Fatal Attraction The Hybrid Princess full hot short English Movie English Movie

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Fatal Attraction The Hybrid Princess full hot short English Movie English Movie
00:00:09Shit Peter
00:00:11Where's Peter is he? Okay. Did you get the bastard? Oh my god. Did he hurt anyone else? Is he my stalker?
00:00:17Can you answer my questions, please? My friend was in danger. You were in danger
00:00:21How hard is it to follow a single order, huh?
00:00:23I ordered you to return but you could have been shot Natalie by a silver fucking bullet
00:00:29You could have been another body damage. Don't you understand?
00:00:44You don't get to touch me after you disobeyed me
00:01:16Stay here and recover
00:01:17You see some training this week
00:01:20This is your room now, so better get used to it
00:01:22Where are you going back to work? I have a pack to run. I
00:01:29Mean it Natalie
00:01:31Stay here
00:01:36What just happened he's just shy or bipolar
00:01:45Come in our hero
00:01:50Didn't even catch the guy
00:01:52But I'm okay
00:01:54Peter bullet grazed me hurts like hell, but I'll be fine
00:01:59We're more worried about you. I've never seen Alpha Jace like that. What do you mean?
00:02:03He was furious the moment I told him you went after the attacker. He shifted ran to the woods. I
00:02:09saw his wolf
00:02:11It was magnificent
00:02:15He found you carried on his back and sprinted all the way back here yelled at everyone he saw
00:02:22Never seen him like that
00:02:29What come out with us tonight you're gonna go out to a party like this, can you even dance I was raised by wolves
00:02:38Alpha J's be okay with that. He doesn't know Nat does he no, of course not
00:02:55Yeah, you look absolutely stunning oh
00:03:00I'm so sorry. It's okay, but thanks
00:03:09Excuse me
00:03:12Good evening, beautiful
00:03:15Have you're alone? No, I I don't know
00:03:21Have we met maybe in your dreams
00:03:27Yeah, I
00:03:29Feel like we have met in my dreams
00:03:33Your voice your accent part of my manners, I'm Silas and I'm not for me
00:03:52Are you from England something like that
00:03:58Yeah, what's taking so long
00:04:03Who's this? Yeah, who is this? This is my new friend Silas. I
00:04:12Don't like him
00:04:15There's something about you ain't right Silas, I'm so sorry about my friend
00:04:20It's no problem
00:04:22That's actually just leaving
00:04:24but Natalie
00:04:26I'll be seeing you
00:04:33Peter what's wrong with you? Something's way off about it. My wolf's fighting to come out. No, I don't I don't know
00:04:39I think he's my name
00:04:43He's your mate, sorry rain check on the turn that slow down I don't like this something's all know what I felt
00:04:52May bond if he's our mate I would have felt something too, but all I felt was shit. What are you doing here?
00:04:58I told you to stay in my room. I'm not your pet
00:05:00Plus do you know how rude it was that you just left me there after we
00:05:04Just let go. I lost my name. Do what my mate I found him then he left come with me. What are you doing?
00:05:15You kissed me yeah, so
00:05:22Wait, are you jealous?
00:06:28Want to pack
00:06:30As you all know, we lost three valuable West Point members recently you were murdered yes
00:06:37they were I
00:06:40Suspected these terrible crimes were acts of punishment
00:06:43Possibly from a werewolf who still holds resentment resentment against you or somebody else
00:06:51Do you try to say I just think it's too much of a coincidence
00:06:55Everything was fine, and then you show up and people around you start to die. I mean who's next
00:07:03Mercedes me
00:07:09I agree
00:07:10What I think Derek did this
00:07:15It's impossible it checks out
00:07:18Derek Albert needs to protect metal. I was a point pack warrior
00:07:23Then eliminated Peter his competition. We will now be in full pursuit of Derek black with the former alpha of Lakeshore pack
00:07:31Anyone who harbors him will be treated as an accomplice but alpha you've been in contact with him
00:07:38What no
00:07:42This is bullshit
00:07:45I'll go talk to her
00:07:53It wasn't personally you know right to walk out like that
00:07:57You crying no go away, please
00:08:03This is my room let me go
00:08:06Let me go back to the woods. I just want to live a normal life
00:08:09Peter was my friend. How could you accuse me?
00:08:21Don't get why all this is happening. I'm so scared
00:08:46Fennel vampire bite paired with a cover-up
00:08:49Exactly broken neck again the Derek story hold up for a bit make sense of the vampire keep striking
00:08:56It's bad enough that they're back. But why they have to remind Natalie you're Natalie
00:09:06She's my mate what since when I've known ever since I first put against the ropes we were trained I
00:09:12Was waiting for her to recognize me
00:09:15to reciprocate
00:09:21She found someone else her mate isn't me
00:09:49Training starting soon. I thought I had the week off change my mind after last night. You need close combat practice
00:09:57Five minutes
00:10:05Can't believe you did this
00:10:11Get everyone else
00:10:26Think you broke it off. It really hurts
00:10:34Never let your guard down
00:10:38Wait, what's wrong? I won
00:10:47Shouldn't I be rewarded
00:10:51Tell me how's it gonna work against someone that doesn't care about you who's trying to hurt you?
00:10:56The only reason it worked on me is because because you would
00:11:01Stop turn around and look at me Jase, please wait
00:11:06Is everything black and white to you it's either your way or it's wrong what do I do constant mistake crime and punishment
00:12:04Not a mistake
00:12:07Not a crime and punishment
00:12:11You're a wild card, what do you mean I didn't kill your parents
00:12:18Yeah, I figured you're not a killer there's an accident
00:12:24You're on your way
00:12:26To reach you
00:12:32Derek hit them with his car. I
00:12:37Saw the whole thing
00:12:39What he ran and I didn't pursue I saw him go off speeding
00:12:49I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?
00:12:58Resentment is dangerous
00:13:00So I kept it from you. I keep things from people to maintain order because order is the one thing that I can control
00:13:08Happen chase I trusted the wrong budge
00:13:14Even though I knew I shouldn't have I took a gamble on a gray area. I lost half my pack
00:13:22They died in battle
00:13:29It wouldn't have happened
00:13:32If I didn't
00:13:35Trusted a vampire he led his kind
00:13:38Right to my pack ever since then it's been black or white right or wrong with you
00:13:56So sorry alpha I just came to remind you it's time for moral service for a recent tragedy. Thank you beta
00:14:28They'll find the killer even if it's not Derek
00:14:33So scared
00:14:35The killers right here
00:14:53So you joined a neighboring pack something like that
00:14:58You said that last time
00:15:01You're so funny. You know that I
00:15:04Like you I
00:15:05Like you too
00:15:07You're not an obedient dog like the rest of them
00:15:10You just call yourself a dog. I'm not a werewolf. So I
00:15:16Feel like I should be alarmed by that but I'm not
00:15:20There's something about you Silas that just
00:15:23Makes me feel so turned on
00:15:27Have you heard of a mate bond?
00:15:29Have indeed
00:15:33It makes this
00:15:49Far away
00:16:10Feel really your father's torture
00:16:35Miss me. He's a vampire
00:16:39Where did he go he ran away I
00:16:43Had to let him go to you back here
00:16:45Look, I mean I gotta tell you something
00:16:51Derek's not the killer
00:16:54The three victims
00:16:57They died from vampire bites and as you know, those are fatal to us
00:17:01We knew but we had to keep it secret to avoid panic Derek was the perfect scapegoat I
00:17:09Thought Silas was kind gentle. It's rare, but some vampires are gifted in channel. He can get inside your head
00:17:19How long are you gonna keep this from me you owe us the truth old man, that's what I was gonna talk to you about
00:17:27You see kid
00:17:29You're immune
00:17:32Well, that's not possible
00:17:36Unless she's half vampire not vampire not vampire. What other creature is immune to vampires that would be
00:17:50What do you mean dragons they went extinct centuries ago
00:17:54I've always adored you my precious little granddaughter
00:18:01So one day I overheard your parents talking. I found out your mother had an affair with a dragon
00:18:07the last of its kind I
00:18:11Know I know
00:18:13They're ruthless manipulative with no sense of decency
00:18:17But she told your father she loved this dragon so much that she had no you
00:18:23anymore I
00:18:28Couldn't bear the fact that you were half dragon with cold blood running through your veins
00:18:34So I abandoned you my family my back
00:18:40And I left
00:18:44This dragon
00:18:47Was there
00:18:50Something I will never forget he thinks he's royalty that Lorenzo Viserio
00:19:07Your father was Lorenzo
00:19:10I'm not my mother. I don't love Silas. I know that but I see him. It feels like he's my meat
00:19:19So your father's a dragon and you're made to vampire this is just spectacular
00:19:24Cold blooded creatures just really must be your thing. Hey, don't say that. I'm going to give you to some privacy. I
00:19:33Didn't know he was a vampire, but you thought he was your baby
00:19:37So you slept with me and left with him in public
00:19:40Perfectly justifiable. I was enchanted. You said so yourself. How do I know you're not Jenny me right now?
00:19:44What are you serious? You don't even like me half the time like you Natalie. You're my mate
00:19:55Thought you were
00:20:00Chase when did you find out? It doesn't matter now does it?
00:20:08You want to know why I am the way I am who I should thank
00:20:13Lorenzo your father
00:20:17He proposed an alliance
00:20:20something better than a truce
00:20:22Trust between vampires and werewolves and I believed him because he was the last dragon
00:20:31He had an army of vampires
00:20:36And I was young and I was brave and I was brave and I was brave
00:20:43And stupid and I bought in to his sincere words in his hospitality. I opened my doors, but we all did James, please
00:20:51He led them to us over any of them
00:20:56blood thirsty
00:20:58We fought as hard as we could
00:21:08Dragons they're all the same
00:21:11Cold-blooded creatures with no remorse
00:21:19And now you are one too you can stay here tonight
00:21:25Rest and recover
00:21:29Tomorrow I want you gone from my house and from my pack
00:21:49Kid it'll be okay
00:21:55It's not gonna be okay
00:21:58I'm a freak. I don't even know who I am anymore. My father killed half of West Point pack
00:22:05There's a way to fix that
00:22:07In three days
00:22:08There'll be a lunar eclipse a blood moon your werewolf powers will be amplified by it
00:22:14Then and only then if you reject your father's blood under the moonlight
00:22:18You will sever all ties with him and with dragons as a whole
00:22:23All ties. Yes all
00:22:26You will then be fully just a werewolf
00:22:37He's definitely working for Lorenzo ask him what he wants
00:22:57Look I have a plan it's risky, but if it's something you really want
00:23:04three days
00:23:06Tell me you want to meet your father, but you need time to cut ties with alpha chase
00:23:17Are you ready?
00:23:20Remember what we learned anger in your heart
00:23:25Go I believe in you
00:23:42Don't see that
00:24:00Happy to see me you fucking killed my parents stop
00:24:07See Elaine in you. What do you want from me? Just you and only you I
00:24:13Want you to come with me?
00:24:16Why I'm half of what you hate
00:24:20That makes you all the more beautiful my dear
00:24:23But I bet your wolf friends. They don't see it that way to them that
00:24:29You're on the wrong side
00:24:31Trust me
00:24:33Trust you
00:24:34You let your people die while you ran like a coward. I'd do anything to survive
00:24:39You should to
00:24:41Chase doesn't want you there anymore. I bet
00:24:43How'd you buy your love?
00:24:46Silas I I trusted you I didn't mean to trick you that I
00:24:51Did what I had to do?
00:24:53How else would I have known if you were really Lorenzo's daughter, and if I wasn't you were just gonna. Let me die
00:25:00Unnecessary I did what I had to do now you're here with us
00:25:10You killed Peter
00:25:12You killed innocent people no
00:25:15He was coming in between you and Silas the girl was assaulting you Peter was my friend one place
00:25:22long time
00:25:25Natalie my dear
00:25:28You're overthinking this whole thing we're just looking out for you
00:25:35What's best for you?
00:25:37We even got you a new phone darling. Who's you?
00:25:41Yeah, we had to make sure you will come home
00:25:49Drink this it contains my blood. It'll give you the full ability of a dragon. You will never need
00:25:57a wolf pack ever
00:26:04I'm not drinking that
00:26:08You've got dragon blood running through your veins and our species is going extinct. This is no time to act childish
00:26:17I'm your father
00:26:19My only regret is that I couldn't raise you to be something you want a killer like him
00:26:26No a
00:26:29Once upon a time our people ruled this land from sky to sea and now it's time to take it back
00:26:38Vampires werewolves all bowed beneath our feet
00:26:43You were born to be a ruler
00:26:47To be a queen
00:26:52Yes, my queen
00:26:56After Lorenzo's rule everything you do it as you please
00:27:11And all it's gonna take
00:27:14It's a little betrayal
00:27:17Say goodbye to your cold-blooded alpha chase
00:27:32You don't get to call me Natalie don't worry love I'll be gentle
00:28:02My king you must leave first before you're in harm's way
00:28:48Broke the enchantment I
00:28:50Didn't do it
00:28:52It's okay Natalie. It's okay
00:28:54I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I how did you I didn't betray you
00:28:58till the end
00:29:00I'm not my mother
00:29:02No, I know. I'm sorry, Natalie
00:29:06Only you can call me that way
00:29:08You kind of like it when you
00:29:38Today's Pakistan
00:29:43The training afterwards yours
00:29:48Would you consider a shower get out that's an order
00:29:59Won't have you not showered you're awake
00:30:06The blood moon that means I'm still I don't give a damn what you are
00:30:15Chase I feel it
00:30:19Yeah, I feel our mate bond
00:30:22I'm gonna goddess hasn't forsaken me. I'm so happy
00:30:34So now what your wild card just got a big upgrade your wild card or not without it
00:30:43We'll hide your identity for now
00:30:46Which means you'll have to hide until your wounds heal
00:30:52Then what
00:30:55Then I'll meet with the other packs
00:30:59Red dawn and night wind the big ones
00:31:07Which war on the rents on his flock of vampires together
00:31:11Strike down before they strike again
00:31:15Does that mean that I can finally fight with you and not against you
00:31:27For me against you sometimes don't test
00:31:39Last one
00:31:43Yep, then ready to get out of here
00:31:46So alpha J's finally decided to get rid of you, huh about time that you move back to the woods sure whatever you say bestie
00:31:56Can't believe anything I know I'm gonna miss you so much you have to come and visit okay
00:32:11Ready to move in with me for real this time
00:32:18You know a lot of house rules, you know, well, I'm sure I can change them as your future Luna
00:32:28Come to the visit
00:32:46I'm ready for this next chapter. Yeah
00:32:58My king I have some of the other vampire covets
00:33:05It's time we prepare for
00:33:13Cloaked in malevolence
00:33:15the last
00:33:16Dragon emerges from the depths of ancient darkness
00:33:21his scales
00:33:25And eyes filled with malicious intent
00:33:29It takes on the form of a human man
00:33:33hidden amongst
00:33:35Empires desperately searching for a path to continue his lineage
00:33:43What you seek is already here
00:33:49Centuries I've been waiting to continue the dragon lineage to restore my species to their former glory
00:33:58To rule this land
00:34:00All in due time my king
00:34:03Will this egg hatch?
00:34:05Once the ritual is complete
00:34:08We won't need it anymore. It is nothing but a false. What I seek already be here patience
00:34:14My dear king 12 more full moons and what you see
00:34:28What shall be the price that you will not know until it's taken away from you the universe will always
00:34:36Find its balance my dear
00:34:56Derek Regina
00:35:01Since you saw I'll just tell you the truth now
00:35:05Found my mate tonight
00:35:07It's not you
00:35:10So that justifies you cheating, it's not cheating. I'm the alpha
00:35:15Continuing my bloodline with my mate is part of my job cheater and a homewrecker
00:35:21I'm your alpha and Regina will be your Luna some respect. See I already told you you're not good enough for Derek
00:35:43Packs a mess
00:35:45No order no rules
00:35:47They're out for the team
00:35:51But right now we just don't have the manpower or the resources to make a pack this size
00:35:55one year
00:35:57Then one way or another
00:36:00This is gonna happen
00:36:13It's okay Natalie I've always sensed that Derek wasn't going to be our mate
00:36:38For God's sakes I almost shot you
00:36:45What are you doing here
00:37:11Your form is getting better. So are your legs groups?
00:37:14Where's your walking stick? Never mind my legs
00:37:19There's something I need to tell you
00:37:22Is it my footwork it just it still feels I have to return to the pack
00:37:28The West Point pack led by chase West attacked Lakeshore
00:37:36Alpha chase runs it now
00:37:39So mom and dad will handle it
00:37:44Your parents my son
00:37:58Grandpa that can't be true
00:38:05You've still got me kiddo, we have to go back to the back
00:38:09The new alpha has requested our immediate return
00:38:13Ellen Prince is dead
00:38:16Her husband is there to alpha chase a West Point invaded Lakeshore. I don't care what those lowly werewolves do get to the point
00:38:25Ellen Prince left, you know
00:38:32Lorenzo my love if you see this note odds are I'm long gone
00:38:37I know you always watched over me and for that I am grateful and regretful
00:38:41Knowing I might perish I feel the need to tell you that Natalie Prince
00:38:46My only child bleeds your blood as a product of our affair
00:38:52half werewolf and half dragon vampire
00:38:55Twelve more full moons and what you seek shall come to you. I
00:39:02have a daughter a
00:39:04true hybrid
00:39:07This changes everything
00:39:12Give me Silas
00:39:34Kid I need to go see out the chase and tell him we've arrived you're gonna be okay
00:39:58Can't believe you never came to visit
00:40:00Look about your parents. I'm so sorry. Don't be they died fighting
00:40:05better than living like Derek I
00:40:08Can't believe he just ran he didn't bring Regina. What kind of alpha he's behind his Luna
00:40:16I'm so over that
00:40:19Tell me about this alpha change. Well, he's like ten times more efficient than Derek
00:40:25But ten times more vicious you mean murderous. He killed my parents
00:40:31I'm not entirely sure how they died doesn't matter. I'm gonna kill him
00:40:46Know you I've seen you a year ago at Derek's stupid birthday party
00:40:55I remember no apology for him. I'm so sorry about that. I was not myself at all that night
00:41:06Apology accepted
00:41:09Did you just get back here
00:41:11Yeah, I haven't been back in a long time
00:41:15It all seems so strange
00:41:19Let me walk you home sure that way
00:41:24I'm Natalie by the way
00:41:27So you decided to abandon this alpha Derek Andrew Peck I
00:41:31Didn't give my whole youth to Derek just to have him screw me over like that and I thought my parents would be okay without
00:41:36me I
00:41:38Heard you earlier the alpha. He didn't kill your parents. I'll find out the truth and when I do
00:41:47This is me what oh, this is my house. Thanks for walking me
00:42:11Thought you'd be home earlier. I ran into a child's friend and the hottie Oh
00:42:19You've got to be kidding me how did alpha psycho get my phone number
00:42:24He has all our numbers
00:42:27He's very hands-on with his pack. Well, I'm getting out of here the second we find out what happened to mom and dad
00:42:51Welcome back Natalie
00:42:59How'd you get him I go
00:43:09So that's what you're dreaming of
00:43:15What the hell who are you don't worry you'll know soon enough
00:43:24Now go back to sleep
00:43:33What's up
00:43:56Hey, buddy
00:44:02Beta tell me am I a tyrant? No alpha chase. You're not
00:44:06Unfortunately, I don't know who you're referring to
00:44:10You are alpha chase
00:44:14You are alpha chase
00:44:18Yes, and you are very late you might as well just miss the entire practice we're just getting to the last part
00:44:28We'll get to the good stuff now
00:44:32Care to demonstrate with me. You seem to think you can I will gladly kick your ass
00:44:53Like you better before I realize you
00:44:58And it's her if you disrespect me again there will be consequences
00:45:20So, where'd you learn to fight like that your rogue grandpa
00:45:29Did he teach you this new attitude
00:45:33Hey big shot
00:45:35You want Regina? I just wanted to give you some advice bestie
00:45:39I see you working hard to get the alpha's attention. Just like the old days. Remember how that ended?
00:45:45Alpha chase is gonna abandon you too. Wait, didn't your alpha Derek like totally run away without you at least I still have my parents
00:46:20How was your training with alpha chase don't get me started and the boy you met yesterday
00:46:26Consider him imaginary
00:46:29I finished handling your parents affairs
00:46:33This house
00:46:35Belongs to you now
00:46:37You can stay here as long as you want me. I
00:46:41Mean, what about you? Well, I talked with alpha Jason. He's okay with me attending to a minimal pack duties from the woods
00:46:47I'm coming with you
00:46:50Nat kid
00:46:53Listen being here might do you some good. It's safe and
00:46:58Part of who you are. I know who I am. Gramp. I don't want anything to do with this pack
00:47:04I have it for a long time
00:47:06I'm gonna go shower
00:47:11The notorious grandpa Prince, what do you want alpha chase?
00:47:17You call me that but I don't sense respect in your voice. I've heard things about you alpha. I
00:47:23Was never a fan of tyranny. Why were you and your granddaughter living away from the pack?
00:47:27I was excused from pack duties due to my leg injury bullshit
00:47:32You're perfectly fine
00:47:34You were the bait and you left your pack. I want to know why in that case
00:47:37I want to know why my son and his wife are dead
00:47:44You have no idea who you are kid
00:47:55Do I sense some love troubles
00:48:01Live in your head, you know, I think you like that alpha chase. You must be the nosiest wolf around here
00:48:08And you're wrong. I just sense strong tension there
00:48:15There's tension because I can't stand him and don't forget
00:48:45The alpha want to see you in his office now
00:48:56Didn't answer my text
00:48:58Well, my phone was smashed. What's that?
00:49:01Seriously, that's what you want to talk about not answering your text Natalie. I
00:49:06Know you don't water Regina. I won't allow bullying in my pack
00:49:09I don't care if Derek ran this place before but under me you will be obedient and mature. Are we clear?
00:49:17Will apologize to Regina
00:49:19You murder my parents in cold blood but play hero with Regina. I told you I
00:49:26Didn't kill them
00:49:28Did that what happened? I'm your alpha. I don't have to explain or repeat myself and I told you
00:49:37You disrespect me again there'd be consequences
00:49:43What are you gonna do tell me to
00:49:49I'm not gonna kill you
00:49:53There are other ways of punishing you
00:50:05Don't warning find some respect
00:50:21Knew it you want him. Shut up
00:50:32Who's there
00:50:45What's wrong kid food not good no, sorry, I just I
00:50:51Feel like somebody's been watching
00:50:54Watching you yeah, it's just I had a weird dream and there was something with my phone and then today in the woods
00:51:00I don't know. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I feel like somebody's been watching
00:51:05He's found you what?
00:51:08We need to get you out of here. He knows you're here. We need to go see out the chase. We stop it
00:51:13You're freaking me out
00:51:18Grandpa tell me what's going on
00:51:39Natalie go home now get inside now and don't mention the note to anyone
00:51:57Help the chase
00:51:59There's been a murder. Oh
00:52:01What where a?
00:52:04Young she wolf murdered right in front of our house. You need to send people over stat
00:52:09It's Natalie. Okay
00:52:11Yes, but not for long help us on the way
00:52:14But listen old man, I will not put my back in danger. Who are you?
00:52:31Frenzied pathologist inspected Brittany's body
00:52:34broken neck snap clean
00:52:36But that wasn't the cause of death
00:52:38What do you mean? What was it then?
00:52:41Doc thinks
00:52:44They found puncture wounds on Brittany's neck
00:52:47The characteristics of a vampire, but
00:52:55They're back
00:52:56But they've been quiet for over a decade ever since the battle
00:53:00They leave us for to leave us that old passer Lorenzo can't be trusted
00:53:05None of them can
00:53:09Damn it
00:53:12Keep this quiet for now beta. I don't want panic, but what if they attack it won't I won't let that happen
00:53:20We lost too many fighting that battle I
00:53:23Didn't spend all these years building expanding West Point just to let him hurt it again
00:53:29Yes, I'm fun and pop security
00:53:35Also keep an eye on the Prince family not a later grandpa, I don't trust
00:53:53Shameless bitch
00:53:55You killed Brittany. How dare you show your face here? Really? I'm the one who found her body
00:54:00I called it in if it wasn't for me that you're lying. I know that you killed her just because she slapped you
00:54:05What's going on here? Alpha? Why haven't you banished Natalie yet? She's a murderer. Did you kill Brittany?
00:54:11Are you kidding me? No, you know, I did it. This is absurd very well. We'll begin training the sparring practice today
00:54:18Natalie Regina
00:54:21Fight what?
00:54:26It's your word against hers, so fight it out the wolf way
00:54:41You're going down today bestie you're gonna be eating your words right after this
00:54:48Fight has started Natalie. This is your first and final warning
00:54:55Training falls today everyone go home
00:55:10What a patrol just sent this in they found another body
00:55:28My god
00:55:31There's a serial killer on the loose
00:55:33Serial killer or not. It's definitely not Matt. How do you know? Are you dumb? She's staying right here with us, isn't she?
00:55:48And you are Peter I'm Peter a fan really Peter has a huge crush on you Mercedes
00:55:58Natalie are you free tomorrow? We're going hunting and I thought you know
00:56:03Safer together. I'd love to but please call me not only old people and strangers. Call me Natalie
00:56:23Was your relationship with Brittany
00:56:25Non-existent. I didn't know her
00:56:28That's because she was a West Point pack member an original one
00:56:33And now she's dead
00:56:35along with another West Point member
00:56:38My condolences, but that's all I have to offer
00:56:42Look, I don't know what you have against me, but I'm not a murderer. I
00:56:47Could say the same to you
00:56:49You think I killed them?
00:56:50Really? I think you hold resentment against me and the West Point pack. You know what I think. I
00:56:56Think there's someone here at Lakeshore or West Point or whatever. You want to call it now? What do you mean? Someone's here?
00:57:03you're probably not gonna believe me, but
00:57:06Someone's been stalking me. I'm sure of it. Come on. I
00:57:12Don't feel safe here
00:57:13And I don't expect you to help me deal with it because I don't want to stay anyway
00:57:17My parents are dead and there's nothing left for me here in with me. What?
00:57:26What there's nowhere safer than the pack house, are you serious
00:57:30Off I can't move in with you. Well, you are that's an order
00:57:33But why I can just leave the pack and you're a member of my pack now and whether we like each other or not
00:57:38It's my responsibility to ensure your safety
00:57:43The decision is final sure there are other ways stop disobeying me Natalie Prince
00:57:56Not exactly a thank-you, but we'll work on that you move in tomorrow
00:58:04Moving into alpha chasis, don't get me started. I think it's sweet of him, you know
00:58:09He's well into his 20s, but still unmated and as far as I know you are as well
00:58:14Maybe that's where your attraction comes from a mate bond
00:58:18There's no attraction and there's definitely no mate bond with alpha
00:58:23Okay. Okay. I'm just saying he can keep you safe. I
00:58:29like that
00:58:31Something definitely lurking around here. Yeah. No, I'd rather take my chances
00:58:36Well, listen kid speaking of safety. I've decided to stay for a while, you know, keep an eye on you
00:58:43Well, why don't we just leave together? No, no, no, we can't
00:58:50Someone's targeting you
00:58:51Moving back into the woods away from the others will only make you an easier target
00:58:56Gramps why would somebody be stalking me? Do you know something? No, it's just I
00:59:04Just have a bad feeling I
00:59:15Still can't believe Natalie has no idea how you feel
00:59:18No, I mean am I making it not obvious enough
00:59:23Targeting this seems to be your thing and yours is hunting with bows and arrows. What is this the Hunger Games?
00:59:31So we're not gonna talk about it talk about what
00:59:37You living without the chase
00:59:40How did you hear about that already? Oh, please we all do you are literally the top of the town
00:59:48Do you like him?
00:59:53I don't and I was born a West Point pack member not conquered and taken in by him
00:59:58That's what he does. He conquers
01:00:01What's wrong with that? I think it's sexy as hell. Can you not know and I don't care
01:00:06I'm moving in with him purely for safety reasons
01:00:11So no Peter I don't like
01:00:22Please trust me. Why can't I heal?
01:00:32Apologies you've been shot nothing to silver nitrate. Yes, we're in the woods not side
01:00:41Peter can you walk?
01:00:43I would just order to return right away. The attackers still out there exactly and this person knows that was built to us
01:00:49So we can't just stay here
01:00:53Stopping you Howard face me. I know you've been sucking
