump White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci
00:06Anthony great to see you as always. Thanks for being with us first
00:09I want to ask you about the economic speech that Trump gave last night in Asheville
00:15Kristen pointed out that the campaign is going to be focused on these smaller events not rallies kind of centered around a single issue
00:22Why do you think that is and and what grade would you give the former president's performance yesterday?
00:30Well, I mean listen, it's the same great. I give him a great of a tea, which is he's Donald Trump
00:35That's how he's gonna talk to people. He's demeaning and degrading and he's off-topic
00:39So he's gonna try to repair that today with the press conference
00:44And I you know, I want to give a shout-out to Corey Lewandowski
00:46He's a he is a friend of mine, even though he's on the wrong team
00:49I like Corey and I don't wish him well with this thing
00:53But I wish him well in general in life because I want Donald Trump to lose
00:56But but I would say this to you the smaller events or because he's worried about crowd sizes
01:03He does not want his crowd sizes to be overwhelmed
01:07By Vice President Harrison, it looks that way if you look at her crowd sizes recently
01:12She's getting way more people. He knows that and so that's why he's making this adaptation. So we can't rule. Mr
01:20Trump out of this race. He's a very aggressive very
01:23formidable competitor and he's
01:25Recalibrating right now how he's going to approach the race from here to November
01:30And I'll just point out the viewers and listeners. He he did the same thing in August of
01:342016 we had a swap out in August of 2016 and Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon joined
01:41And the race, you know got a lot tighter and a lot more complex after they they joined
01:46So he's doing something very similar right now. He made a similar move in in 2020
01:51Do you believe the campaign when they say that their current heads Chris la civita and Susie Wiles aren't going anywhere
01:59Do you think that might soon change, too? I
02:04Think there's a lot of pressure, you know, there's been a lot of news reports that Chris was in particular trouble
02:10You know the the the insights got up
02:12But it's a little rough on the staff and Donald Trump doesn't like the direction things are going in and Boris
02:18I don't know if you remember George Steinbrenner
02:19But Donald Trump sees himself as a modern-day George Steinbrenner. So when things are not going well, it's never his fault
02:26He's got a fine scapegoat
02:27So I think the pressure though now that this has been reported in the press that he was gonna fire
02:33Chris has probably stayed that execution for a while, but there's disarray in the campaign
02:39Cory's very close to President Trump, and I think he's been relying on some good advice from from Cory
02:46And so listen a three-headed monster it didn't work
02:49You can ask Pompey Crassus and Caesar. It didn't work in Rome. It's not gonna work here
02:55They'll be fighting with each other coming into Labor Day
02:58So what do you think it means then for the campaign that they're relying on this boost and that they're potentially?
03:05Jeopardizing the dynamic with bringing someone like Corey Lewandowski in
03:09Well, Trump wants to shake up he doesn't like where things are he's not he's not on firm footing with his messaging
03:16The stuff that he used against Hillary Clinton is not sticking with Vice President Harris
03:21And so he wants to shake things up and we'll have to see today at 430 if he can stay on message
03:28He's being told by his aides if you stick to the issues the border the economy
03:33The border the economy people feeling better meaning having more money in their pocketbook
03:40He'll tighten up these polls
03:42He doesn't want to do that and he wants to call the vice president mean and nasty and he wants to use
03:48Derogatory insults about her intelligence. I think I'll lose the race. And so I think his aides are telling him that
03:55and so I think he'll recalibrate because
03:58This guy wants to win and he's a formidable politician and this is one of many
04:04Adaptations that he's made during the course of his political career and we'll see if he if he's less derogatory at 430
04:12Yeah, we'll see it. It is interesting though because
04:16Even that sort of sentiment when you hear reporting about sources inside the Trump camp that he wants to shake up that he doesn't feel
04:23Like he's an unfirm footing his favorability numbers in a campaign have never been higher
04:28I believe he's close to 45 44 percent 44 percent right now. You look at 2020 and 2016
04:34What do you attribute that to?
04:39Well, I I think he's I think he's been he's been fairly disciplined up until the Harris shakeup of the
04:47Democratic presidential nomination, so he's been fairly disciplined
04:51But I I think those numbers are his his ceiling
04:54I think he has as everybody says he has this high floor, but a low ceiling
04:59when you look at data, he could get to 47 and a half percent that's why the
05:05Republicans want people like Jill Stein and RFK jr. In the race so they can chip away at vice president Harris
05:11But you know, that's a good number for him
05:14That's about as good as it's gonna get frankly, and that's the fact that he's off of Twitter if those
05:20Meanderings on truth social the insanity that he writes on truth
05:24Social was actually on Twitter and for those 80 million plus people that follow him on X or now called X
05:31I think it'd be a disaster for him and those numbers would drop
05:35so he's been a beneficiary of being on truth social because he's talking to a
05:41Hard-right MAGA echo chamber over there and people are not seeing the full insanity of the stuff that he's writing
05:48Conversely, I'm wondering what you think vice president Harris needs to do as she lays out her vision of the economy in this speech in North
05:55Carolina tomorrow, what do you think would be an effective message from her? I
06:01Think an effective message is that the Joe Biden policies are working the same thing that President Biden said yesterday
06:08Stay the course. We're heading for a soft landing rate cuts are coming
06:13Inflation is coming down
06:15Manufacturing is up
06:17Onshoring of manufacturing is there the infrastructure bill is lowering the cost of the delivery of goods and services
06:24There's some rumors that she's talking about price controls. I hope she doesn't go in that direction
06:28Because that'll be very bad for the stock market. It'll be very bad for
06:32The capital markets in general in the United States
06:34I think she should also emphasize that she wants an independent Fed Donald Trump is calling for a dependent Fed on Donald Trump
06:42So I guess he wants to be Erdogan of Turkey and he wants to turn our Federal Reserve
06:46Into the Turkish Central Bank, which would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States
06:51So she should compare and contrast her messaging to his but I really hope she stays away from price controls
06:58Because that would be very bad for the economy and it would be very bad for her campaign last point though
07:03I think this is a good one. I
07:05Recommend that she does not take any interviews between now and her nomination. There's no need for her to do that. I know
07:12The media wants her to do that, but she's running a campaign for the American voters
07:16I think her number one goal should be on missile lock to get that nomination before she she steps out
07:23That's a
