Usage Of Semi-Colon

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00:00Hi friends! Today we will learn how to use a semicolon. So let's start.
00:11Semicolon. Semicolons indicate a pause, which is slightly longer than the pause shown by
00:17a comma, but shorter than the pause given by a period or a full stop.
00:24Now let's look at these examples. Tyson likes cakes. Bill likes fruits.
00:32To play, you need sharp reflexes. To dance well, you need a complete rhythm.
00:41Look carefully and notice where we have put semicolons in these sentences to give a pause.
00:48Now let's learn in detail when we can use semicolons.
00:54We can use semicolons to separate two clauses. If we don't use a coordinating conjunction
01:02to separate them, let's have some examples. Thick gray clouds are drifting across the
01:09sky. Get ready for a downpour.
01:13Now the sentence has two clauses. This is why we have placed a semicolon after the first
01:21clause. Here are some more sentences with a semicolon
01:26after the first clause. First half of the film was really interesting.
01:32The second half was too boring. Here, again, we have two clauses without
01:39any coordinating conjunction between them, so we have used a semicolon.
01:47John likes driving. Susan likes swimming. Here, again, we have two clauses in this sentence
01:58without any coordinating conjunction between them. Instead, we have used a semicolon.
02:06So whenever you have a semicolon, you can always replace it with a coordinating conjunction.
02:13Now let's learn another use of semicolon. A semicolon can be used along with the coordinating
02:20conjunctions and, but, or, nor, etc., when one or more commas appear in the first clause.
02:28Let's take examples. You can go around the museum to see the painting,
02:37sculptures, arty crafts, or anything, but remember to come back by 5.30.
02:44In this sentence, the first clause is having comma, so we have used a semicolon and a coordinating
02:52conjunction to separate the two clauses. Here, we have another such example.
03:00At the school fet, there were stalls for pizza, burger, ice cream, juices, and other dainties.
03:11And there were some interesting games, too. Here, again, the first part of the sentence
03:17is having a clause with commas, so we have separated this clause from the second clause
03:25using a semicolon followed by a coordinating conjunction.
03:31We can also separate clauses or phrases using semicolons when they contain commas.
03:38The conference had delegates who had come from Birmingham, Alabama, Genoa, Alaska, Honolulu,
03:47Hawaii, and some other places of USA. Here in this sentence, we have to separate
03:55three phrases that each contain a comma, so we have used a semicolon for that purpose.
04:05Let's have more such examples. The shop has all varieties of jewelry, economical
04:12trendy, lavish formal, and the precious gold ones.
04:18This school has teachers from Australia, Canberra, Austria, Vienna, and Belgium, Brussels.
04:28So here you can notice that we have used semicolons to separate the phrases that contain comma.
04:35So we learned a lot of ways we use semicolons in English language.
04:44Semicolons can also be used to join many short sentences in a row.
04:50Let's have examples. If you want to learn the game, come for the
04:54practice regularly and follow a strict diet regime.
05:00You will be surprised at your progress and make to the team.
05:05Here you can see the first part of the sentence has three short sentences that are required
05:12to be joined together as they are telling us what you need to do to be a part of the
05:18team. Three short sentences are there.
05:22If you want to learn the game, come for practice regularly and follow a strict diet regime.
05:30We have used a semicolon to separate this first part and this semicolon joins these
05:37three parts as one part of the sentence and also give a larger pause here.
05:43Here we have another example. If you want to be a pilot, then you have to
05:49take the test, go for training, and get the license.
05:55Only then can you become a pilot. Here again, in the first part of the sentence,
06:03we have three short sentences that are required to be joined together or separated from the
06:09rest of the sentence with a larger pause. So, we have used semicolon for that.
06:17We have three parts in the first part of the sentence.
06:21If you want to be a pilot, then you have to take the test, go for training, and get the
06:27license. Some short things, short sentences, are joined
06:32together using a semicolon. This semicolon indicates that the initial
06:38short sentences explains one thing. Let's revise what we have learned.
06:46Semicolons indicate a pause, which is slightly longer than the pause shown by a comma, but
06:55shorter than the pause given by a period or full stop.
07:02We can use semicolons to separate two clauses if we don't use a coordinating conjunction
07:09to separate them. A semicolon can be used along with the coordinating
07:15conjunction, and, but, or, nor, etc., when one or more commas appear in the first clause.
07:29We can also separate clauses or phrases using semicolons when they contain commas.
07:36In this way, semicolons provide a larger pause than a comma.
07:43Semicolons can also be used to join many short sentences in a row.
07:48Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.