Nautilu - Season 01 Episode 08

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00:00We're alive for how much longer with captain crazy running things and we left company around the ship
00:06Endangered our lives to save some fish and he got his best friend killed
00:10Well, then he hasn't changed
00:14I'm gonna drive them up to the ice such a bad idea
00:18Allow us to use your forge and you have my word. We will tow you out of here. Do we have an agreement?
00:25Now sink them
00:30Can't beat them, you know, the company used his one weakness against him
00:33They will destroy everything that stands in their way said heading three four zero under the ice
00:37Do we have enough air to last that long?
00:41By the only one who thinks this is madness
01:19Needed a break from pit
01:24He wasn't a major shareholder he'd be in chains for striking an officer
01:29That coat
01:33Those cricket whites
01:44So they're headed south to London
01:47Why risk so much batting alongside me only to sign his death warrant by sending a telegram to cruelly
03:06What is Nemo thinking
03:10Two days down here with 50 feet of ice between us and a breath of fresh air
03:16We have enough air to make it to the Northern Sea so he says
03:21Well, you don't believe him. We spent years at Calpurnia with him. You never even knew his real name
03:30If he's wrong frozen fish food
03:45As many men
03:56They must have been there a hundred years imagine what hardest they saw
04:05Lower the shield
04:52How did that
04:53Ghost ship get there. What does it matter? What matters is it's never leaving
04:59Same as its crew
05:00You know when I die I want to be buried on earth not
05:05Drift for eternity in some dark sea
05:17You came back
05:21Go go
05:26We could have taken the Northeast Passage, why did we come under the ice that was mr. Nemo's decision
05:33That way we stay ahead of the drip. It is what it is
05:38It doesn't need to be
05:41Things don't just change
05:45These believe they could
05:48If the masses rose up and he was right wasn't he things changed in Karajan and the people took control
06:01What do you mean mutiny enough
06:27Well, even mutinies need leaders
06:31What about humility? Well, no, she's too close with anymore and has to be one of us
06:40Will you talk to him
06:46Nemo is my friend who would take his place
06:52So he what are my qualifications?
06:55You're a good man
07:03A good man
07:04I've traveled from Zanzibar to Peking and back traded with Arabs
07:10Asia India
07:12Europeans and I'm yet to have set eyes on a good man
07:20I will talk to him. You won't listen
07:31But first please I don't have the time that frozen ship it has scared them
07:37Do not think we should be down here under the ice. It's the quickest route to halva
07:41So it with your eyes the dead sailor. She is full of the dead and we do not want to join them
07:47My calculations we've enough air to cross under that ice
07:53Tell them that those are just numbers
07:56What would you have me do speak to them?
08:00That is all I ask
08:02convince them of your plan
08:11Call them together. Thank you
08:41You're in no danger
08:43The Nautilus will take four more days to pass under the Arctic
08:46She has enough air for five
08:48We'll make it to the northern seas. You have my word
08:52Good enough for me keep air. Oh my god. What's more like work? You made a mistake?
09:01Done here back to your stations. Wait, you heard what I said go. We only have enough air for three days
09:11Is that true
09:14You're wrong not I double-checked look I'll show you the estimates
09:19Estimates you said you knew
09:24Gambling with our lives Nima
09:30It's impossible to say exactly how much air is in the tanks
09:33How much each of us will breathe then the truth is you don't know ha we turn back now
09:38We'd make the edge of the ice in two days turning back. Why?
09:41The job is to follow my orders not question them
09:44Not if they threaten the lives of those they are supposed to protect if we run the Nautilus at full speed
09:48We can clear the ice in three days
09:49She's struggling as it is push her harder. She could give out all together
09:52We'll make her lighter drop whatever we can through the dive chamber understood. We are going back. I command the Nautilus
10:08Not anymore
10:11I'm relieving you of your command
10:17We are with you
10:33But one of us under arrest no, okay, you lied
10:50Let me see
10:55It's just a great
11:00You could have killed her on
11:06I take it. She's confined to his cabin
11:24Can't open this you turn her about consider it done captain
11:36Everyone to their stations
12:05Move we don't have all day
12:13Don't do this to you too late
12:47What's that terrible smell
12:55Was trying to cut this perhaps we need to talk I
12:59Have to get out of here. Well, there's no point if you won't listen
13:03Go ahead admit you were wrong agree to our turning back
13:08You're siding with them. There's no them you lied. You put all our lives in jeopardy. They attacked me. You drew a gun on the crew
13:34Because of this
13:38Before we struck the ice I thought
13:43What's changed
13:47Has this got something to do with Captain Millie
13:55You're one man Lima
13:58You can't possibly destroy something as powerful as the company to try would be to throw your life away
14:03My life has no other value does to me
14:17I'll be outside
14:19No stay
14:21It'll do you no harm to witness two adults actually discussing their feelings
14:30What you have suffered is terrible
14:34But this need for revenge it's blinding you to all else to everyone else it's not so
14:41Then tell me how many sons to see you now
14:56Where's Boniface from I don't I don't know I point exactly
15:02Do you know my name
15:07My real name
15:14I told you what it was. You said we were family last time
15:23How can you expect their loyalty if you don't know who they are I won't let them see who you really are
15:41It doesn't mean he doesn't care
15:58All I had one fit
16:01Boniface it I mean mr. New captain
16:04Now that name was you know can I do a different job, please the periscope all I had one fit
16:18And when we're clear of the ice the Dutch trading post had Nagasaki
16:24Sell her the company will never stop looking for us while we have the Nautilus
16:32He won't see reason
16:36I'm glad you are with us if we all work together. We'll be fine
16:56Swing let me out for you. I take orders from one of us
17:10Let's see if we can coax a little more out
17:19Where did you learn to throw a knife like that prison what we imprisoned for
17:28Murder what I
17:31Was framed
17:33By a brilliant anarchist revolutionary
17:38He shot a policeman in Constantinople as we were making our getaway
17:43I chose that man
17:46Over myself
17:49And it didn't work out. Well, obviously
17:52Broken souls are like broken glass
17:56You can't fix them
17:58What you did today
18:01Was the right thing to do
18:04Was the right thing to do
18:11Is this normal miss Lucas
18:23Control room, what are the compasses doing going crazy?
18:27They've hit magnetic north
18:30It must be interfering with the metal components of the instruments so we have to escape the magnetic field
18:38Control room
18:43What do you want? I know the Nautilus like nobody else I helped design her I can get her out of this
19:00Steady on the wheel. Mr. Cuff to run
19:04Depth. I got them. The depth is
19:09I I don't know
19:21One of us will have
19:24To me
19:28Not responding it must be the magnetic north that's causing this
19:33We have to stop it at least slow the descent touch the ballast tanks
19:49What the hell was that
19:54We are bottomed out
20:22What is it boy
20:29Control room. We've got a leak here in the torpedo room. How about not good
20:37Engine room engine room. Go ahead. We are taking on water
20:51Hey, what's going on
21:01You're taking over guard duty
21:08Yeah, I will go look myself
22:11I've inspected the damage on the outside of the hull
22:37Randy I have says welding equipment good. See what you can do. Okay
22:45What could have caused it maybe they did not damaged us maybe but why would it only be leaking now, I don't know
23:26Don't know
25:09She's just settling
25:26No, no, no, I don't want to look at that
25:30Torpedo room is to control
25:32Sediments clearing we are not on the bottom. We're pushed on the edge of a deep black hole
26:13Nimble how did you get out?
26:16Listen, we're hanging over. We know
26:19How bad did the dreadnought damage us? It may have caused the initial damage, but there's something else what?
26:24Metal eating bugs. I don't be ridiculous bugs. No need metal
26:37What what's that sound
26:50What the hell
27:06That must be the Queen if she's here they must be swarming looking for a home
27:20How did he get out
27:23Come on
27:24You'll never guess what happened now metal eating bugs
27:28That's right. How do you know you're telling the truth?
27:35We have to go back in there and keep it water tight
27:37Otherwise the weight of the water coming in will tip us over the end. Oh, you're not giving you this anymore
27:47Know it's right
27:49What do we do about the box?
27:51You want to find the Queen and kill her?
27:53The rest will more than likely move on and the ideas
27:58You're trying to kill her not cook her
28:02No, it could work. I could read something
28:07I think do it
28:11They're inside the pipes you must stop them going with you they could get anywhere in their ship eat anything
28:22Heading to the engine
28:33Quick before they go any further
29:12That should do it it will restrict your movement best someone else carry it
29:18Don't put this on. What is it? No, I just
29:29I'm very uncoordinated relax. You'll be fine. What do I mean? You're the lady killer, right?
29:37Yes, why so come and kill the Queen Romeo wait what Queen
30:07All right, let's try it it you know the thing being together
30:19Good. I
30:21Really? Hope to show a little more enthusiasm
30:24Of course, it won't work
30:26These things never work. I know that is that the thing with
30:39Yes, good
30:52We're not going in there
31:05Once we're through knock that door, right?
31:33Look for the big one
32:31They're protecting her
32:46Yeah, we'll put down the torpedo and fire
32:55Ah, she's too quick the compass he's got a cup full of metal use the magnet in the cover
33:11Come here you pretty beautiful bug
33:20So to rocky bonanna Jomo
33:25Okay, sir
33:28and basically
33:31well, I'm thinking
33:33Peter Jordan
33:36Not a wahidu
34:13Let them get in there with her
34:46What happened magnetic attraction
35:06It's better when we wait together that wakes both ways
35:14I know
35:25Would better see the top
35:52Need to seal the house too late. We've already taken on water and we're going to tip over. No, no, no, no
35:58No, no, not if we stay calm
36:01Act as a counterweight
36:16What are you doing you don't you we're going to fall into the abyss move further back no, no, no
36:22You only to come this way now don't otherwise the Nautilus will tip over the edge exactly
36:28You're mad. There was a strip of pink light in the abyss. I saw it. I think it's algae
36:34It lives in currents
36:36Listen to me
36:38If we tip the Nautilus over she'll fall into the current
36:41We'll be carried away from the effects of the magnetic north and whatever else is at play here
36:46Nature will save us you think is this another one of your calculations?
36:52Think it's good enough for me sir
37:01Have to trust me why should we you've done nothing but lie to us
37:09It was a risk to go under the ice, who are you really?
37:30The company forced my father to betray his people
37:39They married my wife
37:44And they married my daughter
37:51Destroying it has driven my every action
38:00Helped Benoit build the Nautilus so I could use it to escape and recover the treasure which I needed to fund my plan
38:05In you you could not do it on your own. So I lied to all of you
38:14That's who I am
38:24It's not who you are it's just something you did
38:31Thank you
38:37Never thought I'd come to care for any of you, but I have
38:47Tell me who you are
38:53Never point a gun at me again
39:11I am Kai a Maori warrior from the night time tribe. I
39:16I killed a company official. You thought he owned me
39:30I see you go
39:34And you
39:45Am sorry for the loss of your wife and daughter
39:52Your sons
39:55What are the names
39:59No one
40:04Alone a phone and white side
40:12I'm sorry for your pain
40:38For a man who calls himself nobody
40:40You you're turning out to be quite a somebody
40:55My name is Ranbir notary company took control of my village
41:06Stole me from my family in the night
41:17Don't know why or what happened to them
41:45My only crime was that I fell in love
41:51Was he married? Yes. Did I know that? Yes, but
41:58Am I sorry for what I did
42:05Not really
42:08You see the heart desires what the heart desires
42:17There is this poem join us. Oh, all right
42:41Did the right thing I know I can't know this without you
43:00My brother was taken by sleepers I
43:06Would not stop looking for him
43:08So the company locked me up. I
43:12Had no idea
43:18I am Boniface Adam
43:23First mate of the Nautilus
43:32If you will allow it
43:55See you too, Nathaniel, huh
45:17Everyone to their stations everyone to their stations you heard the captain