مسلسل بنون الحلقة 2 الثانية

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00:28Tell your body interrogate kill a bidet
01:04I'm gonna make baby. I said I said it here come and do it
01:08And I have to say when I'm not going to tell you that I'm sorry
01:12But I think it doesn't do it. It's time to make a man
01:18Okay, I don't have to go see it
01:21Fuck I hate cool. I have a fight
01:24That I should say I come with
01:27You know, I did it. I
01:28Don't mind the Aisha, but I'll be so the mother of a baby as a matter. I'll assume to her. Yeah, but I did
01:33I'm sorry, but I'm sure I don't have a kid. No, I'm sure I'll shine it
01:37You bet I shall cut a little button. It'll be cool. I had a fee. I think I should have a bubble
01:42How many I love that's a kiss or
01:44How many I love that's a given to you?
01:46Hey, I'm in my
01:47Pussy back. I'm a Samaritan. Yeah, but I think I know what I thought. What about that?
01:51I think that I'll have to tell him you know, I think I'll have to
01:55I'm sure I don't know. So can you see?
02:05But I thought I had
02:07Lemon in the mustache for a little bit. I suppose I'll have a little bit. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Let me show you
03:25Anika and I shot all over you, but I'm a sir
03:27Tarik and I will have to tell you when I got that. I'm gonna go get a little while
03:32If the target is a woman
03:34I'm sorry. I am not as mean. Tell me what is
03:39She a society
03:42Such a mortise such a party and team
03:58Gonna say
04:01I'm a hate lipstick it look a lot. Oh, yeah
04:07Rafa Tarik Shireen Shireen Tarik
04:14Shireen's a big fan of mine. I got so I got in but they are ahead America's a bit in the water. Yeah, I guess
04:49Think it should be vodka. Well, you know, it's not me. I'm not sure
04:58Listen, I'm gonna tell you
05:30Don't know if we're gonna be a couple of at all
05:34The father like you know, I can't measure will be so I'm sure
05:37So I'm at a village. I'm a ruffian. My father. I'm a buzzer. You know, when we had to let me say to my dad's
05:42Riddles, I'll a
05:43Baby, I'm a hot summer. I'm Jewish
05:46No, I'm a calamity
05:53That are in town by an attorney, I'm a chef
06:25Don't know how it's a kid. Oh, you know, so I'm beautiful. I'm a little
06:30Yet, I'm to meet I love you. Oh, yes, I'm a great shit. Oh, I've got them uncle. Come on
06:33My fit shit. Oh, no, that's me. You're gonna beat. Oh, yeah, mama
06:37I'm gonna finish Peter. Oh, how'd you come back?
06:44And I'm too much
06:51When the command
06:55When to make it easily the limit
07:03I'm Robin again. Yeah, we've had me on
07:06Monkey, I'm gonna give you sir, too
07:12What a hell
07:23Thought I'll talk to her
07:27Until I take
07:35What does a piece of
07:38Well, did you can't be the battle of my blood? Well, you're gonna feel you think I'm at the top
07:42Do you go back to the show? No, I'm a judge. No, it was
07:55You know, I saw her talk a lot of how much I'm beside myself
07:59I believe yes, I have to leave me my shake it. It's here. Man. I'm gonna shake it
08:04Yeah, I'm gonna shake it
08:06Don't you should follow under fish? Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna show my feet
08:11What's wrong? Hey, I mean, I'm gonna shake it. Oh, yeah
08:15Well, you know, it's a little bit. It's not a man
08:18It's a shit. Yeah, well, I don't know. It's a lie. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna shake it
08:25I'm busted. I'll tell you something
08:57Know I'm shy as a loser
09:00And I couldn't tell if I could I could have a shot like me that I'm gonna go to the show
09:03I mean, if he's probably a lung is beside the meeting, but I should a
09:12It's all my body name in a project
09:21It's down my body, well, let's check it out Andy. It's handy different
10:00I'm gonna buzzer. Thank you, sir. That's not good. Yes. I'd be any I'm gonna come in back. Thank you
10:09Isn't that a type?
10:12No, no, I'm sure I guess that's okay. Oh, yeah. Good luck. Yes, I think
10:23I'm a marathon and I'm stuck on my toy
10:27I'm romantic. I wish I saw a shark. Yeah, I could cook and I'm Lizzie
10:33Kuna close friends, but
10:38Can't be been a short feelings
10:43My Kim Lich
10:44Manto Mato show me Gary. I'm not a criminal. Yeah, I'm gonna have some come here
10:50Come on, Nick. I'm a Russian
11:23Can't say I was a funny
11:26But I'm just sad that I know see
11:28When I went back to America, I'm sure if I get it
11:32Hotter than that. I'll leave me short
11:34Can't you very much? Oh, yeah. I love it. It was stopped. Oh, I said it was a lot of it, then
11:42But you can say for you man. I gotta go
11:45You've seen it. I love it. You know
11:47You better and it's cool. Yeah, it's a man kid
11:53Yes, if you have to know I'm just what it was
11:57I'm sure
12:00I could tell you
12:06When I come in I have a cow
12:11No, I'm not
12:13I'm gonna get
12:15Yeah, let's what the Rakhima back well, I'm gonna miss
12:22I'm a bit
12:25Yeah, yeah, I'm just fun
12:29Yeah, I'm just fun, but I think
12:32It's a bizarre, so
12:34Yeah, I'm sure
12:36Yeah, I'm sorry, Maggie
12:38I'm a bit what I feel I know how to go
12:40I bet me
12:43Happy to what the ice it goes
12:45When I'm gonna go to the company can't have another
12:49Well, you better
12:52You better let me know I'm just fine
12:54Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna tell you what I did. Come to my eye. Yeah, but you have another
12:59I'm gonna I said go
13:02Kiki, that's gonna go
13:03Yeah, I'm gonna show you a muscular animal. Yeah, I did it then. I'm gonna go is gonna follow them
13:08I'm just kidding. I'm a kid. I'm a figure
13:10Yeah, no, no, I know I'm sure I said that and I keep it hot summer. Yeah, but I will
13:16Can I'm not gonna be a shawty?
13:18Yeah, I mean
13:20Ashan and I couldn't meet our weather. I can't live Tariq. Well, I believe any what?
13:25It's a bad image. I was a model. I have to live
13:28Back a feeling it's not a good target and I'm doing a check in my head. I did it on the door. How did you grow?
13:35No, I'm not
13:37The back of a problem action I'm going to check if I do
13:41Sarah, how am I gonna share a little more to the cause?
13:44You got any less back?
13:49More do you see
13:52You see me
13:53Sorry, I'm trying to shalala. You know if I'm gonna be a message
13:56I'm gonna show us my eyes about my surprise Sarah. Hey, man
14:01Yousef can a star designer and in a picture. Yeah, like that. I shall never done with
14:05Youssef I shall design and then let's talk about me. I'm just a happy kid. Hi
14:12I'm just leave him up to me. Yeah, I'll be sure
14:16Yeah, I thought that
14:35Yeah, I'm a big
14:40Should be
14:47Which are fit to sit on it
14:50Sure, can I push it? I can't imagine for muscle for shock. I was at one. Yeah, I'm sure that I'll be
14:56It's a mistake. Well, I'm a master designers for shock. I was it
15:00I'm gonna take a look at me. I'm gonna finish my kid
15:32Should be fine. It'll be silly. Yeah, I'll hire a design colors. We'll call you for money. I shouldn't find any bended over the shoulder
15:40table pantaloon
15:41It's a hammer. You bet I thought I mean, what's your man?
15:44Thank you
15:47I'm sorry. Okay, she's done it
15:51Shut up, baby. I wish I was
15:55We're on the way to one shoulder and she's deaf in the camera camera. Yeah, that's it. We'll be she's deaf in
16:00Yeah, I don't have to run with you
16:03Come on, you know
16:06When I walk on a big hip hop
16:10This story
16:11Rafa that I'm gonna go with a shun
16:13Wish that's a little bit. I'm a rift in the target. Go with that. Let's see me. Yes, I'm up to a hero
16:20I'm gonna be a dog. I'll have a big head. They can leave it goes
17:23Had a little bit
17:33Look at the family my betrothed. She came to Kazamara
17:36I'm terrified that I'm the Indian bus. Okay. I'm detailed. I could take it. I read the lake
17:40Gaben never
17:42Have a kick and I built it on to uncle. No, I don't think
19:45I swear to God, this is the right thing to do, this stupid family.
20:12You and Sha'a will never understand what I'm going through.
20:17You've lived what I've lived, Tarek.
20:22Is this because I still don't know you?
20:27What's the difference between me and you?
20:30Your family's trust and their eyes are on you.
20:33Your father killed your life and stood by your side.
20:38He never left you.
20:40He never let you hold on to the sharjah.
20:43With all his love.
20:48I've lived a life of poverty.
20:52And I'm proud of my father.
20:56He used to hit me with his shoes and his shoes on my face and I'd stay quiet.
21:01Even in front of people.
21:05He used to be sad.
21:11He loved to feel that I was afraid of him.
21:15You know why I don't want to see him?
21:17Because I'm afraid of him, Tarek.
21:22You want me to stop? No, uncle, I'm fine.
21:27I've lived a life of poverty.
21:32But you're being unfair to yourself.
21:37I can never be unfair to anyone.
21:42I loved her with all my heart.
21:45And she agreed to stay with me.
21:52Do you think one of these relationships could be the one that killed him?
22:05You're being unfair to me.
22:07I'm not being unfair.
22:09I loved her and I'll marry her.
22:11Look, Tarek.
22:13I swear to God, if what you're saying is true, I'll kill you.
22:18Do you understand?
22:21I love you.
22:40Honestly, I didn't expect him to react like that.
22:44That's right.
22:45So, after you marry Sara, will you stop seeing her?
22:50That's a secret.
22:52Do you know where you are, son?
22:55If you have anything to say to her, say it to me.
22:58He cut all ties with everyone after the marriage.
23:04But Tarek's money always led women to get closer to him.
23:09We're grateful, Tarek.
23:11And sorry for bothering you.
23:13God bless you.
23:16You're welcome.
23:23I don't know what happened to her.
23:25They called me from the hospital and she's better now.
23:28We can put her in a hospital.
23:47What are you doing?
23:49What do you want? I have work to do.
23:51I'm going to listen to you and get married.
23:54You've been saying that for a long time.
23:56But you haven't said anything yet.
24:00Before anything, I know you're the one who will understand.
24:04I have work to do.
24:09Youssef who?
24:11Youssef who works with us.
24:15I can't.
24:18Why, Tarek?
24:19Because this is your job.
24:22This is your job.
24:24Do you understand?
24:25Nani was right when she rejected Sara.
24:28What are you comparing me to?
24:30I raised Sara by my side.
24:32She will go down with you.
24:34Do you understand?
24:36I don't believe what you're saying.
24:38Believe me.
24:39If you tell anyone about this, you'll see what happens to you and him.
24:43Do you understand?
25:47Yes, Jiji.
25:48Yes, Youssef.
25:49What's wrong with your voice?
25:51I can't, Jiji.
25:52I met Riya today in the old way.
25:54I can't take it anymore.
25:56Pull yourself together, Youssef.
25:58It's not possible.
25:59I called her a while ago.
26:01She hung up.
26:02I called her a while ago.
26:04She hung up.
26:05I called her a while ago.
26:07She hung up.
26:08I called her a while ago.
26:10She hung up.
26:11I called her a while ago.
26:13She hung up.
26:14I called her a while ago.
26:16She hung up.
26:17I call her a while ago.
26:19Call her a while ago.
26:20I call her a while ago.
26:21I cross her off.
26:23Confess for me every time.
26:25Confess for what?
26:27We're already engaged.
26:29Do you want to send us to hell?
