Usage Of Comma - Part 2

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00:00Hi friends! Today we will learn more on the usage of comma. So let's start!
00:10Let's first revise what we learned about the usage of comma in our previous assignment.
00:17When we list three or more than three things, we use commas to separate the initial words.
00:24And the conjunction and is used to separate the word in the series.
00:31For example, cricket, football, tennis and basketball are some of the most popular games.
00:43Here is another example.
00:45Lisa, Sophie, Ria and Tia are my best friends.
00:54Olivia, will you join me for the dinner tonight?
01:00So, this is what we learned in our previous assignment.
01:06Now let's learn more about the usage of comma.
01:11We use a comma to separate a clause that explains the subject.
01:17Ms. Thames, the president of our society, is a very noble person.
01:27Ms. Thames is the subject of the sentence and then is the clause that explains the subject, the president of our society.
01:39So, this clause is also being separated with a comma.
01:46Another example.
01:49Mr. Andrew, a renowned artist, is coming to our school function today.
01:56Here, Mr. Andrew is the subject of the sentence and is being separated by a comma.
02:06And then we have a phrase that is explaining the subject.
02:10A renowned artist is again separated by a comma.
02:16Is coming to our school function today.
02:20So, we separate a phrase or a clause that explains the subject by a comma.
02:28Olivia, you are looking extremely gorgeous.
02:32Here, the sentence is beginning with the name.
02:36Separated by a comma.
02:39And next whole part of the sentence explaining about Olivia.
02:44So, it's separated by a comma.
02:47Olivia, you are looking extremely gorgeous.
02:54Based on what we have learned about the concept of comma, we have some sentences and we have to answer the question.
03:03I can't find my pen anywhere.
03:07Joy, your pen is with me.
03:11According to these sentences of the conversation between of Joy and Sam, who has Joy's pen?
03:22Sam has Joy's pen.
03:25Now, here we have another conversation.
03:29I have many dogs.
03:33Stepo, your dog, is very naughty.
03:37Now, whose dog is Stepo?
03:40It is Tia's dog.
03:42Now, who is Stepo?
03:45Stepo is the name of a dog.
03:49How can we say that Stepo is a dog?
03:53It is because of the second comma in the sentence after the phrase, your dog.
04:01It means, Stepo, your dog.
04:05Your dog is a phrase that explains the naming word, Stepo.
04:12Stepo, your dog, is very naughty.
04:17It means, Stepo is the name of the dog.
04:21Now, here we have another conversation.
04:25I am going for swimming class.
04:28Sophie, my sister, will also go with you.
04:33Now, the question is, who is Sophie?
04:37Sophie is Tia's sister.
04:41Who will go swimming with Ria?
04:45Sophie will go for swimming with Ria.
04:50Because we have a second comma in the sentence, Sophie, my sister,
04:55that means, my sister is a phrase that's explaining Sophie.
05:01It means, Sophie is the name of Tia's sister.
05:06As Tia says, Sophie, my sister, will also go with you.
05:13That means, Tia is saying, my sister Sophie will go with you.
05:19And, you refers to Ria here.
05:24Let's have a look at another conversation.
05:28I am waiting for Mr. Smith for a long time.
05:32Tim replies, he is there.
05:35Finally, your wait is over.
05:38Now, the question is, whose wait is over?
05:42Sam's wait is over.
05:45Now, here we have another conversation.
05:49Dylan, your ball is with me.
05:53Whose ball are we talking about?
05:57Dylan's ball.
05:59Now, here we have a sentence.
06:03Max, the most intelligent boy in our class, was absent today.
06:10Who was absent today? Max.
06:14Who is the most intelligent boy in the class?
06:18Max is the most intelligent boy in the class.
06:22So, friends, these are some of the ways to use commas in the English language.
06:29We will learn some more rules of comma usage in higher grades.
06:35Now, go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.